I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 849 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such An Old Ancestor

"This, what is this?!"

The changes in the sky made the people inside look at the sky in surprise.

At the same time, many people were secretly on guard, as if they were worried that something bad would happen.

At this time, people outside these galaxies also looked at Mu Bai, with a hint of sadness in their eyes.

After guarding here for so long, they naturally know what this sudden thing is, but they are very soft-spoken, coupled with their lack of strength, they can only sigh in the end.

"Hey, I don't know if the people inside have any chance of surviving."

There is nothing in vain under the name, so it can naturally affect Huanyu Bing Po.

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of depression, such words are not just words.

"Hehe, is it possible to survive?"

At this time, the person next to him couldn't help but sneered when he heard what the person said just now, obviously he knew that such illusory survival was impossible.

But even though he was sneering, it was more in his eyes that he was still a little bit down.

After all, they are all members of the military department. The people who were frozen by the Ice Soul of the Universe this time, not to mention others, are the people they want to protect.

Thinking of this, many people feel a little uncomfortable.


Then under such eyes, a powerful thunder light suddenly appeared in the starry sky, spreading all over the starry sky.

At the same time, the thunder spread, like a huge thunder that exploded in everyone's ears. What's more, many people felt the message of destroying all death.


At this moment, the sky full of thunder became strange again, and the thunder that appeared in glory was spreading towards the entire universe at a speed that could not be concealed.

Those who understand naturally understand. After feeling the thunder, many people immediately began to report the situation.

Especially for those alien races, many of them wanted to make jokes at first, but after seeing this thunder light, they temporarily put aside the matter about the Ice Soul of the Universe.

And soon, the upper echelons of all races began to hold meetings.

Even the war in the Eastern Territory, under the light of thunder, received a suspension notice from the demons.

Because they all felt that the shocking thunder light was very powerful, and it was obvious that another strong man was born.

At the same time, there were also people of many races who changed their faces after learning about the thunder light.

"That person is back!"

At this time, in a dark demon court, a member of the demon clan with skin like armor opened his eyes immediately after the thunder light appeared, and looked at the Huowang galaxy with his pupils widened, looking there in disbelief.

On the other side, the meeting that was going to prepare for the massacre of ten thousand races in three years had to be stopped at this moment under the sluggishness of the leader.

"Qu Shuai, what's wrong with you, didn't you just talk about the fight?"

Looking at his own head in a daze, a person sitting below the meeting couldn't help reminding.


Being interrupted by his subordinates, the man called Qu Shuai couldn't help coughing lightly at this moment.

I saw that he turned off the message on the screen showing the battle of the ten thousand races, and looked at the crowd with a very solemn tone: "This time the battle of the ten thousand races, the targeting of the human race will be stranded first."

"Notify all high-level officials now, and gather here!"


At this time, the people sitting at the conference table suddenly didn't react, but soon, all these people took orders: "Yes!"

Then in the conference hall, countless messages flew out.

This is the case not only in these two places, but also in other places.

The people who reacted the most were the races near the southern region, they were all familiar with the thunderous breath.

At the same time, they also knew that the man had returned.

I have to say that suppressing with just one breath

But now the Fire King galaxy, which is at the center of the storm of public opinion, has also become noisy, because those outside the galaxy actually saw that the people inside were fine.

Immediately, many small commanders of the military department strictly ordered their subordinates not to talk about the situation here, and then reported the matter here to their superiors.

And after issuing such a strict order, they still took the troops to go in and explore, and at the same time, they had to find out what was going on inside.

And the person who caused it all, Lei Luo, at this moment, he was in charge of Wan Lei, and there was a similar surge in the starry sky, and there was a terrible destructive aura, making noise everywhere.

"Eight Patriarch, why are you showing your aura?"

And these people, if they are okay after the appearance of the Huanyu Ice Apparel ""

After Lei Luo finished preparing everything, Jue Ying, who was watching the play, also flew forward at this time and asked in a low voice.

Apparently he also understands the consequences of this Huanyu Ice Soul not following common sense.

"This is Mubai's choice. He doesn't want to feel guilty for these people."

Hearing that Lei Luomeiou concealed it, he looked at the light group with admiration instead: "Original brother and I had the same idea as you, but he didn't do it."

Having said that, Lei Luo paused. Then the thunder in his hand became even worse, and then he squeezed his hand, and a shocking explosion sounded, and he spoke slowly.

"From now on, this is a restricted area!"

"Everyone, get out!"


As he rolled the words down, the starry sky exploded with thunder, covering the entire vicinity of Huanyu Bingpo, making it impossible for anyone to get close.




Some of the weaker people couldn't help but feel the star power in their bodies fluctuate under his roar, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. They were already injured under the roar just now.

"call out!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Luo didn't care what others would think, only saw him make a move to the azure blue light group in the sky, which directly appeared in his hand.

"Let's go, I think now that all races must be very turbulent after discovering my aura. Even if this Huanyu Ice Soul is obtained, they will probably only care about it after confirming my news."

"This kid, although he looks like I'm paying for myself, but as an ancestor, I should at least help him out."


Speaking of this, Lei Luo suddenly laughed out loud, laughing very freely, as if all the depression of these years had been swept away.

"Jueying understands!"

Hearing the words, Jueying naturally knew what it meant, but in her heart she glanced at Mu Baigao.

Don't think it's easy to make him look up, at least in the universe, apart from a few ancestors, there is no one who can make him look up.

In this regard, Jueying's vision is very high.

"Then let's go too. As for the work that Mubai left behind, you can help him as an assistant when the time comes."

Seeing that all the preparations were completed, Lei Luo nodded in satisfaction, and with a swipe of his hand, he walked towards the broken space.

Jueying behind him couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Bodyguards become assistants.

How do you feel, I was caught as a coolie?

But the complaints are all complaints, Jueying's body is still very honest, and he followed Lei Luo and walked towards the inside.



"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"Da da da!"

At this time, in a space full of thunder, Mu Bai, who was teleported by Lei Luo before, was fleeing quickly on the ground, with sparks and lightning all the way, which made him dare not stop at all.

"What is this, Eighth Patriarch, you left me here, at least say something!"

While running, Mu Bai couldn't help complaining about Lei Luo who left himself here.

Because since he entered this thunder space, these thunders have a special liking for him, pouring down on him, and at the same time, because his star power is sealed, they cannot use their power.

So Mu Bai came in from the beginning, just made a hole in the ground and lay down for a while, the rest of the time, he was fighting wits and courage with these thunders.


At this time, just as he stepped out, a thunderbolt fell on the place where he just lifted his foot.


The huge impact made Mubai jump straight forward, and then he saw him use his palms to prop up on the ground, rolling on the ground, and after pulling away from Lei for a while, another lasing shot towards the ground. run ahead.

"The interval for the thunder to land is once a second. In the absence of star power, this situation will happen to me every minute."

"It must, it must be faster!"

Running on the ground at this time, Mu Bai was still observing these falling thunders, and analyzed in his heart.

After all, he didn't want to be struck by lightning. After dealing with this thunder for a while, he knew that the power of these lightnings was not low.

Even the Starry Sky Realm can't resist it.

"Papa papa!"

At this moment, when Mu Bai had just collected his mind and was about to prepare with all his strength, two figures appeared in front of him, and one of them was still applauding, as if applauding his analysis just now.

Seeing this, Mu Bai didn't dare to stop, while running, he also looked at the figure that suddenly appeared.

"Eighth Patriarch, you are here. Where is the place you brought me?! Why are these thunderbolts chasing me all the time?"

The person who came was Lei Luo. He just came in, and when he heard Mu Bai's analysis softly, his eyes lit up immediately, and he had a good understanding of his ability to respond in times of crisis.

But if you are optimistic, Lei Luo still couldn't help teasing him: "Here, it's just a place where some thunder is generated. Don't worry, they are not powerful. Ordinary thunder can't be stopped by the starry sky."


Isn't that great? !

I'm also in the Starry Sky Realm, I'll be gone if I get hacked!

Thinking of this, Mu Bai looked at Lei Luo, and found that his expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Boy Mubai, since you entered here, your special training has already begun, and this is also part of the special training, come on and move forward."

"See Thunder Mountain ahead, that's your destination, and you'll be safe when you get there."

"As for why these lightning strikes you, maybe you are short of people."

"By the way, these were bombarded once a second just now, and the speed will gradually increase in the future. Be careful, I will wait for you at Thunder Mountain."


After finishing speaking, Lei Luo left with Jue Ying, leaving behind Mu Bai with black lines all over his head. Don't look at his expressionless face, in fact, he has already complained a lot in his heart.

I didn't expect you to be such an old ancestor!

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