I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 130 Debtors and debt collectors! (Second update!)

Ends November 13th.

The total sales of "That Summer" have exceeded 50,000 copies.

Fifty thousand copies, which is almost the annual sales volume of the average best-seller on the market.

Yang Chen, the editor of [Morning Star Publishing House], called Lin Xia yesterday.

On the phone, Yang Chen told her that the publishing house conducted an evaluation for her "That Summer". If it cooperates with the launch of film and television, the annual sales of this book are estimated to be upwards of 180,000.

Up to 200,000 yuan is already the sales level of some ordinary first-line writers.

A debut novel can achieve such a huge success. For ordinary writers, it is absolutely necessary to set off firecrackers to celebrate, and then post it everywhere on QDog Space, blogs, and Weibo, for fear that there are still people around the world who don’t know about this book... …


Lin Xia, on the other hand, behaved calmly.

Although "That Midsummer" has been revised for the second time, some realistic low-level characters have been added, and the novel is closer to reality and fuller, Lin Xia is still not satisfied with her debut novel.

If she wrote it now!

She can write better.

"Sorry, Sister Yang, I don't want to attend the event now..."

"Sister Yang, I want to accumulate more..."


She declined the publication's "invitation" to appear on a program, even if the program was Shonan Satellite TV's "Daily Running".

This program is very popular among young people. Every issue of the program invites some well-known domestic singers and actors to participate in the activities. Under the operation of the powerful Xiangnan Satellite TV operation team, the program's ratings have reached the top three domestic variety shows...

In the new program, Xiangnan Satellite TV invited Lin Zhibai, a well-known travel writer and the number one popular Internet celebrity, as a guest. As soon as the promotional advertisement was released, the popularity of the program exploded on the Internet.

The original intention of the publishing house was to let her team up with Lin Zhibai to play games with handsome guys and beautiful girls, and to have Lin Zhibai introduce "That Summer" on the show to increase sales.

After all, if the annual sales exceed 200,000 copies, it will be able to stabilize the sales of domestic first-tier writers.

If it were a few months ago...

Lin Xia will probably participate in this show.

There is no downside. While increasing book sales, you can also appear on TV and make a splash...

Why not?

But now Lin Xia has gradually lost interest.

Below the bustling city...

There are many people who are struggling in poverty.

When Lin Xia met these people and gradually understood them in depth, she even began to think that the book "That Midsummer" was too shallow.

In the book...

Everyone worked hard and got into the university of their choice.

There are ups and downs in the book, but they are limited to quarrels between classmates, ignorant crushes, or conflicts between classmates, teachers, and parents.

These days.

She has been collecting various information and reading traditional literature written by many old writers.

Books are not only a ladder to progress, but also a door.

This door opened another path for her.


She put pen to paper and wrote an outline.

Editor Yang Chen was silent for a long time after reading it.

"The book didn't sell."

"It's too realistic."

In this era, people long for success but live extremely hard lives. If you write such a real and bloody book, it will only make them more tired after reading it.

Such a book...

For the publisher, it can be published, but it has no substantive significance.

They don't want Lin Xia to become one of those realistic writers. They want Lin Xia to become a top-tier best-selling writer like Han Yong and Guo Xiaowu.

After being rejected, Lin Xia also tried to write some beginnings of the "youth pain literature" type.


It made her want to vomit, and after reading it, she got goosebumps.

In the end, she stuck to her own path.

If there is no sales, there will be no sales.

Noon on November 3rd.

Lin Xia finished writing the first chapter of the new book.

She checked it over.

Quite satisfied.

When she was preparing to eat, she received a call from Zhang Panpan.

Zhang Panpan has contacted her more and more frequently recently.

Basically, they invited her out for dinner intentionally or unintentionally. After being rejected, Zhang Panpan was not discouraged and still chatted with her.

Zhang Sheng seems to have done something recently.

These things interest Sister Hong from [Shengshi Entertainment], and she wants to cooperate with Zhang Sheng, but she lacks a middleman.

Zhang Panpan couldn't be the middleman, so...

Sister Hong hopes that she can be a middleman.

That's probably what it means.

Lin Xia found it quite ironic.

At the dinner that day, Zhang Panpan looked down upon Zhang Sheng and said all kinds of bad things about Zhang Sheng in his ears.

Some words that hurt her self-esteem are still echoing in her ears.

And now...

Lin Xia felt the reality and understood Zhang Panpan to a certain extent.

Although Zhang Panpan cannot be called a philistine, she probably can no longer be the best friends she once was and talked to her about everything.

On the phone today, Zhang Panpan was still chatting with Lin Xia about various lunches.

Her lunch was very expensive, costing nearly a thousand yuan for one lunch. She also told some friends she knew about how expensive their bags were and how limited edition they were...

So what if you eat well?

To put it bluntly, it does not contain even one percent of the nutrition in the dish.

Lin Xia had no interest at all, but felt that the gap was getting deeper and deeper.

After Zhang Panpan barely exchanged a few words, Lin Xia hung up the phone with the excuse of "I have something to do, so I'll hang up now."

Not long after, Lin Xia's cell phone rang again.

Lin Xia saw an unfamiliar number.

She was instinctively vigilant and chose not to answer.

But not long after, the number called again...

She answered the phone:

"Hello, are you..."

"Hello, do you know Zhang Sheng?"


Lin Xia instinctively wanted to say that she knew him, but then he seemed to think of something: "I don't know Zhang Sheng!"

"You don't know why Zhang Sheng calls you? And there are so many calls..."

"I don't know. That's my other phone. I call myself sometimes. Is there any problem?"

"Hurry up and ask Zhang Sheng to pay back the money. He owes us so much money. He can't owe us any more! If he doesn't pay back, we will call the police!"

"You pulled out my mobile phone information. You have seriously violated my privacy. If you don't stop now, I will call the police. You can check the Internet. Some time ago, Yanjing was called in because of random calls from some businesses. Squatting, if the circumstances are serious, you may even be sentenced!”


Lin Xia hung up the phone and blocked him.

Not long after hanging up the phone, another call rang again: "Why did you hang up on us! Are you feeling guilty? Is Zhang Sheng next to you? Tell Zhang Sheng not to hide, hide or hide." But it’s okay!”

Lin Xia blocked him again and hung up the phone.

After blocking several threatening calls several times in a row, I finally stopped calling.

The midday sun shines through the window and onto Lin Xia's beautiful face.

At this moment, her face was full of worry.

She subconsciously dialed Zhang Sheng's number, only to find that Zhang Sheng's cell phone was busy from beginning to end.


His phone was off the hook.


"Is this number really Zhang Sheng's?"

"It's Zhang Sheng's, the number that Brother Biao got from Yanjing..."

"But this mobile phone number is so weird, isn't it? Why isn't there a number saved in the phone book? I called it from the call history... and everyone there said they didn't recognize Zhang Sheng!"


"Are you asking for a fake number? There are only a few call records here...it's either an advertising number, a business number, or a foreign language that I don't understand. You can't speak like a chicken. Damn it! It's incredible! "


"Fuck! Isn't this a waste of time?"

"Keep calling this number and I believe you will get through."



In the office.

Several people got Zhang Sheng's mobile phone number and called up the contact number of Zhang Sheng's mobile phone.


They were shocked to find that the phone book was completely blank.

They called up the text messages sent by this number, and then found that the text messages were also blank.

As for the communication tools such as browsing or registered Q Dog in the mobile phone card, they are also blank...

If there were no traces that they could see, they would have thought that they had asked for a fake number. In fact, the owner of this number was not Zhang Sheng himself, but an owner named Lin Xia.

That girl from Lin Xia seemed to know the law very well. She spoke one thing after another, and her aura was very strong, which frightened them all.

In all their years of working in the industry, they have never encountered such a situation.

In the office, several people still kept calling that number.


No matter how many times I call, the phone is always busy.

Finally, in the evening, they couldn't bear it anymore and called Brother Biao who was far away in Yanjing.

On the other end of the phone, Brother Biao seemed to feel that he was being fooled. His temper was rising and he was so angry. They tried to persuade him several times, but they didn't seem to be able to stop him. Then he vaguely heard that Brother Biao was about to take his bedding and run to a famous house. The store called "Senran Integrated Kitchen" planned to lie alone in front of the store and not allow them to do business.

In the past, he was born as a ruffian in society. Although he has restrained himself in a society governed by the rule of law, he is still able to do rogue and mischievous things that are not illegal.



Zhang Sheng returned to the office of [NC Studio].

After returning to the office, Zhang Sheng met Chen Mengting.

Chen Mengting immediately took out her mobile phone and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, I just received a few harassing phone calls, asking you for debts. Do you owe a lot of money?"

"Oh, it's not much, probably more than two million."

"What? More than two million?"


The office suddenly became quiet, and Chen Mengting's eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhang Sheng glanced at the mobile phone number calmly: "I remember telling you before, if a strange phone number calls you and says they are looking for me, and if the other person's tone is weird, you should always say you don't know me, right?"

"Yes, that's why I said I didn't know you. After a few threatening calls in a very aggressive tone, they stopped calling..."


Zhang Sheng didn't feel strange and just nodded.

Just when Zhang Sheng was about to say something, he heard a knock at the door.

Afterwards, Qi Haifeng walked over with a complicated expression: "Brother Sheng, outside the school, someone is making a fuss in the communication room... They keep making a fuss, saying they want to find you..."


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