I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 157 Overseas orders! ! ! (Third update, additional update for 500 monthly votes!)


The faces of those colleagues are extremely ugly.

Constantly saying all kinds of things to slander [Obon Integrated Ceiling]...

They talked about "fake foreign brands" and "deceiving consumers".

Meng Shurong wanted to run over and slap them hard, knock out their teeth and tear their mouths apart.

But Meng Shurong still held back.

Not only did he hold back, but he also smiled.

"Thanks to the supervision of peer brands, we do have shortcomings..."

Every word in every sentence made him tremble, as if a knife was cutting into his heart.


The so-called word forbearance.

It is a knife in the heart!

When his wife Li Aifeng saw Meng Shurong coming out, she was immediately worried that her husband would do something impulsive.

But after seeing her husband's expression, Li Aifeng even felt that her husband might as well scold these people, as long as he didn't do anything.

His wife Li Aifeng felt distressed.

Warehouses were destroyed, machines were destroyed, and even processing plants were affected, with a large number of returns...

Everything was like a mountain, weighing this man down.

The haze of despair...

It's been on their minds since the beginning...


The husband's rhetoric is effective.

The ones who made the most fuss were immediately upset when they saw the smile on their husband's face.

"Aifeng, quit this boss!"


"Yes, we also refunded the deposit!"

"No, this deposit is not..."

"Refunded! Returns are valid within seven days without any reason, no matter what time. Although our warehouse was burned down, we are still alive and our brand has not collapsed yet!"

In the surging crowd.

Meng Shurong said this to Li Aifeng very seriously.

Li Aifeng's eyes were wet, but she still nodded and greeted the customers who wanted to cancel their orders.

They don't have any money now.

"As long as we have one breath, we will be responsible to the end!"

That fire.

Burning all the wealth they had accumulated over most of their lives.

The hope and future they had longed for were burned to ashes.

this moment……

They seemed to have lost everything.

But Meng Shurong was still standing in front of the store.

Meng Shurong stood under the signboard of "Oubang Integrated Ceiling" and warned his wife Li Aifeng very seriously.

Li Aifeng nodded repeatedly.

Tears blurred her vision, but Meng Shurong's words were like a shot in the arm, making her feel like she had found her backbone.

While wiping her tears, she forced a smile and greeted all the customers one by one to cancel their orders.

The noisy voices of the guests suddenly became muted...

Some customers glanced subconsciously at some merchants...

The merchants had complicated expressions.

They had thought that Meng Shurong would not retreat...

They thought that Meng Shurong would get angry and beat them...

I even thought about Meng Shurong losing control of his emotions, hitting the customer on the spot, and then taking a step closer to bringing everything to a point of no end...

They thought about many possibilities, but they never thought that when things got to this point, Meng Shurong did not do this, but endured everything.

This endurance...

Suddenly it was hard for them to force Meng Shurong to do anything.

Invisibly, the momentum gradually weakened. Everyone, look at me and I look at you.

"Boss Meng, we don't mean to be aggressive, we are here to serve customers... After all, we are peers. Integrated ceilings are a new brand. We don't want a mouse dropping to spoil the whole pot of porridge..."

in the crowd.

The boss of an integrated suspended ceiling explained subconsciously.

"Yes, we have done something wrong. You are welcome to continue to supervise us. What we have said before will count..."

Meng Shurong still smiled, his smile was stiff, his muscles were twisted, and he was trembling constantly, but at least he still said this with a smile.

The word "heart" means a knife on the head.

He continued to endure it.

He could only endure it.

After he said these words, the fellow bosses nodded subconsciously and remained present, but they did not dare to look at him, and even glanced at his face subconsciously.

"Your exhaust fan..."

"From now on, you will be fined ten for every false break!"


Meng Shurong did not wait for these bosses to speak, and took the lead in blocking their mouths.

They didn't know what to say for a moment...

Several people in the crowd looked at each other.

The menacing look he had an hour ago disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Then, in the crowd, several bosses dispersed one after another.

The first few were still holding on, but for a moment they couldn't think of words to embarrass Meng Shurong.

Everyone is already like this, no matter how aggressive you are...

It's outrageous.

Customers came one by one to handle the refund procedures in front of Li Aifeng.

"When will the money be returned to us..."


"When is it soon? A few thousand dollars is not worth it, right?"

"Tomorrow afternoon……"

"I want it now! The most we have here is 20,000 to 30,000, 20,000 to 30,000, can't you afford it in one store?"

"Our warehouse just caught fire, I..."

"Don't you have any cash? Just don't save any cash? I don't believe it. Are you trying to default on your debt?"

"We pay an IOU!"

"You want it now. You can't even get tens of thousands of dollars, right? How can we have confidence in you if you act like this?"


Li Aifeng's smile gradually disappeared.

Customers still give her a hard time.

Meng Shurong took a deep breath and kept his smile: "Wait a moment, I'll go in..."

Meng Shurong walked into the house.

The smile faded.

His whole body was trembling, like a lion about to become angry.

He saw Zhang Sheng.

Meng Shurong wanted to say something, but Zhang Sheng stood up and handed him a card.

"Mr. Meng, don't say anything. You can use this card first. You can transfer money online. I know you don't have cash here. Well, there is a 24-hour ATM machine next to it... The password is 683211..."


Meng Shurong trembled all over, then nodded, took the card and walked out without saying a word.


outside the house.

The aggressive customers finally left.

The smile on Meng Shurong's face froze.

The whole person seemed to have drained all his strength and collapsed under the sign of [Oubang Integrated Ceiling].

There is no power!

Fortunately, there were not many aggressive customers. Although Meng Shurong lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on their orders, other customers still gave Meng Shurong their trust and hoped that Meng Shurong could continue.

They didn't return it.

this moment……

That feeling of being trusted...

really good!

His wife Li Aifeng suddenly cried "Wow".

I cried heartbreakingly.

Her crying made Meng Shurong irritated, but he didn't say anything.

Just sighed: "Stop crying, let's go in, it's windy outside."


The two of them walked in with support.

The moment I entered...

Meng Shurong's eyes turned red, as red as blood.

He punched the table hard, making a loud noise that shook the entire table.

He has never experienced such ill-will since he was born.

"I'll make them look good!"

He said these words bitterly.

His wife Li Aifeng nodded, then wiped her tears and walked towards the bathroom.

Tonight is probably going to be a rough night.

After Meng Shurong finished speaking, he still felt upset and picked up the chair fiercely and smashed the chair to the ground.

There is blood on the hands.

After venting his anger, he saw Zhang Sheng coming over.

"Are you done with your anger?"

"Mr. Zhang, please stop laughing at me..." Meng Shurong lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

"Do you hate these people?" Zhang Sheng continued to look at Meng Shurong.

"I can't wait to eat their meat." Meng Shurong gritted his teeth: "But what's the use? I have a family and children. I can't burn down their shop!"

"What would you think if I said that you would go to them to cooperate tomorrow?" Zhang Sheng looked at him.

"What? Mr. Zhang, what did you say? Are you kidding?" Meng Shurong stood up from his chair in an instant and stared at Zhang Sheng in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

"The world is bustling, and everyone is seeking profit... The most severe attack method is not to destroy him through disputes, but to nourish them and let them be used by you..." Zhang Sheng stared at Meng Shurong.

"This...I...Mr. Zhang, are you crazy, or am I crazy? Did I hear you correctly?"

"I just saw outside the window that some of the customers they brought over have canceled their orders, but among those customers who were instigated, not many of them have canceled their orders... It means that you have done a good job just now, and customers will treat you and the brand well. There is a new level of trust! In fact, they also see it in their eyes. You did not break up with them, which is the wisest choice..." Zhang Sheng looked at Meng Shurong.

"It's impossible for them to cooperate with me. How can I cooperate? And why should I cooperate with them?"

"This is not a question I should think about, this is a question you should think about... When doing business, you must remember that what we lose, we have to get back from the other side..."

"..." Meng Shurong was uncertain. He felt that Zhang Sheng's words were too frightening and too anti-human.

"Tomorrow, you have to pretend to go to one of them secretly, but also let others know which one you are going to... No matter what you talk about with that family, you have to be polite and smile when you come out..." Zhang Sheng stared at Meng Shurong and continued.

"Then what?"

"Then, you often visit that company to build a good relationship... If you have lower-end customers, introduce them to that company... You don't have to say soft words, but you have to show your attitude, a win-win attitude towards cooperation. It doesn’t matter even if you refuse..."


"Over time, you will find that that family will gradually be isolated..."


"It doesn't really matter who is behind the scenes. What's important is that when someone can sell [Oubang suspended ceilings] with you, you have the opportunity to cannibalize them step by step through the brand... As for what means to use, I tell you You...remember, some have to be sneaky, but some have to be fair..."


"I will promote your [Obon Ceiling] brand from behind... Although it is difficult to become a big brand in a short period of time, as long as you take it step by step, you can succeed!"


"When the encroachment is almost done, in this market, they can only survive by selling your brand. What you do is your business. To put it harshly, their life and death are in your hands..."


Meng Shurong watched Zhang Sheng reveal his plan step by step.

Meng Shurong was horrified when he heard this.

It's both upright and frightening.

Under the dim light, Zhang Sheng smiled like a devil.

"What if they switch to another brand?"

"Can other brands have as high a profit as you give them? Remember, no matter who slanders us, we must remember that we are an international brand!"

Just when Zhang Sheng and Meng Shurong were instilling these things...

Meng Shurong's cell phone rang.

Meng Shurong answered the phone. He originally thought it was a call about a chargeback, but it turned out to be a series of incomprehensible words.

He was at a loss...

"Is this English?"

Meng Shurong looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng answered the phone. After answering it for a while, a moment of surprise flashed across his face, and then he looked at Meng Shurong: "Mr. Meng..."


“[Obon Integrated Ceiling] is really going international!”


"This is an order from Brazil! The ads I placed for you in Brazil... have worked! Well, the screening of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is about to begin... I forgot about this... "



After Meng Shurong heard these words, his eyes widened instantly.

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