I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 193 World Premiere! (Third update, monthly ticket is 51!)

"This Zhang Sheng is really handsome!"

"When I first watched it, it seemed unremarkable, but when he started talking, his whole person seemed to be shining..."

"Hey, when I'm looking for a partner, I want to find someone like Zhang Sheng..."

"Panpan, I remember your hometown is also in Cangzhou, right? Do you know Zhang Sheng? Was Zhang Sheng also so charming when he was a student?"

"Panpan, can you get Zhang Sheng's phone number? While he's not up yet, I want to pay off the debt with him! I have money... I can invest in him..."


Yan Ying.

Zhang Panpan came out of the dormitory.

The voice of my roommate Xin Xiaoqi kept ringing in my ears.

Xin Xiaoqi graduated from the Performance Department in 2009 and is a native of Yanjing. She has good looks, a cheerful personality, and a carefree attitude. She has the best relationship with her in the entire dormitory.


Yan Shihua's documentary "Graduation Years" suddenly became popular on the Internet.

Xin Xiaoqi also watched the documentary...

It was okay at first, but later on, when she saw Zhang Sheng appeared, her tears began to flow out and she couldn't stop them.


In the past few days, she often heard Zhang Sheng's name from Xin Xiaoqi's mouth.

Her ears almost grew numb.

The back and forth is that Zhang Sheng has a sense of security, Zhang Sheng is very charming, Zhang Sheng is handsome, Zhang Sheng is what a man should be, this is the responsibility a man should have...

Zhang Panpan listened and nodded occasionally, but she did not tell Xin Xiaoqi that she knew Zhang Sheng, she knew what Zhang Sheng was like in high school, and she was even very familiar with Zhang Sheng.

Naturally, she couldn't tell her roommate Zhang Sheng's mobile phone number.

The afternoon sun shines on Zhang Panpan's beautiful face.

The roommate looked disappointed.

Then he thought about going to Yanshihua and went to find Zhang Sheng. He talked about how to introduce himself when he saw Zhang Sheng and how to establish a connection...

Zhang Panpan began to have mixed feelings in his heart.

She didn't know if her roommate was causing trouble, or what was going on. When she thought about Zhang Sheng's appearance and his calm expression when he spoke, she actually found Zhang Sheng very attractive.

She has always had her eyes higher than her head, and she feels very strange about herself...

But, it's undeniable.

Zhang Sheng refreshed her knowledge.

"Graduation Years", the documentary produced by Zhang Sheng Studio is a hit!

Zhang Sheng's story has been circulated on the Internet in many versions. Although the starting point is different, each version makes people excited.

someone said……

During Zhang Sheng's most difficult time, he ate other people's leftover bread in an Internet cafe and drank water from the bathroom of the Internet cafe...

someone said……

In order to sign a contract, Zhang Sheng was asking for help everywhere. The skin of his feet was scratched and his lips were bleeding...

Some people also say...

Zhang Sheng still persisted in running his business during the most difficult time, and eventually passed out from hunger in the security room of the community in Haishu Garden. In the end, he impressed the owner with his sincerity and signed the first order...

It is admirable to start from scratch, but like Zhang Sheng, starting from a debt of several million and climbing up step by step, this is not only admirable, but also praised!

Zhang Panpan also read many versions in private.

She sometimes suspected that Zhang Sheng had found some emotional novelists to write the stories in these versions.

It made even people like Zhang Panpan feel sore in their noses.

Roommate Xin Xiaoqi is still chattering endlessly.

Zhang Panpan felt more and more that his roommates were noisy.

Ever since she came into contact with the tip of the iceberg in the entertainment industry, she began to have serious doubts about some celebrity personalities.

Just then, her phone rang.

The phone call is from agent Li Yanhong, Sister Hong...

After returning from Cangdong County, Zhang Panpan felt revenge and even the burning flame of hatred in his heart.

But these days, Li Yanhong's attitude towards her has gradually changed...

She didn't know the reason for this change. Although her tone was still cold, with a look of superiority, he began to introduce her to the acting teacher.

Occasionally, they would introduce her to some resources and let her audition for some production crews. Although the auditions were for small roles, Zhang Panpan felt that her agent Li Yanhong began to take her seriously.

This change seemed natural, but Zhang Panpan found it strange.

""Those Flowers" has assigned you a role. The role is not much, so you should play it well."

"Ah, thank you, Sister Hong."

"Be brave! That girl is also acting in it!"


On the phone.

Li Yanhong still talks very little.

But Zhang Panpan felt a sense of recognition from her agent.

This sense of recognition diluted a lot of hatred, and I vaguely began to feel that Li Yanhong was not that bad after all!

But then, she started to wake up.

She counts the things she owns and the things Li Yanhong values ​​in herself!

Then, it was discovered that it was not proportional.

When she thought more deeply, she even felt that Li Yanhong was playing a trick of controlling people with a big stick and sweet dates!

you do not say?

In the past, I had looked down on such a small and marginal character, but the moment I received the call just now, I felt grateful.

She recalled the contract she signed.

She suddenly sneered.

In the contract, doesn't it just state how many movies the company will let it act in a year?

After calming down, she picked up her phone.

After hesitating for a while, she finally called Zhang Sheng again.

I don’t know if I was brainwashed by my roommate, or if it was after that night, or if it was after watching the documentary...

She suddenly felt that she should take advantage of Zhang Sheng's moment to hug Zhang Sheng's thigh first.

Even if we can't hug him, our relationship with Zhang Sheng can't deteriorate anymore!

This is the wisest choice!

On the phone, Zhang Sheng seemed to be in [Starlight Future], and there was a faint voice of Ke Zhanyi next to him.

They seemed to be talking about something.

Zhang Panpan didn't think too much. After hearing Zhang Sheng's voice, she talked about Li Yanhong's change in attitude toward her, and talked about some people or things she had seen recently in [Shengshi Entertainment].

Zhang Panpan was keenly aware that Zhang Sheng seemed to be very interested in these things, or in other words, some information, and was very willing to listen to her talk.

Just after making the call, before Zhang Panpan could calm down, he saw Xin Xiaoqi coming over.

"Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"


"Oh! Do you want to follow me to find Zhang Sheng this afternoon?"

"Ah, this... you'd better not go to Zhang Sheng."


"There are quite a few girls around Zhang Sheng. You will only get disliked if you get involved..."

"I'm looking for Zhang Sheng to invest in Zhang Sheng..."

"Zhang Sheng is not short of investment..."

"You know Zhang Sheng very well? Who said he doesn't lack investment? I don't have to invest money in him, I can also invest with my body..."

"You're crazy!" Zhang Panpan's eyes widened when he heard this scene.

At this moment, the girl who stole her role suddenly appeared in her mind, and she instinctively felt disgusted.

"Where do you want to go? I went to the studio where Zhang Sheng was signed. I sing well, I can also act, and I also have some fans on the Internet. Moreover, I am good at writing and can also write scripts. I helped Zhang Sheng It’s no problem to write a script. I can even use Zhang Sheng’s prototype to write a script. I’ll ask him for the copyright, and then I’ll get the investment to film it myself. That’s no problem, right? There’s a lot I can do! "


Zhang Panpan looked at Xin Xiaoqi.

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She doesn't know why either...


The [Southern California International Film Awards] has become more and more popular on the Internet.

A few days ago, some people were criticizing this award as a pheasant award.

But recently, there have been fewer and fewer voices criticizing this award.

On the contrary, more and more films have been signed up for screening.

Many of them are niche literary and artistic films. After successful registration, the official will conduct the first round of announcements.

But it's a pity...

There are many films that have been successfully registered, but there are very few films that are truly shown in a grand and grand manner like "Paging 1988"...

As of the end of today, more than 40 films have been registered.

But there are only fifteen films that were actually shortlisted for screening.

Chen Bin stared at the official website.

He is very excited!

These fifteen movies are all literary and artistic films, not a single commercial one!

What does it mean?

It shows that this award is very authoritative, the judging angle is very tricky, and it is a truly artistic film!

Next to him, Gao Hui adjusted his suit and combed his hair like a mature man in front of the mirror.

Their film "Paging 1988" will soon begin its first round of screenings on the international stage at the Southern California International Film Awards.

This screening lasted for seven days in total.

During the screening, international juries from all over the world come to watch the film. At the same time, the official will conduct a series of ratings on the film and select the shortlisted nominated films.


On the night of the eighth day.

Amidst the passionate samba dance and on the edge of the exotic beach, the awards were presented by internationally renowned film judges!


At least that’s how it’s written to introduce the process of this Academy Awards!

Gao Hui is naturally looking forward to this film festival!



"Then let's go, otherwise, the plane will be delayed!"


Gao Hui and Chen Bin left the company.

When you walk out the door...

Suddenly they heard a horn blast outside the window.

The horn sound is very harsh!

"Good news, good news!"

"The international film "That Summer" was shortlisted for the [Southern California International Film Awards]!"

"Good news, good news!"

"The international film "That Summer" will have its world premiere on January 20, and will premiere simultaneously in 138 regions around the world!"

"Good news, good news!"

"In order to repay the support of our customers, to celebrate the premiere of the international movie "That Summer", and to celebrate the opening of the [Southern California International Film Awards], [Obon Integrated Ceiling] will provide free room measurement services to new and old customers. !”

"Good news, good news..."

They saw an advertising truck that seemed to have broken down in front of [Shengshi and Entertainment]...

But the loudspeaker kept shouting!


The security guard turned red with anger and ran out cursing!

(delivered in the third update!)

(There are 52 people with monthly tickets!)

(Give me a little more? I think I can break into the top 50!)

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