I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 126 How can this bad movie be made into a good movie! (First update!)

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing.

Jianghu is about human nature.

If the Golden Horse Awards circle is compared to the world of martial arts, then every film that participates in the nominations is a society.

Raise your arms and call out, and there will be hundreds of responses.

There are some people who are rotten in their bones and no one cares about them, but they just want to hang out in the world.

Why can you mix?

Because of the so-called human nature.

"Paging 1988" is one of the films shortlisted for the Golden Horse Awards, and it is not a "bad film" with a high presence.

Poor reviews, poor box office, high investment, unclear plot...

Many fans who went to the cinema to watch this movie felt that they had been deceived and wanted to refund their tickets!

But it happened to be nominated for two Golden Horse Awards.

They are the Best Supporting Actor Award and the Best New Director Award.

Before and after the awards ceremony, countless netizens on the Internet were criticizing and questioning the authority of the Golden Horse Awards. How could such a film be nominated for two Golden Horse Awards?

Some popular filmmakers even publicly criticized the authority of the Golden Horse Awards.

Isn't this a piece of mouse droppings that ruined the pot of porridge?

But the Golden Horse Awards doesn’t care about this, let alone respond to it.

Anyway, the singing, dancing, and awarding of awards continue...

Of course, the so-called authority still needs to be maintained, and some things cannot be made too ugly.

"Paging 1988" did not win any substantial awards. In the end, it was one of more than ten accompanying films...

But the lens gave a lot.

Especially the director Chen Bin, who basically gave a close-up every ten minutes or so. After the awards were over, a bunch of netizens on the Internet began to praise this young director for being so handsome, and there were so many more.

This made director Chen Bin feel a little elated.

Of course, Piaopiaoran will inevitably read more posts in the future, and then...

On the afternoon of October 8th.

In the spacious and bright office.

"What's the use of being handsome? The movie looks like shit. I'm afraid I didn't buy this Yanying diploma!"

"What kind of rubbish movie can win the Golden Horse Award? This Golden Horse Award is simply worse than the last!"


After seeing the comments one after another, Chen Bin somehow felt a surge of anger rushing to his forehead.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably.


He personally put on a vest and faced off with a group of netizens, and even almost asked his team to do human flesh to see who the bastard said that about his movie!

"Paging 1988" is indeed a bad movie in a sense.

But does the director himself know that he is making a bad movie?

Some people know that after halfway through filming, they know that the movie is probably going to be a hit, but they have to bite the bullet and film it. After all, they are coerced by capital and dare not lose their jobs. If they don't film it, they will be thrown to the ground and rubbed. .

But some people don't know, and even think that what they film is high-end art film. If the film is poorly shot, it is really not the director's problem, but the problem of these fans.

Give fragrant hot coffee to a beggar. Is it worthy for a beggar to drink it?

Chen Bin is such a director!

He was born in an acting family since he was a child. Both his parents were famous actors in the last century and were quite famous in the industry. He has been influenced by many arts since he was a child.

Later, he became interested in movies and filmed "Paging 1988".

His years of hard work and artistic understanding have been concentrated on this movie. Even if he watches his own "Paging 1988" now, he still feels that this movie is a rare "art movie" in China.

The failure of the Golden Horse Awards was not due to the film’s fault, but because all the Golden Horse Awards judges were blind!

Keyboard sound...

It is hammering continuously.

Chen Bin is still confronting netizens!

He will not allow anyone to slander his "Paging 1988"!

He scolded netizens while detailing various foreshadowings and metaphors in his movie...

The more I talk about it, the more I feel that there is something shady about this Golden Horse Awards. They don’t review such a good movie, but they criticize commercial blockbusters that have no real meaning!

Commercial blockbusters...

Who can’t take pictures?

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the office.


He saw Gao Hui come in.

Gao Hui is the assistant director and leading actor of "Paging 1988", and he is also a close friend who he grew up with.

Gao Hui's uncle is Gao Yuan, one of the main directors of the most popular movie "Thunder" at the 46th Golden Horse Awards.

“Have you found out more about the [Southern California International Film Awards]?”

"My uncle said it was a Pheasant Award. I just inquired. This award not only sent invitation letters to us, but also sent preliminary invitation letters to other unsuccessful directors..."


"Yes! It's probably a prize that can be bought with money. The thousands of dollars we spent were wasted..."


Gao Hui walked in in a hurry.

His expression was quite complicated.

Chen Bin looked at the invitation letter from the [Southern California International Film Awards], and his excitement gradually turned into disappointment.

When he first received the invitation, he was so excited that he was trembling inside, but he learned that this award was just a pheasant award.

My heart instantly went cold.

Thousands of dollars is a small amount of money, and the Pheasant Award is also fine. If you package it up, it is also an international award, but your award has been given to other directors...

What the hell does this mean?

"This award is not like the Pheasant Award. Look, it has an official website, photos, judges, and search encyclopedia information..."

Although Gao Hui next to him was also disappointed, he still stared at the pictures and information on the official website repeatedly.

I always feel that this award is not a pheasant award.


November 8th.

Zhou Guoping's team was scolded by the leader again.

The reason for the scolding is quite simple.

In the early morning...

A piece of social news about [Vagrant singers gathering to fight] appeared on Weibo.

In just three hours, this hot social news became a hot search on Weibo and received 500,000 clicks.

In the news interview video, there are constant thunderous words, such as "I don't know why, he came up to beat me", "He beat me and took my position", "He smashed my guitar and didn't give me a hundred yuan!" "I am blackmailing me." Are you someone?" The keywords went viral on Weibo, and one of them, a sissy singer wearing a red hat, became popular on the Internet...

There is nothing wrong with the news, but every word in the news hints at the popularity of "Ah K" after it became popular overnight. With this popularity, the single "In the Rain" on Qgou Music instantly became popular, ranking from the seventh Heading towards sixth place!

When the leaders of the music department saw this scene, they were furious.

What "pig heads!" "What's the matter with you!" "Are my caregivers eating shit?" "What a bunch of trash! Others can be popular, why can't you find hot topics?" "I just walk around on the street. Find a piece of trash who is better than you!"

Zhou Guoping was heartbroken by the scolding.

This month's bonus of 2,000 yuan was naturally deducted in half amidst the waves of scolding.

Before leaving, the leader turned to stare at everyone in the department and knocked on the table.

"If "In the Rain" still ranks sixth this afternoon, you won't want the other one thousand yuan bonus!"

In the huge office, it suddenly became quiet before and after the leader left.

The little girl in the corner couldn't bear it and suddenly cried "Wow".

No one went up to comfort...

Although most people gritted their teeth, no one talked about the leader behind his back. This was the rule of [Shengshi Entertainment].

All those who couldn't stand the rules ran away, and those who remained were those who had to "obey the rules" for various reasons.


They are also afraid of certain unspoken rules.

Over the years, several close colleagues would occasionally drink together after get off work. Everyone talked about everything at the table. After drinking, the colleague who inexplicably said bad things about the boss the next day was fired.

The colleague who was not fired was secretly given a bonus...

In the past, everyone thought it was a coincidence, but as time went by, everyone understood what was going on.


[Shengshi Entertainment] Although the leadership scolds and often deducts all bonuses, the basic salary and various benefits are really not bad. Counting various subsidies, there are about 10,000 yuan upwards, and there are various subsidies at the end of the year.

The tens of thousands of dollars in 2009, in this era where finding a job is becoming increasingly difficult, is really hard not to cherish.

People who don’t give up for five buckets of rice...

Maybe, but not for social animals like them.

After a while, everyone lowered their heads, and like machines, they continued to search for various popular "copies" and various popular directions on Weibo...

The whole office was filled with depression.

It's so oppressive that one can't breathe.

During the break, Zhou Guoping walked to the bathroom alone and silently looked at Zhang Sheng’s number on his phone...

Scenes from yesterday flashed through his mind.

Although he avoided it later, he probably knew that Zhang Sheng was responsible for the entire news buzz...

After waiting for a long time, he finally didn't call Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng's words to win over him were indeed very tempting.

He also realized that this might be an opportunity.


He can't gamble.

He couldn't afford to gamble either.

How could a person bet the expenses of his son’s tutoring, mortgage, and wife’s various expenses on a newly established studio?

However, it is not realistic to give up such an opportunity.

He needs to make more money. If Zhang Sheng can give him more money, he can accept it!

After struggling again and again, he sent a message to Zhang Sheng.

[As long as it does not harm the interests of [Shengshi Entertainment], as long as it does not violate morality and law...]

[If you just help review music and movies, and participate in reviews, we can cooperate. My only hobbies are these. 】

[No need to reply to text messages, I will give you my Q-dog number, um, and my personal mobile phone number]

After sending the message and giving his QQ number to Zhang Sheng, he deleted the text message and then deleted all call records related to Zhang Sheng.

After checking it again and finding that there was nothing wrong, Zhou Guoping put down his cell phone, continued to the breathless office, and started working silently.

Work was busy until eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Guoping left [Shengshi Entertainment] with an extremely tired spirit.

After a series of operations, the song "In the Rain" finally returned to seventh place, and even when it left, it was pushed back to eighth place by them.

Not long after the exhausted Zhou Guoping returned home, his personal cell phone number rang.

Zhou Guoping answered the phone.

"Brother Zhou, are you done?"

"Busy working……"

"Brother Zhou, from the perspective of a judge, I hope you can help write an in-depth film review. Well, it's four hundred yuan a piece. Give me your bank card and I'll give you two hundred yuan first..."


Zhou Guoping reported his bank card to Zhang Sheng, and then a smile appeared on his tired face.

Not long after, his phone vibrated, and then a message appeared.

Two hundred yuan arrived.

You can earn 400 yuan just by writing a movie review, which is pretty easy money to make.

Just after he saw the movie reviewed, the smile on his face froze instantly.

"Paging 1988"!

When he saw the requirements on the film review, his smile instantly became stiffer!

"What? You want me to help explain how to edit this bad movie into a watchable art film?"

Zhou Guoping's pupils shrank!

Immediately afterwards...

He suddenly wanted to refund the money!

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