I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 899: accident

Jiang Chen didn't go to watch the battle, just because he believed in Ruo Xiao and Jiang Liu.

After these two came to the Nine Heavens God Realm, the opportunity was extraordinary.

Jiang Liu joined Lizong, Ruo Xiao and Dongfang Wushuang were not acquainted with each other, and now they have the Dongfang family as their backers.

In addition, the talents of these two people are almost enchanting, and they have the Eucharist, the strength can be called sturdy!

There is another point that Jiang Chen had to admit that Jiang Liu and Ruo Xiao practiced very fast, and when they met today, their cultivation bases have stepped into the gods.

This caused Jiang Chen to be hit hard!

He has cultivated to this day, and although his combat power is extremely strong, his cultivation is still in the lower true god.

"Hey...when can we break through." Jiang Chen sighed, his face full of bitterness.

"Yeah, what's the situation in your realm? Why do you always stay in the lower true god?" Jiutianzhong asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, the problem of cultivation technique." Jiang Chen sighed, not knowing whether the practice of the Heavenly Sacred Code was good or bad.

Fortunately, many spirit bodies have now faded away, and they won't be hungry often, otherwise Jiang Chen is afraid that he will starve to death!

"The problem with the technique? Always staying at the lower true god?" Jiutian frowned, then his eyes flashed, and the voice was transmitted secretly, saying: "Tongtian Sacred Code!?"

"How do you know!?" Jiang Chen stared at Jiutianzhong with surprise.

"This kind of thing can be guessed by a guess!" Jiutianzhong explained: "The realm has always stayed in the lower true god, but the combat power is stronger than the ordinary mysterious god. There is no other than the original Tongtian sacred scripture. law!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help being silent, and for a moment he didn't know how to argue.

The reason is that the people of Tongtian Sect understand one thing, once they reveal their identity, they are enemies of the world!

"The identity of the God King Tianchen is exposed, and my enemy may only be the thirty-six top master gods." Jiang Chen thought to himself: "If it is revealed that I am a disciple of the Tongtian Sect... then my enemy... is the whole world! ?"

When he thought of this, Jiang Chen didn't even know what to say.

But he also understood that Jiutianzhong had already guessed it, and he was sure of it!

"You don't need to explain, and I don't care what your identity is." Jiutianzhong continued to transmit. Although the two are at the same table, these words cannot be said on the open.

"I haven't experienced the catastrophe of Tongtian Sect, but I have heard of it." Jiutian sighed, "Tongtian Sect is a true hero!"

"What...what do you mean?" Jiang Chen asked, still using sound transmission.

"It's not interesting." Jiutian Zhongchuan said: "In short, I will not reveal your identity. You only need to understand one thing. In fact, there are many top sects and even ancient powers in the Nine Heavens God Realm. All stand on the side of Tongtianjiao!"

Having said that, Jiutian waved his hand again, stopped transmitting his voice, changed the subject, and said, "It's been so long, are your two little brothers sure that it is all right?"

"Nothing will happen." Jiang Chen smiled.

This battle was originally not a battle of life and death, even if it was defeated, it would have no effect.

What's more, Jiang Chen has confidence in Ruo Xiao and Jiang Liu!

However, before Jiang Chen said this, someone entered the inn and said a piece of news.

"Dongfang Wushuang's right arm was cut off! Tyrant Ruoxiao was almost cut off the Heavenly Spirit Cover, almost completely destroyed!"

"There is also that fool, now lying on the ground, life and death unknown!"


Jiang Chen heard it very clearly, and stood up immediately, not only with doubts but also with murderous intent in his eyes!

He didn't understand, how could he be defeated with Jiang Liuhe Ruoxiao's strength!

He didn't even understand, even if he was defeated, why would the other party kill him! ?

"Your two little brothers... don't seem to be very good." Jiutianzhong didn't have much friendship with Ruo Xiao and the others. At this moment, they were talking cold words, more like teasing Jiang Chen.

"The two of them... even if they lose the battle, they won't be so miserable!" Jiang Chen said solemnly, "What's more, they won't lose!"

"But you heard it too, it was indeed defeated." Jiutian jokingly said: "What? Do you, the boss, want to give them a head? Do you need my help?"

"My brother's matter, I'll do it myself." Deep in Jiang Chen's pupils, the sun and the moon were shining, more like a blaze burning!

He doesn't believe it!

"Kunlun Mountain is also insidious. I can't beat the other side. A few elders were dispatched." The person who came to spread the news shook his head and said: "Kunlun Mountain is also a top sect. …"

"Oh? You mean that Hanzi and Ruoxiao won the emperor and Yanlin's move?!" someone asked.

"That's not it." The person who spread the news said: "If Xiao Xiao is too sturdy, he will directly suppress the emperor in a few rounds!"

"As for that stubborn boy, it's even more amazing! I told you that after the war, that stubborn boy was useless at all of his magical skills and skills, and he recruited Yanlin to throw Yanlin to the death and alive by relying on his body!"

"The two of them are in a complete mess!"

"Later, the elders of Kunlun Mountain took action. Dongfang Wushuang couldn't bear it, so he took action to stop it. Who knew that Kunlun Mountain would not give the Dongfang family face, and even the Dongfang Wushuang was beaten! And...it's miserable!"


When Jiang Chen heard this, he couldn't help but smiled again at Jiutian, and said, "Have you heard, my two brothers are very strong!"

"What then?" Jiutian Zhong asked with a smile.

"Then? Of course it's revenge!" Jiang Chen said grimly, grabbing Jiu Tianzhong's sleeves, and said: "I am now the Tai Fu of the Nine Heavens Dynasty, and my status is higher than you!"

"Come on, just tell me if you want me to help." Jiutian jokingly said: "Go!"

After that, the two got up and walked out of the town with Jiu Tianxia.

After ten breaths, when the two came outside the town, the place was already full of people!

Some people are ridiculing Ruo Xiao and the others for being vulnerable, others are laughing at the ignorance of the river, and even others are marveling at the power of Kunlun Mountain, even the Dongfang family has not seen it!

Looking at a clearing outside the town, the river flow fell in a pool of blood, his breath languishing, life and death unknown.

Ruoxiao was lying on his back, covered in blood, and full of anger in his eyes!

On the other side, Dongfang Wushuang was still standing, swearing at the elders in Kunlun Mountain!

Obviously, Dongfang Wushuang was also upset!

"This world is like this. There is no fair competition!" An elder of Kunlun Mountain looked at Jiang Liu and Ruoxiao with a scornful look, and said jokingly: "Amao and Agou also want to challenge the majesty of Kunlun Mountain!? Are you worthy of it? !?"

"You don't understand a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, and you don't accompany you either." Another Kunlun Mountain elder whispered: "Today, if you are abolished for the time being, it will be a lesson!"

"Destroy! You may waste it! But after you abolish them, I can guarantee that Kunlun Mountain will no longer exist!"

At this moment, Jiutianzhong walked out of the crowd with a cold glow in his eyes, and said sharply: "If you don't believe it, try it! But the consequences, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

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