I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 196 National Propaganda (Part 2)

Ke Zhanyi is signing.

His hands were shaking.

Naturally, the signature doesn’t look good.

His fans…

If you really observe the so-called fans, you will find that they are actually a bunch of extras.

Except that the clothes they were wearing were different from those of the previous reporters, even Ke Zhanyi suspected that they were all the same group of people.

This false feeling prevented Ke Zhanyi from feeling any sense of vanity, and instead made him look anxious.

He glanced at Zhang Sheng from the corner of his eye.

Zhang Sheng was still chatting with Nie Xiaoping, the owner of [Hongwei Battery Car].

When Zhang Sheng saw Nie Xiaoping, he followed Nie Xiaoping to chat about "joint" propaganda. The two of them seemed to have planned some plan, and vaguely heard about what county, what city, what district...

Not far away, a group of staff rolled out battery cars one after another, dismantling and assembling something at the same time.

Because there were so many "fake fans" around, asking him to sign autographs and asking him questions about the movie "That Midsummer", Ke Zhanyi had no idea what they were pretending to be.

But he is sure!

Definitely not a good thing.

far away……

Many reporters came over again. Ke Zhanyi thought at first glance that these reporters should be "actors", but then he felt that they were not "actors". They seemed to be real reporters invited by Zhang Sheng?

More than ten minutes later.

Waves of more lively sounds came over.

Ke Zhanyi glanced over there subconsciously...

He saw Ah K coming with a guitar on his back!

When the reporters saw Ah K, they swarmed around him.

As the songs sold better and better, the popularity became higher and higher. The former wandering singer Ah K became one of the hottest singers at the moment...

Ah K faced the reporter's interview. After a brief chat, he took off the guitar from his back, sat at the door of the store, and began to sing a song affectionately.

As the song sounds...

There were more and more people watching along the way.

Ke Zhanyi can no longer tell which ones are the "actors" invited by Zhang Sheng and which ones are the real fans who come here because of their reputation...

"In the next month, I will be touring the country with the movie "That Summer", by the way! A free tour across the country. Everyone is enthusiastic and I can't stop singing! Next stop, Jincheng!"

A few words from Ah K immediately triggered waves of screams and cheers!

The reporters rushed to hold the microphone in Ah K's face.

It seems that the words "free nationwide tour" are very attractive to them!

The noisy sound made Ke Zhanyi particularly harsh.

"By the way, Director Ke has some big news to reveal!"

"Everyone, hurry up and find him!"

Later, he saw Ah K walking into the [Hongwei Electric Vehicle] store surrounded by reporters, but before walking in, he suddenly turned his head and smiled weirdly at Ke Zhanyi.

Ke Zhanyi was completely stunned!


What material?

I do not know how!

After hearing this, a group of reporters suddenly excitedly surrounded Ke Zhanyi.

The light made Ke Zhanyi particularly dazzling.

He took a deep breath.

Facing the expectant looks of reporters, I couldn't hold back anything for a long time.

He felt that his brain was getting stiffer and stiffer, and he could no longer keep up with the rhythm of these people.

This aggrieved state did not last long.

He heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from next to him.

Immediately afterwards, he and the reporters turned their heads subconsciously.

Then, he saw a new sign hanging next to the signboard of [Hongwei Battery Car].

On the new signboard, there is a portrait of the very handsome singer Ah K, extending his hands and waving to the front.

[Hongwei Battery Car] seems to have signed Ah K as its image spokesperson...

Then, next to the new sign, a huge banner was pulled out, with the words "Full discounts on home appliances going to the countryside" written on the banner!

Next to these big characters, another banner was opened, which read "International Films Going to the Countryside"!

After Ke Zhanyi read these words, his head started to buzz again, and he felt that millions of grass and mud horses were passing by deep in his heart, and he couldn't curse even if he wanted to!

He took a deep breath!

What the hell are these people doing?

How can you promote a movie like this? This grounding energy is directly connected to the dust, isn't it?

More than ten minutes later...

Ke Zhanyi found an opportunity to take a rest in the [Hongwei Battery Car] store amid the commotion.

He saw Ah K, Zhang Sheng, and Nie Xiaoping were there.


He saw Nie Xiaoping signing a contract with Ah K and Zhang Sheng.

Are these people here to promote the movie, or are they here to do business?

After signing the contract, Nie Xiaoping and Ah K were chatting about the contents of the national tour.

But Zhang Sheng put away the contract and walked towards Ke Zhanyi with a smile.

Ke Zhanyi drank a glass of water and stood up instinctively after watching Zhang Sheng come over.

At this moment, for some reason, he was a little scared when he saw Zhang Sheng. He always felt that Zhang Sheng was going to lead him into a pit, and once he got into the pit, he couldn't climb out!

"Mr. Zhang, I don't think I can adapt to this rhythm. I'm not anxious at all now!" He looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Director Ke, this is just the first step of the long march. We have to go to the high-speed rail station."

"Why go to the high-speed rail station?"

"Nationwide publicity! I can't fly now, so I can only force you to take the high-speed rail with me..."

"Mr. Zhang, I...can I not take that broken van?" Ke Zhanyi was silent for a moment and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"We won't sit this time, we will take a convertible..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and started to look serious.


"Really... Director Ke, I will not lie to anyone, let alone one of my own. If I lie to you, what good will it do to me?"


Ke Zhanyi nodded.

Rented a roadster and swaggered around?

Although it's a bit exaggerated, it seems...

The publicity is still there!

Perhaps because Zhang Sheng's eyes were very serious and sincere, Ke Zhanyi finally believed him, and then thought about how he looked sitting in the sports car.

The complicated feeling in my heart got a little better.

He stood up and followed Zhang Sheng out.

outside the house.


There was no such thing as a beat-up van, and there was no such thing as a sports car.

When he walked to the door and saw the parked battery cars with speakers installed and the staff debugging them, his expression suddenly changed!


What the hell!

Tell me, is this a convertible?

A bad premonition rose in his heart again.

Then, he suppressed the emotion in his heart and looked at Zhang Sheng as if holding on to his last hope: "Mr. Zhang, could it be..."

"Get in the car. You can ride an electric bike, right?"

"I...I will..."

"Then get on the bus. I'll give you this ride. If you're late, you won't be able to catch the train!"

Ke Zhanyi saw Zhang Sheng get on the electric car, and then put a flag behind the electric car, with the movie poster of "That Summer" hanging on the flag!

The poster read "National Tour" in bold characters.

He saw a huge group of actors getting on electric cars one after another, forming a long queue.

This time...

"Good news, good news, buy [Hongwei Electric Car] and watch the movie "Midsummer"!"

"Good news, good news, our store has a new batch of [Bosch] batteries, first come, first served. We also have movie tickets, autographs from directors, photos with kings and singers and other gifts!"

"Good news, good news..."

The wind is blowing.

The rain has stopped!

"Get in the car and follow behind. Don't fall behind! Get ready to follow the photographer behind you!"

Ke Zhanyi's facial muscles twitched slightly.

It was a feeling of social death.

He looked at a brand new [Hongwei Electric Vehicle] parked next to him, and then...

He watched Zhang Sheng continue to look at him with that serious and serious expression.

"I want to ride on the camera car..."

"This will have no publicity effect. Director Ke, you are the protagonist, you have to show your face..."


"Take the car!"

In Zhang Sheng's eyes, Ke Zhanyi grimaced and finally followed the mighty team in front of him and drove towards the high-speed rail station.

When the car started, the horn installed in advance sounded.

Shouting "Good news, good news"...

Along the way, a group of people looked at the fleet of electric vehicles and looked sideways...

The background music is Ah K's "In the Rain", which is played while singing, with some slightly explosive melody.

Ke Zhanyi stood in the crowd with a slumped face, unable to describe his emotions at the moment.

damn it!

This electric car can only go 25 yards, and you can't even accelerate if you want to!


There are some areas in Yanjing where loud noises are not allowed.

In these areas, Ke Zhanyi finally got some peace and quiet, and the annoying horn no longer sounded, but when he saw everyone's pointing eyes and the traffic police staring at them...

Ke Zhanyi felt that he had been humiliated all his life.

The journey to the high-speed rail station was a torture for Ke Zhanyi every minute and every second.

Nationwide publicity!

Damn it!

You don’t ride an electric bike every day to promote it, do you?

Damn it, am I going to be embarrassed across the country?

How down-to-earth is this?

It's almost embarrassing, okay?


After getting on the train, Ke Zhanyi finally felt a moment of tranquility.

He closed his eyes.

Trying to take a good rest.

But I can't sleep no matter what.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the annoying sound of advertisements and the melody of Ah K's throat-singing "In the Rain" in the background music.

Then, he finally opened his eyes again.

This is simply mental pollution.

Unable to sleep, he finally picked up his cell phone and prepared to make a call to the company to ask if the company knew that Zhang Sheng, the promoter of the movie "That Summer", was messing around like this.

The call was answered quickly.

"Director Ke, don't you know?"

"What do I know?"

"We have already called Zhang Sheng for the 200,000 promotional fee..."

"Hit them all?"

"Yes, they were all beaten. When [NC Studio] signed the contract with us, you forgot that [NC Studio] was responsible for the publicity aspect, and we only provided assistance?"

"But their nationwide publicity, this is... outrageous! How can anyone drive an electric car and promote the movie on the streets?"

"You don't take the usual path, that's why you're famous."


"I have to be busy, Director Ke, please cooperate with Zhang Sheng in promoting it."


Ke Zhanyi hung up the phone.

Not long after hanging up the phone, he saw Zhang Sheng sitting next to him while talking on the phone.

"Hello? Is this a Green Power electric car?"


"Oh, if Ah K appears, he can theoretically earn 10,000 yuan for singing a day..."


"Mr. Shen, actually, let's put it this way, the Green Horse electric car is not part of our tour route this time. We are mainly promoting the movie..."


"This...hey, it's really not about money. Our schedule is full..."


"You put ads for our movie on your store?"


"Okay, then I'll think about it..."

Zhang Sheng finished the call.

Ke Zhanyi stared at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, tell me honestly, are you promoting the movie or making money?"

"Director Ke, didn't I tell you that we are going to pick up money now?"

"But, this..."

"Okay, Director Ke, please relax, I won't harm you..."


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