I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 197 What! Film rights sold?

After a rain, the weather became colder.

Especially the cold wind in the evening makes people shiver.

The second stop for national publicity was Jincheng.

Jincheng is very close to Yanjing, and it only takes a few hours by train.

Ke Zhanyi wrapped up his clothes.

I walked out of the high-speed rail station and lit a cigarette.

Before I had even taken two puffs on the cigarette, I heard fans holding signs outside the high-speed rail station, coming to pick up the train.

While in the carriage, Ah K chatted in advance on Weibo that his next stop would be at the East High-speed Railway Station in Jincheng.

Ah K is a rising star in the music industry. He doesn’t have many fans, but every city has a group of die-hard fans who like Ah K’s songs...

not far away……

A sketch of Ah K was held very high, and a banner that said something like "Ah K welcomes you to Jincheng" was held up by a group of young people and swayed in the wind.

Signatures, fans gathered around, excited voices...

Ke Zhanyi couldn't tell how many actors were mixed in, but Ah K was very excited. Without saying anything, he took the microphone and the speakers prepared by the staff in advance and sang a song at the high-speed rail station.

People are coming and going at the high-speed rail station...

Ah K's loud singing naturally attracted countless people who came to watch the excitement. He seemed to be getting more and more popular with the community. The more people there were, the louder he sang. His excitement could even be felt from far away, until outside the high-speed train. The security guard hurried over and told Ah K in an extremely serious tone that if he kept singing, the cars behind him would be blocked. After seriously affecting public order, Ah K apologized and followed the staff to clean up. After finishing the speaker, he walked towards the main road in the distance.

Ke Zhanyiren shivered again unconsciously.

He looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was chatting with a chubby middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man was wearing a "Green Horse Electric Vehicle" brand. He followed Zhang Sheng and seemed to be chatting with Zhang Sheng about the price.

Zhang Sheng simply responded with a few words, as if he was determined to get a tough price!

This guy!

Are you here to do business or to make money?

Ke Zhanyi stood at a distance from them and remained silent throughout, as if he was a complete stranger with this group of people.

But after walking for a few minutes, he saw Zhang Sheng stopped.

Zhang Sheng suddenly turned his head, and then said a few words in front of the chubby boss. Immediately afterwards, the boss's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Wow! Director Ke, hello Director Ke, I really enjoyed watching the movie "Youth Is So Good" that you made! That movie was shot so amazingly and so beautifully!"


Ke Zhanyi's facial muscles twitched violently.

Then he showed an extremely forced smile, even wanting to curse, and finally took a breath and said: "Thank you!"

Damn it!

What bullshit "Youth Is Really Good"?

His first debut film is called "Youth in Time"!

I can remember all these names wrongly.

"Director Ke, I personally appreciate your talent very much. Really, I think the movies made by those great directors are nothing more than that. They are just fun!"

"Director Ke, in order to support your talent, our Green Horse Electric Vehicles are willing to subsidize our big project [International Film Going to the Countryside]. For every helmet purchased, our Green Code Electric Vehicles will subsidize half of the movie ticket price. For every electric vehicle sold, Car, we have a green code electric car to supplement the ticket!"

"I want all my employees to watch our new movie "That Summer," okay?"

"By the way, Mr. Zhang just said that your movie will have its international premiere soon. It seems that you are going to win something, the Southern California Academy Award?"

"This way... Director Ke, can you help us cut an advertisement for the Green Horse Electric Vehicle in the movie? We will also enjoy your international style. Of course, it will not be in vain, and the advertising fee will be 200,000 yuan! At the same time, our Green Horse Electric Vehicle As long as we have a store in the area where our movie is released, we will hang your advertisements for all dealers under the Che Group!"

"Competition in business means that everyone cooperates with each other. You push me, and I push you. What Mr. Zhang said makes perfect sense!"


Ke Zhanyi looked at the chubby face in front of him.

I don’t know whether it was because the saliva was sprayed on my face, or because I felt that my movie "That Summer" had been tainted by advertising and had a commercial flavor.

Ke Zhanyi once thought he was going crazy!


He still looked at that face: "Thank you for your support. I will consider this, but we cannot affect the overall artistic beauty of the movie!"

"Yes, yes, that's definitely not possible. Director Ke, I especially like to deal with people with artistic talents like you. I feel that my overall art appreciation level has improved a lot!"


Ke Zhanyi finally came to the road.

Immediately afterwards.

He once again saw the neatly parked battery cars with flags on them.

Only, the only difference is...

The brand of electric vehicles has changed!

Changed from [Hongwei] to [Green Horse].


The advertising slogan has also been slightly changed.

It has become [movies going to the countryside are great benefits, if you want to buy one, buy Green Marley! 】


Amidst the embarrassing sounds, he continued to swagger through the city on his electric bike!





Two days passed.

Ke Zhanyi now understands what the so-called "National Tour" means.

that is……

I was invited by some battery car brands, and then, in the city where "That Summer" was released, Ah K sang along and shouted.

Occasionally, I would stop at some decoration equipment stores that Zhang Sheng knew well...

These stores are covered with advertisements for Ah K’s performance in the countryside and advertisements promoting the release of “That Summer”!


The advertisement was so outrageous that even Ke Zhanyi couldn't bear to look at it when it was hung on it!

Two days...

Went to four places!

These four places have everything.

There are Ah K singing songs, some giving away original novels, there are teams going to the countryside with home appliances, buying home appliances and giving away movie tickets...

On the night of the third day.

After Ke Zhanyi drank some wine with Ah K, he realized that Ah K made money every time he sang.

The money is all paid by the merchants, and when the money is paid, the merchants are very excited!


Internet celebrity!

The prodigal son of Yanjing...

Ah K’s body has been getting more and more famous names for some time, and these names become more and more practical as he goes to the countryside!

There are always a group of grandparents coming over to join in the fun...

Merchants made this event a booming event. Taking advantage of the popularity of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas] and the craze of performances, they sold a lot of products!

Every night...

Zhang Sheng will compile a copy of the day's "turnover"!


Zhang Sheng, this birdie, no longer hides his ugly appearance, and no longer hypocritically promotes movies!

Whenever Ah K goes to a place, he will announce it in advance on the Internet, and some fans who are free will often follow him.

Ke Zhanyi really couldn't understand it.

Obviously, the news about Ah K on the Internet is not very popular, but for some reason, there are more and more fans on Weibo.

On the first day, it was around 100,000.

In just two days of running, the number of fans increased to 120,000!

Moreover, there are more and more messages from fans. Perhaps the first two "free" tours performed well. The fans who heard the news were very enthusiastic and invited Ah K to come to their city to promote the movie.

And Zhang Sheng...

His phone calls never stopped.

Every time he went to a city, he was either answering the phone or on the way to answer the phone.

Then, there will always be some inexplicable bosses who find Zhang Sheng and talk to Zhang Sheng about cooperation.

Ke Zhanyi felt like a sign.

At first he had some laughs with him.

After all, these merchants indeed have various activities to support the movie "That Summer" posted on every store!

But gradually, he began to stop smiling.

He realized he didn't need to laugh.

He even put on a bad face, and Zhang Sheng was able to get some merchants to come over and talk to him about film cooperation!

At first I thought Zhang Sheng’s operation was quite speechless!

But as these businesses touted themselves in various ways, inexplicable vanity began to grow.

That year...

When he was filming "Youth in Time", he was as humble as a dog in front of capital.

And now...

Those capitals came over and smiled at themselves one after another.

Although it is a small capital that cannot be put on the stage, it is capital after all. Moreover, who can be sure that these small bosses and small businesses will not rise in a few years?

Just three days!

He went from being confused, to a little bit disgusted, and then gradually accepted his fate, to now enjoying it...


This kind of “national publicity” is pretty good, isn’t it?


December 23rd.

The national propaganda station arrived in northern Hebei.

"There are 120 electric vehicle stores of different brands across the country. As long as the brand cooperates with our [Bosch] battery, they all have advertisements for "That Summer"!"

Zhang Sheng sat by the window of the hotel. After taking a careful look at the data, a smile appeared on his lips.

Ke Zhanyi was scrolling through Weibo on the other side.

He found that his "down-to-earth" publicity these days had almost become popular, and it was also among the top ten trending searches on Weibo...


The news headlines on Weibo are shocking!

[The desperate director’s desperate move! 】

[He risked his life for publicity, but no one paid attention to the movie! 】

【Ke Zhanyi’s final battle! 】

[Ke Zhanyi, a good director who is willing to lower his head...]

[Ke Zhanyi: We are not begging for food, we want to live. Please come and watch my movie! 】

【Shocking! It’s sad, because of the poor popularity of “That Summer”, the actors were asked to sign autographs? 】

[Ke Zhanyi cried! 】


Damn it!

The title on Weibo, what the hell...

Describe Ke Zhanyi as a humble, pitiful, pitiable, and ridiculous...


"Mr. Zhang, can you please stop making such headlines about these news?"

"Wen seems to be looking at the mountains but not the plains. You pushed me all the way. Who cares? Now if I suppress you a little bit more, more netizens will sympathize with you..."


"Okay! I'll arrange for you to win the award right away. Doesn't the premiere of the [Southern California International Film Awards] start tonight? I made you a trophy for best director. There is also my signature in English on the trophy. ...Don’t go to the promotion for the next week, go and receive the award. After receiving the award, it will be even better if you continue to promote with the trophy!”


"Okay, let's enlarge the layout a little bit. Okay, you have a good rest at night. Tomorrow you will take your team to Brazil to participate in the exhibition... By the way, I have prepared the accompanying photographer, Mr. Li Zhonghe, who will go to Brazil with you. , help you take some publicity photos internationally..."


Are there any such shady people?

Can I tell you in advance what award I will give you?

Ke Zhanyi was about to say something...

But I heard Zhang Sheng's phone ringing.

After Zhang Sheng answered the phone, his expression was a little surprised, and then he stared at Ke Zhanyi seriously: "Director Ke, you pack up and go to Brazil now. No, you contact Sister Sheng from [Starlight Future] and ask about the copyright. Things..."


"Maybe the rights to our movie will really be sold in Brazil?"


Ke Zhanyi was stunned!

"Don't be in a daze, our movie is now showing in more than 128 regions around the world!"

(There is something going on today. I have to seriously consider the follow-up plot. I will continue to guarantee two updates. I will continue to work hard for three updates tomorrow. I will also give you extra updates!)

(Ah ah ah, the previous chapter has been blocked. The editor asked me to make urgent changes. I can’t make the changes. I seriously doubt that this book will be gone as soon as it is written.)

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