I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 102 Shocking! (Third update, additional update for 3,000 monthly tickets!)

"In the context of the financial crisis, overseas markets have been severely damaged."

"Our impact is smaller, but compared with last year, foreign trade business fell by 26.3%..."

"We in China are a large open country that relies 60% on foreign trade. Under such a severe situation, our foreign trade industry can be said to have encountered an unprecedented crisis!"

"The way the United States responds is to release water. Although releasing water is to save the market, it will make the whole world pay for it. The US dollar is still the leader in globalization..."

"Not only has the export volume of the foreign trade industry been cut in half, but profits have plummeted. Economic recovery must be what the country needs to do in the future."

"In order to prevent China's economy from getting into trouble due to the impact of the general environment, the country must open up a new path while tightening its belt. This path is to stimulate domestic demand..."


In the office.

Zhang Sheng sat opposite Shen Yi, flipping through the information and explaining its meaning to him.

Shen Yi had a gentle smile on his face at first, as if he was watching something interesting, but in the end, the smile gradually turned serious. Even when Zhang Sheng said the words "domestic demand", Shen Yi's pupils suddenly A moment of condensation.

He stared at Zhang Sheng, his voice almost forced out of his throat: "Who told you all this!"

There was an instant sense of chill in the air.

The oppressive atmosphere reverberated throughout the office, and Shen Yi felt a chill down his spine and a cold feeling all over his body.

This is……

Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce reached a final conclusion during a meeting.

Facing Shen Yi's eyes, Zhang Sheng just smiled and was not affected at all: "These are public information on the Internet. If I consider it from a leadership level, this should be the next move..."

Shen Yi's face softened a little, but there was still no expression on his face. He opened the information and looked at it. Finally, he settled on the last few pages of the plan and saw the words "Home Appliances Going to the Countryside".

He turned the page again...

Seeing Zhang Sheng explain the term "home appliances to the countryside", after reading it, something suddenly occurred to him, and he raised his head and stared at Zhang Sheng.

"In Teacher Tang's planning book, the sentence "The countryside surrounds the city" means this?"

"Yes, in cities, many electric vehicles are already saturated, but in rural areas, especially in some remote countryside, the market for electric vehicles is still very large. We need to open up the market there..."

"The plan you wrote is to make the battery..."

"Yes, I hope that our Teacher Tang's battery can take a ride on the national policy!"

"Then how do you solve the battery car problem? The battery needs to be equipped with a battery car. Zhang Sheng, I tried to talk to some brands, but those brands are unlikely to use Teacher Tang's batteries... Also, Zhang Sheng, I know you Very smart, but I hope you can understand that it is impossible for me to use some rights on the Internet to make some brands do some mandatory things. This is a red line and I cannot step on it..." Shen Yi stared at Zhang Sheng, his expression even more serious. serious.

"Teacher Shen, I never meant to let you step on the red line..."

"Then what do you mean..."

"Teacher Tang will look for some battery car brands that cannot survive in big cities. I will work with Teacher Tang to screen the cost-effectiveness of these battery car brands. At that time, we can conduct various commercial and technological tests to let us integrate the battery cars." The brand is more environmentally friendly and safer..." Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi said nothing, just flipping through the information.

Zhang Sheng was not in a hurry. He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Time passed little by little. About ten minutes later, Shen Yi closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows.

He sighed: "Can you write a more detailed plan in your plan? Every time you write it halfway, let us guess by ourselves?"

"Teacher Shen, I would like to take the liberty to ask if there is such a project at Master's side?"

"These are not issues that you should be concerned about, Zhang Sheng. In this case, don't hide it. Give me a detailed plan, do it carefully, and give it to me tomorrow..."

"I can give it to you tonight..."


Zhang Sheng drank the tea, a smile appeared on his lips, then bent down and put away the planning book and information.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he saw Shen Yi sigh again: "Zhang Sheng..."

"Teacher Shen?"

"I really want to know what is in your head. I want to pry it open and take a look!"

"Teacher Shen, you don't need to pry open, I can tell you now..."


"My mind is filled with blazing dreams like a torrent of steel!"




It is raining again.

heavy rain.

Ah K walked to the gate of Yanshihua with a guitar on his back and an umbrella. He explained his purpose to the security guard.

But the security guard refused to let him in.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Zhang Sheng's number, but after dialing for a long time, no one answered Zhang Sheng's call.


He could only stand at the door and wait.

The rain did not stop at night, but became thicker and denser.

Like a sculpture, he stood under the eaves and looked at the hazy scene in the rain.

He has received similar rejections countless times.

Some come from record companies, some from entertainment companies, or some higher-end recording studios...

He looked up at the dark clouds in the sky.

Under the sky, people become smaller and smaller, as small as a grain of dust, as if blown away by the wind or washed away by the rain.

He smiled to himself.

After living in a mixed society for so many years, he actually believed that a student would spend 20,000 yuan to buy his songs.

Is there a funnier joke in the world than this?

The patter of rain suddenly made him feel extremely depressed.

No matter how bright the flame of his dream was, the repeated washing by the rain, the repeated deception, and the dignity pressed to the ground reminded him time and time again to give up.

He began to feel discouraged.

But he didn't leave.

Time passed little by little, from five o'clock in the evening to seven o'clock, and from seven o'clock to nine o'clock.

Students are coming one after another...

Looking at him like a monkey, and whispering to the people around him, he simply put down his guitar, and under the stunned eyes of the security guard, he ran into the rain and started playing and singing while soaking in the rain.

There were more students watching, and among the discussions, some thought he was crazy, some thought he was lovelorn, and some thought he was proving something.

But he didn't care. On the contrary, his inspiration became better and better. He was drenched by the rain, but he still played the song that no one cared about.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

The students gradually dispersed.

The rain also stopped.

Being soaked all over, he felt that he might have been tricked again.

But he was not upset, he just reminded himself not to be discouraged just because of this time.

Even if you are deceived a hundred times, you will never be deceived once!

Even if he is deceived a hundred times, there will still be a hundred and one times, as long as he can still eat and play the guitar.


How can it be so easy?

He suddenly felt proud of his perseverance and burst into laughter.

It was a kind of soaring pride.

He carried the guitar on his back, touched his long hair, glanced at Yan Shihua, then turned around and left.

My mind is full of songs composed of those emotions just now.

no name……

But it was very profound and unforgettable to him.

He memorized these songs...

Just as he was about to leave, his phone finally vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw the student's number.

He answered the phone immediately.

"Look towards the school gate!"

He turned his head suddenly, and then saw a young man standing calmly beside the communication room at the school gate, looking at him.

He was stunned.

Then he put down his phone and walked towards the young man.

The young man glanced at him and didn't seem surprised, but took out a towel and let him wipe it off.

"How does it feel to sing in the rain?"

"very good!"

"Oh, that's good. Let's take a shower and change clothes."

"No, I want to ask, are you serious about what you said to me early yesterday morning?"

"I don't like to lie to people, especially to an art lunatic like you who is a bit extreme at heart..."


"Sign this agreement, give me a bank card, and I will transfer part of the deposit to you. Come here on time at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will take you to meet someone..."


He saw the young man take out a contract, and then still looked at him calmly.

He was about to take the contract, but his hands were very wet, so he wiped them to dry some.

When he got the contract, he saw the young man took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Director Ke, I found the theme song for the documentary... Edit the documentary samples and show them to me. You guys come to school. At the gate? Okay, then I'll wait for you at the school gate."

He saw the young man hang up the phone.

Not long after, a group of students appeared at the school gate.

He saw a young man walking over with these students.

He looked at this young man...

It looked familiar before, but now...

He was stunned!

Then stared.

"Are you Ke Zhanyi, Director Ke?"


Late at night.

Shen Yi returned home a little tired.

His wife Xu Linlin is on the phone.

There are a lot of things going on in the Ministry of Commerce recently, and my wife, as one of the leaders of some projects, is naturally very busy.

He did not sleep as usual, but waited for a long time.

After his wife finished the phone call, he looked at his wife Xu Linlin.

"I forwarded an email to you. In the email is a plan..."

"I understand you very well, but, Shen Yi, I solemnly tell you that I am very busy right now and I really can't help you look at the demands of those brands... I hope everything can be done according to the process, OK?"

His wife Xu Linlin's temper was not good today, but she still suppressed her emotions and looked at Shen Yi.

"It's not a brand, but a planning document. You should read the first few words first..."

Xu Linlin frowned.

She became increasingly irritable, but after seeing her husband Shen Yi's expression, she suppressed her emotions and went to the computer to open her email.


She saw a line of text.

The originally casual expression suddenly became serious.

Then he stared at Shen Yi suddenly, his eyes almost cold: "Where did you find this planning document?"

"Written by a student."

Xu Linlin took a deep breath: "I want to hear the truth!"

"That's the truth!"

"Tell me, who is your student? How could this planning document be written by a student!"

"Although it is unbelievable, it is true..."

"This project was decided just after the meeting today. Just after the meeting, the planning document was written... Here... Lao Shen, please tell me seriously, have you stepped on any red lines? Don’t seek death!”

"I didn't, I repeat, I didn't say anything, I didn't know anything!"

After looking at Shen Yi's serious expression, Xu Linlin's expression began to become more serious.

She turned her head and stared at the plan, reading every word in it...

The frightening feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

This planning book was originally what she wanted to write!

She closed her eyes.

Then he began to calm down gradually.

"Can I meet your student?"

"I'll make an appointment with him tomorrow."


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