I Have Saitama's Physique In The World Of Fairy Tail

Chapter 60 He Is Both Leo Leo And Fairy Tail Loki!

While Raphael was training, a big event happened in the guild. Loki left Fairy Tail!

Everyone in the guild is looking for Loki. Although Loki is a playboy, he is very loyal to his friends in the guild and will help him whenever they need help, so everyone actually cares about him.

Lucy learned the news about Karen Lilica from her Celestial Spirit: Crux of the Southern Cross, and instantly understood where Loki was.

There is a waterfall near the town of Magnolia. On the cliff in front of the waterfall, there is a tombstone. It is a gorgeous and beautiful prismatic tombstone. In front of the tombstone stands a man wearing a jacket and brown sunglasses. This person is the Loki that everyone in Fairy Tail has been looking for.

"You are indeed here, Loki, everyone is looking for you!" A clear female voice sounded from behind him. Loki turned around and saw that it was Lucy. She looked at Loki with a smile on her face, "This is Karen's Grave it."

"Lucy!" Loki looked at her in surprise, not expecting that she could find this place and know who was buried under the tombstone.

"Celestial Spirit Mage, Karen, your owner." Lucy looked at Loki with a smile, "Loki...ah no, it should be Leo Leo!"

Loki, probably Leo, lowered his head and smiled: "I didn't expect that you discovered my true identity!"

Lucy shook her head: "After all, I am also the owner of multiple Celestial Spirits. I am ashamed to say that I didn't find out until now."

"Since you are a Celestial Spirit, but you have been staying in the human world, you must be unable to return to the Celestial Spirit world for some reason, right? But just like humans cannot survive in the Celestial Spirit world, Celestial Spirits cannot survive in the human world. If you survive for a long time, you will eventually be deprived of life bit by bit and die, so...you must have reached your limit, right?"

At the end of the sentence, Lucy looked at him sadly.

"Ah~ yes, I have been in the human world for three years..." Loki turned and looked at Karen's grave, as if he was remembering something.

"Three years?! Other Celestial Spirits have reached their limit in one year, so you..." Lucy covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Loki.

"Yes, I have reached my limit now and have no strength at all, but that's okay. This is my punishment. I am permanently exiled from the Celestial Spirit world. I accept it."

Loki smiled weakly, turned to face Lucy, and looked at her seriously: "Because I killed my owner Karen!"

"Wha...what?!" Lucy looked at Loki in surprise.

"That was three years ago," Loki said as he reminisced. "At that time, Karen was probably the leading mage of the Blue Pegasus Guild. Every time she returned from a mission, she would bring a large number of her suitors. Aries and I are her Celestial Spirit. I'm okay, after all, it's a Celestial Spirit for combat. She won't use me excessively, but Aries..."

When Loki said this, his fists hanging on both sides clenched tightly, and his eyes showed anger: "Aries is often used by her as a tool to please her group of suitors, to please them."

"She was often used as a human shield during battles. She would be punched and kicked when she was unhappy or in a bad mood. The president of Blue Pegasus couldn't bear it and sued her. She actually turned his anger on her and wanted to Aries stayed in the human world for seven days! She just used the Celestial Spirit as a tool!"

"She's too vicious!" Lucy was so angry that she even wanted to open the grave and spread her ashes.

Loki calmed down his excitement and anger for a while, and continued to recall: "I couldn't stand it anymore, so I used my magic power to replace the abused Aries, and threatened her to terminate the contract between me and Aries, otherwise she would stay here forever. The human world prevents her from summoning Aries anymore, so I gave her a three-month time limit. I think no matter what, she should be able to figure it out in three months!"

Loki turned around and looked at Karen's grave again, with a trace of remorse in his tone: "But I didn't expect that she didn't listen to the dissuasion of President Blue Pegasus and forced herself to perform the mission. She died in the mission. I was the one who caused her death." she……"

There was a "bang" sound, like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Loki could no longer hold on and fell heavily to the ground.

"Loki!" Lucy rushed over to support him.

"The time has come..." Loki looked at his hands that were gradually becoming transparent. "From that day on, I have never been able to go back to the Celestial Spirit world. The Celestial Spirit world also rejected me for violating the master's order. Celestial Spirit, but it was worth it to meet such a wonderful Celestial Spirit wizard at the last moment of my life, thank you Lucy!”

"Wait! I definitely want to help you! This is not your fault! It's all Karen's fault, why should all the fault be placed on you!" Lucy looked at Loki's gradual transparency, anxious and angry Scream!

"It's useless, Lucy, this is my punishment! Help me say sorry to everyone in Fairy Tail!" Loki's voice gradually weakened.

Lucy hugged Loki and kept shouting: "Open the Leo Gate! Please..."

"Give up, Lucy, this is fine..."

"I don't! Fairy Tail doesn't have the habit of giving up on its partners. How could I just watch my partners disappear before my eyes?!" Lucy frantically released her magic power, trying to forcefully open the Leo door. She gradually began to interact with Loki. Assimilated.

"Lucy, don't do this! This is the rule of the Celestial Spirit world. A Celestial Spirit that betrays humans cannot return to the Celestial Spirit world! Don't let me make the same mistake again and again!" Loki anxiously pushed Lucy away. But he had reached his limit and didn't have any strength to push Lucy away. He could only keep persuading Lucy anxiously!

"What crime do you have! If this is the rule of the Celestial Spirit world, then it's up to me to break it!" Lucy shouted angrily.

At this moment, the surrounding waterfalls changed the direction of the water. They all flowed upstream and converged in the middle. In the blink of an eye, a huge figure appeared in front of them. He was heavily armored and had a long head on his head. Two round and thick horns, the most obvious thing is the beard (nose hair?) connected to the nostrils on the face.

"Celestial Spirit King!" Lucy and Loki shouted in surprise, not expecting that the strongest person in the Celestial Spirit world would actually appear.

To Loki's surprise, the Celestial Spirit King did not accuse him or become extremely angry, but explained the reason to Lucy very calmly.

"Old friend, we signed a contract with humans. The core condition is that we must not harm the owner of the key in any form. Although Leo did not kill the owner directly, he also killed her indirectly, so I refused his return. To the world of Celestial Spirit!”

Lucy stood angrily in front of Loki, opened her hands to protect Loki and said to the Celestial Spirit King: "Wait! Isn't this ridiculous? He has also suffered from this for three years. He also wanted to synchronize, for Isn’t it enough that Aries can’t do this?”

Loki was worried that Lucy had angered the Celestial Spirit King. It didn't matter if he died, but he couldn't drag Lucy into the water, so he kept trying to interrupt Lucy behind his back.

The Celestial Spirit King did not feel angry because of Lucy's words. Instead, he said to Lucy with embarrassment and sadness: "But old friend, the rules are the rules. I also understand the mood of my old friend and feel heartbroken for it... "

"That's enough! Don't talk about old friends! Now I just want to save this friend in front of you. Just listen to me! Bearded old man!" Lucy waved her hand to interrupt the Celestial Spirit King's words and looked at him angrily and firmly. , "This was an accident, a sad accident. You say Loki is guilty? I don't admit it! I don't admit that Loki is guilty!"

"Enough! Lucy! I don't need any forgiveness! I just want to atone for my sins! That's it, that's enough Lucy!" Loki also shouted anxiously towards Lucy, he was really afraid that Lucy would be raped because of him Celestial Spirit King punishment!

"I don't allow it!" Lucy's magic power surged greatly, and the magic power became more and more powerful, emitting a dazzling golden light. The Celestial Spirit King's eyes widened instantly.

"How is this a sin? How sinful is it to think about your companions!!!" With the last shout, a golden light flashed, and a huge magic circle appeared under Lucy's feet. All the Celestial Spirits who signed the contract with Lucy were all They all stood behind her, looking firmly at the Celestial Spirit King with Lucy!

"Celestial Spirit... actually appeared together..." Loki looked at Lucy in surprise. He didn't expect that Lucy's bond with the Celestial Spirits was so deep!

Soon, the Celestial Spirits disappeared, and Lucy fell to the ground exhausted, but she still tried hard to raise her head and look at the Celestial Spirit King: "If you are also a Celestial Spirit, you can definitely understand the mood of Loki and Aries! "

As Lucy's last words fell, the Celestial Spirit King fell silent. He understood what Lucy meant: "This is what my old friend said, so the mistake may be the [rules]. In order to save Aries, Leo , my old friend who wants to save Leo, I will take special care of this matter because of this beautiful bond! Leo, you can return to the Celestial Spirit world!"

Lucy finally smiled and gave the Celestial Spirit King a wink: "Old man with a beard, you are quite a nice person!"

The Celestial Spirit King also grinned back at Lucy, turned around and followed the stars away, and left a message to Loki: "If you still want to pay for your sins, then risk your life and protect this person in front of you. Take a seat!”

Loki finally shed tears. In this life, he no longer has to live with the burden of sin, but lives to protect Lucy who saved him!

"Thank you, Lucy! I will protect you from now on! Please take care of me!"

The door to the Celestial Spirit world opened, and Loki turned into smoke and returned, leaving the Leo key in Lucy's palm.

"Please take care of me!"

Lucy's smile is bright and sunny, like the goddess of redemption.

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