I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 187 We owe each other nothing! (Third update! Additional update for 6,500 monthly votes!)

Late at night.

The noise grew quieter.

Jiang Yong began to feel a strong uneasiness in his heart.

He finally walked to the window again and looked down...

Below, except for a few young people waiting for him, the rest of the people he brought here have left.

His face gradually became very ugly.

He never dreamed...

Zhang Sheng's few words and some eggs were enough to pull everyone away!

This turmoil that was supposed to be so huge that it spread from the town to the county, and even planned to spread from the county to the city, ended like this?

There was great reluctance in his heart!


He looked at Chen Guorong.

He saw that after receiving a phone call from the enthusiastic Chen Guorong, the smile gradually disappeared from his face.

He saw Chen Guorong's silence, as if a coldness was emerging around him.

He smiled subconsciously and prepared to talk to Chen Guorong about the battlefield again.

But Chen Guorong just looked at him with a half-smile.

That kind of gaze seemed to peel off his clothes, revealing the flesh under the clothes, and it was completely exposed.

After a while, Chen Guorong looked at him.

"Mr. Jiang..."

"Bureau Chen..."

"Mr. Jiang, I just received a call from the police. The police said that you are related to some cases..."


Jiang Yong was stunned.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard a knock on the door.

After a while, he saw several police officers wearing hats walking over.

Then, he showed his ID.

He felt like his head exploded with a "bang", and he was completely confused.

Immediately afterwards, his face became very ugly, even a little pale...

this moment!

He realized that he seemed to have been calculated!

He stared and wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he was handcuffed.

The other village party secretaries and others were also frightened by this scene.



The breeze comes.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Gui drove the tractor on the way back to the village.

Under the supervision of the lawyer hired by Zhang Sheng, the real estate certificate had Zhang Sheng's name written back on it.

The real estate transfer agreement was also torn up by the lawyer on the spot.

This lawyer...

From Yanjing.

It seemed that another tutor of Zhang Sheng had specially called him here.


He seems to be Zhang Sheng’s fellow disciple...

damn it!

Didn’t Zhang Sheng major in new energy or something? How could he have a fellow lawyer?


How the hell does Zhang Sheng have the money to go to college?

Zhang Gui was extremely shocked.

Based on his knowledge, he even thought that Zhang Sheng would starve to death, or become a homeless man under those bridges, or he would not be able to withstand the huge blow and go crazy!

This is normal!

It's hard to imagine that Zhang Sheng is back, and he has to come back so that he can't understand it!


Zhang Gui gritted his teeth.

The village chief will have a way to deal with Zhang Sheng sooner or later!

Zhang Gui has a good relationship with the village chief. They often play cards and drink. Because of this relationship, when there is sometimes a shortage of trucks to transport sand, the village chief will think of his tractor and he has also made a lot of money!

The brief feeling of anger finally disappeared.

He swallowed this bad breath for now!

When the tractor drove to the edge of the village, he saw that it was very lively.

He saw the old people in the village lining up hurriedly. Not far away, someone seemed to be handing out eggs!

He stopped subconsciously.

Later, he heard that a large company in Yanjing seemed to be setting up a factory here. Now the staff would come over first to distribute eggs and get to know the villagers.

He asked again, and he heard that the large enterprise seemed to be very powerful. It seemed to be run by a very powerful university in Yanjing. It was very authoritative and seemed to have been specially approved by the Ministry of Commerce of Yanjing!

Be good!

Ministry of Commerce!

And it’s also Yanjing’s Ministry of Commerce!

How awesome is this!

His eyes suddenly lit up. Looking at the boxes of eggs, he also ran over and lined up. He was thinking about establishing a good relationship with the leader of this company first, and then he could get him to take on some work!

But row after row...

He felt something was wrong!

As the team got closer, he saw that the staff member holding the list and wearing [Bosch] work clothes looked particularly familiar.

Wait until it's a little closer...

His pupils shrank sharply!

That's Zhang Sheng!

Yes! He knew Zhang Sheng, who turned into ashes. Why is Zhang Sheng giving out eggs now?

Wait, how did he get involved with this large company in Yanjing?

Could it be that he...

He asked some villagers nearby.

But after seeing him, the villagers subconsciously avoided him without saying a word, looking at him as if they were a god of plague.

He asked several questions in a row...

But everyone seemed to deliberately keep a certain distance from him.

After a while...

Finally, someone who had a better relationship with him sighed: "Zhang Gui, you shouldn't have driven Zhang Sheng away in the first place. Now... otherwise... wait, how can you still queue here now?"


"Do you really think Zhang Sheng will give you eggs?"

"Could it be that I... they want to set up a business in the village? I am one of the villagers after all. Why don't I have eggs? He is bending the law for personal gain, and he is not bending the law for personal gain, right? And he at least has to sign, right? The whole village agrees. That’s it, if I don’t sign, he can’t do it, and if the village chief doesn’t sign, he can’t do it either!”


Zhang Gui felt that he had lost face, and his voice suddenly became angry.


After those people glanced at him, they stopped looking at him and no one paid attention to him.


It was him.

He took a deep breath!

Thinking that if he dared not give him eggs, he would make things worse!

But Zhang Sheng looked at the list, then looked at him again, with a calm expression on his lips: "Have you brought the real estate certificate?"

Zhang Gui looked at Zhang Sheng's expression and clenched his fists. No matter how hard he looked, he wanted to slap him, but he still took a deep breath: "I brought it to you!"

He took out the real estate certificate from his arms and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Oh, okay, next..."

"Where are my eggs? My eggs!"

"Sorry, your name is not on the list!"

"I am a member of this village. Everyone in the village has one, so why don't I! You can't just bend the law for personal gain because of the conflict between me and you! Where is the village chief? You ask the village chief to come and comment! "

Zhang Gui stared, raised his throat, and made a loud voice. Then he looked around, trying to find someone who could talk to him.


He found that no one could be found.

It seemed that, invisibly, he was isolated!

The village chief is not here!

How could the village chief not be present at such an event?

Didn't the village chief come back, or what happened?

He realized something was wrong, but he finally stared at Zhang Sheng: "I need a reason!"

Zhang Sheng was calm.

Looked at the list again.

"There are some criminal records on you that have not been clearly investigated. It is impossible for our company to cooperate with suspects of bad deeds..."


"You go home. The village chief is probably under investigation now. You'd better come to me after clearing the record!"


Zhang Gui stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng, are you really going to force me into a desperate situation?"

"In this world, everyone chooses their own path, no one forces anyone..."



Zhang Gui tried to incite public opinion in the village.


It's of no use.

The villagers queuing behind him suddenly started shouting and told him to leave quickly.

The way he stared at the others...

The few villagers who used to be submissive around him were all looking at him with cold faces at this moment.

He felt more and more that something was wrong.

Could it be...

The village chief’s joint letter failed?

Could it be!

His heart sank.

The feeling of disbelief lingered in his heart.

He got on the tractor and returned home.

He saw a police car parked at the home and his wife yelling.

He stopped the tractor.

He saw the police officers next to him consulting several middle-aged men carrying eggs.


The middle-aged man said something that made his wife scream angrily.

He moved closer.


He heard a very scary name.


This time the village chief made a big noise. The city seemed to have noticed the big noise, and the city called the county.

The boss seems to be taking this matter seriously!

Then, the nature of the matter gradually changed from provoking trouble to an incident involving HEI!

It seems that there are still many unclean things on the battlefield...

Zhang Gui's face turned pale!

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his legs and feet were weak, and he was almost unsteady.

How can one day...

How come it only took him a day to get out of the court...

Has everything turned out like this?

He trembled!

Finally, he saw the staff members saw him, came over, and showed their IDs.

When he heard about the "criminal" case, he instantly fell into an ice cave!

this moment……

Only then did he realize that not only the village party secretary had been arrested, but even the village chief had been arrested and investigated!

Li Hua and Hua Zi, who were under investigation yesterday, seemed to be sentenced. Then, he confessed everything he needed to confess!

Zhang Gui's knees went weak, and he felt a buzzing in his head...

My whole body is cold!

Like falling into hell!




After receiving the eggs, the villagers all left.

Zhang Sheng returned to the house.

Looking at the familiar place, a smile appeared on his face.

not far away……

He saw his so-called aunt crying...

Zhang Sheng put away his smile and looked at it expressionlessly.

After she saw him, she ran over subconsciously, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and said all kinds of good things.

she says……

No matter what, he is still your uncle!

You are of the same blood, you are related by blood...

she says……

Your cousin really can't accept this kind of blow...

She said she would get down on her knees and beg him...

This family really cannot live without Zhang Gui!

Zhang Sheng remained calm throughout and watched coldly.

It's like looking at an insignificant person.

After a long while, he took out nine hundred yuan from his pocket...

"You have all paid me back what you owed me. I have paid you back the eight hundred yuan I owed you. There is an extra one hundred yuan. This is the interest I gave you..."

He bent down and put the money into her hand.

She hit the money on the ground, as if she was greatly insulted, and cursed at the same time.

He glanced at the money, but did not pick it up. Instead, he walked into the house and pointed to the camera set up next to it.

"I've taken pictures of everything I need to take..."

He said this.

Then he closed the door.

The icy cold wind is depressing!

She stood up.

When you want to say something...

I saw several young people from the village walking over...

She hurriedly told the young people in the village about the grievances their family had suffered and Zhang Sheng's indifference.


The young people lowered their heads as if they did not hear.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Sheng opened the door, with a smile on his face, and paid them back the money he owed them one by one...


They helped him move everything out of the house.

Those things...

These are all things Zhang Gui put in!

Even a mirror and chopsticks were taken out and placed in the open space next to Zhang Gui's house.

She watched it all.

But there was nothing she could do!

When the move was almost done, she watched Zhang Sheng walk out, squinted her eyes, and looked at her seriously: "From now on, our two families will not owe each other anything!"


Wave after wave roars...

Ice cold!

It was so cold that it felt like my soul was trembling!

She couldn't help but trembled!

damn it!

Why did Zhang Gui provoke such a ruthless person!

(delivered in the third update!)

(Monthly ticket is 53, you are so awesome! Phew, I finally finished writing this plot!)

(I’ve been holding it in for a long time! I finally took a breath!)

(Next, I will continue to make detailed outlines. The next chapters will be more difficult to write. I hope I can write them well...Please give me a monthly vote. Let's see how far we can go this month...)

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