I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 173 Zhang Sheng, I want to trade with you!


Zhang Sheng came to the [Oubang Group] store again.

He saw three trucks outside the house.

The trucks were lined up and parked in front of the store.

He carefully observed the goods on the truck and nodded with satisfaction.

This box of gussets will sail from here to the dock tomorrow, and after being packed, it will officially set sail towards Brazil.

After looking at it for a while, he turned to look at Meng Shurong.

Meng Shurong is applying medicine with the help of his wife Li Aifeng...

A few hours ago, Meng Shurong discussed cooperation with the integrated ceiling store next door, but he did not expect that the boss of one of the integrated ceiling stores was particularly irritable...

The two of them fucked for a while.

Meng Shurong was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the owner of that house...

Meng Shurong kicked him into the hospital.

Because it was the boss who took action first and Meng Shurong acted in self-defense, he had no impact. After a record was made, he was released.

"well enough?"

"It's okay..."

Meng Shurong smiled, but when he stretched his muscles a little, it hurt, and then his whole body twitched.

It looks quite funny.

He carefully took out several contracts from the table and handed them to Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, several integrated ceiling stores have agreed to sell our [Obon] together. This is the price list and installation review I am going to set for them. Standard, see if this is appropriate..."

Zhang Sheng took the price list and took a serious look at it.

After reading this...

Zhang Sheng did not respond to Meng Shurong, but fell into deep thought.

Meng Shurong did not disturb Zhang Sheng. After giving the medicine, he asked Li Aifeng to go out and prepare dinner.

It's not exactly quiet in the office.

The living room outside the house is noisy.

[Obon] After the export news spread in a small area, business has been getting better and better recently, and customers come to inquire all day long.

After Zhang Sheng thought for a few minutes, he put down the price list and then looked at Meng Shurong: "Mr. Meng, in addition to formulating export rules, we also need to formulate dealer rules..."

“What are dealer rules?”

"We are no longer just a store, we are now a company. Although this company is small, it is still a company."

Zhang Sheng looked at Meng Shurong seriously, and after drinking a cup of tea, he continued: "Since we are running a business, as the leader, you should set your sights on higher dimensional things... We build brands and platforms. In the early days, We are also selling products ourselves, but in addition to selling products, we have to consider the interests of the "dealers" who follow us. At the same time, you have to expand new dealers and find ways to attract more dealers. Join our [Oubang] family... When the number of dealers increases and becomes more and more stable, and a brand effect can be truly described, our company will be able to reach a higher level. , compete with other big domestic brands..."


Meng Shurong listened to Zhang Sheng's words carefully.

Zhang Sheng said it very carefully.

The future plan was cut open layer by layer like peeling an onion and presented to Meng Shurong, allowing Meng Shurong to see the core.

After Meng Shurong listened, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He wanted to say something, but Zhang Sheng did not finish: "After coming back from Brazil, you told me about the situation in Brazil. In addition, you also need to study management systematically... I learned about the corporate training class today. , I have roughly selected a few. When you come back, you can sign up and learn..."

Meng Shurong nodded.

But then, he suddenly stared at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang..."


"Why don't you start classes?"


"Mr. Zhang, if you are willing to start a class, I believe you will be better than any "successful tutor" or any management expert!"

Meng Shurong stared at Zhang Sheng seriously.

I mean every word I say.

Zhang Sheng did not answer Meng Shurong's words, but stood up and stared at the truck outside the house.

Some memories emerged in Zhang Sheng's mind.

There are good and bad memories.

Then these memories finally disappeared.

His eyes flashed with emotion, and then he shook his head calmly: "Mr. Meng, do as I say first, I'll leave first."

"Would you like to stay for a meal?"

"No, I have to go far away."



The entrance of Yanshihua.

Students come and go.

Zhang Panpan stood aside wearing a mask and hat.

Although she looks very low-key, her good figure still attracts the attention of some students.

She looked haggard.

His eyes revealed anxiety, fatigue, and a bit of determination coming from his bones.

The breeze was blowing, and it was a bit cold, which made me shiver uncontrollably.

She tightened her clothes and unconsciously touched the bag on the left side of her hand.

She looked at the pedestrians coming and going in the distance.

In just a few months after signing the contract with [Shengshi Entertainment], she went from initially full of expectations and confidence to gradually disappointed, and then, the disappointment turned into despair.

A few days ago…

She participated in the casting of "Those Flowers".

The movie "Those Flowers" is adapted from the author April's novel of the same name.

The novel of the same name is even more popular than Ke Zhanyi's previous novel "Youth in Time".

[Shengshi Entertainment] After losing the copyright for "That Summer", I finally decided to spend four million to buy the film rights for "Those Flowers"!

The top management attaches great importance to "Those Flowers" and lists the film as one of the spring movies of 2010...

Zhang Panpan signed up for the casting of the heroine of this movie, and then discovered that the heroine of this movie had already been confirmed.


She also participated in the casting of important supporting actresses.

The casting this time went very smoothly...

Both the original author and the director thought she was quite suitable, and even Zhang Panpan thought it was a sure thing.

But when the results were announced, she was instantly shocked.

The position of the supporting actress was given to a girl who came in at the same time.

That girl...

The appearance condition is not as good as mine, the voice condition is not as good as mine, and I am not even a Yanying major...

But she was shortlisted.

At first, Zhang Panpan felt confused.

But when she received a call from the director in the evening and the director suggested that if she wanted to participate, he would just go to his house and give her the role, she felt insulted.

The director told her without hesitation that the girl knocked on her door yesterday and was very proactive. It was impossible for the director to refuse the offer.

But the director felt sorry...

In his heart, that role should be hers!

So, he made this call to her.

Zhang Panpan naturally refused and scolded the director...


The next day, when she went to the company as usual, she saw her agent, Sister Hong, giving her a cold face.

She talked to Sister Hong, but Sister Hong responded very little and even ignored her for a time, as if she was a transparent person.

Then, the screenwriter from the crew came over and suddenly scolded her for a trivial matter.

She lowered her head.

She didn’t know what she had done wrong. She felt wronged, but she didn’t reply...

She thought that today would be over like this.

But, the girl who stole her role came over.

When the girl came up, she looked at her with a cold face and mocked her. After seeing that she didn't reply, she immediately called her "White Lotus". Why are you pretending to be innocent? She is Yan Ying's student. What's so great about it...

The future is just a little more advanced than her...

The girl's scoldings became more and more unpleasant.


She got into a fight with the girl.

She originally had the upper hand, but that woman was very popular. After hearing the news, many people came over. Then, these people seemed to be trying to start a fight, but in fact they were trying to fight her.


Zhang Panpan was slapped so hard by her that her face was swollen.

She covered her face and stared at the girl in disbelief.

The girl scolded her a lot, and then some people in the company let her go.

However, everyone was pointing fingers at her.

She couldn't remember what the sounds were, but she only remembered that they were unpleasant.

The agent, Sister Hong, hurried over from outside soon.

But instead of taking her side, he led her to the office with a cold face.

Before she could say anything, she was scolded severely by Sister Hong!

Although it's not a bad word...

But she felt her self-esteem being pressed hard to the ground.

She was like a dog, truly without any dignity.

The evening wind is getting colder and colder.

The entrance of Yanshihua.

Zhang Panpan looked at the people coming and going.

When she thought of something, her eyes only showed hatred!

She had never waited for someone in such a cold weather.

However, she didn't think about giving up.

She is waiting.

After waiting for a long time, she finally saw a familiar figure walking in the distance.

She subconsciously walked towards that figure.


Zhang Sheng received a call from Lin Xia.

On the phone, Lin Xia told Zhang Sheng about going to Cangdong County School tomorrow.

Zhang Sheng did not refuse.

that place……

Zhang Sheng really wants to go there.

Go to school and sort out some things.

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes when he thought of something.

His gentle eyes suddenly turned cold.

Zhang Sheng in this world didn't need to inherit the debt left by his parents. At most, he could just pay back some of the loans on his ID card.

After my parents died...

However, his uncle and aunt told him to inherit the house and keep it in his thoughts.

Zhang Sheng of this world inherited it, and then he owed a large sum of money!


The uncle and aunt made excuses to transfer the house to their names, saying that they would help him guard it first so that it would not be taken away by the bank...

Zhang Sheng of this world actually believed it!

After the transfer was successful, the uncles and aunts felt like they were completely different people that night...


flashed through Zhang Sheng's mind.

After Zhang Sheng's mood briefly fluctuated, he regained his composure.

On the other end of the phone...

Lin Xia told Zhang Sheng again about Zhang Panpan.

Before Zhang Sheng heard much, he saw a person coming next to him.

He put down his phone.


He saw a tall girl wearing a mask.

He recognized that the girl was Zhang Panpan.


Zhang Panpan stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng, I have capital now, and I want to trade with you!"

Zhang Panpan's voice was vibrating.

But at the same time, it was extremely cold.

It was so cold that Zhang Sheng's expression began to look more serious and solemn.


He saw Zhang Panpan tremblingly take out a real estate certificate from the bag next to him.

(There are only two chapters guaranteed to be updated today. The plot has entered the next stage. I have to make a detailed outline for the subsequent chapters, so I can’t write them too hastily...)

(By the way, the novel did not become a hit as some readers said, nor did it hit the streets as other readers said. Well, it has been on the shelves for exactly a month today, and the average price has exceeded 10,000, which has increased from 4,000. ! It may rise even more in the future...)

(Well, after the second update, I still shamelessly ask for monthly tickets. Okay, I will continue to think about the plot seriously...)

(By the way, when the detailed outline is finished, I will continue to add more updates tomorrow!)

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