I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 889: The Prosperity of the God Realm

This matter started because of Jiang Chen, and Jiu Tianxia was only implicated in it, and had nothing to do with her.

Therefore, today, Jiang Chen died if he died, but he didn't want Jiu Tianxia to die.

Although this little Nizi is a little witch on weekdays and is extremely murderous, in the final analysis, this matter really has nothing to do with her.

However, at this moment, this voice sounded, and everyone was stunned.

Jiang Chen was also very surprised. At this time, who else can help him?

In this Nine Heavens God Realm, there are many people who can help Jiang Chen, but there is no one who can help Jiang Chen in Jiang Chen's impression!

"When my blood dries up to this level, half of my foot has stepped into the coffin, why do I still have a face to confuse? Really regard myself as the pinnacle god?"

At this moment, a void split open, and a woman in a purple and gold robe manifested.

Not only is Shen Xi flickering on his body, there is also a ring of God behind him that is sinking and floating like Yaoyang!

Under her feet, golden lotus blossoms, and above her head there is a godlike figure that manifests like a bright moon!

The appearance is peerless, and the figure is even more graceful, but between his eyebrows, he reveals a domineering spirit!

However, when the woman looked at Jiang Chen, there was a hint of tenderness in her eyes, and there were more complicated emotions.

When Jiang Chen saw this woman, his eyes widened and he exclaimed: "The Empress!?"

"The Empress?" The woman whispered, and then sighed: "It seems you haven't returned yet."

After that, the empress ignored Jiang Chen, looked at Saito and the old man with cold eyes, and said, "You...who wants to kill him?"

As soon as these words came out, Saito’s eyes flashed a cold light, as if relying on his own support of the **** king, proudly and fearlessly, said: "It's me! How!?"

"Oh? You?" The female emperor raised her eyebrows and said contemptuously: "In this world, what kind of cats and dogs can go down?"

"Master! This person is not easy to deal with!"

The look of the old man was so ugly, others couldn't see the strength of the empress, he couldn't see it! ?

He knew very well that the woman in front of him was only one line away from the **** king!

Even, she can be called the King of Gods now!

The old man wanted to ask Saito, you are so blind, didn't you see the big god-king godhead behind the woman! ?

"All killed!" Saito said coldly.

However, after saying this, Saito found that the old man beside him did not do anything.

Even the old man bowed his hand to the empress and said, "The younger generation is not sensible, this fellow Taoist is no wonder."

"Oh? Can you kill someone if you don't understand?" The empress raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you know, who is he going to kill?"

"Smelly woman! What do you do if I wait!? Get out of here! If you don't even kill you!" Saito shouted angrily.


As soon as he said this, the old man's face turned pale, and he even took a breath of air-conditioning!

He is really speechless. Is this guy Saito a brain-dead? ! Or the eyes are really blind! ?

Could it be that he thought that he could really do whatever he wanted! ?

Child, it's still too young! The water in the Nine Heavens God Realm is deep!

If not, why don't so many gods and kings who survived the ancient times walk around in the world! ?

There must be a reason for this!

"Kill me?" The empress blinked her eyes, also very surprised.

However, she didn't care about this, she just glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "What do you think should be done?"

"I don't want to see them." Jiang Chen said solemnly: "Living in this world."

"Then kill it." The female emperor was very determined. When the voice fell, she shot out with a palm, like a Shen Xi falling, directly slicing Saito into powder!

She has no extra words, very direct!

After seeing this, the old man didn't take any action. He just explained: "I am entrusted by others, and this matter has nothing to do with me.

"He said, I don't want to see you living in this world." The female emperor said, the holy light on her body suddenly soared, and then she shot out with a palm!

In the delicate palm, there seems to be boundless avenues and universe!

Under a palm, the old man was directly shocked into the rift in the void!

In the next moment, the figure of the empress disappeared in place and escaped into the void!

After a few breaths, there was a burst of loud noises in the void!

"As expected of the Empress." Jiang Chen whispered softly.

He and the Empress hadn't seen each other several times, and they couldn't even talk about friendship.

At least, Jiang Chen thinks so.

However, every time the empress came out, Jiang Chen would be amazed, because the woman was really too fierce!

"The Empress...I heard that she escaped into the forbidden area in the East China Sea some time ago... Why did she come out?" Jiang Chen muttered.

"A decaying **** king dares to come out and steam in this era."

After half a stick of incense, the empress returned, her expression calm, and her aura very stable.

However, there is a ray of blood in her palm!

"Are you hurt?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Injured?" The empress was stunned for a moment, and asked angrily: "In your eyes, I am so weak?"

With that, the empress shook her hand, shook the blood on her palm clean, and said contemptuously: "It was the old **** king who failed to kill him and let him run away."

"Hi...You really plan to kill him!?" Jiang Chen was shocked.

Although the **** king is already rotten, his energy and blood are exhausted, and he is no longer in his peak state, he is also a **** king anyway!

You are about to kill the king at every turn, are you too sturdy! ?

"How did you know that I was here?" Jiang Chen asked, "Also, I heard that you didn't enter the East China Sea Forbidden Land not long ago?"

"I knew it from the moment you entered the Nine Heavens God Realm." The female emperor said, and a glimmer of cold light flashed in her eyes, and said: "As for entering the East China Sea Forbidden Land...that is all forced!"

"A bunch of chores! When this seat returns to its peak, sooner or later they will overturn their orthodoxy!"

Having said this, the female emperor's expression became serious again, staring at Jiang Chen, and said: "The great era is about to change!"

"Changed?! What a reform?" Jiang Chen asked, it is rare to see the empress's so serious expression, think it is a big deal!

"The era of the end of the law is over, and the Nine Heavens God Realm will usher in a prosperous and glorious era, a prosperous era!" said the female emperor: "At that time, those **** kings who have been dormant for several ages will appear, and everyone has the hope of success. God King!"

"The limitations of the **** king will no longer exist, and even with the opening of the great era, in the prosperous age, there will be people constantly breaking through the shackles and surpassing the **** king!"

"What!?" Jiang Chen exclaimed, this is a big deal!

You must know that only one person in each era can become the king of gods. This rule of order has lasted for several eras!

Now, this rule of order is about to be broken! ?

At that time... as long as the talent is sufficient, everyone can hope to become the king of God! ?

"The King of God is going to ruin the street?" Jiang Chen muttered.

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