I Have Saitama's Physique In The World Of Fairy Tail

Chapter 61 Vegetative State? Brain In A Vat? Reality? Fantasy?

"Are you ready?" Porlyusica looked seriously at Raphael who was sitting cross-legged in the magic circle.

After getting Raphael's nod, Porlyusica warned him again and confirmed to him again: "This illusion magic is made up of the things you fear most in your heart. You must endure it. If you cannot endure it, you will be lost." In the illusion, are you really sure?"

"I'm sure, I don't want to turn into a lofty god who treats all living beings like ants in the end! I just want to live happily every day with my friends, and I just want to have a sweet future with her!"

Raphael answered Porlyusica firmly, Porlyusica nodded, muttered something in her mouth, and kept waving her hands, one after another of magic power heading towards the magic circle.

As Polyusica's magic power stimulated, the seven nodes of the magic circle began to light up one by one. The moment the seventh node lit up, Raphael fell into darkness.


"Doctor, this patient has no family members anymore. The only thing we know is that he still has a mother, but his mother has settled abroad and does not admit that this patient exists."

A young voice sounded, and Raphael instantly regained consciousness from the darkness.

patient? What's happening here? Didn’t I enter the magic circle in the Fairy Tail world to train my mind? Is this an illusion? But……

Raphael had many questions in his mind. He wanted to sit up and open his eyes, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't move his whole body and couldn't even open his eyes. He could only hear the voices of the people next to him.

In this case, let me see what I am most afraid of! Anyway, I just need to remember that this is an illusion.

Raphael gave up struggling and chose to lie down. He decided that as long as he remembered that this was an illusion, he would not be lost.

"Forget it, just treat him as dead. You find someone to take him away tonight. I will tamper with his information now. This body can make me a lot of money!"

A slightly older voice sounded than the younger one just now, and he seemed to be doing something to Raphael's body.

"No one wants him anyway, and now he fell off the elevator and turned into a vegetative state, so let's use his body as the final contribution!"

The old voice became quieter and softer as he spoke. If he hadn't been so close to Raphael, he might not have been able to hear the last sentence clearly.

Make a contribution? Isn't it a human experiment? Or stealing organs? And this happened after I fell off the elevator?

Raphael felt something was wrong. Logically speaking, how could the magic circle in the magic world lead to the situation in the technological world? He became suspicious.

Raphael gradually began to be affected by the illusion. He tried again to open his eyes and raise his hands, but it was still in vain.

Time soon came to night, and Raphael could hear the footsteps of several people. He could feel them putting him into a bag and throwing him into the car. Raphael, who only had hearing and feeling, didn't know the time, but he knew that he had been driving for a long time. It's been a long time car.

The car finally stopped, and Raphael felt himself being lifted off again. He opened the bag and placed it on an iron table. He began to be a little afraid of what would happen next.


Polyusica outside the magic circle looked at Raphael in the magic circle worriedly. Raphael's expression became very painful from the beginning. Polyusica wanted to stop several times, but thinking of what Raphael just said, she still Endured it.


No! Raphael screamed in his heart, because he felt a cold and sharp knife slowly cutting open his skin, then slowly taking out the organs from the body, and then using the knife to scrape open his brain. Then he dug out his brain.

During this process, he kept trying to struggle, but only his consciousness was awake and he could not move his body at all! It wasn't until the moment his brain was dug out that he finally felt disconnected from his body.

But the strange thing is that this man injected something into his brain, then inserted something into his brain, and then put it into a jar filled with liquid.

Raphael was just wondering when he heard the man laughing: "Hahaha, I finally found a suitable experimental subject. It's rare that he can still have such intense brain waves after falling down the stairs and turning into a vegetative state. It's not in vain." I bought a few temporary workers to pretend to be doctors and stole him out. Let’s start the experiment on the brain in the tank! Once this experiment is successful, I will definitely go down in history!”

Brain in a vat? ! Raphael has heard of this, but isn't it a paradox? Before Raphael had time to think, a burst of electricity passed through Raphael's brain, and the originally chaotic and dark world in Raphael's consciousness suddenly began to become brighter.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across, splitting apart Raphael's slowly emerging light and this illusion. Raphael instantly fell into darkness and coma again.

Soon, Raphael slowly woke up again. He felt that he was lying on the bed. He quickly sat up and opened his eyes. He found that he was in a ward, and there was a patient next to him who was so frightened that he twitched. Woolen cloth.

Was I... just in an illusion? No, is it also an illusion now? Or am I already in a world created by my brain in a vat?

Raphael could no longer tell whether it was an illusion or an illusion within the illusion of the brain in the tank. He felt that he was in a mess now.

"Are you awake? Doctor Ma! The patient in bed 44 is awake!" A young voice he heard before sounded in front of him. Raphael looked up and found that he looked very similar to Natsu.

"Natsu?!" Raphael cried out in surprise.

The young doctor looked at Raphael with a puzzled look on his face: "Who is Natsu? Is he your family member? Don't get up so quickly. Wait until Dr. Ma comes to check on you!"

"What's wrong with me? What's going on?" Raphael asked him quickly.

"You fell from the elevator and were in a coma for a week. You just woke up now. But the amazing thing is that you only suffered minor injuries all over your body, but your brain may have been a bit more serious and you suffered a concussion."

The doctor who looked a bit like Natsu said to Raphael, yes, in Raphael's eyes, they are just a bit similar now, not as similar as before.

Doctor Ma arrived quickly and asked Raphael about the situation. During the answer, Raphael always felt that he looked like an elder he knew, but he couldn't remember his name.

After various examinations, Raphael was discharged from the hospital quickly, and due to the fault of the company and the workers who repaired the elevator, his medical bills were fully paid.

Raphael quickly returned to the company and continued working. It is worth mentioning that this happened to him because of a manager's overtime order, so the manager was fired on the day of his accident. Now he is back. He took over the manager's position.

Raphael worked very seriously and won several orders worth hundreds of millions for the company. He was soon promoted to vice president. When he went to the president's home, he fell in love with the president's daughter at first sight because he felt that he must have been the one in his previous life. Got to know her.

Soon, Raphael married the CEO's daughter, took over the listed company, and gave birth to two lovely babies. His life was extremely happy.

But Raphael always felt that all this was a bit unrealistic and even false. He felt as if he had forgotten something, but he just couldn't remember it. Because of this, he soon fell ill.

He was extremely bored when he was sick and resting at home. The children and his wife went to work and went to school. He didn't know what to do at home. He could only run to the study to see if he could find a book to kill the boredom. time.

When passing the child's room, he saw that the tablet she placed on the table was turned off and there was animation on it. Strangely enough, since he came out of the hospital, he no longer liked watching animation and even turned the video software on. They have all been deleted, and now I can’t help but sigh when I see the familiar anime again.

"This kid always forgets to turn off the tablet. He always asks his father to help him finish the work. I won't help him next time! Really..." Raphael thought to himself and was about to pick up the tablet and turn it off, but suddenly he stunned.

What was on the tablet was the first episode of the Fairy Tail anime, the first encounter between Lucy and Natsu.

I remembered! Raphael finally remembered what he had forgotten. He had actually forgotten all the friends he had been with for so long!

Raphael remembered everything and saw the lightning again, but the lightning no longer struck him, but stopped in front of him, releasing light at him. He instantly felt that his bloodlust had weakened. A lot.

It turns out that this lightning is like a referee. When he sees him sinking, he will judge the failure and give a slight punishment and then continue to the next illusion. If he succeeds, he will be rewarded and asked whether to proceed to the next illusion.

Just when Raphael was about to continue the mental training in the illusion, a violent pull pulled him out instantly, and Raphael woke up from the magic circle.

Raphael, who had just woken up, looked up and saw the smiling girl opposite. He instantly understood why he fell in love with the CEO's daughter at first sight in the illusion.

Because the CEO’s daughter in the fantasy world looks like Mirajane!

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