I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 901: Really ruthless

Broken an inch! ?

How is this ruling?

Everyone was very puzzled, but every gambling must win but they knew what Jiang Chen meant.

The next moment, I saw his arm slowly raised, the cold glow in his palm flickered, and the whole arm was like a long knife, slashing towards one of them!

"Dare you!" the man exclaimed, staring at the palm of his hand, which is sure to win every gambling, that is clearly to cut his cultivation base!

"What can't you dare?" He whispered every time a bet would be won, the palm of his falling hand did not stop at all, and a cold light cut into the Kunlun Mountain elder's body!



A stream of blood sprayed out from his mouth, and strands of Shenxi fragments filled his body, and then turned into clouds and disappeared.

In an instant, everyone could feel that the elder of Kunlun Mountain had actually fallen from the master **** to the deity god!

In addition, some people with high cultivation bases had their eyes bright and saw a crack in the Dao Ji in this elder's body!

"Really cruel!" Someone was shocked, this cut was not only cutting down the opponent's cultivation base, even Daoji was cut out of the crack!

This person, in this life, I am afraid it will be difficult to step into the realm of the Lord God!

"Every gamble must be won! You have to think clearly, if you act in this way, you have torn my face with my Kunlun Mountain. This is necessary to go to war!"

"Stop it!"

The remaining two elders looked pale, but their attitude was still very tough, and they were still threatening to win every bet.

"Even if it is the contemporary head of Kunlun Mountain, he dare not threaten me." Every gambling must win, he whispered, and his palms cut out two cold glows one after another.

The next moment, the cultivation bases of the remaining two elders in Kunlun Mountain were also cut down, and the foundation of the road was cracked!

"Brother Hanhan, is it okay?"

After doing all these things, every gambling must win and put away the formation, the little golden fan returned to his hands.

He looked at Jiang Chen with a big smile, as if asking Jiang Chen's opinion.

"It's almost there." Jiang Chen nodded, but he felt a pain in his heart!

He knows very well that in this bet, he can only get one level of profit!

Too hurt!

However, for the sake of my brothers, what counts as mere money? !

"Are you okay?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen came to Jiang Liu and Ruo Xiao and healed them with his own supernatural power.

"Boss, it's okay." Jiang Liu said with a simple smile: "My sage is becoming stronger and stronger. Without your help, I will be able to heal soon."

"My Eucharist is not weak." Ruo Xiao raised her eyebrows, then spit out blood foam, looked at the emperor and Yan Linzhao not far away, and said contemptuously: "Two wastes!"

"Today's matter! It's not over!" Dongfang Wushuang also stood up, his face gloomy as water, and even in front of everyone, he directly sacrificed a decree!

The decree burned, turned into a ray of light and sank into the void!

Obviously, Dongfang Wushuang exploded in anger, this is moving rescue soldiers!

"It has nothing to do with me." Tianzi said coldly: "I and Yan Linzhao are not the Great Sage, and I don't have the qualifications to order these elders."

"Indeed." Yan Lin said solemnly, "I've waited and I've confessed it, but you'd better be careful when you speak! The word waste is not usable yet!"

"You are really waste." Jiang Chen turned around, looked at the emperor and Yan Linzhao, then looked at Chen Zhulu, and said solemnly: "My brother said you are waste, you are waste!"

"Don't believe me yet, when I come back from the Lingxiao Pavilion worshipping the mountain, I will pack you up one by one!" Jiang Chen said.

Although every gambling must be won and the three elders of Kunlun Mountain were abolished, Jiang Chen still couldn't get angry!

"Han! It's up to you!?" Yan Linzhao's expression was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Your brothers are indeed very strong, but as for you...the lower true god?"

"What about the lower true god?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, slowly stretched out a finger, pointed at Chen Zhulu, and said: "It's him, I was able to suppress him by turning my hand back then!"

"Shanhan! What are you talking nonsense!? Don't make trouble!" Hearing this every time a bet must be won, he hurriedly stopped.

If Jiang Chen is allowed to continue talking, the tricks of the battle between him and Chen Zhulu will be shaken out!

"In short, if you are not convinced and think you are not a waste, then when I come back from the Lingxiao Pavilion, I will be here to fight you!"

"At that time, I will let you know that my two brothers are right!"


After all, Jiang Chen got up and walked towards the town.

Jiang Liu and Ruoxiao followed. When passing by the emperor and the others, Ruoxiao directly raised a **** and said contemptuously: "Wait for my boss to make a move, you will not only be rubbish, but also famous rubbish! "

"You!" The emperor was furious, but he bowed to Ruo Xiao, with no confidence in his heart at this moment!

On the other side, Chen Zhulu thoughtfully, staring at Jiang Chen's leaving back, secretly wondering if his battle with Jiang Chen was really tricky?

"In other words...Kunlun Mountain did a bit out of order this time."

After a few breaths, Chen Zhulu looked at the emperor and Yan Linzhao, and sighed: "You can afford to lose."

"When will I not be able to lose!? Those old things have to be shot by themselves, and Yan Linzhao and I can stop them!?" The emperor said grimly, and felt a headache!

The three elders of Kunlun Mountain were cut off from their cultivation bases, and the matter was a big deal!

And he and Yan Linzhao are deeply blamed, and they are afraid that it will affect their position in Kunlun Mountain!

"Unlucky, not only defeated, but also provoked!" Yan Lin said coldly: "No matter, I can't beat those two silly guys, and I can't beat the silly guys!? I'll take him out at that time!"

"Perhaps...you should avoid fighting." Chen Zhulu frowned, and said: "I always feel that the naive one is not simple, maybe the strength is not below you and me."

"How powerful can a lower true **** be?" Yan Lin Zhao asked contemptuously, waved his hand impatiently, and said, "It's scattered, it's a shame!"

In the end, the people outside the town dispersed and returned to their residences in the town.

"I went to do something, and something happened?!"

At this moment, in the room of the inn, the face of Lizong's elder flushed, obviously exploded!

When Jiang Liu fought with Yan Lin Zhao before, he happened to be absent. Otherwise, how could several elders in Kunlun Mountain attack Jiang Liu!

"Elder, it's okay, I'm not doing well right now." Jiang Liu said with a faint smile: "Thanks to the boss this time, I have to thank the person who said that every gamble must win."

"This is naturally to be thanked." The elder of Lizong nodded, then stretched out his hand and waved, laying out a formation around the room, isolating it from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at the river and said in a condensed voice: "Do you call that naive boss the boss? Did you fly up from the Godless Continent?"

"Right." Jiang Liu nodded.

"Ascended from the Wushen Continent... and call him the boss... Then his identity..." Lizong's elder's eyes flickered, and said: "As far as I know, just these few of you have soared in the past few years. Is it coming up?"

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) I have nine female apprentices, and the literary updates are the fastest.

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