I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 159 Support! I want to support!


A report appeared in the Commerce Department.

The report is called [Domestic Demand Market Project Analysis and Home Appliances to the Rural Areas Project Progress Report].

The report data is exciting for everyone at the Department of Commerce.

The [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] project was piloted in Los Angeles and achieved great success, fully doubling the GDP of Los Angeles.

A special meeting was held at the top.

The meeting praised the major success of this project and while firming up the domestic demand market, they also had an in-depth discussion about the next project direction and the activation of the domestic demand market.

China managed to survive the most severe blow of the financial crisis without any danger.


The residual power is still there.

Markets in various industries are still in a sluggish stage, especially overseas markets.

In the past November, overseas markets have almost collapsed and continued to decline.

China is a country that relies on exports. The domestic demand market is the last resort and way of survival. But if we really want to recover the economy or take advantage of this financial crisis to overtake, we must seize the overseas market.

Xu Linlin walked out of the conference room.

In addition to praise, this meeting also established an [Overseas Market Group] and approved some incentive funds.

Xu Linlin is also a member of the [Overseas Market Team].

Although it is not the core, you can still get access to some information.


Xu Linlin felt that the burden on her body was heavier.


Spending money is also a technical job.

You have to use the money approved by the superiors, but how to use it can understand the meaning of the superiors, and then what results will be achieved after using it, and what impact will it cause...

Every aspect is top priority.


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Shen Yi's home.

Shen Yi was smoking a cigarette while looking at the results of the [Training Base].

He was quite satisfied.

Although the name is still called [Bosch Battery Training Base], in the past November, with the wave of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas], the internship problem of nearly a hundred students in the college was solved.

at the same time……

This gave Shen Yi the confidence to gradually upgrade the [Training Base] into a school enterprise in front of leaders.


These things are complicated.

We still have to look at the battery sales and market feedback in the next few months, or even close to a year, and then conduct a series of upgrade process approvals.

The college's approval process has always been extremely slow.

Even if the leaders saw the huge demand for [Bosch batteries] in the market, which was close to being in short supply, they were still very cautious.

There was a knock at the door.

Shen Yi put the results report on the table and walked out wearing slippers.

He saw Zhang Sheng standing at the door.

"You're already here, why are you carrying these things?"

"Teacher Shen, a little beef jerky from my hometown is not worth a few bucks. Doesn't it count as bribery?"

"Okay, okay, I'm being particular...just leave it here, Mrs. You hasn't come yet..."


Shen Yi saw Zhang Sheng carrying something at the door.

He frowned at first.

Something is too sensitive.

But when Zhang Sheng said it was beef jerky, his frown turned into a smile. After looking around, he called Zhang Sheng in.

In just three months, he saw the birth of one miracle after another in Zhang Sheng.

He admires this student very much, and is also looking forward to the heights Zhang Sheng can reach step by step in the future.

Zhang Sheng walked into Shen Yi's home for the first time...

He looked around a bit.

Sofa, furniture, walls...

The overall decoration style is ordinary.

After Zhang Sheng sat down, he began to drink tea and chat with Shen Yi.

At first we talked about studies.

Shen Yi openly and secretly chatted with Zhang Sheng about postgraduate entrance examinations after undergraduate studies.

Zhang Sheng answered seriously that he did have this plan, but studying was not for a diploma, but to learn something.

Shen Yi was very satisfied with Zhang Sheng's answer, but still asked Zhang Sheng some details about his debts and his parents...

Zhang Sheng’s parents are victims…

The victim has no criminal record. Zhang Sheng is also a victim and is currently considered a legal criminal.

"Have you ever thought about doing something in the future?" Shen Yi looked at Zhang Sheng.

"I haven't thought about doing anything..." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"Are you interested in coming to the Ministry of Commerce?"

"Huh?" Zhang Sheng was slightly startled when he heard this sentence.

"There are still three years left in college. In three years, the title of Lao Lai can also be cancelled, right? By then, I will take the postgraduate entrance examination or the editor's entrance examination..."

When Shen Yi just finished saying this, there was the sound of a key opening the door.


He saw his wife Xu Linlin walking in.


in the kitchen.

Shen Yi ran to do some work.

From time to time, there is the sound of cooking.

In the study.

Xu Linlin sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

She admired Zhang Sheng with all her eyes.

In fact, a few days ago, she wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng.

The leaders of the Ministry of Commerce not only praised her report on "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas", but also hoped that she could carry out in-depth research in this area.

Although a lot has not been said clearly...

But she seems to have a chance to take off her title of deputy secretary.

And that report was written by Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng is a talent.

"Master's wife, the main reason I came here this time is to talk to you about the things I have to say..." Before Xu Linlin could speak, Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Linlin and said this.


"Yes, [Obon Integrated Ceiling], we received an order from Brazil. I define [Obon Integrated Ceiling] as an international brand..."

After Xu Linlin listened patiently to Zhang Sheng's purpose of coming here this time, she nodded: "Are you planning to take the route to Central and South America?"

"Yes!" Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Do you need help?"

"Is there any project support? In terms of freight..."

"Yes, but your project is too small and is suspected of tampering with the policy. It will not be approved for export support..." Xu Linlin thought for a moment and shook her head.

The export projects of the Ministry of Commerce are also in units of at least 500,000 yuan.

Zhang Sheng’s integrated ceiling only costs US$10,000 for a full project...

Ten thousand dollars...

The size is too small.

Now is a sensitive period, and it is really inconvenient to approve the support.

"Teacher, are there no support for small and medium-sized enterprises?" When Zhang Sheng heard this, he was not disappointed, but asked again.

"Small and medium-sized enterprises depend on the definition. [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] can only be regarded as a micro enterprise. Micro enterprise exports. So far, there is no such definition..."

"Too small?"


"Is there any entrepreneurial support for micro-enterprises?" Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Linlin and asked.



After Zhang Sheng heard Xu Linlin's answer, he fell silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something.

After about a minute or so, a smile appeared on Zhang Sheng's face. He seemed to have found a new direction: "Then if we jointly export, will there be support?"

"As long as it doesn't violate the policy, you can..."

"What about the export of movies or documentaries?" Zhang Sheng was silent for a while and then thought of another question.

"Strictly speaking, the export of film documentaries is a matter of Guangdong Province. The support of this business is a matter of that side..."

"Master, strictly speaking...well, that is also one of the projects of the Ministry of Commerce, isn't it?"

"Approval must go through the commerce department..."

"So, if the several films and documentaries I have on hand follow the formal process, they must first be signed by the General Administration of Customs, reviewed and signed. After being allowed to be exported, we will take these materials and ask the Ministry of Commerce to sign them, and then all procedures will be completed. After that, can we allow export sales?”

"Yes, film and documentary review is more sensitive than other things..."

"What if it's free? For example, for a film festival screening, they will send us an invitation letter..."

"The process is simpler. You don't need to go through the Ministry of Commerce. It only needs to be approved by Guangzhou..."

"Oh, I get it."

Zhang Sheng nodded, and then fell into deeper thinking. After about ten seconds of pause, he looked at Xu Linlin again: "Mrs., if there is a free screening over there, there is no need for the commercial department to sign, but we can bring the evidence to sign. I want to go through the formal process one more time and sign for export screening, can I sign it?"

"No director or organization is so troublesome, but if it must be signed in this way, it conforms to the process and is standardized, in theory we can sign it." Xu Linlin nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Oh, can it be used as an export movie?" Zhang Sheng continued to narrow his eyes.


Xu Linlin was silent.

She can answer some questions.

But there are some words that cannot be answered even if you talk to Zhang Sheng in private.

After Zhang Sheng saw Xu Linlin's expression, he instantly smiled.

He stood up, and after a moment's hesitation, he took out a report from his bag.

Xu Linlin took the report and saw the words "[Southern California International Film Awards] Film Participation Application" written on the report.

Xu Linlin frowned after flipping through it.

"Is there any approval from Brazil for this film festival?"

"The procedures are complete...the local government has seals and documents..."


Xu Linlin carefully looked at some of the information attached to the application. After reading it, she put the application aside.

The process is consistent...

There is no problem with the rules.

However, she still had to think about it before submitting the application to her superiors.

"Master's wife, let me make a call..."


When Zhang Sheng handed the application to Xu Linlin, he stood up.

Xu Linlin nodded and watched Zhang Sheng leave the study.

About ten minutes later...

Xu Linlin heard a knock on the door in the study.


Zhang Sheng walked in.

"Mother, the export value of [Obon Integrated Ceiling] is about 70,000 yuan, and the export value of [Qi's Home Furnishing] building materials is 430,000 yuan... I have made up 500,000 yuan... Can it be approved now?"

After Zhang Sheng said these words, Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng didn't dodge his eyes, but also looked at Xu Linlin, his eyes full of sincerity and seriousness.

After a long time, Xu Linlin withdrew her gaze and looked at the application form below.

After watching it for a long time...

"It's time to eat! Eat first, eat, and put work aside for now!"

Outside the study.

Shen Yi started shouting...

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