I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 177 I’m here to get my things back


Pitch black.

Zhang Panpan couldn't sleep.

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.


She's used to it.

Ever since she signed a contract with [Shengshi Entertainment] and met some people and things, she would always have insomnia.


At some point in the middle of the night, he suddenly slaps the table crazily, or he thinks of various things without realizing it, and then cries in frustration.

But I didn’t dare to cry too loudly.

Afraid of being heard by the parents next door.

Since she was a child, her parents have protected her very well and never allowed her to suffer any injustice.


During this summer vacation, she almost suffered all the grievances she had suffered in the nineteen years since her birth.

Growth sometimes happens in a trance or overnight.

But growth comes at a cost.

It's not a bloody mess, but it's still extremely painful.

This night…

Grievance to the extreme is hatred!

She has never hated [Shengshi Entertainment] like this, or even hated the reality of this world.

That emotion stirred her heart over and over again, especially the loudness of that slap, which made her remember everyone.

She is a grudge-bearing person by nature.

the next day.

Her phone rang.

The call was from Sister Hong.

Sister Hong made sarcastic remarks on the phone.

Ask her to come back to the company.

She heard Sister Hong's sarcastic remarks and remembered how Sister Hong looked when she signed the contract.

She instantly felt like her lungs were exploding with anger.

but she……

Finally he nodded.

"Sister Hong, I'm in the countryside now. I'll be right over..."


The weather in small southern counties is not very warm in December.

But it is slightly milder than Yanjing.

When the crew of "That Summer" packed their luggage one by one and were about to leave, Ke Zhanyi invited all the participants and the prototypes of the novel characters to take a group photo.


Unfortunately, none of the core characters are there.

Gao Fei hasn't appeared since yesterday. His classmates called him, and he hesitated for a long time but couldn't hold it in.

Zhang Sheng went to a more remote town.

It seems that he left early in the morning.

In the class, he was not a valued person. When taking photos to gather people, everyone realized that Zhang Sheng was not here.


No one knows Zhang Sheng’s number.

Zhang Panpan followed Lin Xia into the car.

Along the way, both of them seemed to have something on their minds and didn't say anything.

When the car passed a bridge, Lin Xia looked into the distance silently.

Looking at the road, a figure carrying milk seemed to be walking slowly towards the entrance of the village.

"Why is Zhang Sheng here?" Zhang Panpan was stunned when he saw that figure.

"He used to be from this village..."

"Huh? Since it's on your way, why not take a car?"

"I don't know, he may have his own ideas..."

"Then why did he take the simulated camera from the crew?"

"have no idea……"


Walking on a country road.

Zhang Sheng looked at the fields in the distance.

The fields in winter are not desolate. The wheat slightly sticks out its green head, swaying slightly in the cold wind.

Zhang Sheng recalled scenes from his childhood...

When he was a child, he worked in the fields with his parents, cutting out mazes with a sickle. Occasionally he would see a few toads and forget the direction.

In my memory……

His uncle and aunt were not very kind to him.

Every time I went to my cousin's house to play, he wasn't very enthusiastic. The few times I ate at his house, it was just a token meal for myself.

In my memory……

My uncle and aunt fought with my parents over one thing, and ended up leaving a deep scar on my father's face with a hoe.


It's quite funny now that I think about it.

Because the water in the farmland needs to be irrigated, my uncle deeply disturbed my father's waterway, causing a gap in the farmland. My father stepped forward to argue...

As a result, while they were reasoning, they suddenly started fighting.

The two fell from above to the field below, fighting hard in the mud. While fighting, they said all kinds of unpleasant words, and even the neighbor came over to persuade them for a long time before they persuaded both sides to come down.


When my father left.

The uncle suddenly grabbed a hoe and hit his father's head hard.

Although he dodged in time, his scalp was still damaged.


Zhang Sheng vaguely remembered that the village committee came and made some adjustments.

The uncle didn't need to pay any compensation, he just apologized symbolically, and then the matter was over.

Similar conflicts happen every year, sometimes it's water, sometimes it's grass that sheep eat, sometimes it's because of the quilt...

It's like if you occupy an inch of land, you can reach heaven.

In the village...

Of course there are honest and honest people, but intrigues and bullshit are no less common than in the workplace.

Someone once said that the smaller the place, the worse the people.

Some people also say that poor mountains and harsh waters bring out unruly people...

Although it is a bit excessive, the reason is that small places inevitably have narrow vision.

Their narrow vision only allows them to focus on their own one-third of an acre of land.

If you can't hold even three-thirds of an acre, you will be extremely disgraced in the village, and you will be poked in the spine and laughed to death.

Zhang Sheng came out of his memories, followed his memory, and walked step by step towards the direction of his uncle's house.

Uncle Zhang Gui's house is at the east end of the village, near the intersection of the village road.

It was a prime location in the village.

Zhang Sheng remembered that before he left, there was only a two-story bungalow, but when he came back, he saw that the two-story bungalow had turned into a small western-style building with ceramic tiles on the outside.

Along the way…

Some people in the village recognized Zhang Sheng, but most of them pointed behind them and did not say hello to them.

Ever since his parents started a pyramid scheme, everyone in the village has looked at Zhang Sheng's family as if they were the god of plague and avoided them. The door next door was often closed for fear that his father would come to borrow money.

As he approached his uncle Zhang Gui's house, Zhang Sheng heard the sound of playing mahjong.

During the off-season, my uncle would always play mahjong with a group of people from the village committee. In my impression, uncle Zhang Gui’s house was always shrouded in mist, and from time to time he would hear bursts of swear words.

Zhang Sheng did not walk into Zhang Gui's house immediately.

Instead, he glanced at the old house next to him.

The old house is a two-story cement house. There is no exterior paint on the outside, and the exposed red bricks are particularly conspicuous.

Getting closer, Zhang Sheng could still see traces of paint thrown by debt collectors.

The main entrance was still a wooden door, but through the window, Zhang Sheng found that there were rooms separated inside.

He took the prepared key and went to open the door, but found that the key could no longer open the door.

The locks have been changed.

Zhang Sheng looked at the lock.

This kind of lock is still old. Zhang Sheng can easily open the door with some tricks.

But Zhang Sheng did not choose to do this.

The house he inherited seems to have been rented out by his uncle Zhang Gui.

Looking through the window, he looked at the pile of books in the corner that he had placed before leaving. At this moment, they had completely disappeared.

in memory……

Before leaving home, Zhang Sheng repeatedly told his uncle Zhang Guizhong that he could not sell these books and hoped to keep them.

But it seems...

They didn't listen, or maybe they put it on the second floor?

Zhang Sheng felt that his heart was suddenly a little chaotic. He was not as calm as before. An emotion that did not belong to him surged into his heart slightly. When he returned to his old place, he seemed to feel a sense of sadness.

Zhang Sheng suppressed this emotion.

Continue to carry the milk and walk towards uncle Zhang Gui's house next door.



This is Zhang Gui's favorite.

Zhang Gui is considered a relatively prestigious person in Qinghe Village.

He has a very good relationship with the village chief and village party secretary. Whenever there is money to build roads and bridges, they will ask Zhang Gui to do it.

Zhang Gui slowly worked with a group of young people. The work was good and cheap...

Over time, a sum of money was left behind.

This money made Zhang Gui's life extremely comfortable.

After the bungalow was built, I thought about buying another car...

Nine o'clock.

Zhang Gui held a cigarette in his mouth, and after playing mahjong to kill everyone, he happily turned around and went to the bathroom.

When I open the door...

He saw a familiar person standing in front of him with a smile on his face.


He was stunned when he saw this person, and then frowned subconsciously: "Why are you back? Didn't I tell you not to come back within the next five years?"

He glanced left and right, his brows furrowing deeper and deeper. After looking at Zhang Sheng's milk, he took a deep breath: "You hurry up and leave before the debt collectors come...otherwise, they will interrupt you." Legs...They come here every day these days to ask for debts, and I'll help you deal with it..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Gui.

He remained calm throughout.

In my memory, there are also debt collectors...

Comes every day.

Some came to kick in the door, some came to throw paint, and some cursed my mother in the middle of the night...

During that time...

Zhang Sheng did not dare to go home on weekends and could only hide in the school dormitory.

When leaving Yanjing...

The former Zhang Sheng watched Zhang Gui stop the debt collectors, who threatened to break his legs, looking very fierce.

For an eighteen-year-old young man, that scene was a nightmare that would never go away.

But now Zhang Sheng felt that those people were simply putting on an extremely clumsy performance.

"Uncle, the debt collector has such a good relationship with you that he even plays mahjong with you? You have been doing well during this time!"

Zhang Sheng didn't look at who was playing mahjong inside.

He just heard a noise.

He laughed.

"What do you mean, what do you mean by playing mahjong with me!" When Zhang Gui heard this, his face darkened instantly: "Zhang Sheng, you leave now. Really, when the people over there come, I will I can’t persuade you anymore…”

Zhang Gui looked at Zhang Sheng and pushed Zhang Sheng outward.

Zhang Sheng did not retreat, but put the milk on the ground.

"I came all the way here, I have to have a cup of tea, right? Uncle, this carton of milk is for you..."

"What kind of tea are you drinking now? How can you think about drinking tea! Do you know? A few days ago, Qiangzi, the guy next door, owed some online loans, and was beaten by debt collectors. He is still lying in the hospital... "

"Uncle...has my house been rented out by you?"

Zhang Gui was still threatening Zhang Sheng with various words.

Zhang Sheng, however, seemed not to hear it and just stared at Zhang Gui.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Gui suddenly became angry after listening to Zhang Sheng's words and looking at Zhang Sheng's appearance.

"Before I wrote the house to you, you said... I can come and live at any time. Now, I plan to stay for two days when I come back..."

"You're crazy! Don't you know what's going on with you now? Why are you coming back to live here? Do you think my road is not chaotic enough?"

Zhang Gui originally maintained the appearance of an elder.

But when Zhang Sheng said these words, Zhang Gui instantly exploded!

His eyes widened!

Just at this time……

Several people walked out of Zhang Gui's back room...

Zhang Sheng stared at these people with a strange smile on his face.

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