I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 158 Breaking the thinking of the poor

The first rays of dawn illuminate the land.

The warehouse is in ruins, charred and dilapidated.

Meng Shurong stayed up all night and was in an extremely contradictory state mentally.

Both tired and excited.

Looking at the former warehouse, I thought about the neat equipment in the warehouse.

He was still worried.

After smoking the last pack of cigarettes, he stubbed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the rubble, and finally stood up.

He looked at the number on his phone.

This is an order for a villa from Brazil.

Integrated ceilings originated in China in 2004. In fact, any ceiling brand in China, no matter how high-end or fancy the name is, is a local Chinese brand.

Of course, there are some in Europe and the United States, but the overall concept is not that deep, and China's exports are still in a state of stagnation.

Brazilian villa located in Rocinha.

Although it is the largest slum in Latin America, the gap between rich and poor in Brazil is simply staggering.

People at the bottom are like rats in the ditch, surviving in damp, dark, and dirty places.

The rich lie on the beach, enjoying sunbathing, coffee, music, and the best Western education...

That villa is located in a wealthy area.

It seems that the [Southern California International Film Awards] put up an advertisement for [Obon Integrated Ceiling]. By chance, the rich man saw the model house of [Obon Integrated Ceiling] and thought it was good.


It’s settled.

Although it is a wealthy area, the order amount is not high.

Probably around $10,000.

This is equivalent to more than 70,000 yuan, and the profit is a little more than 30,000 yuan.

But we have to go overseas, pass inspections, formulate overseas standards, and purchase machines...

Everything is made from scratch.

Meng Shurong, standing on the ashes, took a deep breath and looked at the former warehouse silently.

After not sleeping all night, he was still very tired and looked extremely haggard.

But he stepped on the ashes and walked towards the store step by step.

There were still low, desperate cries of pain along the way. This fire destroyed many people.


Under the burning fire...

Not necessarily a new beginning.

This is the first step for [Obon Integrated Ceiling] to go international.

[Obon Integrated Ceiling] is an international brand!


Meng Shurong stayed up all night.

But Zhang Sheng slept well.

He slept on the [Obon Integrated Ceiling] bed last night and didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the morning.

After waking up, the proprietress Li Aifeng came over with steamed buns and soy milk.

Like Meng Shurong, she also stayed up all night, thinking more about the future.

[Oubang Integrated Ceiling] It is now the darkness before dawn, both cold and desperate. It seems that a ray of dawn has shined, but if they want to stand up again, they must have money...

One machine costs hundreds of thousands...

Now they are extremely reluctant to even come up with tens of thousands of dollars, let alone hundreds of thousands.

At the same time, Yanshihua's new dormitory building is about to be installed. Even if it has a machine, it will not be able to meet the construction deadline.


All that awaits them is default.

If you breach the contract, you will have to pay high liquidated damages...


The proprietress Li Aifeng is much older, with a few gray hairs sprouting from her temples.

When she saw Zhang Sheng coming out, she forced a smile and greeted Zhang Sheng to eat, but her smile became more and more bitter. When Meng Shurong came, she couldn't help but tell Meng Shurong these things.

Meng Shurong just remained silent.

Silently eating steamed buns and drinking soy milk, I accidentally looked outside, a bit of anxiety flashing in my eyes.

But Zhang Sheng saw that his spine was still straight.

Zhang Sheng wiped his mouth after eating and looked at him.

“How many machines are needed?”

"Two machines and one assembly line. My idea is to build a temporary factory in Brazil and then produce it. This will save money..."

"The concept is wrong." When Zhang Sheng heard this, he frowned slightly and shook his head.


“We [Obon Integrated Ceiling] are an international brand…”

"If possible, I really want to do it in accordance with international standards, but..." Meng Shurong fell silent mid-sentence.

This year.

A penny stumps a heroic man.

Meng Shurong, who struggled to buy a machine, the first thought in his mind was how to save money.

He fell into the typical thinking circle of poor people.

"The integrated ceiling will be produced in China. After we produce it here, some of our materials will be shipped by sea and take the Central and South American routes to pass security inspections, and then go to Brazil. The project leader, or in other words, you will go to Brazil with the ship in person..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at Meng Shurong.

"Here, Mr. Zhang, am I crazy, or did I hear it wrong? Take the route to Central and South America? How much does it cost!" Meng Shurong was frightened when he heard this.

He never dreamed that Zhang Sheng would come up with such a ridiculous idea.

He stared at Zhang Sheng, and for a time he felt that Zhang Sheng seemed to be crazy.

One order can earn up to more than 30,000 yuan.

After going through this round, not only did I lose all the money I earned, but I even had to pay extra...

"The price of packing a 20-foot ordinary container is about US$2,500. November is not the peak season, so the price range can be lower. I simply calculated the transportation fee from the port to Rio. It is about US$1,000. Come down, the overall price is 3,500 US dollars for transportation, about 23,000 yuan..." Zhang Sheng looked at Meng Shurong.

"With so much money, I..." After Meng Shurong heard this, his heart trembled suddenly.

The transportation fee is so much, so what about the labor cost? In addition to the labor cost, there are a series of other costs...

After this order was completed, not only was there no profit, but there was even a loss of blood.

Meng Shurong lowered his head.

Suddenly I discovered that exporting was not that easy at all.

"Are you scared?" Zhang Sheng looked at Meng Shurong with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, I think you are making fun of me..." Meng Shurong also laughed, but his laughter became more bitter.

"Mr. Meng, you have fallen into the typical thinking of the poor. The most fatal flaw of the thinking of the poor is that they have no capital. Without capital, they will only focus on what they have and dare not fight for what they don't have. But in this society, they It is a typical leek society. The general trend of the country is currently devaluation, rising prices, and housing prices. Looking at the past thirty years, it is not an exaggeration to describe the great changes. Households worth ten thousand yuan have gradually become worthless. A house worth a thousand yuan turned into tens of thousands, and then turned into millions..."


"Being poor is not wrong, but being poor can easily make people's vision become limited, limited to the little money in their pockets. Staring at the money in their pockets all day long, they will think about how to save it and how to get the most stable amount. Interest, but how can the interest outperform inflation? With one stroke, all the hard work for most of my life has been in vain..."


"This is the thinking limitation of the poor. Because they focus on the wealth they have and think about saving more and how to save it, they lose another level of thinking energy, such as who they will know, who they will get to know further, and who they will not know. When we think about the general trend of the country, we don’t think about taking advantage of the general trend of the country to do something, let alone what the country needs and what we can do..."


Meng Shurong's head felt swollen after hearing this.

He didn't sleep all night, and he felt more and more confused and confused the more he listened. He always felt that Zhang Sheng said a lot of nonsense.

After Zhang Sheng looked at his appearance, he knew that he would not be able to understand unless he clicked on the last layer of window paper. In the end, he could only sigh.

"Mr. Meng... we have overseas orders, and they have already blocked us with 10,000 US dollars, right?"


"After the 2008 financial crisis, overseas orders were frustrated. Besides stimulating domestic demand, what does the country most want to do?" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes: "If you were standing at the national level and thinking about what you need, what would you think of?"

"I...encourage exporting?" Meng Shurong fell into thought.

"That's right! The news talks about the dangers and opportunities in the financial crisis every day. Ordinary people only see the dangers, but few see the opportunities!" Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

"Then our machine is..."

"In this era when overseas trade has been hit, China has inevitably been affected by the financial crisis. The domestic demand market needs to be grasped, and the overseas market needs to be re-expanded. We have overseas customers, and at the same time, we are also exporting Chinese brands. We are small and medium-sized enterprises of overseas brands. So, in this case, do the seedlings need encouragement?" Zhang Sheng continued to be persuasive.

"Hmm..." Meng Shurong felt his mind tremble, as if he understood something.

"We are an international brand, and we are also a Chinese national brand. We are a Chinese national brand that exports internationally. This is our concept, our true concept!" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at Meng Shurong.

"Mr. Zhang, this..." Meng Shurong's whole body trembled and his pupils shrank sharply.

"Aren't you guys attacking us as a fake foreign brand? We have never said that we are an overseas brand. We have always said that we are an international brand. Look at the main sign of our store. The main sign is [Oubang International]!"


"Overseas brands are more awesome, or are the international brands we export overseas more awesome?" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes, and a glimmer of coldness flashed across his pupils like a sword.


Meng Shurong was so shocked that he could not speak.

this moment……

He was breathing heavily, feeling as if his head had exploded, leaving only countless ruins.

"what should I do?"

"Do what you should do. Just like what I said last night, contact other ceiling brands. Try to be humble and smile with them. Talk about cooperation with them. You don't have to think about anything else..."

"Okay!" Meng Shurong nodded.

Then, he saw Zhang Sheng pick up his cell phone and dial a number.

In front of Meng Shurong, I made an appointment with the person on the phone.

Meng Shurong's heart trembled.

"Mr. Zhang, is that, couldn't it be business..." When he realized that Zhang Sheng directly contacted the Ministry of Commerce on the phone, his eyes widened!

"Mr. Meng..."


"We have to stand at a higher level and think about things, then many things will suddenly become clear!"

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