I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 881 Use the name of the white fox to dye this place red

"arctic fox!"

"He's a white fox!"

"Oh my god, he's actually in the forest in the East District, you have to inform people!"

At this time, it was not only Mo Zhang who was fighting against him, but also his friends who could see Mu Bai's face clearly.

With the help of the huge sparks generated by the explosion, several people finally saw his face clearly. They were very familiar with the blue and white fox face.

Although it was the first time, they all had the image of Mu Bai wearing a fox face in their hands.

So soon, one of them used his own means to notify others.

Because they know that the human race and the white fox are the first choice for all races to kill this time, and the rewards are amazing.

But what makes them feel pity is that they can't get this huge reward.

"Oh? I finally recognized it, my charm that has nowhere to put it."

Hearing Mo Zhang's exclamation at this time, Mu Bai couldn't help teasing him, and at the same time he also noticed the few octopus tribe members who were notifying others.

But he didn't stop him, instead he let them notify.

This was part of his plan. He planned to use himself as a bait to attract more people, and use his strength to kill those aliens who wanted to attack him.

Even if he can't win in the future, he is confident that he can escape with the speed of his full strength, and then use means to cover up the mark of his integrator.

But those are all future plans, what he wants now is to use his appearance to muddy the water here.

In this regard, he considers himself to be his forte.

After all, he got full marks for the skill of stirring the shit stick.

"Haha, you are dead, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

He didn't care about Mu Bai's words, but after getting Mu Bai's acknowledgment, the Mo Zhang's tone seemed very crazy, all the tentacles suddenly surged, flying in the air to kill Mu Bai.

"Don't you know that all ethnic groups are looking for you now, are they going crazy? I just have to hold you back, hahaha!"

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

As he said that, Mo Zhang manipulated the tentacles and launched a series of attacks on Mu Bai.

"Oh, I know."

While dodging Mo Zhang's attack, Mu Bai was still answering, his tone seemed very relaxed, I saw him dodging left and right among the tentacles, without taking any damage.

"But so what, if you can't reach it, just kill it!"

After saying this, a golden light flashed on Mu Bai's body suddenly, and the flame of the Prison Sword surged wildly in his hand: "Extremely Killing Yujian·Heyi!"


Then I saw that after his move, his whole body was filled with sword energy, rushing towards the surrounding tentacles, and above his flame prison, an ordinary sword intent killed Mo Zhang.

"Pu Chi!" "Pu Chi!" "Pu Chi!".

The sword energy shot out, and in just a moment, Mo Zhang's tentacles attacking Mu Bai were divided into countless sections, the tentacles fell from the air, and finally hit the ground.


The pain of breaking the tentacles made De Mozhang couldn't help screaming, and at the same time he saw that the sword energy that Mu Bai swung was already in front of him.

Seeing this, he quickly spat out a jet of water to resist, but just after coming into contact with that sword energy.


Suddenly, the sword qi erupted into a sky-shattering aura, and the speed and power were increased countless times with the help of the sword spirit Zangfeng.

In just a split second, the jet of water sprayed out by Mo Zhang was pierced by Mu Bai's sword energy.


Seeing that his attack did not stop Mu Bai's sword energy, and that the sword energy suddenly burst out with palpitating power, Mo Zhang was shocked.

But before he could react, the sword energy directly passed through his huge octopus head and hit the ground.


When the sword energy landed, a huge mushroom cloud immediately exploded behind him, Mo Zhang froze at this moment, and then looked at Mu Bai and fell down with a bang, lifeless.

"Oh, let me just say, the time return is one hundred and ninety-two times, if you don't believe me, I can't take you down."

Looking at the beheaded Mo Zhang, Mu Bai touched the Flame Prison, felt the coldness on it, and couldn't help laughing.

In this battle, he can be said to have tried most of the martial arts except for Wushuang · Forbidden Martial Arts, and at the same time, he also had a superficial understanding of his own time.

Nirvana Realm Yae is not his opponent, Jiu Zhong still needs to compete again.

Thinking of this, he looked at the three octopus people who had been on the edge of the OB, his eyes flashed coldly.


Seeming to sense the killing intent in his eyes, those members of the octopus tribe immediately turned pale with fright, but no one knew who said something, and then they fled in all directions.

"Hehe, can you run away?"

Seeing this, Mu Bai sucked at the two corpses lying on the ground, and sucked their scorer into his hands. After taking the points into his hands, his original score changed from more than two hundred to more than three hundred in an instant. .

"It seems that this group of people killed a lot of people on the road."

Seeing the increase in points that add up to almost one hundred, Mu Bai looked in the direction of the three fleeing people, and licked the tip of his tongue: "I don't have the habit of letting go of prey!"

"call out!"

Then I saw him leave a fox head mark on the ground, and the next moment he shot out, chasing after the three of them.

"What?! So fast!"

At this time, one of the octopus clan members couldn't help exclaiming when he heard the sound of breaking through the air, and as he looked, he also saw that the distance between the two was getting closer at a speed visible to the naked eye. Let him tremble with fear.

"Run, run, run!, run!"

Seeing this scene, he didn't have any other thoughts, he just wanted to make himself faster, faster.

As for resistance, he didn't care, because he saw that his leader couldn't withstand Mu Bai's few moves, so he didn't think he could defeat it.


"It's easy for me to chase!"

After a while, Mu Bai caught up with him, took advantage of his unpreparedness and cut him in half with a sword, took away his points, left the mark of a fox head, then dodged away and chased the next target.

The remaining two were also killed by him in the same way, but he wasted some time chasing the last one.

Because that octopus clan is at the sixth level of Nirvana Realm, and its body skills are not bad, Mu Bai chased it for thousands of miles before beheading it.

Fortunately, the time-consuming was very short, killing five of them took less than ten minutes in total.

The five people contributed nearly 200 points to Mubai, making Mubai's points close to 400, and the light that radiated became even brighter.

At the same time, these people also provided a lot of resources, but Mu Bai was useless, because for him, although these things were useful, he didn't need them.


After dealing with the remaining three people, Mu Bai let out a sigh of relief, then his figure flashed, he looked around, and found that there seemed to be another mark in the sky, and he showed a cruel smile: "Someone is here again!"

"call out!"

The next moment, his figure spurted out, and with great energy, he disappeared.

Just a few hours after he left here, suddenly hundreds of figures flashed over quickly. The integrators of each of these hundred people exuded a light red light, and their aura was very strong, and the lowest was at the eighth level of Nirvana.

I saw the leader exuding the mighty aura of the ninth level of Nirvana, with a mysterious mark on his forehead, and several tentacles behind him were flickering rapidly.

"This is where the message was sent. It seems that the battle is over."

Speaking of this, the man sensed his surroundings, and suddenly saw a huge group of corpses, which flashed past, and after seeing him leave, several of them gestured to hundreds of people behind them, and then flashed past.

"Mo Zhang."

With just one glance, he recognized who the corpse was. It was a relatively well-known rising star of their octopus clan. He walked forward to check it out, and the leader said to the person behind him, "Dead!"

"It should be the work of the white fox. I didn't expect that he is so strong now that he can kill people at the seventh level of Nirvana."

Hearing the leader's words, behind him a thinner Octopus clansman holding a strange spear walked to the mark left by Mu Bai.

"Look, this should be left by the white fox. He is here, the letter of war?"


Hearing this man's words, the others looked at the fox head mark one after another, and their faces became extremely ugly in an instant.

In their view, this is undoubtedly not a demonstration by the white fox.

"There are signs of time supernatural powers, it should be the white fox!"

The leader, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to the fox head mark. He just looked around the battle scene and felt the fluctuation of time magic power, so he was sure that it was the white fox.

At the same time, he couldn't understand what Mu Bai wanted to do, because in his opinion, Mu Bai would definitely not show up so blatantly when he knew that he would be hunted down by various clans.

"What the hell is this white fox doing!"

Thinking of this, he began to meditate, as if he was wondering what Mu Bai's purpose was for doing this.

"Head, whatever he is doing, this time we have a dozen or so Nirvana Ninth Levels and hundreds of Nirvana Level Nine Levels chasing him, where else can he go!"

"That's right, the news reported here just now said that he is only at the fourth level of Nirvana. Even if he can kill the seventh level of Nirvana, it doesn't matter. None of us here is below the eighth level of Nirvana."

"Yeah, boss, what do you say?"

At this time, the people who came with them couldn't help talking anxiously when they saw his face in deep thought.

Obviously, in their opinion, even if the white fox can kill the seventh level of Nirvana, it can't beat so many of them.

Therefore, they wanted to kill the white fox first while not many people knew about it. They were very greedy for the terrifying reward.

"Divide the troops."

Hearing the words of the people who followed him, the leader of the hundreds of octopus clan glanced at them, and then ordered: "This time, including me, we have a total of fifteen Nirvana Ninth Level."

"The Nirvana Realm Ninth Layer will lead the team, and each of them will lead more than 20 people to search in the Forest of Eternal Night, trying to win this bounty before others know the news of the white fox's arrival!"


Hearing this, the members of the octopus tribe were overjoyed, and then followed his order, each leading the people to choose a direction to search for Mu Bai.

And in the forest tens of thousands of miles away, Mu Bai was standing on top of the ruins, and the integrator in his hand had jumped to more than four hundred.

"Hehe, the points of this team are a bit low!"

Glancing at the watch with a slightly brighter light, Mu Bai said something helpless, then left a fox head imprint on the ground, looked for a direction, and headed there.

He plans to use the name of the white fox to dye this place red in the next period of time.

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