I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 176 This is a deal!

Zhang Sheng sat until the banquet was over.

I have been sitting in the corner, observing every classmate...

Talent information needs to be reserved in advance.

Although these young people are very immature.


No matter at any time, no matter any group, you can always discover a few useful talents.

Moreover, observing people is actually quite interesting.

Young people always have all kinds of ideas and say all kinds of things...

Quite interesting.

He saw that Gao Fei didn't look right.

Zhang Sheng was answering the phone just now. I wonder what Lin Xia said to Gao Fei...

But Zhang Sheng could roughly guess this confession, which made Gao Fei look like a clown.

A girl like Lin Xia...

I like boys who are mature and stable.


I also like romance, but I am definitely not like Gao Fei, who suddenly runs out and holds a rose in his hand and declares his love loudly under the heckles of others.

That would just be embarrassing...

Confession is the clarion call for final victory, not the charge to launch an attack!

Confession, the premise is that the other party also has a good impression of you, and then, just half-heartedly, it can be done.

Obviously Gao Fei doesn't understand this.


In other words, many boys of this age do not understand this truth.


Gao Fei can still be used if he polishes it.

Zhang Sheng was slightly cautious.


After leaving the hotel, Zhang Sheng came to the crew at the old school building.

He saw many people in the crew packing their things.

This part of the plot has been filmed, and the rest of "That Summer" was not filmed here.

Ke Zhanyi originally wanted to take a photo with his classmates after eating, but the crew had something to do and needed to fill in some shots, so he could only temporarily

This arrangement is postponed...

Zhang Sheng saw Ke Zhanyi.

Ke Zhanyi has lost a lot of weight. He wears a pair of black-framed eyes, and his disheveled hair looks a bit sloppy. He looks a little decadent, but his eyes are full of energy, especially on his body. You can always feel that he is full of passion for movies. of energy and enthusiasm.

After seeing Zhang Sheng, Ke Zhanyi invited Zhang Sheng in.

Ke Zhanyi's room is very messy...

The quilt was just balled up, instant noodle boxes were all over the floor, and unknown takeout boxes and plastic bags made it impossible for Zhang Sheng to stay.

The only thing I could look at was the desk.

There are countless A4 papers on the table.

The A4 paper contains storyboards, various shooting compositions, characters and text analysis...

"Mr. Zhang, I originally thought you were trying to make money by doing the [Southern California International Film Awards], but I never dreamed that you were really planning to do this project..."

After Zhang Sheng finally sat down, Ke Zhanyi took out an invitation letter from the stack of A4 paper and looked at Zhang Sheng with complicated eyes.

Just now, he saw a routine report from the Ministry of Commerce.

The report is called [Export Expansion Report]. In the report, the list of export approvals approved by the Ministry of Commerce in December is written.

On the list...

A few pictures except for some large cargo exports.

In the corner of one of the images, there are screenshots of exit screenings of several movies.

Ordinary people see a screenshot, it's just a screenshot, but when Ke Zhanyi saw this scene, he was immediately shocked beyond measure!

Export screening stamp...

So, in a sense, the Ministry of Commerce has acquiesced in the existence of the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

It can even indirectly prove that the [Southern California International Film Awards] is not a pheasant award!


How could that award now be the Pheasant Award?

The government in Brazil has stamped it...

The site has been approved, and the house is said to be built. After commissioning is completed in two days, the movie can be released at any time!

"It doesn't make sense to me to do a fake project..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Ke Zhanyi and suddenly laughed: "By the way, Director Ke, I suddenly thought of something..."

"What's up?"

"I seem to have forgotten to write an invitation letter for our "That Summer". Well, Director Ke, have you thought about the world premiere of "That Summer"?"

"What? World premiere, wait, just the premiere in Brazil, we call it a world premiere? This, this is too false propaganda, isn't it too shameless..."

After all, Ke Zhanyi felt a little bit of a psychological burden that he couldn't bear.

Even when he thought about it, he couldn't help but blush.

"Why can't Brazil and China be considered global? We just haven't considered the rest of the world for the time being, and we haven't said we won't premiere. Director Ke, you need to expand your scope a little bit..."


Zhang Sheng was very serious about popularizing some concepts with Ke Zhanyi.

Ke Zhanyi listened carefully at first, but the more he listened, the redder his face became.

I always feel like if I stay with Zhang Sheng for too long, he will turn into that shameless bastard.

But at first thought...

There seems to be nothing wrong with Zhang Sheng's words.

"This invitation letter and invitation should be more formal..."

"How formal?"

"I'm still thinking about it now. When Tom and his friends return to China the day after tomorrow, I'll have a good chat with them..."


Ke Zhanyi watched Zhang Sheng deep in thought, his eyes flashing with light from time to time, and nodded immediately.

"Well, our company still lacks money for movies..." Ke Zhanyi looked at Zhang Sheng again.

"You call Sister Shengnan and ask her to approve some more publicity funds. A few hundred thousand can be approved. We have successfully produced an international blockbuster, but now it's making us scratch our heads..."


Ke Zhanyi nodded.

But when I took out my phone and prepared to make a call, something felt wrong.


Is this going to be upgraded to an international blockbuster?

A low-budget youth movie worth four million!

International blockbuster?

He looked at Zhang Sheng's serious look as if he was joking, and he became even more suspicious.



As Zhang Sheng talked, he said he believed it, right?


The night is deep.

The nights in Cangzhou are not as bright and feasting as those in Yanjing.

Of course, it's not as fast-paced as Yanjing.

Through the window, looking around the old school building, you can occasionally see a few old people walking or chatting in groups.

This banquet...

Much to Gao Fei's dismay.

Although there was a smile on his face and he was still joking and toasting with his classmates like a normal person, his whole person fell into a trance from time to time.

He held on until the party was over.


Lin Xia did not come again.

Not only did Lin Xia not come again, but even Zhang Panpan disappeared.

Empty place…

He stood in various positions, mocking his failure.

"It's okay, Brother Gao Fei. Women are reserved animals. If you confess your love so openly, people will definitely run away. I'm a girl, and I'm also shy..."

The companion next to him comforted Gao Fei.

It’s okay not to be comforted.

Once comforted, Gao Fei couldn't even laugh.

Gao Fei walked out of the box and left the hotel. After returning to his place, he took out the book "That Midsummer" written by Lin Xia.

Under the light.

He replayed his role several times.

His character is very well written and he is almost a perfect person...

He thought that Lin Xia should be quite satisfied with himself since he had so many characters written for him.



He thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why...

He finally couldn't hold it back and took out his cell phone.

He looked at Lin Xia's phone number, hesitated for a moment, and almost compiled all the beautiful words he had learned over the years into a series of apologies...

After editing it, he checked it over again and nodded with satisfaction.

He sent it to Lin Xia.


There was no response for a long time.

Maybe it's a shutdown? Maybe taking a shower?

When she sees it, she will respond, right?

Gao Fei waited for a while, and finally couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call to Lin Xia.

Before you call...

He pondered over various wordings in his mind and rehearsed what he said to Lin Xia, so that Lin Xia might respond to his words.

After pondering for a long time, when he finally felt that there was no problem, he made the call.


"The number you dialed is currently on a call..."


"The number you dialed is currently on a call..."


"The number you dialed is currently on a call..."

After calling several times and trying to dial another number without giving up, I heard a different prompt...

Gao Fei's eyes widened and he felt his whole body spinning...

Lin Xia blocked him!


late at night.

Zhang Sheng walked out of Ke Zhanyi's house.

The crescent moon hangs like a sickle or a hook.

The moonlight is bright, reflecting the earth.

The breeze blew against my face and the mist was hazy. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a layer of white gauze enveloped the world, quiet and cold.

After Zhang Sheng looked at it for a while, he walked downstairs.

He saw Zhang Panpan sitting on the stairs.

She seemed to be waiting for him, and waited for a long time.

After seeing Zhang Sheng coming, Zhang Panpan stood up...

Zhang Sheng instinctively went around.

Now he doesn't like to have contact with Zhang Panpan.

"Zhang Sheng, I thought of the answer!"

Zhang Panpan didn't care about Zhang Sheng's expression, but looked at Zhang Sheng seriously.

"It's late, go to bed."

Zhang Sheng did not stop, but said lightly.

"I know the answer, Zhang Sheng, you think I'm stupid, you think I'm stupid, you think I'm self-righteous, these are all my shortcomings... I can change them! I thought about it carefully just now, at the station entrance, I didn't You should say that you like Lin Xia, I shouldn’t be so self-righteous, it will make you very embarrassed..."

Zhang Panpan followed Zhang Sheng and said these words.

Zhang Sheng finally stopped. He looked at Zhang Panpan, feeling a little surprised.

Zhang Panpan actually thought of this...

He began to look squarely at Zhang Panpan.

Zhang Panpan looked at him, his eyes revealing his stubbornness.

There seemed to be a resilience about her.

This resilience seems to come from something in the bones.

"Tell me your answer after reflection?" Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan.

"I won't sell the house, and I won't breach the contract..."


"I lack an opportunity, and I will wait or wait for an opportunity! I believe that as long as I wait, it will always come. Even if I cannot succeed, I will not give up. I will learn anything I can learn behind the scenes, and I will definitely do it in the future. It will come in handy..."


"Zhang Sheng, I want you to contact Sister Shengnan for me. I want to talk to Sister Shengnan! I'm at [Shengshi Entertainment], I can collect all kinds of evidence, and if necessary, I can use it as a stab at [Shengshi Entertainment]. Shengshi Entertainment] The knife in the chest..."


"But the premise is that I need you to help me. I need someone from [Starlight Future] to push me from behind. I can climb higher and I can do more things... This is my deal!"


Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan.

His face was still calm, and he just nodded silently.

I was a little shocked.

Especially after seeing Zhang Panpan's serious look, as if he was swearing, he knew that he had to re-examine Zhang Panpan.

"Zhang Sheng, and..."

"Did you think of these, or did Lin Xia teach you?" Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes, and his interest became more and more intense.

"Zhang Sheng! Stop looking down on me with this condescending expression. I don't like it! I don't like it very much! Although I am immature, I am not stupid!"


Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan's serious expression.

She seemed very angry, as if she was venting her long-term repression.

But Zhang Sheng took a look, his expression was very serious, and his smile disappeared.

He just stared at Zhang Panpan.

Zhang Panpan also stared at him...

(Third update of book stamps, this chapter has added more than 600 monthly tickets for yesterday, happy update)

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