Top sects, especially those forces that have had glorious moments, they care more about face.

Jiutian Chong thought very clearly that he and Jiang Chen would go to the Lingxiao Pavilion to worship the mountain.

However, if it were to announce the world and let everyone know about it, then what tricks would Lingxiao Pavilion dare to play?

Jiang Chen was most worried about the Lingxiao Pavilion "using the big to bully the small", relying on the strong within the power to suppress them.

However, after proclaiming the world, Lingxiao Pavilion must have no such face to do such things.

Furthermore, Jiutianzhong is the prince of the Jiutian Dynasty, and the saint son of the Jiutianzong on the bright side.

Under this dual identity, Lingxiao Pavilion didn't dare to do anything to Jiu Tianzhong.

As for Jiang Chen, he is now the Tai Fu of the Nine Heavens Dynasty, with a noble status, on the same level as nine thousand years old.

With this capacity, Lingxiao Pavilion didn't dare to do anything unusual to him.

And this time going to the Lingxiao Pavilion, revenge is definitely impossible, but at least it can give the Lingxiao Pavilion a bit of "color".

Otherwise, Jiang Chen and Jiutian Zhongzhong will be panicked!

"If there is an accident, there is no need to worry about it. It is not him who has the **** king!" Jiutian said solemnly, "On the **** king, I am no less than them!"

"Oh?" Jiang Chen asked in a daze, curiously: "How many gods are there in the Nine Heavens Dynasty?"

"There is only one right now..." Jiutianzhong's face blushed, seemingly embarrassed, and said: "There are still a few sleeping, keeping their own blood and energy from drying up."

"How many more?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Ahem...should... there are three or five, right?" Jiutianzhong was not sure.

After all, when the Nine Heavens Dynasty was defeated and the collective was sealed, he and Jiutianxia were sent out and sealed.

At that time, they were still young and ignorant, and they were not very clear about the details of the Nine Heavens Dynasty.

However, Jiu Tian Zhong is sure that there is definitely more than one God King in the Jiu Tian Dynasty!

After hearing these words, Jiang Chen suddenly felt confident!

The prosperous age of the Nine Heavens God Realm has not yet truly arrived, and the God King is the strongest combat power!

Of course, except for the very individual existence like Jiu Shen.

"Master, I want to go too." Jiu Tianxia pulled Jiang Chen's sleeves and blinked his pure big eyes, and said: "Master, I want to go..."

"Bring her?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiutianzhong.

"Take it, after all, this time I was venting her breath." Jiutianzhong said, "After three days, we will set off!"

After all, Jiu Tian has left again, ready to draw up a decree and declare the world!

At this moment, Jiutian pulled down Jiang Chen's arm, blinked his eyes, and asked with a smile: "Master, what are we going to do now?"

"Of course it's cultivation." Jiang Chen smiled, and when he looked at Nine Worlds, a hint of guilt flashed deep in his eyes.

If it weren't for him, Nine Worlds would not be like this.

"Do you remember what exercises you practiced before?" Jiang Chen asked.

Hearing this, Jiu Tianxia shook his head, with a confused expression, and said, "I don't remember anymore."

"Uh... I'll take a look first." Jiang Chen frowned, secretly saying that the memory loss in Nine Worlds was so serious that he had forgotten the practice techniques printed in his soul.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen separated a ray of divine thought and entered the depths of the soul of Nine Heavens.

After a few breaths, Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically, just because he saw a piece of pure white in the soul of Nine Heavens!

There is no imprint of any cultivation technique, not even the imprints of magical skills and Dao skills!

Obviously, Nine Worlds amnesia, the previous things are completely forgotten, and even directly erased from the soul!

"My god! How much did you resent me at the beginning!? I forgot all the exercises, magical skills, and Taoist skills, but I still remember me..." Jiang Chen was guilty, and he hadn't done anything to Jiu Tianxia before. .

Is this little Nizi really holding a grudge?

"Huh? This is...your Dao Soul?"

After further investigations, Jiang Chen's expression condensed, and he saw a **** long knife rising and falling in the soul of Nine Heavens!

However, on the long knife, there was a layer of dust-like thing, and there were also a chain of avenues, which sealed the long knife!

"This is not a man-made seal! It's...hasn't awakened yet!?" Jiang Chen was shocked.

The long sword is the soul of the nine worlds, and the "dust" on the soul is the dust!

Dust covering the Dao Soul is a manifestation of the Dao Soul not being awakened.

"Don't... even Jiu Shen doesn't know that she has Dao Soul?" Jiang Chen muttered.

If Jiu Shen knew, with his means, he would surely help Jiu Tianxia unlock the dust and release Dao Soul.

"This murderous spirit!? What kind of soul is this!?"

Jiang Chen's spiritual thought penetrated into the soul of the Nine Worlds, and when he touched that soul, Jiang Chen's spiritual thought was almost cut away!

Just because, within this **** long sword, there seems to be a terrifying and endless murderous intent, as if to kill all the creatures in the world!

Looking at the blood-red blade and the totem of Hundred Ghosts engraved on the hilt of the sword with a height of a person, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of three words-greedy ghost!

But Jiang Chen couldn't be sure, just because it was rumored that this soul was completely sealed and would not appear on any creature again!

At the beginning, in an ancient era, there was a survivor who possessed greedy ghosts and souls, causing endless killings!

There are even rumors that the sky of that era was dyed blood!

This greedy ghost is too murderous. It lives by killing. It is the most terrifying in the world and one of the most difficult to control Dao souls. It is as famous as Tianxue's Asura Dao soul!

It is precisely because the murderous aura of the greedy ghost is too heavy, causing endless killing, so a sage completely sealed this soul in the avenue of nothingness, and would not let it reborn!

"Unexpectedly... It's really a greedy ghost!"

After half an hour, Jiang Chen finally came down. The soul of the Nine Worlds is exactly the legendary greedy ghost!

This knife is greedy, but what is greedy is not finances, but the life of the world's creatures!

And the dust on this soul is mostly the seal left by the sage.

Perhaps it was because the age was too long and the seal was loose, which caused this soul to free itself from the avenue, and finally became the soul of the nine heavens.

However, there is a trace of this seal, so the soul of Jiu Tian Xia hasn't awakened for a long time, and Jiu Shen hasn't found it either.

"No wonder you were so murderous before, that's how it is." Jiang Chen was relieved.

Before, Jiang Chen was very puzzled. At the young age of Nine Worlds, it is normal to be savage, but there is no such thing as such a serious killing.

Everything can be explained clearly now!

The murderousness of the Nine Worlds comes from her Dao soul-greedy ghost!

"Master, what are you staring at that knife on my soul?"

At this moment, Jiutianxia suddenly spoke and asked curiously.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Jiu Tianxia said with a smile: "Master, do you like this knife? I'll give it to you."

"This knife is your Dao Soul, you can't take it out, and you can't give it to me." Jiang Chen smiled, but his face changed in the next moment!

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