I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 902: Suspicion

Jiang Liu is simple and honest by nature. After hearing what the elder said, he nodded and said: "In recent times, only a few of us have soared up."

"Then you call him the boss again..." Elder Lizong frowned, his eyes were full of ups and downs, and said: "He...is Tianchen!?"

As soon as these words came out, Hanhan realized that he had exposed Jiang Chen's identity!

With a panic on his face, he took the elder's hand with a hint of pleading, and said, "Elder! Please don't tell me!"

"Fool, if I wanted to say it, I would have told the people of Guangming Lord God and Valkyrie a long time ago." The elder smiled, "Don't worry."

"Actually, since you called him the boss, I have guessed it." Elder Lizong said: "I just didn't expect... your boss's cultivation base is so low."

"The boss is very strong! A low cultivation base does not mean that his strength is low!" Jiang Liu defended.

"That's right, the dignified God King Tianchen naturally has his uniqueness." Elder Lizong nodded, but his expression soon became serious.

Just because, since he can guess Jiang Chen's identity, then other people can also guess!

Perhaps, it won't take long before Jiang Chen's identity will be revealed!

At that time, what Jiang Chen will face is the pursuit and killing of many peak master gods!

By then, will Jiang Chen still survive? !

"No one is a fool. After careful consideration, he can naturally understand his identity." Elder Lizong sighed: "Tianchen...I'm afraid there will be a disaster."

"What do you do then!? Can Lizong help him?" Jiang Liu looked worried, he would rather be robbed than see Jiang Chen in danger!

However, Elder Lizong shook his head and sighed: "Although Lizong is also a top sect, he cannot be protected."

"Stupid boy, you should know that Tianchen's enemy, but the thirty-six Nine Heavens God Realm's strongest title Lord God!"

Having said this, Elder Lizong couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, as if thinking about something.

After a few breaths, he looked at the river and asked: "Do you want to protect your boss?"

"Of course! As long as I can do it!" Jiang Liu said sternly.

Jiang Liu remembers clearly that if he hadn't met Jiang Chen, he would still be the little fat man being bullied.

Even, it may be dead.

For Jiang Liu, Jiang Chen is not only his boss, but also his brother, and even his benefactor!

"Then become stronger!" Elder Lizong said: "Send you to the devil's cave, if you can come out alive, the position of the great son of Lizong will be yours, and your strength will advance by leaps and bounds! Even comparable to the Lord God !"

"Devil's Cave?" Jiang Liu was puzzled.

He didn't stay in Lizong for a long time. Although he had heard of the Devil's Cave, he had never been to it.

Jiang Liu only knew that it was the ultimate place of Lizong's experience!

However, from ancient times to the present, all those who enter the magic cave for experience have died in nine out of ten!

Most of the people who came out alive were also insane and delirious!

However, when he thought that his boss was about to face a catastrophe, Jiang Liu couldn't manage that much. Without even thinking about it, he nodded and said, "I'm going to the magic cave!"

"Are you...really willing to give your life for him?" Elder Lizong was stunned.

Elder Lizong has lived for a long time, what hasn't happened?

Killing fathers and sons, brothers turning against each other, and even close friends of the Taoist priests will be black hands behind the scenes.

There is no pure and pure friendship in this world.

However, in Jiang Liu, he saw that "pure" friendship that seemed to have been lost for a long time.

"I firmly believe that as long as we can help the boss, none of us will shrink back!" Jiang Liu said sternly.

The people he was talking about were Ruo Xiao, Xiao Qingyi and others!

Perhaps they are not strong enough to resist one side, but as long as Jiang Chen says something, he will do his best!

"You don't have to go to see the mountain worship of the Lingxiao Pavilion. I will take you to Lizong. You can directly enter the magic cave." Elder Lizong said: "Before this, be separate from your old road, maybe you Once I go... I can't come back."

"I think... there is no need to say goodbye." Jiang Liu whispered, "I can't hide my words. If I leave the old road, I will tell him one to five to ten. If he knows that I am going to the magic cave, I will die forever, surely not I will agree."

"Then...what do you think." Elder Lizong sighed, patted Jiang Liu on the shoulder, and said: "The prosperous age is coming, maybe you still have a glimmer of life."

At the same time, in another room of the inn.

Ruo Xiao Hei's face was like ink, and he was very angry.

Dongfang Wushuang on the side was also uncomfortable, suffocating enough!

Obviously he won the battle, but the injuries he suffered were worse than those of Chen Zhulu and others!

"That group of old immortals are really shameless!" Ruo Xiao said in a deep voice, and then asked directly: "Does your Dongfang family have such shameless old things?"

"Huh?" Dongfang Wushuang asked with a dazed expression: "What do you mean?"

"Kunlun Mountain is shameless, and the Dongfang Family also sent a few shameless people to give a tooth for a tooth!" Ruo Xiao said.

As soon as these words came out, Dongfang Wushuang's expression became strange.

After all, within each sect force, there must be a few shameless.

But is it really okay to say that people in your own family?

In short, Dongfang Wushuang would not say.

"Anyway, I have called someone over! This matter is not over!" Dongfang Wushuang said coldly: "I have been so wronged for the first time since I grew up so old!"

Ruo Xiao heard this and emphasized again, saying: "It's best to be the shameless one, the one that can directly pull the face down and do something to Chen Zhulu and others!"

"Do whatever he wants to bully the small, and suppress them all!"

"Ahem...Don't be so direct, I understand." Dongfang Wushuang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You will understand then."

Speaking of this, Dongfang Wushuang stared at Ruo Xiao, staring blankly for more than ten breaths.

"You..." Ruo Xiao's face condensed, and he said angrily: "What are you looking at!? What kind of eyes!? If you want to see, go and see those women!"

"No...what do you think!?" Dongfang Wushuang rolled his eyes, and then asked tentatively, "Your boss... isn't his identity?"

"What do you want to say?" Ruo Xiao stood up suddenly, with a murderous intent on his body.

Even if he has a good relationship with Dongfang Wushuang now, he will definitely do anything harmful to Jiang Chen!

Moreover, if you are not stupid, you know what this guy is going to say when you hear Dongfang Wushuang's words!

"He is Tianchen's reincarnation, right?" Dongfang Wushuang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, my Dongfang family is not malicious to him."

"Then what?" Ruo Xiao asked.

"Even I can guess his identity, do you think other people can't guess it?" Dongfang Wushuang said, "It is estimated that his identity will be exposed in a short time. Then...who can protect him?"

"As long as I'm still alive! Even in the face of the pinnacle god, I dare to do it!" Ruo Xiao is very domineering, but when he says this, it seems a little meaningless.

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