I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 103 You are the only one who is desperate (first update!)

Ah K’s real name is Du Hui.

In his early years, he was considered a "bad boy" in school.

Smoking, fighting, falling in love, scolding teachers, growing long hair...

After barely graduating from high school, I stopped studying and instead imitated the gangsters in movies to join society.

If he hadn't seen a long-haired girl carrying a guitar one evening and was deeply attracted by a ballad, he would probably have become an unlearned and unskilled gangster at the bottom of society, and then one day, he committed a crime. After doing something wrong, he was caught working on a sewing machine. After working on it for a few years, he returned to the village and had his spine broken.

Generally speaking, relatives and friends think so.

Later, he learned guitar...

But unfortunately, the girl did not fall in love with him after all. It is unlikely that a college student with a good family background would be with a permed, penniless gangster who lived by various gangster ways.

The identities of the two are really far apart.

But it didn't matter. After crying, he fell in love with music and had his own dream.

I have to say that sometimes the word "dream" can really change a person.

He came out of Huizhou, ran to Yanjing, and began to drift north. Following in the footsteps of his predecessors, he played the guitar and sang in bars, under overpasses, and on the roadside, like a fool.

"Maybe, today is my new life!"

In a shabby, musty-smelling rental house.

Du Hui put on a suit, arranged his long hair slightly, and looked in the mirror.

He found himself in the mirror strange.

During the five years of wandering, he sometimes felt that he was just a homeless man on the street. He rarely looked in the mirror, and even his unkempt appearance was quite normal.

On the table……

There were crumpled papers everywhere, and every piece of paper was filled with densely packed lyrics.

He stayed up all night last night and wrote the new song with excitement. After writing, he casually filled in the title of the song.

The song is called "In the Rain".

After finishing writing...

He opened the window, looked at the quiet night in the distance, and thought about the five thousand yuan deposit transferred from his bank card. He took a long breath, his emotions continued to rise, and he even wanted to shout loudly.

The darkness before dawn is finally coming to an end.

He seemed to have met his Bole.

The early morning sunlight shines through the window.

He tidied up his clothes and walked out of the rental house carrying his guitar.

The neighbors were shocked when they saw him, as if they recognized him again.

He didn't speak or say hello to anyone, just as lonely as before.

After taking the subway for half an hour, he came to Yan Shihua's door again and waited.

seven o 'clock.

He saw the young man Yan Shihua walking out slowly.

The young man looked him up and down: "Well, I feel more energetic."

"Boss, where are we going?"



He knew that this young man's name was Zhang Sheng.

He is a freshman at Yanshihua University.

When he first learned Zhang Sheng's identity, he was extremely shocked.

He had seen a lot of people, even more of all kinds of people.

But he seemed to have never seen anyone like Zhang Sheng.

He was too young, but his eyes were very vicious, especially the way he stared at you with a smile. You once felt that something enveloped your whole body, leaving you with no secrets.

He didn't speak much and was very concise, but he was always full of the aura of a superior, as if he was in control of everything. Du Hui followed him unconsciously.

"Is the song finished?"

"It's finished."

"What is your name?"

""in the rain"."


They walked to a nearby cafe and sat down.

Du Hui, who was originally bohemian, somehow sat upright in front of Zhang Sheng.

Even he himself didn't know what was going on.

Later, he thought about it carefully and felt that he was in an interview.

After suffering for so many years, being beaten for so many years, and seeing a glimmer of light, human instinct begins to worry about gains and losses.

"Don't be nervous, just relax."


Zhang Sheng ordered a cup of coffee and dessert for himself and took a sip. Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the box.

When Du Hui saw the person coming, he stood up subconsciously: "Sister Shengnan."

That was Xu Shengnan, a once very famous talent scout and manager of [Starlight Future].

He once discovered the street singer "Mozi" and helped him appear on the Spring Festival Gala, making a lot of money. Now "Mozi" has appeared on the "Starlight" talent show and became a resident mentor.

This experience is widely circulated among the wandering singer community, almost becoming a "myth".

A few years ago, he once submitted a song for [Starlight Future], and he rushed into [Starlight Future] with all his strength in an attempt to see Xu Shengnan, but unfortunately he was kicked out by the security guard without seeing him in the end.

After so many years, when he saw Xu Shengnan again, his heart was beating wildly.

"Okay." Xu Shengnan glanced at him, then nodded politely, and then looked at Zhang Sheng: "Did you sign him?"


"What are your plans for him?"

"His songs have some flavor, and I plan to make his songs into interludes for the documentary. At the same time, "That Summer" needs a theme song, and I plan to let him write it."

"Can he?"

"I think he can."


The box suddenly became quiet.

Xu Shengnan stared at Zhang Sheng, and Zhang Sheng responded to Xu Shengnan with a smile.

When they met again, Xu Shengnan felt that Zhang Sheng had not changed and was still confident to the core, but something seemed to have changed. At least his eyes had become very deep, so deep that she could not understand what Zhang Sheng was thinking.

After Xu Shengnan was silent for a long time, he finally sighed: ""That Summer" is a turnaround project after the company hit bottom. The company attaches great importance to it. In principle, it is difficult to hand over the theme song to an ordinary wandering singer."

"He is not ordinary!"

"Why not ordinary?"

"He signed my studio..."

"Do you think he can be popular?"

Zhang Sheng did not speak, but glanced calmly out the window, then slowly turned to Du Hui, staring at him seriously: "Ah K!"


"Do you think I can put all my bets on you?"


Du Hui shuddered.

Suddenly nervous like never before.

It was as if a mountain was pressing hard on his heart, making him unable to breathe.


His legs couldn't help shaking.

He never imagined that one day he would be so nervous that he would retching.

But as images emerged in his mind, he gritted his teeth, his face turned slightly red from holding back, and then nodded sharply: "Okay!"

When he said these words, his whole body felt extremely relaxed, and a wave of warm blood surged through his body.

The fire was burning and growing stronger.

That fleeting opportunity for fame was right in front of him.

He must catch it!

It doesn’t matter even if there is an abyss behind!

Otherwise, there will never be any chance in this life!

Zhang Sheng looked at him and nodded, then showed a smile, and then looked at Xu Shengnan: "I've put all my bets on it, Sister Shengnan, it's your turn..."

Xu Shengnan looked at Du Hui, and then at Zhang Sheng, with a bitter smile on his face: "I feel more and more like you are a lunatic, but you are so contagious that you can make people around you follow you." Crazy!"

Zhang Sheng did not answer, but still smiled calmly, gently and sincerely.

"Forget it, let's go crazy with you once..." Xu Shengnan sighed, then took out a contract and handed it to Du Hui: "Sign it."

Du Hui saw the [Starlight Future] contract.

My heart suddenly trembled!

Although [Starlight Future] has been in turmoil recently, there are rumors that this company is going to collapse.

But he signed the contract without hesitation.

He doesn’t understand how business works, nor does he understand the general trend, nor does he understand the future...

He only knows that he needs a chance!

He had to seize any opportunity and try every opportunity.

Anyway, he will die, and at worst, he will have nothing!

in the sun.

Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Shengnan: "Sister Shengnan, I leave that person to you!"

"What do you mean you left it to me?"

"Take him to the recording studio to record a new song. He wrote a new song yesterday. I haven't heard it, but my intuition is that it won't be too bad."

"He is an employee of your studio, you should record it..."

"But you're more professional than me!"


Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance, and immediately shook his head with a wry smile: "Why do you feel that I have fallen into a trap?"

Zhang Sheng didn't answer but was still smiling, sincere and honest.

Just then, his phone rang.

After he answered the phone, he pushed up his glasses slightly and stood up: "Sister Shengnan, you guys are chatting here while I go to the box next door."

"The box next door? Have you made an appointment with someone else besides me?"


"Who did you date?"

"My master's wife."


After Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance, he stopped asking.

After Zhang Sheng left, Xu Shengnan walked out subconsciously, and then saw Zhang Sheng walking towards a couple with a smile on his face.

One of the women had a serious expression and followed Zhang Sheng in.

Xu Shengnan looked at the woman and always felt that he had seen that woman somewhere.

On the way back, Xu Shengnan's mind suddenly shook. She thought about who this woman was!

That's Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce!

She had met this person in a certain meeting. Although she was not a member of the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce, she seemed to be present in all meetings, large and small, and she was definitely an important figure.


These two words flashed through Xu Shengnan's mind...

In just one month, how did Zhang Sheng accumulate so many connections?

Outside the car window, Xu Shengnan closed his eyes.

She seemed to have really fallen into a trap.

She placed all her bets on this young man named Du Hui. If the young man is popular, the movie will definitely gain points. If the young man is not popular or even has a bad song, the movie will definitely lose points...

And Zhang Sheng...

Although he also gambled, he never "stud".

On this smokeless gambling table, it turns out that the real gamble is taking place!

Only her!

She shook her head, and when she opened her eyes, she suddenly laughed again.

Although he felt like he had been kicked into a pit by Zhang Sheng, somehow he didn't feel uncomfortable in his heart.

She looked at the honest Du Hui in the back row.


She should believe in Zhang Sheng's vision!

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