I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 106 I can’t even die! (Fourth update, additional update for Luciano!)

The interrogation room was filled with deathly silence.

Xu Bowen just sat there without handcuffs, but he felt scared and a little confused.

He was detained all night yesterday. The law enforcement agencies seemed to be busy handling some "overseas fraud" case and did not ask him a word.

When 24 hours passed, the police officers took him to the interrogation room with documents and pens and formally began to "interrogate" him.

He lowered his head.

He rarely had contact with police officers, and when he was suddenly interrogated, his heart almost reached his throat.

The owners living in the [Haishu Garden] community are either rich or noble. If they unite and want to create a small security guard like themselves...

It’s over!

I thought about it all night, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was finished!

However, he still had some luck in his heart.

Although I made a lot of money, it was not much compared to those commercial frauds. At most, I would be detained for a few days and fined...


When the interrogation room door opened and the voices of several business owners came from outside, Xu Bowen's heart was shaken unconsciously.

A tall young policeman shouted at the business owners...


It seems to have words like "sentence", and at the same time: "Anyone who invades personal privacy or leaks state secrets, business secrets learned in security services, and information that the customer unit has explicitly requested to keep confidential. If the circumstances are serious, the relevant certificates will be revoked and it will violate public security." Those who manage the situation will be given public security management penalties in accordance with the law. If it constitutes a crime, they will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law!"

When Xu Bowen heard the words "criminal responsibility", his face turned livid with fear.

He never dreamed that he would be sentenced to criminal liability just for giving the owner's number to the decoration company!

The door was slowly closed.

A young man walked in.

The soundproofing in the interrogation room was so good that Xu Bowen couldn't hear anything.


"Xu Bowen."



"Xu Bowen, according to the information we have learned so far, you came to Haishu Garden Community to work as a security guard in May 2008, right?"


"Has anything similar been done during this period?"


"When did that start? What motivated you to do these things? Did the property management company provide any relevant training during the on-the-job training?"



Xu Bowen didn't dare to look up.

His heart was already in chaos.

He investigated this group of people very carefully. He even tracked down every day's work schedule and the people he came into contact with.

From what he read between the lines, he heard that those people related to him would be subject to a certain proportion of administrative punishment.

Xu Bowen felt so nervous that he didn't dare to breathe. He never thought that the things he did would not only involve himself, but also involve others.

Faced with cross-examination, he answered one by one.

He suddenly thought of what Zhang Sheng had warned him before leaving.

this moment……

The heart is cut like a knife.

He got into money.

He only thinks that the same decoration information can be sold repeatedly, and that people in the decoration industry are willing to give money, and the money is generous.

In addition, he felt that this was nothing, so he felt that Zhang Sheng was being alarmist.

But now it seems...

In fact, Zhang Sheng had already reminded him.

This has always been the case, why bother in the first place?

"We have investigated and found that you gradually started doing these things one after another after you came into contact with Zhang Sheng, a salesperson. I hope you can tell us whether Zhang Sheng also profited from it?"


"But the boss of [Senran Integrated Stove], Liu Kaili, just told us that Zhang Sheng cooperated with you to make profits! He doesn't know anything. The call was made by Zhang Sheng, and he never made a call!"

"He's talking nonsense, he's talking nonsense! I sold him my information and he gave me five hundred yuan in cash!"

"Don't get excited first. Let me ask you whether this is true or not!"

"No phone calls were made by him, he made them himself!"

"Then why did Zhang Sheng enter the [Haishu Garden] community?"

"He has classmates in this [Haishu Garden]. He went to find them. He has registered. If you don't believe me, check the registration records..."

"So, Zhang Sheng was not involved in the whole process?"

"So I didn't participate..."

"Look up and tell me if Zhang Sheng is involved!"

"No! I didn't tell him any number, and he didn't ask for my number. He came here to find a classmate and run some business. I just briefly told him which building was decorated...I, I was in this situation Next, I suddenly realized the business opportunity..."

"Leniency for confession!"

"I'm completely honest!"

"Have you ever received money from Zhang Sheng?"

"Yes, I have received benefits. Zhang Sheng seems to be easy to talk to. I asked him for it and he gave it to me. I just pointed in the direction of the decoration and I could get the money. Why not take it? However, I have never sold him Number, he never needs a number. He is a student and must be conscientious. I can’t harm him..."


Xu Bowen was under great pressure.

The stern voice in the interrogation room almost completely broke his psychological defense!

But he still gritted his teeth and stared up at the two interrogating police officers. He repeated this over and over again.

He suppressed some sensitive details in his heart and refused to let go. He did not admit that Zhang Sheng had touched anything in the security room, nor did he reveal that Zhang Sheng had typed on his computer.

His firm voice made the two police officers look at each other and then nodded.

When everyone left, Xu Bowen slumped on his chair.

Panting heavily.

In this world...

Everyone treats him as a tool.

When there was information, everyone surrounded him and supported him, making him once think that he was the most watched protagonist in the entire community...

When something goes wrong, everyone will find a way to clean it up, even confusing right and wrong.

this moment……

He regretted it...

I regret not listening to what Zhang Sheng said, I regret my money-obsessed mentality, and I regret why I listened to the nonsense of those decoration and building materials people!

As he was being led out of the interrogation room, he lowered his head.


It seems that when the gang of people in the bureau were investigating Zhang Sheng, they were talking about another "pyramid scheme case" from a few years ago.

The boss seemed to be extremely concerned about the previous case.

That case seems to be about Zhang Sheng.


"The safety and stability of electric vehicles are the most important things for relevant units. In the past, how many battery vehicles have spontaneously ignited, threatening customers' property and even life safety?"


"Let's not think it's expensive! In fact, a battery is only a hundred dollars more expensive. For a hundred dollars, it can last longer than the [Weineng] battery, and is safer and more stable. Why wouldn't they do it? Woolen cloth?"


"Remember, what we sell is not a product, what we sell is a concept! Customers, even those in rural areas, are not all bargain hunters..."


"The current general situation is indeed very bad. The original price of materials is rising, which is indeed troublesome. However, we must see the crisis that plagues the following. We must take advantage of the country's self-operated trains, comply with the country's call, and stimulate domestic demand..."


In the office of Yanshi Petrochemical Training Base.

After the three bosses put out their cigarette butts, they stopped smoking.

They watched Zhang Sheng talk about business theory in the main seat, and they were stunned.

It was as if a door was slowly opening for them. While they were suddenly enlightened, they fell into deep thought like never before.

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he took a sip of water and looked at everyone silently.

"I came to you today because I want you to unite and participate in the "United Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas" event that we [NC Studio] have planned for you..."

"I know your profits are thin, so you don't have to give up much profit. You just need to give me your battery vehicle qualification certificate, operation certificate, standardized production line certificate... these certificates..."

"When you prepare these things, we can sign a contract immediately."

"In the contract, I will take your products to the countryside for home appliances and ask for subsidies from relevant departments. These subsidies will be provided with computers, TVs, washing machines and other electronic products. Of course, there will also be your competitors, those big brands. electric car..."

"Don't think that we are afraid of competing with big brands. No, we compete with big brands. Being their rivals can also hint to customers from the side that we are also a big brand!"

"In addition, we will shoot documentaries for you to promote and separately shoot documentaries for your three brands!"

"The producer and director of the documentary is Ke Zhanyi, the director of last year's hit "Youth in Time". We will invite a "popular singer" to sing at the event! As long as the sales continue, we will continue to sing!"


"This is an opportunity, and it's also a great opportunity for you to make a comeback!"

"Okay, if you want to seize the opportunity and get on the bus, get on the bus now and sign a strategic cooperation agreement with us. If you don't want to get on the bus and feel hesitant, you can leave and we will find other brands to cooperate with!"

“But once the cooperation begins, it will be a long-term strategic agreement!”


In the office.

After Zhang Sheng said this, he pushed up his glasses and looked around at everyone.

Three bosses, you look at me and I look at you. Then, Nie Xiaoping subconsciously looked up at Zhang Sheng: "How much advertising fees do we need to pay?"

"Not a penny!"

"What? Not a penny? You've planned so much and you don't charge any money?"

"Yes! We won't charge you a penny until you successfully break through the predicament. After I make money for you, I can even help you plan your brand to make your brand more competitive... Of course, if you need a spokesperson If so, my artists can provide endorsements... We have many successful cases, but because we have just cooperated, it is impossible for me to tell you what our success cases are. I can only tell you when you decide to sign the contract. !”

"Really free?"

"The contract is right in front of you, you can read it word for word!"

"Then what's the benefit to you of helping us like this?"

"It's very simple. I am part of the entertainment industry. I want to create a joint business circle, but it is too early for you now. In the future, when your battery car company is stable, you will understand!"


There was a brief calm in the office.

Then Nie Xiaoping looked up at Zhang Sheng. After hesitating for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I'll sign it first!"

Fourth update!


Leader Luciano gives a big reward!


Big update from Luciano!

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