I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 116 I am your strongest ally! (Third update! Please vote for me!)

In just over ten days, Weibo's daily user activity has stabilized from a daily peak of one million to one million.

Zhang Xing, who started his career on Xiaonei.com, became a god again and was interviewed and reported by major Internet media.

The popularity of Weibo has naturally led many entertainment companies to register for this area.

As an emerging social software, many artists have found that this software can interact well with fans, and they have also realized that this is a good new business format, so more and more artists are joining Weibo every day...

[Starlight Future] has a lot of artists running away, but at least it has stabilized the overall situation.

During that turmoil, [Starlight Future] Company was exposed to various "untrue" negative news.

Theoretically speaking, [Starlight Future] executives should sue Weibo for its actions such as "eating human blood steamed buns", "spreading false news on the Internet" and "slandering".

But [Starlight Future] never did this from beginning to end. Instead, it had close ties with some senior managers of Weibo, which can even be described as being like glue.

Although Xu Shengnan is now considered to be in the management of [Starlight Future], Xu Shengnan does not know a lot of inside information.

She could only guess through recent events that Dong Zhongjun, the chairman of [Starlight Future], seemed to have a little relationship with Zhang Xing from Weibo.

The whole incident...

A mixture of true and false news...

In fact, it is a game.

A win-win situation for cooperation?

"Mr. Zheng, have we reached a strategic agreement with Weibo?"

"It's a strategic agreement. For our popular artists, such as Mozi, Yucheng, Hu Yu, etc., you can register their Weibo accounts, and you can participate in the operation..."

"Okay, Mr. Zheng, may I ask if our chairman has a Weibo account..."

"This question shouldn't be asked."

"I see."

Xu Shengnan walked out of Mr. Zheng and Zheng Chengwu's office with a calm face.

Although it couldn't be found on the surface, Xu Shengnan was sure of one thing from Zheng Chengwu's words just now.

They [Starlight Future] have shares in Weibo.

In other words, [Starlight Future] Chairman Dong Zhongjun personally has some dark shares in Weibo.

turn out to be……

[Starlight Future] seems to have suffered heavy losses in that disaster, but in fact, chairman Dong Zhongjun was one of the beneficiaries of this traffic feast.

She suddenly thought of that day when Zhang Sheng analyzed all the web in front of her...

The context of the whole thing became clearer and clearer. At this moment, she had to admit that this was a very clever move.


She sighed inwardly again.

People like her who have been in contact with this circle can only barely guess the original layout of this move after the game of capital has ended.

Then the others...

Not even a chess piece.

Of course, Xu Shengnan didn't feel annoyed, she felt very calm from beginning to end.

She is self-aware that she will never be a chess player in the entire capital chess game in her life. The ultimate achievement of her efforts, or that she can stand at the highest place, is just a chess player who can be taken advantage of. piece……

Late at night.

She returned to the office and started to deal with the busy work at hand.

Just when she sat down and was not halfway through her work, she received a call from Zhang Sheng.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door in the office, and Zhang Sheng walked in with a smile.

"Sister Shengnan, our [Golden Horse Awards] must be disappointing, right?"

"Zhang Sheng, did you come here to ridicule us?" Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng and said expressionlessly.

"Sister Shengnan, what nonsense are you talking about? As a member of [Starlight Future], I can't ridicule our company. These days, I have always wanted to solve problems for our company and Sister Shengnan... I hate that I only have one day. Twenty-four hours, otherwise, I hope to burn my blood into our [Starlight Future]..." In the office, Zhang Shengye sat down opposite Xu Shengnan and smiled brightly.

Xu Shengnan took a deep breath and said, "Zhang Sheng, you are not that kind of person. Stop using polite words. Come on, come to me. Are you trying to take advantage of our company again?"

When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he frowned, his smile disappeared, and he became extremely serious: "Sister Shengnan, I brought the project here to work together for a win-win situation. If you say you want to take advantage, just a little bit." It’s meaningless.”

"What project?"

"Isn't our Golden Horse Award in jeopardy? The enemy company will definitely try every means to suppress our company, and the nominations for the Academy Awards at the end of the year will probably be in jeopardy. Even if it is not in jeopardy, our company will be surrounded and suppressed by other companies, and we probably won't get any benefits. Awards…”

"So?" Xu Shengnan interrupted Zhang Sheng.

"I have connections at the [Southern California International Film Awards] overseas. I can pull strings..."

"[Southern California International Film Awards]? I've never heard of it, what kind of award is this?" Xu Shengnan frowned deeply, then thought about it carefully, and couldn't think of the name of this award for a while.

"This is an international film award. The organizers benchmark this award against the Berlin International Film Festival, aiming to discover international artistic films that can speak out for all mankind. It is one of the most noble film awards among film awards..."

Zhang Sheng introduced the Southern California International Film Awards in a serious manner, but Xu Shengnan frowned more and more, and became more and more confused.

Logically speaking, such an awesome award should be very famous internationally, but she really had never heard of it.

The moment Zhang Sheng finished his introduction, after seeing Zhang Sheng's serious face, she suddenly asked Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, is this the Pheasant Film Award you created? What do you want to do?"

"Sister Shengnan, I officially give you an invitation letter..." After Zhang Sheng saw Xu Shengnan's suspicious expression, he was not affected at all. Instead, he took out a gold-plated invitation letter that looked quite exquisitely made. .

"What to do?" Xu Shengnan frowned even more as he took the invitation.

"Sister Shengnan, what nonsense is the Golden Horse Award? We will not participate in it. We will participate in a higher-end one! Look at your artists or recent works. Are there any that qualify for this award? If so, you will invite Send the letter to the [Southern California International Film Awards] official, who will review it..." Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

"You want us to be your trustee? Zhang Sheng, this won't work! It's impossible for us to bring artists to participate in your Pheasant Awards... This is out of class!" Xu Shengnan shook his head.

"No, it's not to be a trustee, but...well, Sister Shengnan, I know that you have to help artists manage Weibo and register for Weibo recently. I hope you can use this invitation letter to let some people with works and Artists recognized by fans can post it, post a photo, and send one or two words of emotion..."

"You want us to push from behind?"


"No, pushing like this is too blatant..." Xu Shengnan shook his head.

"Then you will have the artist registration information of the work, that is, on the Weibo introduction information, fill in a "Nominee for the 1st [Southern California International Film Awards]"... Anyway, it's all about putting money on your face, overseas Awards, in the eyes of some directors and some capital, are a bonus! And it doesn't show off... Is that okay?"


In the office.

Zhang Sheng stood up and stared at Xu Shengnan.

Xu Shengnan fell into a long silence.

After a while, she sighed: "What good do we do?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, his eyes particularly deep.

"Zhang Sheng, a well-known artist, the information must be correct, so there is no way I can agree..."

"We only need some ordinary artists with works and good reputations! They need an opportunity, even if it is a false opportunity, a false name! I can provide such a name, this is a bonus, it is popular , it’s good for everyone, and if it’s not popular, there’s no harm for everyone!”

"let me consider it."

"Sister Shengnan..."


"I am your helper, and I will be your ally in the future. Although I am stepping on the steps you paved for me now, in the future, you can step on me, or even step on my shoulders. Believe me, although I am... Below, but I can totally support you..."

When Zhang Sheng said this, his tone was very soft, but extremely serious and penetrating.

Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng and was speechless for a long time.

But it felt ridiculous in my heart.

For a moment, she actually believed that Zhang Sheng could do these things.

"When will you use the artist's authentication information?"


"So early?"

"Soldiers are valuable and quick."

"Okay, then I promise you."

After Zhang Sheng saw Xu Shengnan nodding, Zhang Sheng's serious expression turned into a smile, and then he stood up: "Sister Shengnan, is Director Ke still busy?"

"Busy, what's wrong?"

"The [Southern California International Film Awards] received two submitted films. For one of them, I saw that the introduction was OK, but I don't know what it is like. I need professionals to help me take a look. If I look at it with a professional eye, Come on, if this movie is still watchable, I plan to let the movie pass the preliminary review and then be screened internationally..."

"Go ahead, his office is upstairs."


Zhang Sheng left.

Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng's back for a long time.

Then she suddenly smiled.

"International screening?"

She shook her head.

The pie is getting bigger and bigger, and he probably believes it himself.

But allies...

Xu Shengnan's expression became serious again.

In this game between capital and capital, if you are alone, you will indeed only be annexed or become a victim.

She really has to think about her future.


the next morning.

Zhang Sheng came to the street in Yanjing Fujing again.

Come here this time...

Some merchants dropped what they were doing and ran out of the store to say hello to him as soon as they saw him.

"Xiao Zhang!"

"Xiao Zhang, why are you here?"

"Xiao Zhang, you didn't even call me when you came here. Do you have any projects recently?"

"Xiao Zhang..."

Zhang Sheng greeted these merchants one by one.

After saying hello, he ignored the kind invitations from these merchants and walked into the busy door of [Obon Integrated Ceiling]...

Some of the merchants were envious, some were jealous, some were making sarcastic remarks, and some were thinking of having a chat with Zhang Sheng after he came out...


A white cloud like a curved sickle floated past.

So beautiful, so...


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