After Mu Bai said the extremely unbeatable words, he ran away directly.

Obviously, he was really afraid of being beaten,

But the ending was good, Lei Luo just gave him a blank look, and looked at him angrily: "I said brat, why are you avoiding me like this?"

"Come back, this is for you."

As he said that, he also took out something similar to a crystal and handed it to Mu Bai.


Hearing this, Mubai walked over and found that it was a purple thunder crystal of obscurity, his eyes lit up immediately, and he took it directly without being polite: "This is a good thing."

Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal is an extremely rare material in the universe. Refining it has a chance to awaken Thunder, and after awakening, Thunder has its own desolation effect, which can annihilate all vitality and is extremely overbearing.

"Of course it's a good thing, so I don't even look at it. This is a mother crystal above the ninth order, and there are no more than ten in the entire universe!"

Seeing Mu Bai's sensible look, he wished to put his face on the Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal, Lei Luo stood aside, couldn't help looking at him with contempt.

It seems that he thinks he is so embarrassing and disdains to be with him.

"Tut tut."

Regarding the disdain in Lei Luo's words, Mu Bai didn't care too much, but glanced at him, and continued to play with the Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal.

"Old man Lei, you don't know that time has nothing to do with the two supernatural powers I awakened before. The whole universe knows that it is unique. The awakening will not have any effect. As far as time's original ability is concerned, it will kill everything."

When he said this, Mu Bai didn't pay attention, his words were full of sarcasm, which made Lei Luo and Jue Ying who rushed over couldn't help but have black lines all over their heads.

However, they did not refute it. In the universe, everyone knows time and space. The awakening of these two supernatural powers will not be like other supernatural powers.

Especially elemental supernatural powers have other additional effects.

Speaking of this, Mu Bai paused for a moment: "The wind element magical power that will be awakened later is entirely because I am not ready, otherwise."

In fact, Mu Bai is very satisfied with the wind breath supernatural power, but if he knew that the space awakening supernatural power is not a random choice, he would definitely choose a spar with other effects to awaken the wind supernatural power,

Of course, it's not too late now, Mubai has been looking in various places to see if there is any eye-catching wind crystal to refine.

It's just that he didn't know that his words made the corners of their mouths twitch again.

Awakening without being ready

Such words can be said, and the two of them can't wait to beat him up in an instant.

Because they could hear that Mu Bai's words were full of showing off.

We must know that in the universe, very few people awaken supernatural powers, and there are few people like Mu Bai, who break through when they say breakthrough, and awaken when they say awakening.

"speak English."

In the end, when Lei Luo saw that Mu Bai was still talking, he couldn't help it immediately, walked forward and patted Mu Bai's shoulder, reminding him angrily.

It seems to be saying, enough is enough for me.


Seeing this, Mu Bai naturally realized that the situation was not right, so he immediately changed the subject and looked at the Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal: "This is the first time I have encountered such a crystal."

"Speaking of Old Man Lei, where did you get this thing? I remember ten of them recorded in the universe, except for six that have already been used."

"The remaining four are all from other races?"

Mu Bai's words are not false, when he learned about supernatural powers before, he made up for these things viciously.

I also know which races the remaining four belong to.

So he asked this, thinking that Lei Luo had found a new one.

Hearing what Mu Bai said, Lei Luo didn't know why, he suddenly smiled, and then put his hands behind his back: "I borrowed it from someone else, so I went over and talked with them cordially for a while."

"They enthusiastically lent it to me. When we have spars of the same value, we will give them to them."



I think it's threats plus beatings, smashing, and looting!

Hearing this, Mubai didn't understand why Lei Luo went out this time to help him get this spar.

He even spared no effort to expose himself.

"Old man Lei, you go out like this and fight, are you okay?"

After looking at the spar in his hand, Mu Bai glanced at the dusty Lei Luo, and asked with some concern.

Because he knows that now Lei Luo has Shi Lei's mother Lei in Lei Luo's body, if he is not careful, unimaginable consequences will erupt.

As for Lei Luo, he said it's okay: "Don't worry, I'm an old man, I'm still a little bit capable, and the Ling Leiming clan is quite obedient, so I didn't hesitate long, so I gave it to me."


Hearing what Lei Luo said so easily, it was rare for Mu Bai not to answer.

After all, he is not stupid. Although Lei Luo didn't elaborate, Mu Bai knew that there must be many things involved.

You must know that the Purple Thunder Crystal of Desolation is not a Chinese cabbage. If you can get it, you can get it. Apart from Lei Luo's power, there are other transactions.

Besides, the Lingleiming clan is not a small race. They are also very famous on the border of the human race's southern region, with a hundred and eight people in the southern region, Leiming dominates alone.

It is conceivable that among the many races on the southern border of the human race, the Lingleiming clan can be ranked first, so how can they dominate if they have nothing.

"That. Thank you."

In the end, Mu Bai still held up the spar and thanked Lei Luo, he was not pretentious, he needed this thing, at worst, he would just use it in the future.

He still owes this favor.

And now, he owes Bingxuan and the others even greater favors.

It doesn't matter if there are too many debts, Mu Bai said it doesn't matter.

"Hey, it's rare. In the past three months, you finally said something human. It's not bad. It's not in vain that I have been torn between the old bastard of the Ling Leiming clan for so long."

For Mu Bai's thanks, Lei Luo didn't care at all, and at the same time was quite surprised that Mu Bai would actually thank him.


Alright, I take back my thanks.

Then Mu Bai glanced at him speechlessly, then withdrew his gaze: "So I thank you, remember the previous agreement."

"I saw that, that, and that."

While saying this, Mu Bai also pointed to the thunderbolts in the sky, he would point to one every time he said one.

And every time he said something, Lei Luo's heart couldn't help but tremble.

Finally seeing Mu Bai lighting up the thunder here, he couldn't help but stopped and interrupted: "Okay, wait until you awaken your supernatural powers, your ancestor has a bad heart right now, so don't scare me."

After finishing speaking, Lei Luo didn't say anything more, but planned to leave directly, and didn't care about it.

But in the middle of the walk, he suddenly stopped: "I heard that you awakened the wind breath supernatural power, not long after you awakened your spiritual power. This time you said before that you want to awaken the thunder, and I will give you the things."

"But don't be stressed. Supernatural powers depend on talent and timing. Although you have talent, it's useless if you don't have the right timing."

"You should familiarize yourself with it in the past few days, and I will reorganize the training plan for you. Of course, it would be the best if you can awaken the supernatural power of thunder."

After finishing speaking, Lei Luo didn't care whether Mu Bai responded or not, and left on his own, with an indescribably chic figure.

"This old man."

Seeing this, Mubai muttered, and didn't say that you wait for me to wake up immediately to show you, but held tight vigilance, planning to try it later.

Anyway, he is a member of the human race, no matter how evil he behaves, the ancestors will not say anything.

At most, it was just surprise. He had seen this kind of situation in front of many people.

Then I saw Mu Bai throwing the Purple Thunder Crystal of Desolation, and turned to look at Jueying: "Old Ying, what do you think Old Man Lei took this time, and exchanged it for it?"


Hearing Mubai's words, Jueying was a little speechless for a while, but soon he realized: "Why do you care about these things, you can use it, if others don't know."

"But Mubai, I believe that no matter how many resources you put on you, it's still worth it."

"You, and the young master, are definitely the future kings of our human race!"

"Bi Tongcheng, and that granddaughter of Starlings, you are worthy of all investment."

Perhaps because he didn't want Mu Bai to have too much psychological burden, Jueying spoke out his true thoughts, which also included that the ancestor planned to sacrifice the lives of several galaxies to help Mu Bai keep it a secret for a while.

Already Lei Luo was willing to be born to attract attention.


Mubai didn't understand what Jueying meant, but he was holding the spar tightly, slowly lifting it to his head, and then looked up at it.

"Hehe, let's kill more in this battle of ten thousand races!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai did not have the previous cynicism at all, the bone-chilling chill in his eyes, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth, Jue Ying couldn't help but palpitate when he saw it.

Next, because Lei Luo went to make a new plan, it was rare for Mu Bai not to race against Lei, and he was sitting on the edge of the lotus platform, waiting for the morning to arrive.

Holding the Purple Thunder Crystal of Desolation in his hand, he was humming a song that was popular among the human race recently.

It's not that he was particular about refining the Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal until early in the morning, but after the previous two awakenings, Mu Bai knew that once he wanted to refine this, he had to hand in skill points.

It turned out that in those two times, one was the wind crystal, and the other was the reverse scale of the polar snake. They didn't use many skill points, and they only used the previous skill points.

Only this time, probably because the material is too powerful, it needs a full 200,000 skill points.

If it was before, Mu Bai didn't think it mattered, but this time he used up all his skill points in order to break through to the seventh level of spiritual power. Even after a few days, his skill points were only 160,000 to 70,000, just waiting for a new day .

This will have to wait until the early morning.

As for why he didn't refine it by himself, it's because of Mubaitu's convenience. If he has space, he can prepare to accept the awakening after breaking it down and playing for two or three days.

Instead of meditating there and then refining, after this set of procedures, if the talent is mediocre, it will not be able to get it within a month or two.

Even Shuangxue took a week to wake up.

Therefore, Mu Bai, who is short on time now, doesn't have so much time to spend on awakening.

What's more, there is a simple method, why make it so complicated.

At this moment, Mu Bai, who was humming, paused, the song that was about to hum quickly stopped, and the corner of his mouth raised: "It's time!"

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