I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 882 The first step of 882: Initial results.

At night, under the cover of the Forest of Eternal Night, a figure was sitting and resting on a huge dense tree.

I saw that this man was wearing a blue and red fox face, and his blood was surging, and his aura was rising steadily.

This person is exactly Mu Bai.

It has been more than half a month since Mu Bai put on the fox face, during this period, he also perfectly carried out his previous plan.


Killing is used to attract the attention of other races, except for the octopus race at the beginning, Mu Bai has successively killed people of no less than 20 races during this period of time.

Because of this, his points quickly exceeded one thousand, and the light red light on the scorer had turned bright red.

This caused him to take action to cover up the radiance, but once he wanted to act, he would remove the cover and let his own radiance bloom.

It can also be regarded as a way to lure the enemy and announce his arrival.

There are more than a dozen races, like the octopus race, sending people to trouble him, but the news of him has not been spread.

In half a month, hundreds of aliens, big and small, died at his hands. During this period, there were two Nirvana Ninth Levels, but they were not in the list given by Xiong Kuohai.

It is a very common Nirvana Realm Ninth Layer, and Mu Bai didn't have much difficulty in dealing with it, but he also paid a price.

This also gave him some understanding of his present time.

Being able to squeeze into the echelon of the ninth level of Nirvana Realm, the strength is a little below the top of the pyramid, but the agility is at the top. At the same time, this is also the basis for his troubles in the Forest of Eternal Night.

With the explosive speed of Takong, plus the bonuses of Time Return, Wushuang·Rage, and Wings of Wild Dance, his speed has already exceeded the limit of the Ninth Layer of Nirvana.

But there are still many big gaps from the Immortal Realm, but that's enough.

With his speed, he no longer knows how much he has taken advantage of.

The reason why he was not as fast as the alien who was chasing him at the beginning was because he didn't use all the bonuses. As a result, when he broke out at full speed later, the alien stopped.

"Phew, according to the situation of cultivating and accumulating skill points at the same time, it may take another month before I can break through the fifth level of Nirvana."

I don't know how long he has been practicing, Mu Bai broke away from the cultivation state, and at the same time he still sighed in his heart.

Now he needs 50 million skill points to break through the fifth level of Nirvana Realm. During this period, he practiced by himself, and the time return was 384 times used, and his cultivation base increased rapidly.

If he only uses himself to practice, he may be able to break through in three or four months.

Of course, all of this is when he doesn't use the skill points. Once the skill points are used, the time will be greatly reduced.

Now Mubai has more than 300,000 skill points in the account every day, he has been here for more than half a month, plus some leftovers from before, now it has steadily exceeded 20 million.

That's why he was so sure that he would be able to break through in another month. If he calculated it this way, it was just right.

"It's just a pity. If there is more time, don't open it here in a year. In only half a year, I have the hope of breaking through to the ninth level of Nirvana."

Thinking of skill points, Mu Bai felt rather pity.

In fact, when he was practicing with Lei Luo before, at the very beginning, he gained nearly 70,000 to 80,000 skill points per day, all of which had to be added with the double effects of Time Return and Tier 9 pills.

As a result, after he broke through the fifth level of time magic power half a year later, his daily skill points exceeded 200,000, which lasted for more than a year and a half.

Among them, in the first few months before the opening of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, Mu Bai broke through to the sixth level due to his time supernatural power. Before he developed it, his daily skill points had exceeded 700,000.

But this kind of happiness didn't last long before he broke through, and then his skill points dropped straight down every day until he reached the fourth level of Nirvana, and his daily skill points dropped to hundreds of thousands.

Now there are more than 300,000 yuan, and after he broke through, he asked Jueying to help him get a customized version of the load-bearing instrument and slowly raised it.

There is no way, as the cultivation base increases, the skill points that can be generated are less, in order to prevent this situation, Mu Bai can only increase the exercise effect with a load-bearing instrument.

"I have to work hard, I hope to return to the state of 700,000 a day soon!"

Thinking of this, Mu Bai moved his fingers, then stood up, removed the covering light, and a blood-red mark instantly appeared in the night sky. At the same time, he was still looking around, as if looking for prey.

"Although I am not slow to cultivate myself now, I need too many skill points!"

While talking, Mu Bai suddenly saw a mark approaching in the distance, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Afterwards, he stomped on his footsteps, and instead of avoiding and fighting, he took out his own flame prison and rushed over quickly.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!".

Because the two sides consciously approached each other, they met in the woods not long after.

And following the meeting, the gushing star power of Mubai Yan Prison stopped abruptly, and he himself stood still, completely dissipating the momentum from his body.

"arctic fox!!!"

Before he could speak, the people who came over there all looked at him in surprise, with surprise and joy in their eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Bai nodded: "Well, hello."

After he finished speaking, he didn't go to those who came over, but at the same time asked them: "Why are you here? The place blocked by our human race is not here."

That's right, the person who appeared in front of Mu Bai now is a member of the human race.

There are three people in total, two men and one woman, one of the ninth level of Nirvana and two of the eighth level of Nirvana.

"We are not people who go to the seventh district, but come from the seventh district."

Hearing this, the Nirvana Realm Nirvana Jiuzhong who took the lead smiled wryly and shook his head. At the same time, the mechanical armor he was wearing all over his body was also removed when he answered Mu Bai.

"You haven't said who I am yet."

Then after he answered Mu Bai, he suddenly thought of something and started to introduce: "Hello Baihu, I'm Zhang Yuan."

"This one is Mu Yuanyuan, and that one is Mu Qing!"

"Hello Baihu, I'm Mu Yuanyuan!"

"Hello White Fox, I'm Mu Qing!"

Just after Zhang Yuan's introduction, the two people behind him came forward to say hello to Mu Bai.

At the same time, their eyes were still looking up and down at Mu Bai.

They all want to see what is so magical about this legendary white fox.

When they were looking at Mu Bai, Mu Bai was also looking at them. They saw that one was black and the other white, and they looked quite alike. short cone.

Mu Qing, on the other hand, was dressed in a black robe and held a pair of knives. His appearance was relatively cold, and he just nodded when he met Mu Bai's eyes.

"Well, hello, I'm Baihu!"

At this time, after looking at the two of them, Mu Bai also greeted them, put the sword away and walked forward: "Zhang Yuan, you said you came from the seventh district, what is the matter?"

Regarding the situation of the human race, Mu Bai only knew that he was uncomfortable.

After all, he has been doing trouble in the Forest of Eternal Night for more than half a month, but he often hears those foreigners talking about it, and the stronghold standing in the seventh district is in danger.

Few newcomers came over, and few people were intercepted outside, resulting in a lack of personnel.

It is said that many races have joined forces, saying that they will drive the human race out of the seventh district as soon as possible.

It is precisely because of this that Mu Bai these days, apart from seeing them on the road blocked by the human race, there is no one in other places.

So I was a little curious to hear how many people came from the seventh district.

At the same time, he also signaled a few people to cover up the light emitted by the integrator, and then continued: "Let's talk, there is no one around for the time being. I have heard that the life of the human race is not easy these days."


Hearing that Zhang Yuan sighed, Mu Qing and Mu Yuanyuan behind him couldn't help bowing their heads.

After sighing for a while, Zhang Yuan looked at Mu Bai: "Under normal circumstances, we would not come here now, but during this time, some of our spies discovered that more than a dozen races have sent hundreds of Nirvana People above the eighth level of the realm come to the Forest of Eternal Night."

"One or two, I still think it's nothing, but now there are more than a dozen, and they will break through twenty soon, which has attracted the attention of all parties."

"So our commander, let us take a look."

While talking, Zhang Yuan looked around: "We encountered many alien races along the way, but we avoided them all."

"White Fox, come with us later, you don't know, if those races know about your arrival, they will definitely come back and kill you!"

Seeing Mu Bai at this time, Zhang Yuan even forgot the mission of coming over to investigate, and wanted to take him directly to a safe place.

After all, as people of the same race, Zhang Yuan can still distinguish between righteousness and righteousness when dealing with the outside world.

What's more, he has no enmity with Mu Bai, so naturally he has no reason to harm him, even now in front of the national honor, he still takes the initiative to care about Mu Bai.

"Oh, thank you for your kindness."

Hearing this, Mubai understood the consciousness of Zhang Yuan and others coming over, in the final analysis, it was the fault he induced.

Mu Bai didn't hide this, and after thanking him, he chuckled and said, "If you're here to investigate this, then Zhang Yuan, you can take the news back."

"These people came to kill me, but they just wanted to take the reward for killing me, and they didn't make it public!"

When he said this, a smile flashed across Mu Bai's eyes.

These alien races really follow my path.

In fact, this is Mu Bai's first step to stir up trouble: kill!

Of course, he did not kill indiscriminately, but selectively. He found some small and medium-sized races. After killing their people, he gave them a chance to pass the news back.

In this case, those people of small and medium races, due to their own lack of resources, will choose to swallow and hide it after facing the huge bounty offered by him.

As for the people of those big races, Mu Bai directly killed them without any possibility of sending back news.

This led to suspicion and gaps among these races, just like Zhang Yuan and others came to investigate now.

For such a thing, Mu Bai dared to bet that it was definitely not a human race.

Other races also sent people over at this time.

Only when he felt that things were developing as he expected, did Mu Bai smile: "The first step: initial results."

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