I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 160: Losing your wife and losing your troops! (Third update!)


Meng Shurong walked out of the door of another integrated ceiling store called [Ding Shang].

Before leaving the door...

There was a residual smile on his face.

Leaving the door, his smile gradually turned cold.

He was feeling increasingly tired.

When talking to people you hate, you still have to pretend to be nonchalant.

This is undoubtedly torture.

Whether it's physically or mentally.

When he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by the boss of [Ding Shang].

He stopped.

The cold smile turned into a smile instantly.

"Mr. Meng..."

The owner of [Ding Shang] is named Xu Yi. He is thin and short. He opened a store here half a year ago. He is a bold man and he is quite good at getting things done...

He was also involved in the incident yesterday, but he only participated in the whole process and said some aggressive words. However, compared to other stores, Xu Yi did not bring customers to cause trouble.


The first company Meng Shurong approached for cooperation was Xu Yi.

"Mr. Meng..."

"Mr. Xu..."

Xu Yi hesitated and stuffed an envelope into Meng Shurong.

Meng Shurong was stunned.

The envelope seemed a little heavy and there seemed to be money inside.

Meng Shurong refused, but Xu Yi forced it on him.

"Mr. Meng... leave here and go to other cities."

Xu Yi looked at Meng Shurong.

The sarcastic look last night turned into a serious tone at this moment.

a few hours ago…

He watched Meng Shurong come in.

I didn't scold him as I imagined, nor did I pick a fight or cause trouble.

Meng Shurong had a smile on his face.

He came here to talk about cooperation. All his machines had been burned down and the industry was completely destroyed. However, there was still market recognition, so he came here hoping to build the [Oubang] brand together.

His expression when he came over was sincere.

Xu Yi was very surprised. During the subsequent chat, although he had been very cold towards Meng Shurong, he could not help but admire Meng Shurong in his heart.

After the big changes, they can still maintain such a calm mood and seek cooperation from peers instead of revenge. This is obviously an admirable pattern.

That kind of people……

Even as an opponent, I feel pity in my heart.

Meng Shurong looked at the envelope and hesitated after hearing Xu Yi's words.

"Mr. Xu, can you tell me the truth about this fire?"

"Spontaneous combustion of battery cars is the truth..."

"If the battery car ignited spontaneously, then why can you come to see me in just a few hours? I can..."


After Meng Shurong said these words, Xu Yi's expression changed drastically.

Then he pushed Meng Shurong violently.

Pushed Meng Shurong out of the store.

"Crazy, who wants to cooperate with you? Damn it... If you dare to come to the door again, I will beat you out with a broom!"

“Rat shit that’s ruining the industry!”

"Still shamelessly staying here and refusing to leave..."

"How come there are such shameless people in this world?"


Xu Yi cursed and pushed Meng Shurong out.

His face was full of disgusting ferocity, as if Meng Shurong was just a street rat.

Meng Shurong still smiled apologetically...

Looking at his colleagues who were watching and listening to the pointing, Meng Shurong's face did not change at all, and he just returned to his store.

After returning to the store...

His face suddenly turned cold again.

During the pushing and shoving just now, Xu Yi kept stuffing the envelope in his pocket.

He opened the envelope.

There is a wad of money in the envelope.

at the same time……

There was also a note.

The words "Leave here, don't come back" were written on the note.

Meng Shurong looked at this line of writing.

I feel more and more upset.

Xu Yi is very smart.

It seems that he knows what will happen if he visits this time...

Meng Shurong was a little panicked.

But then I thought of what Zhang Sheng said.

Then he gave himself a pep talk.

Under night.

Meng Shurong was both aboveboard and aboveboard, but he also "secretly" walked toward another integrated ceiling store.

With a smile on his face, he was naturally met with indifference and sarcastic comments.

He's used to it.

To do business, you must first be thick-skinned, and in a sense, you don’t have to be dignified.

When I really want to kneel down...

He must also kneel.

He waited until the other party's store closed.

Although the other party still didn't have a good attitude, when Meng Shurong left, there were no sarcastic remarks like before, let alone Xu Yi's upright scolding, or even the appearance of making a move.

Stay on top of being a human being...

Seems like a basic rule?


He asked Meng Shurong to leave through the back door.

Under the cover of night, Meng Shurong walked out.

After walking out, he deliberately pretended to take a long detour to avoid the busy streets, but his sneaky appearance was still noticed by the third integrated ceiling company.

After returning to the store, Meng Shurong lay on the bed and slept all night.

Wait until morning...

Meng Shurong walked out subconsciously.


He saw that in the store he walked past yesterday for the last time, no colleagues came to visit and chat as usual.

Until after noon, no other colleagues came to chat...

After observing for a while, Meng Shurong breathed a long sigh of relief.

This family...

Next, focus on visiting.


Sometimes, you only feel cherished after losing it.

Since Li Bin left, the business of [Senran Integrated Stove] store has plummeted instantly.

Liu Kaili has little trust on the customer's side...

The reputation of the previous wave of installations exploded, and coupled with the fact that he had just been detained, he seemed to be gradually marginalized in the store.

After all, his wife Chen Aiju lacks business negotiation skills. Although she can sign contracts, she is really unable to support herself alone.

As for daughter Liu Yingying?

Although she was able to negotiate orders and her business was good some time ago, starting from the end of last month, when signing orders, she began to feel a little distracted. He scolded her several times, but she still had no reaction.

"Li Bin, Zhang Sheng regards you as a money-making tool. You have paid so much, but what's the result? Zhang Sheng can pick peaches without doing anything..."


"It's impossible for people to be so stupid. You worked so hard to help him run that decoration company. Can you please give me a small favor? If it's done, you have no credit. It's Zhang Sheng's wise guidance. If it's not done, it's your problem. …”


"Li Bin, instead of starting a bad company like this, you might as well start one yourself!"


Liu Kaili called Li Bin again.

He said a lot of things with great sincerity.

On the other end of the phone, Li Bin kept listening and seemed to be thinking about something.

So Liu Kaili instinctively felt that Li Bin should be thinking about what he told him...

He began to increase his intensity.

"It's not that I look down on Zhang Sheng, I just think that Zhang Sheng is not good... and unfair to others..."

"Why does this decoration company need three people to share shares? Oh, why is the other one called? Qi Haifeng, right? Why can Qi Haifeng do nothing and get shares?"

"Just because they invested money in the store? Is this fair to you?"

Liu Kaili said a lot.

After saying that...

He finally heard the response on the other end of the phone.

"Uncle Liu, I...I will come to Fujing later. I want to talk to you about something. I want to discuss something with you..."

"Okay, okay, I'll wait here. When will it be?"

"About ten o'clock in the evening."

"So late? Coming at ten o'clock?"

"Well, there are some things that need to be dealt with..."

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for you here!"

When Liu Kaili heard this, he nodded quickly, with a smile on his face.

Li Bin had always called him Boss Liu, or Mr. Liu, but when he called him today and started calling him Uncle Liu, he was acutely aware that what Li Bin was going to talk to him about next was very important.


Li Bin figured it out!

I feel that working for Zhang Sheng’s [Hongyuan Decoration] is not worthwhile, and I want to return to [Senran Integrated Stove].

After Liu Kaili finished the phone call with Li Bin, he was in a good mood...

But then something came to mind.

Li Bin is back...

He definitely can't be allowed to be a salesman.

At least you have to be a store manager...

If he is the store manager, then he can still accept it. If Li Bin wants to talk to him about shares, then after all, he would be too wild if he ran outside...

Liu Kaili suddenly fell into deep thought.

He can give Li Bin a high commission, but as for the shares...


Liu Kaili thought about the conditions that Li Bin could negotiate with him when he came over, and finally thought of a slightly compromise solution.

At this time, he saw his daughter Liu Yingying walking over.


"What's wrong?"


Liu Yingying's expression was a little unnatural, and she didn't even dare to look at Liu Kaili.

"What's wrong? By the way, Yingying, your business has been getting worse and worse recently. You have to reflect on what the problem is!"

Liu Kaili looked at Liu Yingying.

Liu Yingying lowered her head: "Dad, I...I have always listened to you since I was a child, but this time, I...I want to help..."

"What do you want to help?"

"No, it's nothing..."

Liu Kaili was confused and wanted to ask Liu Yingying something.

But then, Liu Yingying shook her head and walked out of the store without saying anything.

When Liu Kai stood at attention and felt strange...

There was a loud sound of gongs and drums outside the house.

He walked out and found that the sound of gongs and drums came from the direction of [Obon Integrated Ceiling].

He walked in the direction of [Obon Integrated Ceiling].

Along the way…

He heard a flurry of discussion.

"What! [Obon Integrated Ceiling] products are going to be exported?"

"Yes, I heard that it was approved by the Ministry of Commerce and supported by the Ministry of Commerce!"

"real or fake?"

"Really! Meng Shurong has already sent out the order. [Obon Integrated Ceiling] is the first batch of products exported by the Ministry of Commerce in December...it has a stamp on it. Without the approval of the superiors, who would dare to forge these things?"

"What the hell?"

Liu Kaili squeezed through the lively crowd.


He saw Li Bin driving the [Hongyuan Decoration] advertising car parked at the door of [Obon Integrated Ceiling]...

He saw his daughter Liu Yingying running over excitedly, and then holding Li Bin's hand...

Liu Kaili was stunned!

"Natural disasters are merciless, but humans are merciful!"

"We [Hongyuan Decoration] are impressed by Mr. Meng's character, and we are willing to spend 50,000 yuan to help Mr. Meng tide over the difficulties together!"


He saw Li Bin nodded, and then, after saying a few words to Liu Yingying, he walked to the door of [Oubang Group]...

He saw Zhang Sheng standing next to the door.

He saw that Zhang Sheng seemed to say a few words to Li Bin, and then Li Bin nodded, then took a loudspeaker and took a card with "50,000 yuan" written on it!


I said this seriously!

He looked at his daughter Liu Yingying again.

He saw that almost all of Liu Yingying's attention was attracted by Li Bin!

His eyes widened!

His face changed drastically!

(The third update will continue today! Please vote for me!)

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