I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 898: Threesome

If small things are always the case!

For him, the world can be disrespectful to him, but it cannot be disrespectful to Jiang Chen!

Furthermore, if Xiao Xiao always felt that Jiang Chen could beat Chen Zhulu, Jiang Chen was defeated without a fight in the previous battle. If you are careful, it is a bit of a response!

"Do you want to do it?" Chen Zhulu's eyes drooped slightly, and he didn't even glance at it.

"This posture... I'm afraid this battle is unavoidable." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

If you are a tyrant, you will be domineering and proud on weekdays, how can you accept this kind of person! ?

And the most important thing is that Ruo Xiao is now accompanied by a Dongfang Wushuang!

Two overlords are together, and they act aggressively wherever they go!

"What a holy son who came to Tianmen, didn't he think that you would be proud of the two of me waiting for you if you won the Han Han!?" Dongfang Wushuang immediately got up and said coldly: "Between me and him, You pick one! Just hit it!"

"Yeah, the two tyrants are together!"

"Now there is a good show to watch!"


Around, the eyes of a group of people fell on Chen Zhulu.

They wanted to know who Chen Zhulu would choose to fight with!

And they are even more aware that this battle is absolutely unavoidable!

If you get caught up with the overlord, there is absolutely no possibility of fighting!

"Why? Do more people bully less?"

At this moment, at the entrance of the inn, the emperor walked in.

He had a good relationship with Chen Zhulu, and heard the sound inside at the entrance of the inn.

I saw him walking to Chen Zhulu's side, his gaze swept over Ruo Xiao and Dongfang Wushuang, a hint of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Today, I want to learn about the strength of the overlord!"

"That's fine." Dongfang Wushuang raised his eyebrows and said: "I will fight you, Ruo Xiao will fight Chen Zhulu!"

"Who loses, who is lying on his stomach!" Ruo Xiao said coldly.

After that, Ruo Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Chen. The arrogance and domineering on his face disappeared, and he asked, "Boss, can I fight them?"

"You are free." Jiang Chen smiled: "You must have your own opinion."

"Then...is it hitting the ground or killing?" Ruo Xiao asked seriously.

Everyone was moved when he said this.

Hit down? Still killed?

If you are so self-confident, your ability will overwhelm Chen! ?

Even Chen Zhulu's expression turned gloomy. He suddenly got up, pointed to the entrance of the inn, and said, "If you want to fight, be with you at any time! Waiting for you outside the town!"

"Oh, what a coincidence."

Before everyone left the inn, only a red-haired boy came in.

He first nodded at the emperor and Chen Zhulu, then looked at Ruo Xiao and Dongfang Wushuang with a joking look, and said: "I also want to learn about the strength of the two overlords."

"You three go together, and I will continue!" Ruo Xiao held his head up, his momentum was not reduced at all!

"This red-haired boy... is... the brother of the emperor!"

"The Second Son of Kunlun Mountain, Yan Lin recruits!"


Many people exclaimed, but they didn't expect to encounter the Second Saint Yanlin Zhao from Kunlun Mountain here!

You know, this guy's status in Kunlun Mountain is higher than that of the emperor!

And its strength is unfathomable, rumors are above the emperor!

"Jiutianzhong, do you want to help them?" Jiang Chen frowned. Although he knew that Ruo Xiao and Dongfang Wushuang were very strong, Ruo Xiao couldn't get any benefit in the two-on-three situation!

Even, it is very likely to fail miserably!

After all, the three of Chen Zhulu are not fuel-efficient lamps. They are all top talents, otherwise they would not be able to sit in the position of saint child!

"What does it have to do with me?" Jiutian rolled his eyes again and said: "Then if Xiao Xiao is your little brother, you have to go by yourself."

"If I make a move, wouldn't it expose my own strength?" Jiang Chen said angrily: "I will go to the Lingxiao Pavilion to worship the mountain later!"

"Just the three of us, is it possible to let the little girl go?" Jiutian said in a heavy voice: "They should solve the problems they have caused by themselves! My Jiutian Sect is not doing good deeds!"

"This..." Jiang Chen's expression condensed slightly, and he secretly said that if Yanlin Zhao also made a move, then he would have to take action in today's battle!

However, if you really do it, Jiang Chen is not sure about it!

After all, after not seeing each other during this time, Chen Zhulu, and the emperor both broke through to the realm of the gods!

As for the Yanlin move, it has even reached the mid-level god!

Although Jiang Chen's combat power was sturdy, there was a limitation, and he was indeed not an opponent of the cultivator of the gods.

"Oh...it's really annoying! This **** heavenly sacred scripture, when can I break through the realm!" Jiang Chen sighed, feeling helpless.

"That... count me, can you?"

Suddenly, a little fat man walked in with a simple face, but his aura was extremely powerful!

He was braved of red golden brilliance, and his hair was dyed with golden sand!

This person is Jiang Liu!

Behind Jiang Liu, there was also a Lizong elder. They came here, mostly to explore the details of the Lingxiao Pavilion.

It's just that this happened.

"Come on, I don't need to act." Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "This simple and honest is here."

"Look at you like this, have confidence in the three of them?" Jiutianzhong asked curiously.

"No, no, no." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I have confidence in the two of them. As for that Dongfang Wushuang...what does it have to do with me?"

"Uh..." Jiutian was speechless, rolled his eyes, and then raised his glass for a few sips.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the inn became a little depressed, and the two sides were facing each other, and no one left the inn.

However, after a few breaths, Jiang Liu scratched his head and asked honestly, "Can you still fight? Should I go outside the town and wait for you?"

With that, the honest and honest Jiang Liu took the lead out of the inn.

When he walked, Ruo Xiao immediately followed, Dongfang Wushuang followed closely behind.

The three of Chen Zhulu glanced at each other without saying much, and followed out.

Obviously, today's battle is unavoidable!

"Ruo Xiao and Dongfang Wushuang are still well-known now, but what's the situation with that little fat guy? I remember he seems to be a silly little brother, right?"

"I only remember that at the Haotian Conference, this little fat man was defeated by the descendants of the **** emperor."


While talking, someone looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "You are the boss, don't you worry about them?"

"Who are you worried about?" Jiang Chen was stunned, and then reacted, jokingly: "Still worry about the three of Chen Zhulu, maybe they will be beaten up."

"Cut, you who are the boss are not Chen Zhulu's opponents. How many of your younger brothers can beat the three of Chen Zhulu?" Someone contemptuously said: "Even if you want to save your face, you can't let your younger brother go out and be beaten. ?"

"Being beaten? You might as well go out and have a look, then you will understand." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Aren't you going out to see it?" Jiutian asked.

"What do you go out for? The ending is the same, what's so good." Jiang Chen said grimly: "My only worry now is that I don't want to beat the three of Chen Zhulu too hard, otherwise it's not easy to fight with Kunlun Mountain. Proudly come to Tianmen to confess."

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) I have nine female apprentices whose literature is updated the fastest.

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