I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 892: Can't swallow this breath

Nine Worlds looked alive and kicking, his cultivation level also recovered, his injuries healed, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

However, Jiang Chen's heart clicked, his eyes flickered, like two bright moons, staring at the nine worlds!

Just because he can feel that the nine worlds have changed!

If the former Jiutianxia was a murderous witch, then she is now an innocent elf!

This contrast is too big!

"Han Han!"

At this moment, Jiu Tianxia jumped to Jiang Chen's side, blinking his pure big eyes, and said: "I remember you, you are a silly!"

"What? Remember me?" Jiang Chen frowned, and it didn't make sense to hear these words!

"She... amnesia."

At this moment, Jiutianzhong walked in with a sad face, and sighed: "Although the Huadaoye was removed,...it hurts the soul, and the soul is also somewhat mutilated, and his memory is incomplete. He only remembers some of the things that are extremely important to him. thing."

Having said this, Jiutianzhong's face turned weird, staring at Jiang Chen, and said: "Do you know who she remembers now?"

"Me?" Jiang Chen asked tentatively: "How many of your relatives are there?"

"No..." Jiutianzhong smiled bitterly, covering his eyes, and said: "She only remembers you..."

"Uh...this..." Jiang Chen was in a mess, his brows throbbed as he looked at the nine worlds like elves and fairies in front of him.

Before he lost his memory, how much hatred Jiu Tianxia hated him! ?

After the amnesia, he can't remember even the closest person, only his "enemy"!

Jiutianzhong was also very depressed. He stared at Jiang Chen and muttered: "Is there really any indispensable hatred between you and her?"

"If you say you have hatred... Actually, it's not a hatred." Jiang Chen whispered: "But if you say you don't have hatred... Actually, it's a bit."

"But... it's not so profound, right?" Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

If you forget everything, remember him! ?

This...is it a bit troublesome?

"Nine-thousand-year-old went out with his father, they don't know about this." Jiutian said solemnly: "This matter...you are responsible!"

"This... indeed." Jiang Chen nodded.

If he hadn't gone to the Yin and Yang Erqi Springs, how could he have gone to the Nine Worlds, and how could he have Zhonghua Daoye.

"How can I be responsible?" Jiang Chen said sternly.

"Looking at her like this, I only remember you. Let her stay by your side. I'll talk about it when my father and Jiu Qiansui come back." Jiutianzhong said, "Furthermore, you are the wife ordered by the father. Fu, she is her master, and it is okay to let her stay by your side."

"This..." Jiang Chen frowned, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

If it was the character of Jiu Tianxia before the change, Jiang Chen really didn't want to talk to her.

But now, Jiang Chen could accept it.

However, Jiang Chen was also a little uncomfortable in his heart. If it weren't for him, Jiu Tianxia would not have become what it is now.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen walked to the side of Jiu Tianxia, ​​touched her head, and asked with a smile: "Xia Xia, tell the master what you want. If you are wronged in the future, the master will help you."

"Master?" Jiutianxia tilted his head, as if only remembering this person, and forgot that Jiang Chen was the master Jiu Shen appointed to her!

However, Jiu Tianxia quickly became happy, holding Jiang Chen's arm, and said: "Okay, Xiao Xia has a master now!"

"Hey..." Jiutian sighed heavily, he still liked the former Jiu Tianxia.

But now in this situation, he can't help it, maybe after the cultivation base of Nine Worlds is higher, the broken soul can be made up.

"Have you found the forces behind Saito?" Jiang Chen asked, "This matter... even if you are willing to give up, I won't!"

"I found it." The killing intent suddenly appeared in Jiu Tianzhong's eyes, and he said coldly: "A power under the Poison God Emperor is named Lingxiao Pavilion."

"Lingxiao Pavilion? This is a force under the Poison God Emperor!?" Jiang Chen whispered.

Jiang Chen also knew something about the power of Lingxiao Pavilion.

This is an ancient power, established in the ancient times, and its most glorious time was at the end of the ancient times.

After that, because the blood and energy of one of the **** kings of the Lingxiao Pavilion dried up, the Lingxiao Pavilion began to decline, and finally faded out of the world's sight.

However, even if the High Heaven Pavilion faded out of the world's sight, its reputation is still there!

After all, in the last years of the Primordial Age, Lingxiao Pavilion unified the entire Nine Heavens God Realm!

What Jiang Chen didn't expect was that Lingxiao Pavilion was actually a force under the Poison God Emperor!

Is it possible that when the Lingxiao Pavilion unified the Nine Heavens God Realm, it was precisely because there was a poisonous **** behind him backing it?

"Regardless of the Poison God Emperor, as far as I know, Lingxiao Pavilion should be born." Jiutian said solemnly, "This power is extremely powerful, and the ancient God King you met before is just one of them!"

"In the Lingxiao Pavilion, there should be a **** king!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's heart beat violently!

Within one power, there are two **** kings! ?

This... the background is too deep, right? !

If this is the case, then how should this hatred be repaid! ?

With Jiang Chen's current strength, he is not qualified to seek revenge from Lingxiao Pavilion!

And Jiu Shen and Jiu Qiansui also went out, don't know when they will come back, the strength of the Jiu Tianzong today is not the peak moment.

So...this hatred...is going to be put on hold?

"The old **** king before, I won't make any more moves for the time being." Jiutian Zhongruo looked at Jiang Chen profoundly and said: "Since you can come back alive from the old **** king, I must..."

"Yes, someone helps me." Jiang Chen said straightly: "The ancient **** king should be injured."

"In this way, you don't have to be afraid of the Lingxiao Pavilion." Jiu Tianzhong analyzed and said: "If you use the power of the Nine Heavens Dynasty now, you can fight the Lingxiao Pavilion."

"But... the emperor hasn't come back yet." Jiang Chen said.

"So... this matter has to wait." Jiutianzhong was also helpless.

If you want to mobilize the top powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Dynasty, only the imperial decree of Jiu Shen can do it!

If not, he, the prince, can't be mobilized either!

"There is a sullen in my heart!" Jiang Chen sighed. If this hatred is not reported, his heart is really uncomfortable!

"Would you like to... worship the mountain?" Jiutianzhong's eyes flashed with cold light, and he glanced at the memoryless Jiutianxia, ​​a hint of tenderness and pity flashed in his eyes.

However, the worship of the mountain is extraordinary, and it is tantamount to provocation!

If it is insufficiently prepared, I am afraid there will be no return!

"To be honest, I can't swallow this breath!" Jiutian said solemnly.

"Then go to worship the mountain!" Jiang Chen stared at him, but he still asked, "What if the other party bullies the small? Just the two of us... can it?"

"They dare!?" Jiu Tian Zhong glared: "Declare that I am going to the Lingxiao Pavilion to worship the Nine Heavens Sect! At that time, in the presence of so many people, Lingxiao Pavilion will not be able to take this face to bully the small!"

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