I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 105 Successful Learning? (Third update! Additional update if daily and monthly votes exceed

Competition for electric vehicles is fierce.

The fighting in the market is comparable to a brutal war.

The loser fell down and left the stage. After the winner finished eating, he climbed up on the bones and reached a higher place.

Nie Xiaoping is probably a loser in the battery car market.

He entered this industry at the end of 2007 and established an electric vehicle brand called [Hongwei] with his passion.

When the brand was first established, he happened to reap the dividends of the times, which also made him earn millions. After earning millions, he felt that he saw the market's prospects, so he took out another loan of millions to start a business in Thailand. A branch factory has been built in the city, and they plan to sharpen their skills and make a big deal...


The financial crisis is coming.

The financial crisis has doubled the cost of raw materials in the market. After the exponential increase, the sales cost of electric vehicles has risen accordingly. In particular, [Weineng] battery vehicle batteries have almost doubled!


The [Hongwei] electric car that was originally a good seller suddenly stopped selling.

In big cities, established electric vehicle brands such as [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] relied on the capital accumulated in the early stage. In this battle, they suddenly started a price war.

There are endless offers and measures to give back to old customers...

The unexpected price war prevented some low-cost electric vehicle brands from taking any advantage at all, and Hongwei's living space was squeezed to the point where it could no longer breathe.

After several price wars, established electric vehicles such as [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] have not been affected in any way. On the contrary, new generation electric vehicles like their [Hongwei] have suddenly suffered misfortune. Not only did they lose a lot of money in the end, but more than half of the dealer's market was taken up...

Big brands can rely on price wars to seize the market. They have large quantities and can negotiate prices with "battery manufacturers", but small brands do not have this qualification.

But without a price war, your sales will stagnate, and your operating costs will kill you.

After 2009.

The raw materials for electric vehicles are still rising, but the price war has not stopped. Almost every day, we can see some electric vehicle manufacturers being overwhelmed and going bankrupt.

Around May, the market share was almost completely eaten up by electric vehicle brands such as [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era]!

Nie Xiaoping was forced to withdraw from the big market and shift his strategic focus to cities, districts, and counties...

He could think of this cake.

Those old electric vehicles are more likely to think of this cake!

He investigated a set of data and found in despair that these well-established electric vehicles seemed to have set their strategic sights on rural areas. Within a few months, these electric vehicle brands had established dense dealer outlets in villages and towns...

Their [Hongwei] electric car was a step slower, and they couldn't even find a breakout plan. It seemed that there was only a dead end waiting in front of him.


Their marketing department held a brief meeting.

After the meeting, Nie Xiaoping sighed and smoked a cigarette.

Oh shit!

[Hongwei] Prices of electric vehicles have to be reduced again...

These panties are going to be stripped off!

Just when he was speechless, he saw a middle-aged man coming to the door.

The middle-aged man introduced himself as a teacher from Yanshihua. They had developed a battery that was safer and lasted longer than [Weireng]...

At first, Nie Xiaoping was quite excited, but when he saw the price, Nie Xiaoping fell silent again.

The price of this battery is actually more expensive than [Weineng]!

That's nonsense!

Is it now a matter of battery life and safety?

Now it’s a matter of price!

Using your off-brand batteries has made the price go up. Aren’t you asking me to die?

Yesterday's chat ended unhappily...

Unexpectedly, this morning, the teacher came again!

"Mr. Nie, are you free today?"

"Teacher Tang, what's wrong?"

"I hope you can spare half a day to hold a meeting... There are not many people in the meeting, only about five brands..."

"Mr. Tang, I know your battery is excellent, but I told you yesterday that it's not about the quality of the battery, but about the price. I'm starving to death. You can't expect me to starve to death." people, and then spend money to subsidize you, right?"

Nie Xiaoping felt that he had said everything clearly, but the teacher named Tang Wu seemed not to understand and continued to say various things.

Nie Xiaoping was a little irritated, but finally nodded.

Forget it, let’s go to Yanshihua this afternoon.



The office at Yanshi Petrochemical Training Base is very noisy.

The bustling noise made Nie Xiaoping a little irritable, and a feeling of breathlessness came to his heart.

He looked around.

In the office, there are five electric vehicle brands, all of which started at the same time or later.

The electric vehicle brands that started during this period were all unlucky, and their situation was very miserable. Either their products were unsalable and about to go bankrupt, or they were struggling to survive and were struggling to survive.

"Damn, these big brands are really nothing. They are fighting over each other, and they are killing us!"

"[Green Horse] electric vehicles are a Japanese joint venture brand. They have channels, capital, and support. Our small electric vehicles have no one to care for them and can only fend for themselves."

"Hey, I regret it so much now. I shouldn't have invested in electric cars in the first place, and now I'm stuck in the quagmire..."

"Is this a commercial monopoly?"

"I went to ask the superiors. Commercial monopoly is a monopoly market of a single brand. There are so many big brands of electric vehicles on the market now, and they have no way to identify whether it is a monopoly..."


In the office.

Smoke billows.

Individual bosses are sitting there pouring out their grievances.

During this period, some unpleasant words were inevitably said. One boss even got more and more angry and slapped the table, causing a crack in the table which was not of good quality.

Tang Wu's heart was filled with anger.

At first glance, these merchants with their legs crossed, smoking cigarettes, and being very aggressive are just a bunch of rabble.

A few years ago, he wouldn't have even looked at these people, and he would have felt lost if he even got close to them.

But at this moment, he was still smiling and sitting patiently next to him.

After failing to start a business and experiencing many setbacks, he already knew how to give up.

He looked at the office door in the distance.

Why haven't you come yet?

He looked at the time...

Zhang Sheng hasn’t come yet!

It was inevitable that I would become anxious.

Just when he was mentally tortured to the point where he could no longer hold back his smile, the door finally opened.

Zhang Sheng walked in.

But there was no smile on Zhang Sheng's face. Instead, he looked at all the bosses and slowly sat down on the main seat.

The bosses glanced at him and didn't care about him, and then treated him as if nothing was wrong, chatting when they should, and nonsense when they should...

Zhang Sheng didn't care, he just sat in his seat, minding his own business on the computer.

Tang Wu was speechless and whispered a few words in his ear, while Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"Don't worry, let's wait until they finish chatting..."

Tang Wu took a deep breath: "Then I'll leave first?"

"Let's go, you go and do your work first."


Tang Wu really couldn't bear such an environment, so he walked out of the office and went to the training room next to him to get some fresh air.

About ten minutes later.

Yuwu saw the office door open.

Then, the two bosses came out cursing.

"What the hell!"

"We've been waiting here for so long, and you just want us to cooperate with just one sentence?"

"You're crazy. If you want to get rich, cooperate with me. If you don't want to get rich, you can leave. Isn't this sick?"

"Damn, I wasted an entire afternoon!"


After these bosses saw Tang Wu, they cursed even more fiercely.

The corner of Tang Wu's mouth moved slightly, but he didn't say anything, nor did he offer any words to persuade him to stay. He allowed the two bosses to leave cursing.

He actually disliked these two bosses since they entered the office.

After the two bosses left, Tang Wu walked into the office.

The office had been noisy just now, but now it seemed extremely quiet.

Zhang Sheng sat on the main seat with an expressionless face: "Is there anyone else who wants to leave? Those who want to leave, leave early now..."

His voice was not too strong, but it was full of majesty, and even Tangwu felt a chill in his heart.

Zhang Sheng continued to look around at each boss expressionlessly. When he saw that no boss wanted to leave, he nodded.

"I invite you here today not because I am asking you to cooperate, but to help you get out of your current predicament. I know that you are very resistant and disgusted with my words, and you think I am too loud, but since you can bear with me I am sitting here to watch my big words, whether you are watching the fun or laughing at my jokes, or you want to wait for me to finish speaking before refuting. In short, I want to say "congratulations" to everyone. You are right to stay and listen to my words! "


"I know every dilemma you have, as well as your pain points and anxieties. Under the general environment, what we want to talk about is always the opportunities in the new era. What are opportunities? Here, let me first talk about the opportunities of our era. Background, and why we encounter difficulties when starting a business..."


Yuwu sat in his seat.

At first he was disapproving.

But then, as I listened, I somehow began to concentrate.

Zhang Sheng seemed to be giving a lecture, and he was speaking more and more passionately. Although it was a boring thing that everyone understood, he was able to come up with new ideas and analyze the pros and cons from another angle.

In the office, the bosses who had been careless at first became serious.

The anxious expression on Nie Xiaoping's face gradually turned serious.

Zhang Sheng...

It seems that they have analyzed their previous entrepreneurial experiences and then detailed every step...

As he listened, he seemed to be a little enlightened, as if there was something he couldn't digest, and he fell into deeper thought.

But he couldn't help but look at Zhang Sheng with some doubts.

This person doesn't seem like a school teacher...

He is too young!

As soon as this fleeting thought appeared, I was stunned by the topic brought up by Zhang Sheng!

He no longer talks about entrepreneurship or "success".

He turned on the computer projection and showed the official policy just released today in front of everyone.

The policy just released today is the "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas" campaign, a policy to stimulate the country's domestic demand!

Nie Xiaoping stood up subconsciously!

"Mr. Zhang, can you really get official support?"

"As long as the quality of your product passes the standard, I can help you get it. Not only can I help you get it, I can also help you seize the market..."

Nie Xiaoping saw the corner of Zhang Sheng's mouth curved and looked at him seriously.

The average price has increased by 1,000 compared with yesterday!

The daily recommendation votes exceeded 600, ranking first in the increase in new books!

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