I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 148 Ordinary People’s Entrepreneurship

One must first have an idea.


Just like wood.

Xu Bowen, who has not graduated from high school, is leaning on the table and writing "Plan for the next five years".

He wrote very awkwardly.

And, I don’t know why, as I write this, my mind starts to get confused.

He once thought about starting a business.

But his parents in the countryside repeatedly told him with examples.

A certain person in the next village opened a furniture store and lost all his money. Look at who and who, and now all his relatives and friends are hiding.

It seems that since he was a child, his parents have told him that he must be a responsible person. Only through diligence can he make money through hard work, and can he save money through frugality.

His parents said so, and the textbooks said so, and he once believed it too.

But when he really left the society and worked in factories and went to work every day, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Diligence and hard work from dawn to dusk made my parents stay in the village for most of their lives. In the end, they couldn't even afford a house in a small county town...


My father, who had been working at the construction site, fell ill due to fatigue.

Being frugal and frugal did not allow the family to save money, but directly drained the family's wealth.


The more I eat, the more expensive it gets, and it never gets better.


By piecing everything together, relatives and friends who were once good friends gradually became alienated. Although they obviously didn't make any mistakes, they were in the same situation as those who failed to start a business.

In the end, my father could only take some cheap Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is bitter, and when it is boiled, the whole house often smells bad.

After taking it for a year, the disease was finally cured, but the root cause of the disease was gone and I could no longer do physical work.

That year...

Xu Bowen, who was really frustrated at work in his hometown, left his hometown and came to the bustling metropolis, hoping to make a career.

Everyone says there are so many opportunities in big cities!


He was blinded by the neon lights of the big city and overwhelmed by the endless traffic at the intersection.

There are indeed many opportunities.

But this is not the 90s, nor the 80s...

Everyone makes money from anything that can make money. A person with a high school education and no capital has lost his direction in this big city and can only work as an ordinary security guard.


He gradually understood that the good things in Yanjing seemed to be only for the rich.



live frugally?

With housing prices getting higher and higher, how many years do ordinary people have to spend, live frugally and stay healthy to buy a few square meters?

Naturally, he was unwilling to do so...

Then, he took a wrong turn.

"This is all I can write..."

Xu Bowen emptied his mind of everything and only wrote a few hundred words in the "Plan for the Next Five Years".

After finishing writing, he deeply realized that he really didn't seem to be entrepreneurial material.


Xu Bowen came to school with his luggage.

Naturally, I felt uneasy.

If he had studied seriously, he might have been able to go to college.


It's too late.

After registering the information, the security guard next to him glanced at him and pointed in the direction.

Zhang Sheng is very influential in Yan Petrochemical, and many people know Zhang Sheng, so [NC Studio] is also easy to find.

He knocked on the door.

He saw some students in the work area, discussing the "website".

They seemed to have received some business and were discussing what to do with the new website. There were occasional disputes during the process.

After seeing Xu Bowen come in, these students all looked at him with strange eyes.

Xu Bowen suddenly felt embarrassed.

The word "fertilizer" in the snakeskin bag was too conspicuous, so I instinctively wanted to cover it up.

But fortunately, after just taking a look, they continued to discuss and work.

He knocked on the office door.

In the office, Zhang Sheng was sitting.

"Brother Xu, are you here? Sit down..."

Xu Bowen carefully sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

"Brother Xu, have you finished writing?"

"I wrote a little bit..."

"Let me see."


Xu Bowen handed what he wrote to Zhang Sheng.

After handing it to Zhang Sheng, I felt extremely nervous.

He was obviously much older than Zhang Sheng, but when Zhang Sheng looked at what he had written, he still looked like a primary school student waiting to be graded.

After reading it, Zhang Sheng was not disappointed.

He just looked at Xu Bowen and looked him up and down.

Xu Bowen felt uncomfortable being looked at.

"Brother Xu..."


"Well written."


Xu Bowen looked at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.

He had been holding it in for a long time, and it was so messy that Zhang Sheng could still say it was well written?

"At least you have determined the general direction and developed a big framework for yourself. Setting a goal is the first step to success. The next step is to refine the process..." Zhang Sheng laughed.

"How to refine it? I... have no connections, no capital, and no skills..." Xu Bowen said a little frustrated.

"If you don't have connections, just get closer to these connections. If you don't have capital, accumulate original capital. You don't need much original capital, just a few thousand yuan. If you can set up a stall, it's enough. If you don't have skills, you can learn..."

"I..." Xu Bowen lowered his head. After thinking for a long time, he lost his sense of direction again.

Many things are easy to say, but very difficult to actually do.

After Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Bowen's face, he was still very patient: "Is it difficult?"

"It's hard."

"Then split it up again and do the simplest work?"

"How to split it?"

"You want to sell mobile phone communications, don't you?"

"It's not that I want to sell, I just feel that everyone is very enthusiastic about this industry, and I think I might be able to make money..."

"From now on, you don't have to do anything. You take your notebook and go to the most prosperous places in Yanjing. Watch the people coming and going every day. If you are shameless, you can go up and talk to them and ask them what they are. Profession, if you feel you dare not be shameless, just keep it simple. Look at what kind of mobile phone they use and roughly what kind of clothes they wear. You record them and report your experience to me every day..."

"So simple?"


"anything else?"

"I will help you contact a vocational and technical college and help you find a teacher. After you pack your luggage, you can sign up for night classes. Now the country is supporting vocational and technical talents. Some majors can be audited for free. Electronic majors may It costs some money, but you have to learn every day..."

"Okay! Is there any more?"

"No, if you can do this, that's all."


"Brother Xu, do you want to buy a car?"

"I think……"

"Do you want to buy a house?"


“Do you want to buy a house in Yanjing?”

"I think! But..."

"Think about it!"


"Okay, remember what you are saying now, you go contact this teacher and sign up for lessons first. If you have no place to live for the time being, you can live in my [NC Studio] first..."


Zhang Sheng watched Xu Bowen put down his luggage.

After hesitating for a while, he finally made a bed next to the office.

After finishing the laying, Xu Bowen took his mobile phone and contacted the number he gave him.

After making the call, Xu Bowen said hello to himself and then left with his notebook.

Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Bowen's back.

In this world...

Smart people have smart ways.

They have good brains and can easily see shortcuts and business opportunities, seize them at once, and then get up...

Ordinary people also have ordinary people's methods for starting a business.

As long as you set a goal, then break down each goal into simple small goals, and take it step by step, you will eventually gain enlightenment if you work steadily for many years.

Maybe he may not be able to become one of the top people in this era, but at least he can survive in this era and not be photographed on the beach and then become pieces.

The office fell into silence again.

Zhang Sheng opened the drawer.

There are several business licenses in the drawer...

He looked at it for a long time.


Closed his eyes.


September to end of November.

Zhang Panpan has been at [Shengshi Entertainment] for three months.

During these three months.

Most of the girls who came in with her and debuted in the [Shining Girls] talent show had their contracts terminated one after another.

Almost every day…

She could hear the cries in the office and the girls' parents coming over and being forced to sign a "supplemental agreement."

Watching scenes of "contract termination" events.

Zhang Panpan began to regret more and more.

That batch of [Sparkling Girls] has nearly thirty signed contracts...

Three months later, only twelve had not terminated their contracts.

Except for the few that are on the best-selling list on the Internet, the rest are girls from ordinary backgrounds but with dreams of becoming stars.

The company started squeezing the girls' value from the moment they signed the contract.

They allow girls to appear and sing on various occasions, claiming to be giving them resources, but in fact they are giving free commercial performances and accompanying them with drinks, so they will inevitably be taken advantage of.

If it's hot, push it up.

What is not popular, after losing value, is pushed aside and ignored.

There is no announcement, no agent, no resources, you don’t even know what to do when you go to the company...

Just like a piece of wood, with a not-so-high basic salary, doing nothing all day long...

Because of the contract, you cannot sign with other brokerage companies. Anything you post and any related benefits you obtain must be divided with the company.

People can only wake up when reality hits them.

After waking up...

People only have endless regrets.

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

Therefore, after regretting to a certain extent, I can only be forced to accept the reality.

Sister Hong no longer takes the initiative to contact her.

Except for the attendance system of [Shengshi Entertainment] occasionally reminding her that she must clock in every day, no one in the entire company paid attention to her.

She saw the news that the movie "That Midsummer" was being launched. The filming location was the old campus of their former school...

She saw the album "In the Rain" become the biggest dark horse album in November. In one month, during a period when physical albums were sluggish, sales actually exceeded 30,000 copies!

"Sparkling Girls Original Soundtrack" spent so many resources and only sold 60,000 copies!

She looked at a series of data...

Finally lowered his head.


She took a taxi and walked towards Yenching University.

She wants to talk to Lin Xia...

Still, I want Lin Xia to lead the way!

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