I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 850 Physical mutation, training begins

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

In the thunder world, the sky is covered with dark clouds, thousands of thunder thunders are falling, bombarding the black ground with the might of the world.

Maybe it's because the ground here has been under the ravages of thunder for a long time. When the thunder hit the ground, it didn't cause too much damage to the ground, leaving only a few square meters of potholes.

"Da da da!".

And every time before the thunder fell, there was a voice running past, like a scumbag who swore to be chased and chopped by thunder.

This person is Mu Bai, after Lei Luo left with Jue Ying, he was racing against Lei Ting alone.

And the destination was the Thunder Mountain Range that was faintly visible in front of him.

"Visual estimation is still half the distance, but this thunder is getting faster and faster!"

At this time, while running, Mu Bai looked at the Thunder Mountain Range in front of him, estimating in his mind how long it would take for him to arrive, and at the same time, he was also calculating the falling speed of these thunders chasing him.

Because of Lei Luo's reminder before, Mu Bai naturally also paid attention to the frequency of Lei Ting's drop.

As Lei Luo said, just now, if the drop was once a second, now it is infinitely twice a second.

His body has been gradually unable to keep up.

It's not that he is weak, but that after Lei Luo sealed his star power, he is now a mortal body, but because he often walks with heavy loads, his physical fitness is much better than ordinary people.

But it didn't reach the ordinary punch, smashing mountains, planets and so on.

Of course, if he can use star power, this punch can still be easily done.

But now, he just doesn't have it.

"Hoo hoo!"

Panting heavily, Mu Bai glanced at the sky, saw a thunderbolt falling, and immediately accelerated to avoid it.


When the thunder fell to the ground, Mu Bai tumbling, pushed towards the ground and shot out again, and after he left, another thunder fell.

Everything is only in the blink of an eye, as long as there is a slight mistake, Mu Bai will be struck by thunder.

"If this continues, sooner or later you will be caught up!"

The current Mu Bai can fully see the trend of Lei Ting's whereabouts, but his body cannot keep up with his consciousness, so he is a little worried.

"Eight Patriarch, don't you really need to worry about it?"

At this time in the dark, Lei Luo and Jueying, who had already left, saw Mu Bai running desperately under the thunder, and Jueying couldn't help asking Lei Luo.

"No, warriors are meant to survive within limits, and only by pushing themselves again and again can they break through faster."

"What he lacks now is this sense of urgency."

Regarding Jueying's question, Lei Luo shook his head, expressing that he didn't care, and looked at Mu Bai who was running and couldn't help but nodded.

"Didn't you see that his comprehensive physical fitness is still very strong, whether it is physical response and endurance, it is stronger than many people."

"If I'm not mistaken, the wrist watch on his left hand is a load-bearing instrument, right?"

Seeing this, Lei Luo was even more satisfied with Mu Bai.

The body is the basic strength of the revolution, and likewise, it is also the capital for warriors to become stronger.

Although many warriors now condense star power and don't polish their bodies anymore, Lei Luo doesn't take it seriously.

Even though the star power is very powerful, after it is completely integrated with people, it will explode with all kinds of powerful power.

However, a person's body has the ability to affect the strength and quantity of star power.

This point, in fact, was discovered a long time ago, but it was only promoted in a small area because it did not conform to the mainstream.

However, the crowd for this promotion is precisely the upper circle of the human race.

Because only these people have a long-term view. It is true that star power cultivation is the most important thing for a warrior, but how can the human body as a star power container be unimportant?

This point, those of them in the upper circle, can naturally see through it at a glance.

Even polishing the body requires a lot of energy and financial resources, and the changes brought about may be only a little bit.

But among warriors, a little change can defeat many people.

So in some forces, polishing the body is a compulsory course.

Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei naturally did the same.

So sometimes, decision-making and development direction are really subject to changes in vision.

"Yes, it's a weighing machine."

Jueying on the side nodded repeatedly after hearing the words, which he only discovered when he got in touch with Mu Bai later.

At the same time, he was amazed at Mu Bai's long-term vision, he could even think of exercising with a weight machine.

Of course, if Mu Bai was here, he would tell them later that he was thinking too much.

Because at the beginning, the main purpose of him asking for the load-bearing instrument was to double the skill points.

It's just that it's just a crooked attack.


At this time, Mu Bai, who was running away, suddenly felt his body lighten, and his tired body seemed to be injected with new vitality.

"this is."

Aware of this change, Mu Bai observed his body while running.

Then, under his inner vision, he saw the star power cells in his body shaking violently, and it was this shaking that made him feel new power appear.

"What is this for?"

Just when Mu Bai was guessing, he suddenly saw that all the star power cells suddenly swelled a little, and there were many places protruding outward, but they stopped soon, and finally stopped together with the shaking of the star power cells.

At the same time, he also felt that his physical fitness was growing rapidly just now, and it was slowly slowing down.

"Da da da!".

When the change was over, Mu Bai felt that his physical fitness was more than six times higher than before. Such a change made him dumbfounded.

Could it be that being chased by thunder can improve physical fitness?

What a weird setting this is.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai suppressed his thoughts, and then continued to run forward, but this time, he found that when he was avoiding lightning, he was not as tired as before.

"Let's go!"

Seeing him like this, Lei Luo, who was still watching in secret, said something to Jue Ying and left directly.

Because he saw the changes in Mu Bai just now, and he knew that Mu Bai, who had improved his physical fitness, would not have much problem running from here to Thunder Mountain Range, unless he made a detour by himself.

Jueying also nodded when he heard the words, he didn't expect that when the two were chatting, Mu Bai would suddenly grow up.

Such a change once again made him unable to help being amazed.

Talent is really strong.

Next, when Mu Bai made a mistake and didn't know what he broke through, he was quite safe along the way, and he walked to the Thunder Mountain Range that Lei Luo just mentioned.


As soon as he entered the Thunder Mountain Range, Mu Bai heard thunder clouds whistling in the sky, but this time there was no thunder falling, and then the sky returned to calm.

Seeing this, the tense body finally relaxed.

"It seems that if I enter the Thunder Mountain Range, I won't be struck by lightning again."

Thinking of this, Mu Bai finally started to walk slowly, and even had a leisurely heart, looking at the mountain range.

On the surface of the mountain range, the ground is dark and seems to be covered with iron sand, and the vegetation is swaying here and there, and the whole body is black. Although it looks dilapidated, it gives a strong sense of destruction.

Then he looked up and walked up, because he knew that the Eighth Patriarch was waiting up there.

After walking for more than an hour, Mu Bai finally came to the bottom of the mountain, only to see that the top of the mountain has been built into a huge lotus platform, and there is a ladder on each side that can go up.

Around the stairs, every one hundred steps, there is a stone pillar, and there is a small lotus flower platform on the stone pillar, and a lotus seed emitting electric light is placed in it.

After sizing it up for a while, Mu Bai stepped directly onto the stairs, and at the same time, he felt that these stairs, each step, had a very strong and dangerous aura.

This surprised him, secretly guessing if there was a mechanism or something, and immediately he didn't dare to mess around, and obediently climbed the stairs.

"one thousand!"

Finally, when Mu Bai climbed up to a thousand steps, he finally came to the holding lotus platform on the top of the mountain. Looking up, the lotus platform was as big as thousands of football fields, and the ground was covered with bright thunder crystals stone.

It is a top-notch material in the universe. It is said that it can withstand a full blow from the Immortal Realm. At the same time, it can also be used as an explosive to detonate it, which can emit a very strong thunder explosion. Under the Immortal Realm, it is difficult to resist.

Mu Bai has seen this thing before, a thunder crystal stone the size of a palm, he remembers that it has billions of points. In other words, there are several Ra-grade military spaceships, which is not cheap.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

When he came to the top of the mountain, Mu Bai saw Lei Luo's prodigal appearance, and couldn't help shaking his head: "It seems that rich and powerful people like extravagance and waste, and they can't be provoked."

"Boy Mubai, what are you rambling on about? Are you speaking ill of the ancestor?"

At this moment, a purple thunder appeared in front of Mu Bai, followed by Lei Luo's figure, and at the same time, Jue Ying.

"Eighth Patriarch, juniors dare not!"

Seeing Lei Luo appearing, Mu Bai quickly shook his head to deny it, he is not stupid, he can't talk nonsense when he doesn't have the strength to escape.

The former Nine Patriarch Lingfei was a living example, but now Mu Bai doesn't know how much black material is in her hands.


Seeing Mu Bai's utter nonsense, Lei Luo sneered, then took out two pairs of gloves, one of which was thrown to Mu Bai: "Take it, put it on!"


After receiving the glove that landed on his hand accurately, Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, then put it on his hand, and then looked at Lei Luo: "Eight Patriarch, I want to ask, when I was running just now, my body seemed to be "


Without waiting for Mu Bai to speak, Nalei Luo had already answered while putting on his gloves, and at the same time continued: "If you want to know why, just hold on to my fist for five minutes."


"five minutes?"

Hearing this, Mubai was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Lei Luo meant, and was about to ask, when Lei Luo's figure suddenly appeared and punched him in the abdomen.


The huge force instantly smashed Mu Bai's body backwards, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth. It is conceivable how much damage the punch just now caused to him.


Looking at Mu Bai who was knocked down to the ground, Lei Luo looked at him with his hands behind his back: "Get up, the training has started now, let me see how strong your combat strength is!"

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