I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 129 The second payment of royalties (first update!)

November 12th.

Zhang Sheng received a long-distance call from Qi Yufu from Brazil.

On the phone, Qi Yufu told Zhang Sheng that he had successfully obtained the local registration approval for the slum there, and asked for an open space of about 10,000 square meters, with a large stage at the front.

The steps on the big stage are paved step by step with local cheap stones. Climbing up the steps, there is a domestic projection screen behind the stage. Because it looks larger than before, the price of the screen has about doubled...

As for the "chairs" and seats in front of the cinema, they are all provided by their [Qi's Home Furnishing], made of local Brazilian rosewood and breaded leather. Brazilian pear wood, also known as Guyana wood, is not a traditional mahogany. Although it is cheap, it is hard and extremely durable...

Zhang Sheng saw the photo of the chair sent by Qi Yufu in QGou on his mobile phone.

After looking at it for a few times, except for the words [Qi's Home Furnishing] which were a bit eye-catching, the rest of the problems were not big. After mentioning it, Qi Yufu sent another chair concept of [Qi's Home Furnishing International Edition] picture.

After seeing this concept map, the sense of dissonance disappeared.

The two started from stage construction to talking about the design of the stage's opening ceremony.

Most of the design of the opening ceremony of the award ceremony imitates the [Academy Awards] or the [Berlin International Film Festival]. Anyway, it is singing and dancing, but the format is slightly changed.

Well, Qi Yufu has found some local girls who can dance samba and have sexy figures in bikinis. They have already organized rehearsals and plan to wait for the [Southern California International Film Awards] to start and they will perform as the opening show. Wave exotic dance...

After chatting for about ten minutes, Zhang Sheng hung up the phone.

A gust of wind came and hit his cheek.

The wind at night is getting colder and colder.

The lowest temperature reached 10 degrees Celsius. Walking on the road in single clothes, it is inevitable to feel a bit chilly.

As the times progress, electronic music becomes more and more popular.

On the streets of Yanshihua, Zhang Sheng can often hear students passing by playing various music on their mobile phones or MP3 or MP4.

Zhang Sheng heard "In the Rain".

Although this title song has been pushed down to the eighth place on the new song list in major online charts, more and more people have downloaded it, and to some extent, it has even surpassed the previous downloads of the seventh and sixth places. quantity.

Ah K’s rough, hysterical roar in despair seems to be liked not only by travelers wandering in Yanjing, but also by some students...

They think it's the taste.

At the same time, they think it's cool.

Is it cool to take a quick trip and stick to the hard work of your dream?

Zhang Sheng didn't care about these things.

He just wrapped his clothes slightly, then took his notebook and found an empty classroom to sit down as usual.

The empty classroom gave Zhang Sheng a sense of comfort, and the faint noise in the distance made him feel particularly relaxed.

He has his own office.

There is one in school, and there is also a small room in [Starlight Future].


As the [Southern California International Film Awards] progresses, there are often people coming and going in the office. Some brands come to discuss cooperation, some staff discuss the plot of the movie, and some people come to watch the excitement...

The hustle and bustle made it difficult for Zhang Sheng to calm down.

It's hard to believe that under Zhang Sheng's "social cow" appearance, he actually has always hidden a quiet heart.

Opening the notebook, its bright light shone on his face, and he clicked on [Qiming Chinese Website].

With Zhang Sheng's persistence, the data of "Breaking the Sphere", which was once abandoned in the corner and no one cared about it, got better and better.

In the first month after it was released, he received RMB 7,000 in royalties and ranked over 400 on the monthly ticket list.

After the second month on the shelves, his monthly vote list has entered 295...

Zhang Sheng looked backstage.

The background shows an unpaid royalties of 9,500.

The subscription curve is growing every day, but not very fast.

Compared with market operations and commercial operations, these make money relatively quickly.

In a sense, writing novels step by step every day seems to be no longer Zhang Sheng's first choice for making money, and can only be regarded as a hobby.


Doing something always has to have a beginning and an end.

He felt the improvement in his writing skills, character design, and plot control...

In this progress, he received good feedback from more and more readers, and this feedback made him realize that he had the possibility of becoming a "writer".

Persistence is the simplest and most difficult thing.

"Break the Sky" still has a long way to go, and it will never be achieved overnight.


Zhang Sheng finished writing two chapters and uploaded them to the backend.

After the transmission, Zhang Sheng rubbed his swollen eyes.

The lights in the distance were extinguished one by one.

The earth gradually became quiet.

Zhang Sheng subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The sky was hazy, but stars could be seen.

In Yanjing, which is covered by smog, this is a rare thing.

Under the brilliant stars, Zhang Sheng watched silently for a long time, admiring the vastness of the universe.

After an unknown amount of time, he quietly closed his notebook and left the classroom alone.


Liu Kaili of [Senran Integrated Kitchen] was finally released.

He was detained for almost a week.

For more than a week, Liu Kaili studied various laws and regulations every day.

But these things did not wake up Liu Kaili, but somehow made him resent Zhang Sheng even more.

Someone acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, patted the butt and left the mess all over for him to clean up.


He was just helping Zhang Sheng clean up the mess.

After returning to the store, the business in the store was much deserted.

A few months ago, there was only one [Senran Integrated Stove] on this street, but now, as the traffic on this street increases, there are more businesses selling integrated stoves.


The initial reputation of [Senran Integrated Stove] was not good, so there were fewer and fewer repeat customers.

Fortunately, Li Bin recruited his own installation team, and then the entire [Senran Integrated Stove] was stabilized.

"It's time for you to learn how to build a brand! Look at [Obon Ceiling]. From October 6th to now, the business performance in one month has reached 700,000. The profit of 700,000 people is at least half !”

"They all started at the same time. Why is our [Senran Integrated Stove] doing worse and worse? During the time you left, if Li Bin hadn't been here to support us, our store's installation would have collapsed..."

"Old Liu, Old Liu, before Zhang Sheng left, he reminded us a long time ago that we need to be bigger and we can't just be a family workshop. We need to have the vision of running a business..."

When his wife Chen Aiju saw Liu Kaili, her eyes were complicated and she couldn't help but say a lot.

Liu Kaili sat on the chair, listening to it became more and more harsh.

An unknown fire suddenly rose up: "Don't mention Zhang Sheng to me. If it weren't for Zhang Sheng, would I have been caught? I was the one cleaning up the mess Zhang Sheng left. Look at him, now He patted his butt and left, nothing happened, he picked himself clean, I stayed for him for a whole week! Also, what tiger skin was he talking about? What about the college's tender? Where about the project? We [Senran] [Integrated Stove] I didn’t even get anything, I paid for advertising in vain. Damn it, you’re the wronged! Damn, you white-eyed wolf, you don’t know how to be grateful at all. If we didn’t help him, he wouldn’t be here now. Where is it!"

Liu Kaili's face turned red.

Staring at Chen Aiju fiercely, like a big rooster with its feathers standing on end ready to peck at people.

Chen Aiju looked at Liu Kaili like this. Chen Aiju swallowed everything she wanted to say. She was extremely disappointed, but she knew that it was best not to mention anything at this juncture to avoid intensifying the conflict, so she left. After leaving the tea room, I ran to the lobby to watch over the customers.

Liu Kaili's cursing voice continued for a long time, and he was sulking for a long time.

It wasn't until the sun set in the evening that the sound of guests coming in was heard outside the house, and he stopped.

But the sullenness in my heart became more and more depressed, and I couldn't breathe out.

"We don't know Zhang Sheng!"

"Yes, I don't know, Zhang Sheng never worked here..."

"We don't know Zhang Sheng's number..."

"really do not know!"

"If you keep doing this, I'm going to call the police. You've already hindered my business, do you know that?"


At this moment, his wife Chen Aiju's rather sharp voice sounded outside the house.

Liu Kaili walked out after hearing the sound.

He saw a tall, thick-set young man with a fleshy face and tattoos on his arms, smoking a cigarette and sitting on a chair in the living room.

The young man seemed to be asking about Zhang Sheng.

Chen Aiju's face turned pale.

The young man placed his shoes on the table and stared at Chen Aiju with a somewhat fierce look.

When Liu Kaili saw this scene, he knew someone was coming to make trouble, so he subconsciously walked over.

"What happened?"

"Are you the boss here?"

"Yes, I am the boss here, what's wrong?"

"Zhang Sheng owes our company some money. Our company has been looking for him for several months. Just a few days ago, I found out that he worked in your store, so I came over to see if he was still there..."


Chen Aiju winked at Liu Kaili desperately.

Liu Kaili did not look at Chen Aiju, but subconsciously showed a smile: "You have a cup of tea first, Zhang Sheng worked here, but he is not here now, he goes to university!"

"Does he still have money to go to college?" The muscles on the young man's face twitched slightly.

"Ah? Don't you know? He is rich now and has made a lot of money... He also had a hand in the [Obon Integrated Ceiling] next door!"

"What!" The young man's eyes widened and turned gloomy: "We checked his ID card and his mobile phone number but couldn't find it. Did he use someone else's mobile phone number?"

"Ah...I don't know about this, but..."

"But what?"

"Why don't you contact him? I have a mobile phone number here..."


Chen Aiju looked at Liu Kaili in disbelief.

At this moment, she actually felt that Liu Kaili, who was smiling and even a little angry, looked particularly ugly.

It's disgustingly ugly.

She stood up and immediately wanted to go to the bathroom to call Zhang Sheng. Unexpectedly, Liu Kaili stopped her subconsciously: "Honey, we have wiped Zhang Sheng's butt enough, there is no need to wipe him anymore." Well, doesn’t he always have the same principles? What kind of structure? What entrepreneurial philosophy? What is relevant here and what is relevant there? He is so powerful and relevant, why doesn’t he just pay back the money and treat him like a deadbeat? Now I understand why I was asked to provide my mobile phone and number in the first place. It turns out that he is just a shady person!"

(The page number of the chapter was wrong yesterday...)

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