I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 891: Urban running

There are many forbidden places in the world, and ordinary people cannot enter at all!

If you rush into the forbidden area, there is basically only one end-death!

However, almost no one knows how the forbidden land was formed.

Some people say that the forbidden land is some peculiar place where the heaven and the earth converge. It contains a special field. When living things enter it, they will be killed by the heaven and earth in the field, and they will be wiped out into ashes!

It is also said that the forbidden area used to be an ancient battlefield with heroic spirits and the fluctuations in power left over from the original battle, which will last forever!

Some people even speculate that the forbidden area is actually the entrance to another world!

At the beginning, Jiang Chen also guessed how the forbidden land was formed.

But he never thought that the so-called forbidden area was actually the dojo of the **** emperor!

They survived endless years, and chose to hibernate because of the Age of Doom and some special reasons.

They established a dojo, isolated from the world, and let no one be disturbed!

This is the reason for the forbidden land!

However, according to the next words of the nine thousand years old, Jiang Chen can be considered to understand that some forbidden lands were indeed established by the **** emperor, but some forbidden lands have existed since ancient times!

Such as the three most famous forbidden areas in the Nine Heavens God Realm, the opening of ancient mines, the cave of Wanying, and the abyss.

According to legend, these three forbidden lands existed since the beginning of heaven and earth!

Some other forbidden areas, if you are lucky after the forbidden areas, you may be able to come back alive.

But these three forbidden places, from ancient times to the present, all the creatures that have entered, have not been able to come out alive!

It can be said that those three places can no longer be described as forbidden places, they should be used as Jedi!

"The three forbidden areas will not be mentioned for the time being, let's talk about the five forbidden areas first." said Jiu Qiansui: "Nowadays, the most famous is the East China Sea Forbidden Area."

"That place...I've heard of it." Jiang Chen said, "It seems there is no danger?"

"It's really not dangerous for special people, and it can even be used as a protective umbrella." Nine thousand-year-old said: "Anyone who enters the forbidden land in the East China Sea, out of ten, is a person who stole a ferry."

"The owner of the East China Sea Forbidden Land is rumored to have been a giant of the Samsara Palace, and later rebelled against the Samsara Palace and established the East China Sea Forbidden Land." Jiu Qiansui said.

According to the nine thousand-year-old's guess, the East China Sea forbidden area is not accessible to ordinary people, but this forbidden area is considered the safest among other forbidden areas.

In addition, Nine Thousand Years Old also told Jiang Chen that the owner of the Forbidden Land in the East China Sea seemed to have something to do with Jiu Shen. If there is any accident in the future, he can go to the Forbidden Land in the East China Sea to seek refuge in the name of Emperor Jiu Tian.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen chuckled, what else could happen to the Nine Heavens Dynasty so powerful?

"In general, the owner of the Forbidden Land in the East China Sea is not bad." Nine thousand years old concluded, "There are records in many ancient books. The owner of the Forbidden Land in the East China Sea has never been born, has no descendants, and has never been a disaster. ."

"Listen to your words...The other forbidden land masters have caused Jiuxiao's misfortune?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"No forbidden area is clean!"

Speaking of this, Nine Thousand Years Old is a little excited.

He told Jiang Chen that even the East China Sea Forbidden Land was not clean, but the owner of the East China Sea Forbidden Land was hiding well.

As for the other forbidden areas, heh... Nine Thousand Years old looked contemptuous, and said: "The turmoil and darkness that have occurred in the Nine Heavens God Realm from ancient times to the present, how many are not related to those forbidden areas!?

"In the final analysis, the source of chaos and darkness comes from those forbidden places!" Nine thousand-year-old said solemnly.

"What!? Impossible?!" Jiang Chen was shocked, even more disbelief.

You know, those who can be called a **** emperor are all creatures who have made great contributions to the world's creatures!

How could these people cause harm to the Nine Heavens God Realm! ?

"Once, maybe they were **** emperors admired by all souls, protecting the world's living creatures. But now...he...all are a group of unclean creatures!"

"The methods are dirty, bloody, tyrannical, even ruthless!"

"The most famous among them is the Poison God Emperor! This guy, after becoming a God Emperor, did nothing good, not to mention killing innocent people, and using sentient beings to test his poison. The method is extremely cruel!"

"If someone hadn't shot it and wounded it, do you think the Poison God Emperor would be willing to hibernate in the forbidden ground?"


Speaking of this, Nine Thousand-year-old wiped his forehead, as if he was a little tired. After a few breaths, he said, "As for the other **** emperors, they are not good things."

"Have you heard of the most famous Divine Emperor Haotian? He was admired by the world, but now? God knows what he is doing! Not good anyway!"

"There are other two, among them, the female emperor you think is a good thing? Among the many cracks on the south wall, there is her contribution!" Nine thousand-year-old said coldly: "In an attempt to open the south wall and blend in with the great world, This is to destroy the Nine Heavens God Realm!"

"Uh...this..." Jiang Chen looked weird. He didn't know whether the empress nine thousand years old was talking about was the same as the empress he knew.

But think about it, shouldn't it?

"Nine thousand years old, you have said so much to me, what do you want to say?" Jiang Chen asked.

From the wounds of the Nine Worlds, to the Temple of Samsara, to the Forbidden Land, Nine Thousand Years Old has said a lot.

However, Jiang Chen still didn't understand the final meaning.

"The prosperous age is coming, and every major forbidden area will act." The nine thousand-year-old said in a deep voice: "If one day, I am not waiting, then the Nine Heavens Dynasty will be handed over to you."

"What do you mean? You are leaving!?" Jiang Chen stared.

"Perhaps, waiting for the emperor's decision." said Jiu Qiansui, patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, and said: "The Nine Heavens Dynasty has its own mission. Now that the emperor is born, he must complete this mission. "

"You know, every creature has its own mission and responsibility on its shoulders from the moment it was born." Nine thousand years old sighed, "No choice."

"Are you going to leave?" Jiang Chen asked, "What is the mission and responsibility?"

"Don't worry about these things." Nine thousand-year-old said: "The prince and princess will stay, and the old **** king in the back mountain will stay."

"As for the others, they will leave."

After all, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the nine-thousand-year-old, and he said solemnly: "The princess's injury has a lot to do with you too!?"

"This... does have a lot to do with me." Jiang Chen sighed and apologized deeply.

"It's okay, it's nothing more than a mere trivial solution," said Niu Qiansui, but the worries in his eyes were still hard to conceal.

After that, the nine thousand years old left, and I don't know what to do.

Jiang Chen didn't leave, staying in Jiutianzong, waiting for Jiutianxia's injuries to heal.

Time, slowly passing...

Until one day later, the Huadao Liquid of Jiu Tianxia was removed, the injury healed, and he appeared in front of Jiang Chen vigorously.

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