I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 127 Shocked (Second update!)



Zhou Guoping was still busy in front of the computer.

Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat.

The plot of "Paging 1988" made him so embarrassed that he almost wanted to vomit.

After watching it, he searched for good reviews of the movie. After searching for a long time, he found that except for the trolls hired by the production company [Apocalypse Entertainment] of "Paging 1988", all other reviews were negative.

He searched for a full two hours before he found some good reviews of "Paging 1988"...

The praise came from a post on the forum where a "die-hard" netizen was criticizing those who cursed. After seeing this "die-hard" netizen, Zhou Guoping even suspected that this netizen was the director Chen Bin himself.

After reading this...

Zhou Guoping was lying on the bed.

Obviously, Zhang Sheng was not willing to write a film review to Zhang Sheng when the "die-hard" netizen praised the "artistic" content of the movie "Paging 1988".

He took a deep breath.

The only thing I can praise about this movie is probably the photography equipment and the handsome guys and girls in the movie...

Other than that…

He really has nothing to praise!


Please help explain, how to edit this bad movie into a watchable art film?

When Zhou Guoping thought that Zhang Sheng's request was this, his heart beat violently and he felt nauseated and vomiting.

In this world, there are many things that will shorten your life if you do them.

Zhou Guoping feels that after writing this film review, his life will be shortened.

Just after midnight...

He finally couldn't help but send a Q dog message to Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, I can't do this job. Please give me your money back!"

After sending it, he lay on the bed and panicked when he thought about the plot of the movie "Paging 1988".

He pondered for a long time but couldn't figure out how such a bad movie could be made. What he couldn't understand even more was that such a bad movie was actually nominated for the Golden Horse Award, and then...

It was actually released in theaters for two days!

This director's background is probably extremely tough!

The more Zhou Guoping thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt sad...

This world is so unfair, he is as tired as a dog, but some people are born with a golden key in their mouth, and then they can just make a movie with a budget of tens of millions.

Exposing just a little bit of your fingernails can help you live a lifetime!

Oh shit!

In this mood, he fell asleep for an hour.

Just when he was a little dazed, his cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and was shocked when he saw the message.

"One thousand yuan, why did you transfer two hundred yuan to me?"

After being shocked, his cell phone rang again.

"Brother Zhou, are you asleep?"

"No, Mr. Zhang, you..."

"Four hundred dollars, can you write it?"

"Mr. Zhang, this is really not about money. I really..."

"One hundred more!"

"I...I said, this..."

"One thousand dollars, can you write? Brother Zhou, I know you are a very talented person, and I appreciate your talent very much, but sometimes, we can't bury our talents, we have to realize them..."


It's quiet at night.

On the phone, Zhang Sheng said something.

Zhou Guoping only felt his heart twitching slightly. After calming down for a while, he sighed: "Give me a thousand?"

"Just nod your head and I'll transfer it to you right away!"

"I'll give it a try. When you're satisfied with it, give it to me..."

"No problem, this movie is our key training target. If possible, I hope you can explain this movie from the perspective of the director..."

"When is the latest time to..."

"Brother Zhou, is it okay tomorrow morning? I remember you have a rest tomorrow morning..."


Zhou Guoping hung up the phone and glanced out the window.

Then he let out a long sigh again, then stared at the "Paging 1988", gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and continued to watch the movie over and over again.


October 9th.

[Starlight Future] In the office.

[Cromecium] Cao Li and [Nangong Nan] Zhou Wenqiang are reviewing a movie.

[Southern California International Film Awards]!

They originally thought that this award was a lie, a joint fraud, the kind of person who would make some hard money and then run away.


No one could have imagined that one day, Zhang Sheng came over and looked at them and told them very seriously that they were serious about organizing such a film award.

This award does not compete with the domestic Golden Horse Awards. The Golden Horse Awards are too low-level, let alone the Hong Kong Island Film Awards. It has no connotation...

They want to compete for the Oscars...

Zhang Sheng's series of words made their blood boil with excitement. After a while, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Oscar Awards!

Oscar Awards!

What the hell are you...

This is not how you draw a pie!

Zhang Sheng didn't seem to care about their doubts, disbelief, and looks like they were crazy.

In short, they were taken to [Starlight Future] by Zhang Sheng one day ago...

When Zhang Sheng took them into [Starlight Future], they were so excited that they felt like they were dreaming.

He never dreamed that Zhang Sheng would have such a relationship!

What is even more unexpected is that Zhang Sheng actually has his own office in [Starlight Future]. Although it is not big, it is located next to the corner grocery room.


What the hell!

This is [Starlight Future]!

Although it has encountered major changes, judging from the current trend, [Starlight Future] is still very stable!

Cao Li and Zhou Wenqiang each have their own access cards and identity cards.

With their identity badges, they met many stars on the screen, as well as directors and agents. Cao Li even asked for the autographs of several stars...

For these senior students, this is simply magic.

They were all so excited last night!

after one day……

When Zhang Sheng showed them a series of "bad movies" and then asked them to conduct a "systematic" evaluation of these bad movies, their excitement disappeared without a trace in an instant.

There was only confusion and pain everywhere.

[Southern California International Film Awards] After the invitations are sent out...

There are certainly a lot of movies that have taken the bait.


Mainstream directors all knew this was just a pheasant award and didn’t take it seriously.

Those serious movies that cost thousands of dollars...

All of them are really bad movies!

But unfortunately...

Zhang Sheng also asked them to think of ways to "blow" these bad movies, and they had to brag seriously, with reason and evidence, and they couldn't let go of anything that could be praised.

For other movies, they can barely do it, but "Page 1988" is too difficult to do.

It literally killed them.

During the whole day yesterday, they were almost exhausted. They were really unable to speak or write...


Terrible and exaggerated acting!


I don’t know what to say, the plot above does not follow the plot below, inexplicable dialogues and conflicts, lines without logic...

Damn it!

Why are there such bad movies in this world?

How do they blow it?

After Zhang Sheng saw that they were about to collapse after watching this movie, he finally asked them to brag about other "bad movies."

After experiencing "Paging 1988" and watching other movies, they were suddenly relieved!

Oh shit!

You can still watch these movies!

It's half past nine in the morning.

Zhang Sheng drank a cup of coffee in the office, and then saw a Q dog message.

After seeing the Q dog information, Zhang Sheng laughed.

"Xiao Cao, Xiao Zhou, please relax a little bit about the work at hand."

"boss Zhang?"

"You have to learn from this review of "Paging 1988" and see how others praised this movie and how they made suggestions for rectifying the film's framework. This is the real master. You have to learn from it. There are many more things! Remember, we must have a discerning eye, and even more, a pair of eyes that can discover beauty..."

In the office.

Zhang Sheng looked at the two people with a smile on his face.

After the two read the movie reviews and "movie description", they were stunned.

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes.

A smile appeared on his face, and then, to the astonishment of the two of them, he picked up the "new mobile phone" and made a call.

On the other end of the phone...

Zhang Sheng was chatting with someone in extremely fluent English.


The two of them not only watched Zhang Sheng speak English, but even felt that the person on the other end of the phone was an out-and-out British person.

Even the accent is exactly the same!


Bi Feiyu......

I feel like I've been trapped.

After signing the agreement with [NC Studio], he found that something seemed different from what he imagined.

He thought about the [Southern California International Film Awards], and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. It seemed like a grassroots team, and it was most likely a grassroots team built by Ke Zhanyi and some people in his team.


With this doubt, he tentatively asked Ke Zhanyi!

"Yes! We were the ones to set up the ride. I can't lie to you!"

"Then the money I invested before..."

"If you want, I can give it back to you at any time."

"So refreshing?"

"We never lie!"


Ke Zhanyi is not a liar.

When Bi Feiyu signed [NC Studio], he didn't even pretend anymore.

I admitted this very shamelessly.

It seems that after following Zhang Sheng for a few days, Ke Zhanyi felt that he was starting to do something and began to feel at ease.

His bachelor status made Bi Feiyu start to feel at a loss.

"Then, my movie "The Dog Over the Mountain"..."

"You want the Best Director at the [Southern California International Film Awards], I can give it to you right now!"


The corner of Bi Feiyu's mouth twitched slightly.

After watching Ke Zhanyi casually take out the [Southern California International Film Awards] Best Director trophy from the drawer, he sat down on the ground.

"Is everything fake?"

"No, we're all real!"

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

A young man with glasses and a smile on his face came in.

He stretched out his hand: "Hello, Director Bi. I have long admired my name. I have admired my name for a long time..."

Bi Feiyu shook hands with the young man subconsciously.

The young man's smile was like a spring breeze, which made Bi Feiyu very comfortable, and the awkwardness in his heart disappeared without a trace.


Somehow, he always felt that this young man's voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, and he felt a sense of intimacy with it.

"Director Bi can edit movies, right?"


"Oh, that's great, Director Bi, how about... a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"Cut a high-end art film, just follow these requirements, and I'll give you the film material!"


"I know you are not short of money, Director Bi. Talking about remuneration is too vulgar, but as long as you give me some help, I can make your movie a hit in the literary and art circles!"


Bi Feiyu nodded subconsciously, and then took the U disk handed over by Zhang Sheng.

After inserting the USB flash drive into the computer, he looked at a lot of messy materials and editing requirements...

His eyes widened!

"Oh my god, this can't be the movie "Paging 1988"!"


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