I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 188 Becoming famous?

The hustle and bustle outside the house didn't stop until early in the morning.

The lamp at the east end of the village is as bright as day.

Under the light.

Several architects who came from Jincheng, wearing safety helmets, measured the place where the weed-covered open space connected to the sand field inside and out, and then began to survey the drawings.

Three o'clock in the morning.

A tall and thin young man entered the venue one after another with a group of workers from an advertising company.

Cement pouring, foundation laying, steel pipe support...

At the east end of the village, beside the bridge next to the river, a large and eye-catching billboard was gradually propped up.

The billboard reads "[Bosch Battery] Recruitment Notice!"

The salary standard for ordinary workers is in the range of 1,800 to 5,000. The following is marked in parentheses: the internship period is one month and the person becomes a full-time employee. After becoming a full-time employee, five insurances will be added and one day off per week. If you work during the rest period, you will be entitled to overtime...

Office clerks, finance, accountants, interns, reserve cadres...

These positions are also being recruited, but the villagers just point at the general workers above.

Some people are excited and can’t wait, but others are skeptical and think this billboard is just a gimmick.


A small county like Cangdong County.

Many small factories are mostly family workshops, with no holidays, no prescribed working hours, no overtime pay, and piece-rate wages of up to 1,800 to 3,000 yuan at most, and there is no so-called concept of social security.

In this bad environment, even [Yintie Group] is going through salary cuts and layoffs. [Bosch Battery] these benefits are going against the wind.

This night!

It is the busiest night in Qinghe Village.

There are changes.

The village chief, village party secretary and others who once controlled the entire village's economic lifeline were arrested and have not returned yet.

Rumor has it that yesterday's incident did reach the municipal level, and the city leaders were so furious that they were on the verge of labeling it a vicious crowd incident.

It is estimated that the village chief Jiang Yong and several others will be sentenced to at least squatting for a while.

There are also new opportunities.

Dawn came the next day.

The designers completed the measurements and began to leave Cangdong County one after another.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Several curious villagers pulled one of the designers to ask about the situation.


The designer who was about to leave had a serious face and only spoke a few words to them briefly.

The general meaning is that they received an order from [Hongyuan Decoration], and the factory construction of [Bosch Battery] must be completed within a month.

This is their mission!

Time is short and the task is heavy, so they must race against time.

The designers are gone.

But the person in charge did not leave.

The people in charge are a young man and woman.

They set up a stall under the billboard, with "Job Recruitment Notice" written on the stall.

Recruit young students in the village who have been banned from the battlefield to participate in the construction of the "Doctor Battery Factory".

at the same time……

We also recruit women who can cook, and together we set up a factory canteen and customize menus...


This night.

It was extremely noisy for the villagers.

But for Zhang Gui's wife Zhong Xuemei, it was extremely difficult.

The long night.


Every time I think about the future...

You can't help but feel anxious.

Of course, the greater emotion is hate!

Before Zhang Sheng appeared, their family had always been fine...

They plan to buy a house in the county, plan for their son to go to college, and plan for their son to take the civil service exam...

After Zhang Sheng comes!

A few short days...

All plans and futures came to nothing.

The whole home was destroyed!

Even if Zhang Sheng wants to take his house back, if he sits down with them and has a good discussion, they may not return the house to him!

Why do you have to do things so absolutely?

Zhong Xuemei thought about this problem more than once. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Zhang Sheng had lost all the emotions that a person should have, and he didn't even have any sense of family affection.

In the morning.

She had a phone call with Zhang Gui.

On the phone, Zhang Gui's voice lost its usual arrogance and even began to sound a little frightened.

"It is possible that he will be sentenced, and even if he is not sentenced, he will be detained for a period of time."

The word "sentence" made Zhong Xuemei unbelievable.

She never dreamed that these two words would fall on law-abiding people like them.

This is incredible!

Zhang Gui just stayed with people like "Li Hua" and the relationship was just better. How could this happen?

She was a little lost.

Then, she left home and wanted to ask for help from those people who had a good relationship with Zhang Gui in the past.

But she found that these people, who usually had a very good relationship with her family and looked like brothers, now all looked at her with strange eyes and stayed away from her.

It seems that she is the plague god in this village.

After going around in a circle, she couldn't help but feel sad in her heart.

Finally, she moved to Zhang Sheng's house.

She saw that there were always people walking in and out of Zhang Sheng's house, chatting about something.

She accidentally heard from the villagers that Zhang Sheng was already rich, not only rich, but also very powerful.

Zhang Sheng seems to have some shares in the decoration company that came to build the factory...

[Bosch Battery Vehicle] Zhang Sheng seems to have some shares...

Even the [Hongwei] electric cars parked at the east end of the village, which were advertising home appliances for the countryside, seemed to be related to Zhang Sheng.

He seems to have a wide network of contacts...

By the afternoon, Zhang Sheng's house was still crowded with people.


This time it wasn't the visiting people, but a group of workers.

This group of workers took the drawings and, under the command of Mr. Tang, Wu, and Mr. Tang, they were renovating the building...

That building seemed to be used as a temporary office for [Bosch] Batteries.

Zhong Xuemei went to that house to look for Zhang Sheng, but did not find Zhang Sheng.

Listen to what others say...

Zhang Sheng seemed to have left.

In the morning, Zhang Sheng left in the car.


Zhang Gui still hasn't come back.

She went to the police station to search, and the staff told her that Zhang Gui was still interrogating and some things had not been explained clearly.

She had a meal next door to the police station.

In the restaurant, the news was playing. When she heard the familiar voice on the news, she subconsciously raised her head.

Then, she saw Zhang Sheng standing at the door of the Land and Resources Bureau, talking about something.

She subconsciously asked her boss to change the channel, but the boss refused to change the channel.

"Read his story first!"

Zhong Xuemei raised her head and looked at the news.

In the news...

The story of "Zhang Sheng's debt repayment" is being told.

The officials seemed to think that this "debt repayment" was of great positive significance, especially the local TV station, which even spent a few minutes introducing Zhang Sheng...

The host's story is full of ups and downs, and it makes Zhang Sheng's sadness and heavy blow when he left Cangdong County feel as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes. Then, Zhang Sheng wandered to Yanjing...


I started a business, made my first pot of gold, and went to college...

Then I met my mentor Tang Wu, and then the two of them thought about [battery] together...

From the beginning, no one cared about it, but gradually the quality of the [battery] was excellent and it was officially recognized. Then the sales gradually increased, and I made a second pot of gold...

All these experiences may seem absurd, but they sound exciting.

Like chicken soup, he poured it into the mouths of all the diners present...


The more I looked at it, the more I looked up.

The story has obviously been embellished, and if you really want to dig deeper, there are many holes in the story.

But it doesn’t matter what the truth is anymore!

The important thing is that the story of a small person who suddenly encounters an opportunity and soars into the sky through his own hard work can always inspire ordinary, bewildered onlookers, allowing them to gain positive energy from the story.


At the last moment of the story, there is always someone who concludes it.

This time, Meng Xing, the president of Hua Xia Bank in Cangdong County, showed his face. He summarized Zhang Sheng’s inspirational story.

After summarizing, in order to encourage more young people who want to start a business but have no capital, Hua Xia Bank has specially launched a low-interest [Entrepreneurship Loan].

You only need to take the project and ID card to go to the bank to apply...



The entrance of Yan Shihua.

Zhang Sheng hung up the call from the Cangdong County President of Hua Xia Bank.

The money I owed to Hua Xia Bank was finally wiped out with all the interest in a very magical way.

Even on the phone, Meng Xing thought about using advertising fees to wipe out all Zhang Sheng's principal.

But Zhang Sheng refused.

Get rid of hundreds of thousands of debts, and then put your own image on the bank counter to help the bank get loans...

At least he's not that cheap yet.


The relationship between this is really huge.

Not long after hanging up with Hua Xia Bank in Cangdong County, Zhang Sheng received another call from the Agricultural Bank of China in the same county.

They don’t know how they found Zhang Sheng’s number!

When they found Zhang Sheng, the first thing they said was that they could waive the interest on Zhang Sheng's debt, and they were willing to witness Zhang Sheng's success with the greatest sincerity.

Between the lines, Zhang Sheng was praised a lot, but the last few sentences were...

They hope that Zhang Sheng can accept an interview with their bank, and even hope that Zhang Sheng can promote their new product during the interview...

It is also a loan business similar to [Entrepreneurship Loan].

Zhang Sheng refused again.

After the rejection, the other party was not very angry or entangled. He just told Zhang Sheng that he would have money in the future and hoped to pay it back to their bank first. They still exempted Zhang Sheng from the bank's loan interest!

After applying to the Agricultural Bank of China, another bank in Cangdong County called Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng walked into the school.

The phone still rings.

In the past, when he walked into the school, no one said hello. Even after the debt collection scandal, Zhang Sheng was only known to a few people. At most, they talked behind his back, but no one came over.

But this time...

But it’s different!

"Zhang Sheng!"

"boss Zhang!"

"Zhang Sheng..."

"Come on, we are waiting for the day when you pay off your debt!"

"Awesome! Zhang Sheng!"


But this time when he walked into the school, Zhang Sheng saw everyone looking at him.

They all smiled and greeted him whether they knew him or not. Some even came over deliberately to chat with Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng found out that after returning to Yanjing from Cangdong County...

He became famous seemingly overnight!

After chatting with his classmates at school, he found that he was always followed by a group of students holding cell phones and taking pictures of him.

He was helpless, but he didn't refuse.

Then, walked into [NC Studio]...

When I first walked into the office...

He heard screams!


He watched Li Zhonghe, the president of the photography club, come out of the office wearing only a pair of trousers, and then ran out excitedly, shouting excitedly as he ran!

Zhang Sheng was stunned!

what's the situation?

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