I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 104: Being fooled by you (Second update!)

As of October this year.

There are already 70 banks in the United States that are on the verge of bankruptcy, countless people are unemployed, stocks are falling again and again, and the remnants of the financial crisis are still raging around the world.

Although China is not particularly affected except for foreign trade, the sense of crisis among the higher-ups is still very high...

While ensuring the sound operation of the financial system, it not only expanded the fiscal system and lowered the deposit reserve ratio, but also allocated nearly 4 trillion yuan to stimulate domestic demand...

This domestic demand plan seems to be calm, but in fact it puts the Ministry of Commerce under great pressure.

Xu Linlin checked Zhang Sheng's information before meeting Zhang Sheng.

Checked in great detail.

Zhang Sheng's childhood, high school, college, and even Zhang Sheng's business experience in "Haishu Garden" were all investigated.

Xu Linlin checked every person Zhang Sheng came into contact with carefully through various channels.

Eventually, she came to a conclusion.

Zhang Sheng's information is clean. No matter how you analyze it, he cannot be the spokesperson of any "overseas organization" or "mysterious organization".

But because of this, Xu Linlin became even more vigilant deep down.

Zhang Sheng’s [Planning Book] came by such a coincidence!

This coincidence made Xu Linlin wonder whether the internal meeting was leaked, or whether there was a flaw somewhere.

There are probably smart people in this world, but judging from the detailed content in the [Planning Book], Xu Linlin even thought that Zhang Sheng could predict the future direction of China's economy.

Moreover, this prediction is for at least two years!


She chose to meet Zhang Sheng.

In the cafe.

"Did you complete this plan independently?"

"It was done independently..."

"How long did it take to write?"

"It took a long time to write."

"How long is a long time."

"Just a long time."

Zhang Sheng sat opposite Xu Linlin.

Xu Linlin stared at Zhang Sheng with extremely sharp eyes.

Zhang Sheng sat calmly on the side and met Xu Linlin's eyes without averting his gaze.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, Xu Linlin withdrew her gaze: "So, these analyzes you have here are all based on clues from international news and various economic reports?"

"Whether you believe it or not, Master, it is true."

"Oh, well written!"

Xu Linlin nodded. After observing Zhang Sheng carefully for a long time, and when she was sure that nothing unusual was found, she relaxed slightly.

In fact, it makes sense to think about it. In a private meeting like the one a few days ago, unless someone doesn't want to be in that position, or wants to squat in and eat prison food, it is impossible for it to be leaked.

"Thank you, Master. I'm actually not sure. I'm just betting on the country's future economic trend. Can you invite me to come over? It seems that this economic trend is right..."

"What do you want?"

"A teacher in my college has developed a battery that is energy-saving, safe, and has a relatively long range. I hope to promote the battery... But, my wife, you also know that in this market environment, it is difficult to promote it It’s very difficult, and it’s even harder to cooperate with some brands…”

"You want me to help pull the strings? Or, let us officially designate the battery?" Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng after hearing this.

"No! I can't and don't dare to do some sensitive things that would embarrass you..." Zhang Sheng shook his head and smiled.

"Then what do you mean..."

"Mother, if, if our Ministry of Commerce is really planning to carry out the "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas" campaign, I hope that our battery car brand can participate in this campaign..."

"What's your battery car brand?" Xu Linlin caught the key words and immediately frowned.

"Yes! We can occupy a small part, but we need that tiny share..." Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Linlin while drinking coffee.

"These must go through formal procedures and be approved step by step..."

"There is no problem with these. We can provide that the battery car passes the quality inspection, our battery has its own patent protection, is safe and reliable, and we can submit any formal report that can be submitted..." Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Linlin and seriously promised a lot of things.

"Then..." Xu Linlin had some doubts.

"I hope we can be fair and equitable..."

When Zhang Sheng said this, Xu Linlin was silent for a long time.

Shen Yi didn't speak the whole time.

He just drank coffee and kept looking at Zhang Sheng. His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long time, Xu Linlin showed a smile and said calmly: "You think the world is too complicated, and you think some things are too dark. We have always done things fairly and justly. This time, the country has come forward. No one dares to do anything." There are tricks inside, of course we will seriously consider the safety, cost-effectiveness, and subsidy amount of each brand, which requires every leader to hold a meeting and make a decision..."

"Mother, I know that the subsidy amount for big brands will be higher. This is normal... As long as we can participate in this plan, it will be fine." Zhang Sheng stared at Xu Linlin seriously.

"After half a month, apply for a report to us. The procedures must be complete."




Xu Shengnan walked out of the recording studio with Du Hui.

Du Hui's voice is not very good.

It is relatively rough, with vibrato, and goes against the current mainstream sense of delicacy.

But the songs Du Hui sang were very emotional and the songs were well written. Xu Shengnan was quite satisfied after listening to the newly recorded demo.

But if we say whether Du Hui’s new song will be popular...

Xu Shengnan didn't know.

Nowadays, the mainstream entertainment industry has gradually begun to popularize young people, cream niches, and artists with a scar on their face like Du Hui...

So far, it’s really not popular.

"Sister Katsunan, do you have any concerns?"

"No, I will go to the company with me in the afternoon to go through the corresponding procedures..."


After Du Hui came out of the recording studio and saw Xu Shengnan's hesitant expression, he subconsciously asked.

Xu Shengnan shook his head.

Although judging from the mainstream, it is difficult for Ah K to suddenly become popular like some young celebrities, and then female fans love him to death.

But it was impossible for her to reveal the idea that Du Hui was difficult to become popular.

There is still a long time between the release of the documentary "Years of Graduation" and the movie "That Summer". If the documentary "Years of Graduation" is lukewarm, Du Hui's song "In the Rain" is even more unpopular. If you ask questions, it means that Zhang Sheng's judgment of the market is wrong.

On the contrary, then...

Xu Shengnan had something to worry about, and when she was about to get in the car, she received a call from the company.

"When this year's Golden Horse Awards were announced, all our films were rejected?"

Xu Shengnan's originally calm expression was slightly startled, and then he closed his eyes.

After giving Du Hui a few words, she got into the car and drove to [Starlight Future] immediately.

Du Hui, who was carrying a guitar, stared at the direction Xu Shengnan was leaving for a long time.

He will succeed!

definitely will!



There were no classes in the college, but Zhang Sheng still went to other classrooms to observe the "Law and Morality" course.

Although he was very busy during this period, Zhang Sheng did not miss a single lesson of Chen Zhizhong's course.

At first, the students in this class thought Zhang Sheng was strange, but over time, they gradually started to get used to it.

Chen Zhizhong liked this student very much and treated him equally with the students in the class. During the test, he also gave him a test paper.


Zhang Shengzhi's score in this test was very good. He directly ranked first in the class. Even in many business-related legal contents, this student was able to hand over answers that made him shine.

Chen Zhizhong suddenly felt a little appreciative of talents.

Chen Zhizhong talked to Zhang Sheng about his recent situation and whether he was interested in changing his major and taking classes with them.

It's a pity that Zhang Sheng rejected it.

After refusing, Chen Zhizhong did not force it. Just when he was about to leave the classroom as usual with his textbooks under his arm, Zhang Sheng seemed to have thought of something and found him again.

"Teacher Chen."

"What's wrong?"

"Teacher Chen, we have established an [NC Studio]. Can we invite you to work in our [NC Studio]?"

"Take a temporary job?"

"Yes, our studio is affiliated with the academy, which involves a lot of business aspects. We are very young and don't know what are the red lines, so we need a consultant who understands the law to help us give guidance..."

"Ha." Chen Zhizhong pushed up his glasses and looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile: "Zhang Sheng, I suddenly discovered something interesting."

"What's up?"

"You want to make use of any resources in the school. Today, Teacher Tang is looking for the brand of battery car. It must be your fault, right?"


"Okay, I still don't understand your little thoughts? Well, I'm exempt from the temporary job. If your studio has any legal issues, you can come to me at any time. If I'm not here, you can also come to me. With the help of other teachers in the college, as long as you abide by the rules and laws, can you still be bullied?" Chen Zhizhong smiled and patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder, but did not accept Zhang Sheng's request for a temporary job.

"Teacher, if our company grows in the future, we will definitely need a legal department. Teacher, do you have any recommendations?" Zhang Sheng also smiled, but still looked at Chen Zhizhong.

Chen Zhizhong did not answer Zhang Sheng's words, but after thinking for a while, his smile gradually disappeared: "You are a student I have seen who is particularly sensitive to law. Sometimes I wonder if you have had any experience in law before. deficit……"

"I'm trying to protect myself." Zhang Sheng replied seriously.

After Chen Zhizhong looked at Zhang Sheng for a moment, another smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "After a while, your project will start up and you really need this piece. I will help you find a few people..."

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Don't thank me. I can't afford your gratitude. Maybe in the future, I will be fooled into working for you..."


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