I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 149 Endorsement!


Like a card game.

As soon as we are born, someone has shuffled the cards for us.

There are outrageously bad movies.

They were all small cards, but there were no straights or bombs. They were so uneven that they were hopelessly uneven. They were suppressed from the beginning and could not get a single card out until the end of the game.

There are also great cards.

The king bomb was followed by a series of bombs.

As long as you don't close your eyes and fight randomly, you can pass the level all the way.


Zhang Panpan stayed at the gate of Yenching University and called Lin Xia.

The evening breeze blew up her silky hair, and her beautiful face was somewhat complicated.

There were always some students along the way who couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Beautiful, tall, fashionable...

Every point seems to be the ideal type in the minds of many boys.

The sun sets.

She waited quietly.

Lin Xia seemed to be very busy. She made two calls before getting through. After getting through, Lin Xia asked her to wait for a while.

Although the tone was very warm, there was no surprise, nor did he seem to have the same joy as before, just like an ordinary friend.

Zhang Panpan felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

But not angry.

The realistic scenes finally made Zhang Panpan lower his proud head.

If you ask for help from others, you will naturally become shorter involuntarily.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Lin Xia walked out of the school.

"Panpan, why don't you say hello in advance when you're here? We were in class just now..."

"If I say hello to you and make an appointment in advance, will you be free?"


Zhang Panpan's words made the smile on Lin Xia's face freeze instantly.

Under the setting sun, Zhang Panpan seemed as beautiful as before, but her words seemed to be full of meaning again. Although she might have done it unintentionally, it was particularly harsh.

The implication behind her words is that she has turned into a cold-blooded and ruthless person?

Zhang Panpan seemed to realize that what he said was a bit strange, so he showed an apologetic expression: "Xia Xia, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Panpan, tell me what's going on."

Lin Xia did not listen to Zhang Panpan's explanation, but interrupted Zhang Panpan's words.

She looked at Zhang Panpan, her smile no longer existed, but she still waited patiently for Zhang Panpan to speak.

"Are we still friends?" Zhang Panpan hesitated.

"There is no conflict between us, why are we not friends anymore?" Lin Xia still did not smile, but her eyes became very serious.

"I... want to act in "That Summer", I need a chance..." Zhang Panpan felt that Lin Xia was weird today, so serious that she felt very uncomfortable.

But she finally said this.

"What role?"

"Heroine, if you can..." Zhang Panpan stared at Lin Xia.

"..." Lin Xia remained silent.

"Important roles are okay, and I can play my own role..." Zhang Panpan realized something was wrong, so she quickly added.

"..." Lin Xia remained silent.

What was once the simplest thing has now become very complicated.

Zhang Panpan is an artist of [Shengshi Entertainment], and "That Summer" is solely owned by [Starlight Future], so naturally he wants to support its artists.

She had the right to cast, but unfortunately, she couldn't choose Zhang Panpan, and she didn't want to choose Zhang Panpan.

"Isn't this okay?" Zhang Panpan looked at Lin Xia: "Aren't we friends?"

""That Midsummer" is my first book and first movie adaptation. All the important roles in it have been decided. The heroine's name is Song Yufei. I invited her three times and went to Yanshihua in person to invite her. The audition was very good. The other heroine is Jiang Xinyi, the heroine of "Youth in Time". When [Starlight Future] changed drastically, she didn't leave, so they are praising her..."

"The heroine was the one who sang the best at that [school beauty] event?"


"She doesn't sing as well as me. She's pretty, but I'm not bad either!" Zhang Panpan bit her lip, her body trembling slightly.

"Panpan, it's not that I'm cold-blooded, but we have taken two paths now. I have to be responsible for my work, the production company of my work, the director, and those who help me..."

"Friends are so cheap?"

"Panpan, besides the bargaining chip of friends, do you have any other bargaining chips?" Lin Xia said this calmly.

Maybe after spending too much time with Zhang Sheng, she would always weigh the pros and cons of something in her mind.

She started to calm down and become rational.

"When did you become such a philistine?" Zhang Panpan stared at Lin Xia in disbelief.

Under the sunset.

Lin Xia just looked at her quietly.

no answer.

Didn't say anything.

Not even denying it.

At this moment, Lin Xia's cell phone rang.

After Lin Xia answered the phone, he hesitated for a moment: "Panpan, how about we change another day..."

"Is that Zhang Sheng's phone number?" Zhang Panpan's body was shaking, but it was still Lin Xia: "Can I come with you?"



Wanda Mall B6-11.

Zhang Sheng has sold restaurants with integrated stoves, which have been operating for more than two months at this moment.

Business is very good.

When the boss Chen Geng saw Zhang Sheng coming, his eyes lit up, and then he stood up and handed Zhang Sheng a cigarette. Zhang Sheng smiled and shook his head politely.

He doesn't smoke, and smoking is not allowed in the mall.

Zhang Sheng chatted with the boss for a while. The boss smiled and told Zhang Sheng that he was going to raise funds and then open another branch using this music restaurant model and invited Zhang Sheng to join.

Zhang Sheng still declined

After seeing Zhang Sheng's polite refusal, Chen Geng showed no other expression. He just smiled and chatted with Zhang Sheng about his restaurant's brand concept.

In his mind, Zhang Sheng is a person who can easily open up a conversation. When they first met, he chatted with Zhang Sheng very well. Zhang Sheng also talked to him about some entrepreneurial ideas, which were very suitable. He had an appetite, so he bought Zhang Sheng's integrated stove, which came in handy.

"Boss, let's play "In the Rain"!"


Ah K's "In the Rain" was played in the restaurant.

This song has become popular in the streets recently, and many customers will order this song when they come here to eat.

After Chen Geng finished playing the song, he continued to chat with Zhang Sheng.

"Sheng, I think it's a pity. You are a talent. You should be able to succeed. I feel like you can succeed in anything. Would you please consider our branch again? It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money. I will give you 10% of the management shares. Just help me manage it!"

Chen Geng looked at Zhang Sheng wearing ordinary clothes, and felt a bit of pity in his heart for no reason.

"I've actually been very successful..." Zhang Sheng looked at Chen Geng and laughed.

Chen Geng is a good person, very kind and sincere in his treatment of others.

"Haha..." Chen Geng thought Zhang Sheng was joking and laughed too. He patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder: "Sheng, I have to be busy with the brand planning of the new store. I have reserved a private room for you in advance. Today's meal will be charged to my account..."

"Haha, okay!" Zhang Sheng was not polite and smiled brightly.

"Sheng, I still say the same thing, if you are willing to come and help me, I will be very happy! There is still more than a month left, my branch is ready to open, you know my number, during this period, you can contact me at any time, I will I will always leave a management position for you!"


Chen Geng looked at Zhang Sheng seriously before leaving.

He admired Zhang Sheng very much.

That day...

He saw Zhang Shengying sweating profusely as he shuttled through the shopping mall, selling door-to-door sales from store to store. Even if he was rejected, or even the store drove him away without any good looks, he still kept a smile and walked to the next store...

He was very impressed with him.


He came to his shop.

I chatted with myself about the integrated stove and saw that my shop was busy with renovations. I walked over decisively and helped myself with nearly a day's work...

Do all the dirty work...

He works hard!

Very capable too!

How could such a person fail?

Zhang Sheng walked towards the box.

Chen Geng lowered his head and thought about brand planning.

Then, after thinking for a long time, I finally thought of the most important thing.

This store...

If you want to have a brand effect in the short term, you need a spokesperson!

But the cost of endorsing celebrities is too high.

Too cheap is...

Not much influence.



In the box.

Zhang Sheng received a call from Lin Xia.

"If she wants to come, let her come. She has always wanted to talk to me. I have been very busy and rarely have time..."

Zhang Sheng smiled.

Suddenly I felt very interesting.

Lin Xia made an appointment with him to talk about the new book.


Not long after the appointment, Lin Xia received a call from Zhang Panpan.

Then, Zhang Panpan is coming...

Zhang Panpan...

Zhang Sheng did not have a good impression of Zhang Panpan.

Of course, it's not a bad thing...

Just an ordinary, insignificant little girl.

He is not a clown, but no matter what he says or does, Zhang Sheng will always find it interesting.

After ordering some home-cooked dishes, Zhang Sheng waited patiently for the arrival of Lin Xia.

Half past five...

Zhang Sheng received a call from Chen Mengting.

"boss Zhang……"

"Senior, what's wrong?"

"I received a call from a brand here. That brand is called Fat Xiaoan Restaurant..."

"Oh?" Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment after hearing the name of the restaurant.

"That brand wants to talk to us about Ah K's business cooperation. Shen Xiaoxi has already informed Du Hui, but you may have to wait for the specific discussion. She has just become Ah K's agent and has no experience. And now we don’t know what price Ah K will sign for. I don’t know much about this either. It’s hard to predict the base price..."

"Okay." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, where are you now? How about I ask Shen Xiaoxi to come find you?"

"Well, I'm at Fat Xiaoan's restaurant." Zhang Sheng replied with a smile.

"Oh, okay, address, ah, where are you?" The other person was stunned for a moment, and then was shocked.

"Fat Xiaoan Restaurant..."


There was a sudden long silence on the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone...

There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Panpan and Lin Xia are here...

(Two chapters are being updated first, and there is another chapter that is an additional update. The additional update is finished, but it is being revised and may be updated later...about three o'clock ago...)

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