three years ago.

My predecessor, Zhang Sheng, went home and stayed for one night.

That night.

The door was kicked open.

Pots and pans were smashed.

Even the stove was chipped by a hammer.

Mother is crying...

My father rushed to stop him, but was kicked under the stove.

Zhang Sheng was awakened and looked at his father lying on the ground. Zhang Sheng roared and rushed over.

But it was of no use.

He was pinned to the ground.

He heard teasing laughter and a lot of filthy insults.

But what exactly...

Maybe it was because the scolding was too unpleasant, or maybe the memory was really not that good, and the predecessor could not be remembered.

He only remembered that the leader was a man with a fleshy face and a deep scar at the corner of his mouth.

That man once lived in society. His younger brother was a classmate of Zhang Sheng Elementary School. He had always been domineering. Later, he did not go to junior high school and joined his brother in society.

He only remembered that that day, his father had lost all face in front of his predecessor Zhang Sheng...

My predecessor, who had very good grades, suddenly lost the intention to study because of that fright.

Those who are at the top of their performance have been regressing, even to the bottom, to the corner...

The predecessor who didn't talk much began to gradually develop low self-esteem, and even began to have some autistic tendencies.

His life!



"Old Zhang, damn, what happened? Did you fall into the trap?"

"Nerves! Hurry up!"


outside the house.


Zhang Sheng looked at the scarred face in front of him, which was full of flesh and blood and looked very fierce at first glance.

Some memories came to him.


It was unforgettable that Zhang Sheng, who had always been very calm, was affected, and then he actually started to become a little angry.

He glanced at Zhang Gui.

Zhang Gui seemed to have been exposed to something, but then he hurriedly stopped Scar and turned his head to prevent Zhang Sheng from seeing his expression: "Hua Zi, don't be impulsive, my nephew is just here to take a look, nothing is wrong... I'll take care of the money he owes you first..."

Scarface was confused at first!

But after seeing Zhang Gui's eyes, he understood something in an instant. He immediately clenched his fists and stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely: "Little Bizi, I worked so hard to find you. Well, I'm glad you're back! Today, I’m going to calculate the interest for you!”

Scar's words were cruel, especially when his eyes were narrowed, there was a fierce aura in the gaps between his eyes.

This momentum is very intimidating...

When I was young……

There are not many rumors about Scarface Huazi.

He cut off people's hands...

He broke someone's leg...

He beat people until they were crippled...

He even killed someone!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Gui quickly turned around and pretended to wink at Zhang Sheng: "What are you still doing? Let's go! The further away the better! Go to Yanjing and don't come back!"

Hear the noise.

All the people playing mahjong in the room came out.

Several junior students were stunned when they saw Zhang Sheng, then rolled up their sleeves and stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely.


Zhang Sheng felt a huge pressure coming towards him.

But Zhang Sheng did not leave.

It’s an old trick, it’s okay to deceive an ordinary high school student, but it’s not possible to deceive Zhang Sheng.

It almost seems interesting.

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Gui's poor performance.

Seeing Zhang Gui trying hard to stop the scar-faced Hua Zi, Hua Zi kept trying to rush towards him.

Zhang Gui said all kinds of good things.

Words like "This debt has nothing to do with him", "He doesn't have money yet", "Give him a chance", "Don't scare him", "Speak well if you have anything to say".

Zhang Sheng looked at it seriously.

Suddenly I want to laugh.


The events of that night came back to his mind.

If, before, Zhang Sheng was just guessing, then now, some of the connections in his mind have been clearly sorted out.

this moment.

The last remaining feeling of incense in his heart also dissipated completely.

"Why don't you leave! Zhang Sheng, are you... crazy? If something happens, I can't control it. Don't you know who they are?"


Zhang Gui is still bluffing.

Saying all kinds of things.

Zhang Sheng remained calm.

Scarface stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely.

Zhang Sheng also looked at him and did not dodge.

Scarface suddenly felt an uncontrollable feeling lingering in his heart. For a brief moment, he instinctively wanted to avoid Zhang Sheng's eyes.

But he was saying harsh words, and everyone around him was also saying all kinds of ugly things.

Zhang Gui looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance and immediately stopped stopping him. Instead, he glanced at the scarred face.

Scarface immediately understood after seeing the expression on his face, and then rushed over, grabbed Zhang Sheng's sleeve, grabbed Zhang Sheng, and wanted to take him to the inner room.

"Ten thousand!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Sheng's mouth.

He said these two words lightly.


After Scarface heard these two words, his fierce aura instantly weakened and he stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely.

He saw a pair of cold eyes.

He had never seen such cold eyes, like a sharp knife that could pierce him at any time.

Instinctively, his body stagnated slightly. After such a lag, he became annoyed. Then he clenched his fists and wanted to slap Zhang Sheng twice, but the moment he raised his hand...

He saw Zhang Sheng narrow his eyes.

"One hundred thousand!"

Zhang Sheng's voice was even colder.

He stared at Scarface.

The abnormal behavior made Scarface confused for a moment, and he actually didn't dare to take pictures.

Fortunately at this time...

Zhang Gui came over in time, pretended to stop Scarface again, and then kept offering cigarettes and saying nice things to Scarface.

A gust of wind blew.

After hearing the news, more and more villagers gathered around.

Rural people have the habit of watching the excitement.

After Zhang Gui pretended to persuade a group of junior students to leave, he looked at Zhang Sheng with hatred.

"I told you to leave, why are you trying to be brave if you stay here! They will beat you to death!"

Looking at Zhang Gui's dark and short body, with a shrewd and philistine expression belonging to a small villager, Zhang Sheng just smiled calmly.

He straightened his clothes...

Then he looked at the villagers gathered around him.

"Uncle Ah Shan, Brother Tang Qian, Grandpa Zheng..."

Zhang Sheng looked at the people he knew and greeted them one by one.

Several people nodded subconsciously, but then someone held their hands, and someone behind them signaled them not to talk.

Zhang Sheng doesn't care about these things.

He looked at them.

"Thank you for helping our family when we were in difficulty. Now, I have made a little money, but not a lot..."

in the sun.

Everyone looked at Zhang Sheng and said this calmly.


They watched Zhang Sheng bend down.

He picked up the carton of milk that was on the ground.

After unpacking the milk, everyone's pupils shrank.

Between the bottles of milk cartons, there are pieces of RMB...

They have never seen such a battle!

Their eyes widened!

Zhang Gui was also shocked, and his hands trembled as he passed the cigarettes to the young disciples.

He never dreamed that Zhang Sheng, this little beast who looked timid and easy to bully, would actually bring so much money.

in the sun.

Zhang Sheng took out a wad of money while carrying the milk carton!


"Here is 10,000 yuan. My parents borrowed 9,000 yuan from you. The 1,000 yuan is your interest. You can take it!"

An old man holding a cigarette stick in his mouth suddenly looked at Zhang Sheng in shock. The corners of his mouth trembled and he almost dropped the cigarette stick to the ground.


Zhang Sheng put the money into his hand.

Then, Zhang Sheng walked to the other side: "Uncle, I lent you three thousand. Now, I will give you back three thousand and five. Thank you for taking care of me during those difficult days!"

A middle-aged man holding a hoe lowered his head subconsciously.

He saw that Zhang Sheng didn't look at the milk carton at all, but counted the three-five-thousand-five-dollar bill very skillfully with one hand.


It was put into his hands.

A smile appeared on his face.

in memory.

Zhang Sheng remembered that this uncle, who was not related by blood, told him in advance that the debt collectors were coming and told him to hide.

I also secretly told him that his uncle was nothing...

"Auntie, I'll lend you a thousand and give you back a thousand and two, keep it!"


Zhang Sheng shuttled among the crowd.

On the edge of the hall at Zhang Gui's door, a group of young people who had been shouting looked at Zhang Sheng blankly.

More and more people are gathering around.

Zhang Sheng greeted the villagers one by one.

His smile was gentle and heart-warming, especially the thin clothes he wore, which made people feel sympathy.

A gust of wind blew.

That look of throwing money away, that real impact, made Zhang Gui's mind go blank.

this person……

what happened!

He stared at Zhang Sheng.

Staring hard.

He suddenly felt distressed.

Money, money, money is all money!

In just a few minutes, Zhang Sheng had paid off nearly 50,000 yuan in debt.


Everyone gives them some interest!

Zhang Gui finally recovered from the shock with a smile on his face.

"Sheng...don't, I didn't expect you to make so much money. In fact, there are some things..."

He subconsciously walked towards Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng ignored him.


From now on, Zhang Sheng has been ignoring him.

He subconsciously pulled Scar, who was shocked for a long time. Then he nodded and took a few steps forward, wanting to say something...


He stopped when he saw Zhang Sheng handing out money among the crowd.

Suddenly she turned to stare at him again.

The eyes were still cold, so cold that he felt a lump in his throat.

Vaguely, he instinctively felt as if there was a wild beast staring at him with bloodthirsty.

"Uncle and aunt..."

"I owe a large loan shark..."

"These people just wanted to beat me and take away my money. They even wanted to beat me and threatened me to break my legs. I didn't give it to them..."

"I want to return the money to you first..."

"It's not easy for you to make money. It's all hard-earned money. Unlike them, you can just lend money at usury..."

in the sun.

Zhang Sheng turned his head, and then his expression became extremely heavy, as if he was suppressed by something and couldn't breathe. He looked at everyone.

After a short period of calm.

The crowd suddenly became noisy.

"Sheng, don't be afraid. You can do whatever you want. In the village, can you still let the young people from other villages bully you?"

Zhang Sheng saw several young people from the village stand up and stand beside him, staring closely at the scarred face...

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