I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 174 You like Lin Xia, right?

Most people have bad qualities.


But I don’t know that I am wrong.

He understood the reminders from the people around him, but he didn't take them seriously. He even felt that the other party was trying to lead him into a trap.


Often after going through something and getting badly beaten, people will suddenly realize how stupid they are.

Of course, once you realize it, it's not too late.

Even if you are falling into darkness and feel unable to extricate yourself.



Heading forward, it roars.

The carriage is very crowded, and occasionally you can smell the smell of the feet of guests who have taken off their shoes.

Zhang Panpan's face turned pale.

Sitting on the edge of the aisle, curled up on the edge of the seat.

She had never sat in a second-class seat, and rarely even in a first-class seat.

The family is not short of money, and they adhere to the concept of "girls should be rich" and give her whatever is good since she was a child.


Naturally not too little.

I have been to many places in China and abroad many times.

Of course there are no private jets.

My family is not that rich, but at least I am traveling first class.

There are not many people on the train, and the few times we ride, they are all in business seats.

She actually doesn't lack the money for liquidated damages...

Just tell your parents.

Her parents would send her money.


A scolding is essential, and at the same time, it means failure...

It means that all her choices, the choices that she insisted on going her own way, were all wrong!

Her parents did not support her and even opposed her taking this path.


She said nothing.

outside the window.

Lights flickered.

Zhang Panpan looked at the blurry scene outside the car window.

She felt her chest was so tight that she couldn't breathe.

I even felt that I couldn't straighten my legs, my shoulders were swollen, and my waist was slightly sore. Especially the chair behind me was really uncomfortable.

It was a physical torture.

She didn't have to suffer this.

She even wanted to curse, say some vulgar words, and then act a little bit mean.


She didn't say anything after all.

She looked at Zhang Sheng next to her.

She saw Zhang Sheng sitting calmly with his eyes closed, without any influence from the outside world. Even if someone next to him took off his shoes and his feet were very smelly, it did not affect him.

He seemed to have fallen asleep, and seemed to be in some kind of trance, vaguely seeming to isolate himself from the entire world.

This look...

Zhang Panpan felt a sense of stubbornness in her heart again, and this stubbornness made her endure all these tortures.

She started thinking.

Think about what you did wrong.

an hour ago…

She found Zhang Sheng with the real estate certificate.

She told Zhang Sheng that she had capital, she was cornered, and she could do anything!

Her parents bought her an apartment in Yanjing.

The apartment is next to Yan Ying. When she bought it, the house was not particularly expensive. Now it has gone up a bit. After selling it, she can definitely pay the liquidated damages.


She can also make a considerable amount of savings!

The school gate.

She spoke these words.

When she said these words, her eyes were very serious.

She knew Zhang Sheng was short of money!

Very, very short of money!

After selling the house, she will be very rich. She can lend the remaining money to Zhang Sheng without interest and can pay it back anytime!

Why would Zhang Sheng, who was short of money, not want her money?


She thought a lot about negotiating with Zhang Sheng.

Even at the last moment, she thought of giving part of the money directly to Zhang Sheng!

She stared at Zhang Sheng.

She thought that the conditions she offered were very tempting!

She longed to see the surprise from Zhang Sheng's mouth, and even more eager to see Zhang Sheng's face that was as taut as 250, with more amazement.

That is her capital!

But it's a pity.

Not only was Zhang Sheng not surprised, but the solemn expression on his face was much less and a little more regretful.

He doesn't seem to care about how much money he can make by selling the house, let alone how much money he can give him.

Zhang Panpan originally thought that the heavy chips seemed worthless in his eyes.

Zhang Sheng just smiled at her and said, "I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhang Panpan was as dumb as a chicken at the school gate.


His face was red from holding back, and tears were welling up in his eyes.

She didn't know what she had done wrong.

What did she say wrong? Zhang Sheng could tell her directly...

Why is this so?

that moment……

Zhang Panpan felt like he was going crazy!

Everything in my heart is filled with grievances.

All kinds of negative emotions surged into my heart, and I even wanted to stamp my feet and scold Zhang Sheng. Why did this man not understand any gentlemanly manners?


She finally stopped scolding.

It seems that after experiencing a series of blows, people gradually become more tolerable, or maybe she wants to desperately hold on to that life-saving straw.


After wiping her tears for a moment, she followed him by surprise.

She felt like a brownie...

Wherever Zhang Sheng goes, she will go.

She followed Zhang Sheng on the bus...

She followed Zhang Sheng to buy train tickets...

Even when Zhang Sheng went to the toilet, she stood at the door of the men's room.

The strange expression next to her made her embarrassed, but she didn't move a step.

Zhang Sheng got on the train, and she stayed next to Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng ignored her, as if he were a stranger, and she did not take the initiative to talk to Zhang Sheng. She just sat and endured all this silently.


Little by little.

It was ten o'clock in the evening in a blink of an eye.

The train finally slowed down.

Zhang Panpan's face turned from pale to anxious, and then from anxious to silent.

When the train was about to arrive at the station, she finally raised her head.

“Is it wrong to sell the house my parents gave me?”

She gritted her teeth.

Said this very quietly.

A sound like a mosquito.

In this noisy carriage, she didn't even think Zhang Sheng could hear her.

Just at this time……

She saw Zhang Sheng open his eyes and turn to her.

There was a hint of seriousness in his calm expression.

He didn't answer her words, as if he didn't hear her clearly.

"Zhang Sheng, is it wrong for me to sell the house my parents bought for me..."

Her voice became slightly heavier, her face turned red from holding back, and she looked at Zhang Sheng.

"What your parents give you is yours. What some of us have since birth proves that we are qualified to own it... If you want to sell it or terminate the contract, that is your own business."

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan's appearance and finally laughed.

"Then...why..." Zhang Panpan bit his lip, which was almost bloodshot.

Her voice was shaking.

"I would rather you use your own capital to trade with me..."

"Aren't these the capitals I own? Didn't you say that I am qualified to own..."

Zhang Panpan's chest kept rising and falling, feeling vaguely angry. She felt that Zhang Sheng was mocking her, or even making fun of her.

Zhang Sheng looked at her and shook his head: "You are qualified to have it, but you don't have the ability to have it. You are losing what you have now. A person without ability, even if she has money, it will be difficult for me to talk to her." Transaction, this kind of transaction is extremely short-lived and has no benefit to me except immediate benefits!"

"But, but I, I..." Tears welled up in Zhang Panpan's eyes.

She couldn't understand what Zhang Sheng was talking about.

She wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't say anything.

She just felt wronged and confused.

She just felt that Zhang Sheng looked down on her!


I look down upon her!

Ever since she was a child, she had always been liked and looked up to, but she had never been treated like this.

That feeling is even more uncomfortable than the humiliation I suffered in [Shengshi Entertainment]...

The train has arrived.

She wanted to escape from the train station.

Leave Zhang Sheng!

It is a kind of escape psychology that comes from instinct.

However, the reluctance in her heart kept her from running away.

"Classmate Zhang, you are very lucky to be classmates with me..."

Zhang Sheng finally sighed quietly.

Zhang Panpan lowered his head, stood up, and walked side by side with Zhang Sheng.

My eyes were blurred by tears. As I walked, I couldn't see the road ahead clearly and I fell down.

Zhang Sheng didn't go to help her, but he didn't leave. Instead, he stood there and waited for her.

She stood up and rubbed her legs.

Some pain.

After seeing her stand up...

Zhang Sheng finally showed a smile.

"Zhang Panpan, if you think about it carefully, besides the capital your parents gave you, do you have anything else you can trade with me? In other words, what else do you have..."

"..." Zhang Panpan lowered his head and looked at his chest.

Then he looked up at Zhang Sheng's face.

She gritted her teeth and her face turned red from holding back: "No!"

She pursues the stars.

She seeks the limelight.


If she had to trade her body for it, she wouldn't trade it...

That's a stain.

"Zhang Panpan..." Zhang Sheng sighed again, feeling that even if Zhang Panpan had a little brain, he couldn't be so tired: "I'm not interested in your body. If I want, I can always find a better person." You’re better…”

Zhang Panpan's feeling of humiliation became even more humiliating.

She felt like she was being questioned.

This kind of doubt made her very crazy, and figures flashed through her mind unconsciously...

Then, this feeling turned into comparison and more unwillingness.

"Who is better? Is it Lin Xia? Why do you think Lin Xia is better than me... She is... older than me? Or, taller than me, or..."

Sometimes, people are just so weird.

She stared at Zhang Sheng. She said these words and even eagerly wanted to know the answer.

After Zhang Sheng heard her question, he was a little stunned for a moment. He never imagined that Zhang Panpan would respond like this.

Then I felt a little ridiculous.


I couldn’t laugh again.


Zhang Sheng was instinctively unwilling to explain or even talk about this topic.

This question is extremely boring to Zhang Sheng.

It doesn’t even make sense!


He chose to look elsewhere, his face returned to calm, and he ignored Zhang Panpan as before.

"Zhang Sheng, you like Lin Xia, right? You have liked Lin Xia from the beginning, no, since you were in high school, right..."

They reached the station entrance.

When they got out of the station, Zhang Panpan bit her lip and stared at Zhang Sheng.

Somewhat self-righteous!

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath.

Saying the word "crazy" feels like it damages his image.

But when I said "no", I felt that trying to explain something would be a waste of time.

Zhang Sheng doesn’t like people like Zhang Panpan, why should you explain more!


He looked into the distance.


He saw Lin Xia.

Lin Xia's face turned slightly red.

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