I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 857 Awakening: Success

As soon as the morning arrived, Mu Bai's laziness just now disappeared.

Then he glanced at Jueying who was guarding him next to him, and immediately he didn't care, he held the Purple Thunder Crystal with both hands, and his consciousness entered the space.

But Jueying on the side didn't realize it, just thought that Mu Bai had started refining.

He was also very curious. He had seen Mubai's cultivation and spiritual breakthroughs before, and he made a breakthrough when he said it.

So regarding supernatural powers, he wanted to know whether Mu Bai could continue his legend and keep what he said.


On the other hand, Mu Bai was completely unaware of Jueying's curiosity. After entering the space, he accepted all the skill points as before, and walked in front of the light curtain.

Looking at his inventory, Mu Bai saw the Desolate Purple Thunder Crystal, without hesitation immediately, with a touch of his hand, a pop-up window appeared.

Is it decomposed?

Seeing this, Mu Bai was naturally no stranger, after looking at the familiar command interface for a while, he clicked on Decomposition.

This is true whether it is the first time he uses the polar snake's anti-armor or the second wind crystal.

Just after he pressed it, a new pop-up window appeared, which was the prompt that just rejected him.

Decomposition requires 200,000 points, do you want to continue?

Looking at the big continuation below, and his skill points of just over 200,000 on the interface, Mu Bai straightened himself up and clicked immediately.

"call out!"

Then he saw that the skill points were deducted, and a new pop-up window appeared with a three-day countdown.


After counting everything, Mu Bai also let out a sigh of relief, he was no stranger to this countdown, and then he rubbed his hands.

"According to the normal situation, there are still three days left, and you will be a person with three senses."

Thinking of the three senses, Mu Bai couldn't help feeling excited, because he knew that in the universe, many talented people had double senses.

However, there are very few supernatural powers of the three senses.

Taking the intelligence of the geniuses who participated in the massacre of ten thousand races that Mu Bai had obtained before, those people in the ninth level of Nirvana are all double-awakened, and no one is triple-awakened.

As for the others, they have not yet reached the three awakenings.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to awaken the supernatural power three times with the seventh level of mental power.

So once Mu Bai awakened, not to mention, his supernatural powers alone would be enough to stand at the top level of this battle of ten thousand races.

Of course, he has supernatural powers, as long as his subsequent cultivation does not stretch his hips, he is very confident in this battle of ten thousand races.

At the same time, after Mu Bai clicked to disintegrate, he saw the purple thunder crystal of obscurity that was originally dragged by him slowly float up, and finally parallel to his forehead.

Lei Jing floated, exuding brilliant light, seemed to be attracted by Mu Bai's forehead, and submerged into Mu Bai's forehead.

Then I saw that the Lei Jing submerged in Mu Bai's body was connected by a red line that appeared somewhere, and at the same time, a little bit of energy slowly flowed from the place where the two connected to the place where the red line appeared.

It seems that it is absorbing the essence of this obsolete purple thunder crystal.

"Then there's nothing else to do, I'll go out first."

In the end, seeing that there was nothing that needed his attention, Mu Bai directly highlighted the space.

As soon as he exited the space, Mu Bai opened his eyes, and seemed to feel a burning gaze looking at him.

This made him a little uncomfortable, but he still got up calmly and coughed lightly: "Old Ying, why are you looking at me like this, and if you do this again, I have to doubt that you said there is someone you like."

"It's to lower your vigilance and plot against me."


Mu Bai's words made Jueying look at him instantly, a little speechless, but Jueying didn't seem to intend to get too entangled in this aspect.

After the initial sluggishness, he shook off the resentment in Bian Jiang's heart, and looked at Mu Bai in a daze.

"I just saw the Purple Thunder Crystal of Desolation sinking into your body, is this awakening?"

After getting along for so many days, Jueying still knows Mu Bai's character more or less, and knows how to ask him questions without beating around the bush.

If he encounters something he doesn't want to say, he will change the subject.

"Oh? You're actually interested in this."

Hearing Jueying's words, Mu Bai didn't know why, and looked at him playfully, but he didn't hide anything, after all, Jueying was no accident, and he would be by his side for many years in the future.

For this kind of person, apart from things like space that he can't detect, he can't hide everything else.

So after teasing him, Mu Bai chuckled immediately: "It's half awakened, it will be almost done in a few days."

Faced with this situation of decomposition, Mu Bai didn't know what to say to him, so he developed a new vocabulary, version awakening.

Awakening is awakening, not awakening is not awakening.

Where did the half-awakened come from? !

Obviously, for the new vocabulary developed by Mu Bai, Awakening obviously felt that he was being perfunctory, and immediately responded with a blank stare: "Are you sure you didn't make fun of me?"


Space Mubai naturally wouldn't say it out loud, so after hearing Jueying's words, he raised his hands very firmly to make a comparison.

"Don't worry, I will be among the geniuses currently recorded in the data, and the only one who has slept three times recently."

"In a few days, see the outcome!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai didn't say anything more, and walked towards his resting place.

After finally being able to rest for a few days, he felt that it should not be wasted. He had been living a tense life for the past few months and needed to relax.

For example, sleep for a day and a night first.

Of course, in the end, Mu Bai's small goal of sleeping for a day and a night was obviously not realized, because two people would appear in front of him from time to time and ask him to cook.

But cultivation is indeed not as wild as before. For three consecutive days, he only did basic cultivation.

During this period, Lei Luo came to him once, and after learning that he was fused with the Purple Thunder Crystal of Desolation, he also asked the same question as Jue Ying.

Naturally, Mu Bai didn't favor one over another, and responded with the same words as Jue Ying.

Immediately, Delei Luo was astonished, but at the same time, he was looking forward to it, hoping that Mu Bai would really be able to awaken the supernatural power of thunder.

But after he asked, he didn't mention it any more, but planned to wait for new news from Mu Bai.

He didn't say anything, naturally he didn't want to add psychological pressure to Mu Bai.

After all, he knows that awakening supernatural powers, even if Mu Bai has the talent for awakening thunder shadow supernatural powers, has a success or failure rate.

Under such circumstances, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

This day, at the old place again, Mu Bai sat on the edge of the lotus platform, looking at the Thunder Forest below, and heard the roar of beasts coming from the forest from time to time.

But at this time, his attention was not here, but counting down the time.

At the beginning, Mu Bai seemed to feel nothing, but as the countdown approached, he felt that everything was going by so slowly.

The first time he awakened the supernatural powers, because he didn't understand, so he didn't have a strong sense of expectation, and his state was very ignorant.

The second time he awakened the magical power of the wind element, he can be said to be an old driver, but because he didn't know the rules, he was completely ignorant at that time.

So for the third time, after confirming the rules, he was full of anticipation for the upcoming awakening.

And not far away from him, Jueying and Lei Luo stood where he could not see, and were about to come forward to talk to him.

Suddenly they stopped and looked towards Mu Bai's direction, because they felt that the star power there suddenly became violent.



Seeing this scene, Lei Luo glanced at the churning thunder in the sky, stopped Jueying who wanted to go forward, and then looked at Mu Bai in disbelief: "It seems that he is really awakening."


"call out!"

Just after his words fell, Mu Bai's original gaze changed and he directly entered the space.

"Is the countdown over?"

Seeing this, Mu Bai looked around, and found that it was still a space he was familiar with, and then looked at the purple light group that came out in front of him.

"This is Thunder?"

The wind element is light green, the time is purple-gold, and the thunder is purple.

After seeing this purple light ball, Mu Bai, who had experienced it twice, knew that it was the light ball that had been awakened, so he immediately laughed and reached out to touch it.

"call out!"

Immediately, he felt a pulling force, and he was pulled into the purple light ball without any resistance.

Endless void, boundless.

Mu Bai quickly reacted to his sudden appearance here, except for the initial discomfort.

Immediately he stood in the void, looking around.

"ZiZiZi!" "ZiZiZi!" "ZiZiZi!".

Following his line of sight, he saw that the originally dark void suddenly appeared full of thunder and countless thunder particles.

These thunders and particles seemed to sense his presence, and finally rushed towards Mubai.

For such a situation, Mu Bai didn't panic, instead he stood there calmly, waiting for them to rush into his body.

One strand, two strands.

Particles of star power are integrated into arms and organs.

Finally, just after the star power particles covered his whole body, the spiritual world in Mu Bai's forehead suddenly burst out with a strong suction force, absorbing all the thunder from the outside world into it.

At the same time, after the first ray of thunder entered his spiritual power world, he saw the purple-gold light cluster in his spiritual power world and absorbed it.

In the next second, you can see that the wind power that was originally floating around the light group has a little more power of thunder.

At the beginning, the power of thunder was not enough, so it was hard to see.

But as more and more thunders entered Mu Bai's body, and the light group absorbed them, finally the power of those thunders could be clearly seen.

Moreover, under such changes, many thunders appeared everywhere in Mu Bai's spiritual power world.

In the outside world, due to Mu Bai's breakthrough and the particularity of his awakened supernatural power, Lei Ting, who was originally quiet in the air, suddenly became turbulent.

"Boom!" "Boom!".

Thunder surged all over the sky, and countless thunder bombarded the ground, bringing a series of attacks and explosions.

Seeing this scene, Lei Luo couldn't believe it, but actually smiled.

"Hahaha, Mu Bai, you've awakened."


Laughter spread throughout the endless thunder field, and even the sound of thunder in the sky was compared to it.

ps: Thank you reader Master ZK for your reward.

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