I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 192 The gears of fate begin to turn

"Have you decided yet?"


"Planning to go back and marry a stranger?"

"Arranged marriages are very common over there, and they are not as unhappy as those written in TV series or novels..."

"What about after marriage?"

"Find a job in the town, be close to your parents, and be able to take care of them..."

"Are you pregnant?"

"Have a child, take care of the child, now there is nine-year compulsory education, prices are low here, it doesn't cost much..." Chen Mengting lowered her head, although she was answering, it was more like talking to herself.

"My children want to go to college, buy a house after graduation, and get a wife?"

"We make money and work hard to collect it for him..."

"How much is your bride price?"

"Two hundred thousand..."

"When the child grows up, he will marry a wife. What if the bride price is 500,000 yuan?"


"Are you going to give your child a wife?" Zhang Sheng continued to stare at her and asked.

"You will marry anyone who sells pots and metals." Chen Mengting lowered her head and her voice gradually became quieter.

"What if your child wants to buy a house in the city? He needs some money, can you get it together?"


"You've sold everything to help your son find a wife, so how are you going to collect the down payment and repay the loan?"


"To put it simply, after the baby is born, what brand of milk powder should I give my baby?"


"If your classmates in college tell you that this brand of milk powder is good, but you can't afford that brand of milk powder, you are even using the cheapest diapers, and then your child gets a rash on his buttocks and cries and fusses every day..."


"The bride price of two hundred thousand is still quite high in this era... When I married you, my father-in-law and mother-in-law wouldn't say anything, and everyone was very happy. But after you get married, they will think about the two hundred thousand, And you don’t have a penny, it’s all with your parents, what will you do?”


"When you were in confinement, your mother-in-law thought you didn't take care of the children. Your husband had been working hard all day outside. When he came home, he scolded you for not even cooking and for being idle every day... If you don't have money, go ask your husband for money. But every time you reach out, you will be looked down upon. He takes the opportunity to ask you to pay back the two hundred thousand. You have no money, so you can only remain silent and endure it silently..."


"You are finally out of confinement. After you are out of confinement, you want to work. Then, your mother-in-law and father-in-law are old and need you to take care of them. You have to cook and wash..."


"Why are you going to college? If it's to return to this kind of life, then why are you going to college?"


"Are you really willing?"

Zhang Sheng’s words.

Very harsh.

Even a little mean and sharp.

Real-life questions were thrown over one by one. At first, Chen Mengting could answer some questions, but gradually, Chen Mengting could only remain silent.

No answer is right.

It was like a mountain weighing on her heart.

I can't breathe, and I can't escape.

She could only lower her head as low as possible.

She understands all this.

After a while, she looked at Zhang Sheng: "But what can I do? My parents raised me, gave birth to me, and brought me up. Now they need me, and I can't..."

Chen Mengting still lowered her head.

The voice was very soft, very soft.

The grace of upbringing is greater than heaven.

Among all good deeds, filial piety comes first.

This has been the truth since ancient times.

Therefore, sometimes, people with excessive conscience live unhappy lives.

Zhang Sheng looked at the dark sky in the distance. In Yanjing's sky, no stars could be seen, and there was a layer of veil. The haze seemed to be getting worse day by day.

"I have never asked you to be unfilial..." Zhang Sheng sighed: "You obey their arrangements. You are just obedient, not filial... Filial piety also needs to be filial..."


"If you go back now, you will only miss the opportunity to take root in a big city and then accompany them. At best, you will accompany them and take care of them. At worst, you will just spend time with them in all kinds of trivial matters. , You have exhausted your potential, energy, and abilities, and what will end up happening? By doing this, you not only delay your youth, your children's growth, and your future..."


"If you are rich, you can bring your parents to the city and give them good food and drink. This is filial piety. If they don't want to come, you can even hire a nanny to take care of their food, clothing and daily life. Are you afraid of the nanny? If you don’t take good care of it, you can install a camera at home..."


"If you have money, you can build a villa in your hometown. If you want to live closer to your parents, you can even take the money and invest in your hometown. You can stay in your hometown as an investor instead of as a working girl. After living like this for the rest of your life, the filial piety you carry out now is a small filial piety, and the filial piety you carry out in the future is a great filial piety!"


"Money, sometimes it's a bastard, but sometimes... it's really useful!"


"Smiling at the poor but not at the prostitutes, this sentence is hard to hear, but the reality is so cruel..."

Zhang Sheng looked into the distance slightly when he said this.

Chen Mengting finally raised her head.

"Now, they need me, what should I do?"

“Do they need you as a person, or do they need your money?”

"Of course it's me, they need me to take care of..."

"Then why did they collect a 200,000 yuan gift in the first place? If I guessed correctly, the purpose of urging you to go back is to get you married, right? Is it because of the 200,000 yuan gift that they are urging you to get married?"


Chen Mengting was silent.

My thoughts are getting more and more confused, and I am getting more and more confused.

Zhang Sheng didn't say anything else to him, he just stood silently on the edge of the overpass, listening to the wandering singers singing.

After a long time...

Chen Mengting sighed.

"Mr. Zhang, I...I still want to go back..."

Zhang Sheng turned his head and looked at Chen Mengting.


Keep blowing.

Zhang Sheng finally nodded.

After Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng and only nodded, a trace of complicated emotions emerged in her heart.

She originally thought Zhang Sheng would scold her.

Will say she...

Maybe even keep telling her something.

However, Zhang Sheng's reaction made her feel a sense of loss.

After a brief silence, she continued to look at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, I will hand over the work one by one in the next month. In fact, anyone can do my job. Mr. Zhang, please find someone to replace me." It's easy..."

"But, they are not you..."

Before Chen Mengting finished speaking, Zhang Sheng sighed quietly: "No one can help me support this plate and lay the foundations for me when I am at my weakest, and I will never find that conscientious person again." Do everything I arrange well and be able to make someone I trust so much..."

Chen Mengting's body trembled.

Looking at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.

"Senior sister..."


"Are you so unsure of me already?"

"No, no, that's not the case, Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean that... I just feel that I have become dispensable in our studio..."

"Sister, if the company is compared to a high-rise building, then you are the indispensable foundation of the high-rise building. The foundation is buried deep underground and does not attract attention. It just silently does the work of supporting it. Even when we talk about the house, What people look at most is the structure of the house, the location of the house, the paint on the outside of the house, and whether the inside of the house is warm in winter and cool in summer. However, many people never think that if the foundation is unstable, no matter how tall the building is, it will collapse. After the collapse, no matter how exquisite the decorations and structures are, they are just a pile of worthless ruins..."

Zhang Sheng said this quietly.

There was regret in the voice and full of sincerity.

Chen Mengting's heart trembled again.

The tears in his eyes flowed out uncontrollably.

She wiped it, but her vision was still blurry.

She wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

"Senior sister, no matter what choice you make, that 130,000 yuan is the money you should earn. I will not ask for a penny, and I cannot ask for it..."


"Perhaps there are a lot of chores in your hometown, and they may be difficult for you to solve, but we can talk first, and there will always be a solution to the matter..."


"No matter what choice you make, as long as you have problems, you can call me at any time. What I say now will be valid in this life!"


When Zhang Sheng finished saying this.

Then he turned around and left.

Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng's back.

She felt a mixture of emotions in her heart.

Zhang Sheng finally disappeared into the vast distance.

She was finally out of sight.

She squatted on the ground, tears filling her eyes and streaming uncontrollably.

After a long time, she thought of something, finally took out the phone and called her parents.


She talked a lot.

Her parents didn't understand at first and thought she was crazy. They also scolded her and even ordered her not to go to college!

She gritted her teeth.

He said many things that he had never said before.

This winter vacation...

Not only is she not getting married, she doesn't even plan to go home!

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Feeling uneasy, I couldn't help but start blaming myself, as if I was the evil person being accused by thousands of people.

However, it seemed as if he breathed a long sigh of relief.

She called her cousin in her hometown.

On the phone.

She told her cousin that she hoped she could help take care of her parents and pay her how much a month...

My cousin was shocked!

It was unbelievable that she would do this.

After a while...

The cousin agreed.

She went to the 24-hour bank and wired her cousin the first amount of money, about two thousand yuan.

Two thousand yuan was a lot of money in 2009.

After her cousin got the money, she called her back. The person on the phone was a little surprised and a little excited at the same time, asking her whether she had made a fortune.

Then, he talked to her about the children, her husband, and some things in her hometown...

At this moment, Chen Mengting felt an unprecedented sense of vanity...

My cousin has never respected her so much, and has never had so many conversations with her.

It’s a feeling of closeness…

It's something that no matter how many times I called or greeted me, I couldn't get it back.

Ironically true!

It turns out that this is the so-called charm of money!

Under the light.

The constant flow of vehicles and pedestrians...

A few hours ago, Chen Mengting, who had been extremely confused, took a deep breath and her eyes became firm.

Looking into the distance, under the distant street lights, the fog dissipates...

It seems like this moment...

The gears of fate began to turn.

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