The project of "That Summer" was approved and the investment amount was in place.

Three million yuan.

Three million yuan to shoot a movie is really a tight budget for Ke Zhanyi.

His debut novel "The Age of Youth" has never been so tricky.

But there is no way...

"That Summer" is solely owned by [Starlight Future], and now [Starlight Future] is in a turbulent time, with a blood loss of nearly one billion...

In such a general environment, although the company attaches great importance to this movie, it is impossible to allocate a large budget to film it.


The investment in youth-themed movies itself is not high, they are in the category of fresh literature and art, and they can win awards if they are finished. For Ke Zhanyi, this movie is the beginning of his new take-off. Even if there are many difficulties, he can do it. Find a way to overcome it.

"The only thing left is the casting and filming of the movie..."

Ke Zhanyi focused his attention on a notebook.

There are many photos in that book, all of which are girls who have participated in [School Beauty].

Youth movie...

The casting must be about handsome guys and beautiful girls. On the one hand, the setting of the original novel is important. On the other hand, the key is to be eye-catching.

If you choose an ordinary-looking guy with big buck teeth as the protagonist, the audience will lack a sense of empathy...

How can you still be immersed in the plot of a movie if you lack a sense of immersion?

"These are all suitable for being a female classmate in a class, but not suitable for being a heroine..."

Ke Zhanyi looked at the photos in the book. After looking at them for a long time, he suddenly thought of another girl, Song Yufei, who became popular due to the "School Beauty" activity, but did not sign a contract with "NC Studio" in the end...

After that incident, he watched the live video of [School Beauty], and Song Yufei's appearance made his eyes light up!

She is beautiful, tall, and cool, and her voice is like the sound of nature. Her voice in real life is also very pleasant. For a moment, Ke Zhanyi felt that Song Yufei was like a fairy from the sky.

If a girl like this dresses up a little and becomes the heroine of a movie, she will definitely stun the audience.


It seems quite a pity.

Song Yufei did not sign with [NC Studio], not only did she not sign with [NC Studio], it seems that other entertainment companies also did not sign.

Although, many entertainment companies have approached her some time ago...

Ke Zhanyi searched for information for a while and found that there was no contact information for Song Yufei.

After being speechless for a long time, he called [NC Studio], but unfortunately, no one answered the phone.




tomorrow is Saturday.

In [NC Studio], Chen Mengting gave a thousand yuan red envelope to every student who participated in the production of [Southern California International Film Awards].

A thousand yuan red envelope is not a lot, but for these students, an extra income besides salary is definitely a happy event.

After giving out the red envelopes, Chen Mengting asked these students to rest.

In the office next door.

Zhang Sheng happened to have a good chat with Lacey and Tom. Before leaving, Zhang Sheng patted Lacey on the shoulder and said a very standard "Portuguese" farewell to Tom's shock.

"Mr. Zhang, I did as you asked. Next, what should we do with "The Dog Over the Mountain" filmed by a senior student at Yanying?" Chen Mengting called Zhang Sheng, but she didn't know when. , and became Mr. Zhang.

"Three thousand dollars, to set up a stage in Brazil, buy some curtains, and movie projection equipment is almost enough." Zhang Sheng looked at Chen Mengting with a smile: "Unfortunately, I can't go abroad, otherwise..."

"What would happen otherwise?"

"Otherwise, I can work with that village to provide some support. After all, we can't help them build a platform for ordinary people to watch movies for free, right? Leave this matter to Tom, and I'm a little worried." Zhang Sheng looked at Tom. He said these words lightly as he left in the direction of Lacey.

"Afraid of Tom?"

"This person can be used for the time being, but he is a little clever and cannot be used as a pure tool. Being clever is not a bad thing. If he is strong enough, he will go a long way. But unfortunately, people are relatively weak, and this weakness will lead to bad things sooner or later... On the contrary, It’s that Lacey, a little bit more appropriate.”

Zhang Sheng did not hide anything in front of Chen Mengting, but continued to teach Chen Mengting patiently: "Sister, you have to remember that at this stage, we need some low-level, depressed people, because they are gold diggers in the sand. But in the next stage, after the platform is launched, we will continue to screen these people..."

"Eliminate them?" Chen Mengting asked subconsciously.

"No, put them in the right position. As for what the right position is, senior sister, you are a smart person. You don't understand it now, but you will definitely understand it in the future."

"Oh, do we really want to show the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain" in Brazil?"

"Sister, I told you, we are not scammers. Before the broadcast, you ask two classmates "Nangong Nan" and "Cao Ling Chong" to write movie reviews. Try to be as truthful as possible. If you can brag, do it. If you really can't brag, just do it. Don't brag, anyway, if he pays the money, we will let him be shortlisted for the preliminary review. As for Brazil, there will also be a screening. As for how the audience will react and whether we can award him an award, we will leave it to another matter..." Zhang Sheng looked at Chen Mengting.

The two accounts [Nangong Nan] and [Cao Lv Chong] once made Lin Xia popular. The owners of the two accounts were named Zhou Qiang and Cao Li. They were students of two senior student unions in Yanshihua. Although they were not classified as [NC Studio], but Chen Mengting has always maintained a good cooperative relationship with them. During this period, she also wrote some posts. She was paid for each post. Depending on the traffic and influence, it ranged from dozens to hundreds of dollars. …

This is the prototype of the future “self-media”.

So far, Zhang Sheng's "small company" basically has everything it needs.

"Okay." Chen Mengting nodded.

While the two were chatting, another visitor alert sounded in the background of the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards]. Not long after, the call came to the landline next to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng picked up the phone and answered the call in fluent English under Chen Mengting's shock.

Chen Mengting couldn't understand what was on the phone...

But standing nearby and listening to the ups and downs of Zhang Sheng's words...


If you are going to commit phone fraud, you will probably get it right!

Such a ridiculous idea appeared in Chen Mengting's mind.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Sheng came to the computer and watched the movie called "Superstar in Progress". After reading some introductory content, he subconsciously felt that this was a bad movie.

I guess it's comparable to the original "Dream Show".

He fell into deep thought and then sighed.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think of this movie?"

"There is no need to waste time evaluating this movie. Cut some leeks...just charge a thousand yuan for mental won't be released in Brazil."

"Ah, why?" Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng, a little confused.

"I just watched the introduction to the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain" and also watched some clips. Although it is a small-budget literary film, it may, I mean, maybe in the eyes of some niche people, it can still be watched. But the synopsis of the movie "Superstar in Progress" persuaded me to give up. Although our requirements for shortlisting are very low, it is true that not all blind movies can be released..."


"We need to give our film festival a positioning. For the time being, the positioning is to be an authoritative literary and artistic film festival. Some leeks can be cut well, and maybe people there can still watch them without ruining the brand. But some leeks need to be cut. Forget it, after all, looking at this situation, there are quite a few directors who signed up for our film festival..."


Chen Mengting carefully considered what Zhang Sheng said.

Zhang Sheng stood up, glanced at the time, and then turned and left the office: "I'm going to [Starlight Future] to talk about cooperation."

"What cooperation?"

"Several of her artists are registering on Weibo to see if she is willing to let several of their artists introduce their information and list our [Southern California International Film Awards] Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Director. , guests and other information, if they are willing, our more than thirty invitation letters can be sent to them..."

"Mr. Zhang, are we really going to do this?"

"Do you think I'm really going to cut a bunch of leeks and end it?"


"I said, we really don't do fraud, we are really organizing film awards! We have invitations, certificates, trophies, we will have all these..."

"What trophy?"

"Isn't the highest award in Berlin the Golden Bear? Our highest award is also the Golden Bear... By the way, next, I will also invite a wave of businessmen to come..."

"What business?"

"[Oubang Integrated Ceiling] is doing so well now and has such a high turnover. If we [Southern California International Film Awards] give him a sponsorship opportunity, it will be the icing on the cake and go global. He won't refuse, right?"

"Yes." Chen Mengting nodded.

"Can the owners of those businesses on that street not be greedy?"

"It seems so. These days, I have vaguely heard news that some businesses want to cooperate with us..."

"I have been laying the groundwork for a platform for so long. Now I have credibility, successful cases, and a platform. So what do you think we should do?" Zhang Sheng looked at Chen Mengting again and guided subconsciously.

"We let them sponsor our film festival, and then we cut another wave of leeks?"

"No, we are not cutting leeks, we are popularizing science concepts with them, leading them to success together, helping them promote their products internationally, making them more authoritative and brand-conscious..."

"..." Chen Mengting stared and nodded subconsciously.

This seems to be the case.

"Remember, this time, even if many brands will come to us or contact me for cooperation through you, there will be no problem, but there must be no "ceiling" brand, nor can several different brands selling the same products work together. If There are many of them, let them bid too!”

“Will they trust us as a [Southern California International Film Awards] film festival?”

"Remember, we only serve prospective customers who believe in us! If you don't believe it, we can just eliminate it. We have no regrets..."

"Mr. Zhang, I think we are a bit like a phone scam screening out stupid customers..."

When Chen Mengting figured out the key point, her eyes suddenly widened, as if she had enlightened.

"Senior! I don't know how many times I have to remind you that we are good, law-abiding citizens, and we are not scammers with low taste!"

"Oh oh oh..." Chen Mengting nodded subconsciously.

She felt like her head was blown by Zhang Sheng's words again...

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