I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 201 The counterattack is in progress

during this time.

Ah K is very fulfilling.

He followed Zhang Sheng, singing as he walked.

For a moment.

He felt like he was back a few months ago.


A few months ago, no one cared about him. He was like a maggot in a big city, singing in the morning, evening and early morning.

Singing songs that no one cares about.

The hurried footsteps, and the occasional stop by someone, were also extremely short-lived.

Now it becomes enjoyment.

Carrying a guitar on his back, he traveled from city to city.

From the vast land in the north to the gentle town in the south.

Everywhere he goes, there is always a group of enthusiastic fans waiting for him at the station entrance or high-speed rail entrance.

He is very free.

Along the way, riding an electric bike, facing the wind, I can sing at any time and watch the people on the roadside.

No time limit, no place limit.

Sometimes on the roadside, sometimes under an ancient bridge, sometimes holding a big umbrella in the rain.

I started singing the famous songs "Yanjing Night" and "In the Rain", and I will also sing the theme song "Midsummer" from "That Summer"...

But after singing too much and getting bored, he started singing other singers' songs. When he got excited about singing, he would let himself go and sing some melodies in his mind...

Impromptu lyrics, improvisation, immersed in the melody, regardless of whether the singing is good or not...

Sometimes when I'm not singing, I'm telling stories to my fans.

He talked about his wanderings in Yanjing over the years, about a person he met, about the desolation under the bridge and the fear in the darkness.

That's good for being famous.

No matter what you do, what you sing, or what you say, there will always be a large and loyal audience surrounding you.

This is a singer's romance.


While enjoying the journey, he gained not only more and more fans, but also money...

Agent Shen Xiaoxi reports accounts to him every day.

I sang for three hours today. The Green Energy Electric Vehicle Dealer’s appearance fee is 3,000 yuan and the commission is 1,500 yuan.

I sang New Times for five hours tomorrow. The electric car dealer's appearance fee is 5,000, and the commission is 2,500...

The day after tomorrow, I was invited by the Home Decoration Alliance to stand on the stage, with an appearance fee of 10,000, helping to say a few blessings, sing, and conduct a fan meeting on site...

Along the way, Ah K’s Weibo [Ah K is on the Road] fans gradually increased from more than 100,000 to 230,000.

After finishing his work every day, Ah K will post his schedule for the day.

He also said goodbye to the fans in the current city and announced the tour plan for the next city.

The fans below were very enthusiastic. Some people spontaneously told him about local specialties, customs and customs, and invited him to try them...

Someone has prepared fan lights and various banners at the station, waiting for him to come and pick him up when he arrives in his city...

The sales of his album "In the Rain" began to increase again as he toured.

As of today, in this era of sluggish physical albums, more than 60,000 physical albums have been sold, helping [Starlight Future] make another fortune.

Even on December 25th, the sales volume actually surpassed that of "Sparkling Girls Original Soundtrack"!

"Thank you for being with me along the way, thank you guys, I will continue to sing for you on the road!"

Late this night.

Ah K was emotional and moved.

He wrote this line on Weibo.

After finishing writing...

He looked down at the schedule.

There are 120 places, 120 movie theaters, more than 120 battery stores, and 120 regions across the country.

Thirty already gone!

Ninety more to go!


["Wing Chun" directed by Cui Hao is scheduled to be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year! 】

["Racing" director Ning Yongqiang, on the first day of the new year, with real swords and guns, I will prove that some people cannot bear the title of the leading director of the sixth generation! 】

All battery car stores in areas where the movie "That Summer" was released have posted advertisements for movie tickets.

The addition of Ah K will undoubtedly bring these electric vehicle brands to a higher level.

In reality, every day is noisy.

But on the Internet.

Ah K is not popular.

Starting December 26th.

There is a smell of gunpowder in the film industry.

on Weibo.

The two movies "Racing" and "Wing Chun" started to tear apart.

Directors Ning Yongqiang and Cui Hao are both sixth-generation directors...

The two directors graduated from Yanying together.

After graduation, the movies I made will always collide with each other intentionally or unintentionally, with each winning or losing, and no one is convinced by the other.

This stalemate situation lasted until 2007.

In 2007, Cui Hao defected to [Shengshi Entertainment], backed by strong capital, and this situation of mutual victory and defeat turned into a unilateral crushing.

Cui Hao has skyrocketed, made several blockbusters with over 100 million box office, helped [Shengshi Entertainment] bring out several new generation movie stars, won awards, and was recognized by outside judges as the leader of the sixth generation of directors.

Ning Yongqiang on the other side was not to be outdone and made several movies with mediocre performance.

Later, he joined [Starlight Future] and wanted to use the power of the platform to compete with Cui Hao, but he happened to encounter a big change within [Starlight Future]...

Then, Ning Yongqiang fell silent.

When all the fans and fans think that Ning Yongqiang will always be silent...

He suddenly made a big fuss!

He questioned Cui Hao's box office sales on Weibo, and even went crazy in public, shouting that Cui Hao was unworthy. He was a hypocritical hypocrite!

He took the lead in provoking trouble, which naturally attracted the attention of countless people!

Cui Hao, the director of "Wing Chun", was naturally not to be outdone. He almost pointed at Ning Yongqiang's nostrils and scolded him for being a plagiarist with no bottom line!

In this scolding, many artists from [Starlight Future] and [Shengshi Entertainment] participated in supporting the two.

During this period……

Various revelations are emerging one after another...

It was revealed that Cui Hao stole Ning Yongqiang’s girlfriend during college, and the two had a fight...

It was revealed that the two had collaborated on a graduation film. Later, after the graduation film became a hit, the two parties had different ideas and eventually fell out...

It was also revealed that the two of them had been feuding for a long time. When they were making a movie, one of them took away the resources of the other...

A series of revelations brought Cui Hao and Ning Yongqiang to the forefront!

Most of the traffic on Weibo is taken up...


Internet hubbub.

Zhang Sheng glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

He returned to Cangdong County again.

At the end of the year, various blockbuster gods fight, and [Starlight Future] and [Shengshi Entertainment] compete for resources without taking over. The film arrangement space of "That Summer" is compressed into a corner.

In the corner, it is the third and fourth tier cities that can arrange the movie "That Summer".

And even in third- and fourth-tier cities, the filming schedule is quite awkward.

They are basically unpopular film schedules

It’s not that they deliberately suppressed the movie “That Summer”. On the contrary, [Starlight Future] initially attached great importance to the movie “That Summer”!

After all, Ke Zhanyi has the precedent of "Youth in Time". Given some resources, this movie can completely replicate the glory of "Youth in Time".


After Ke Zhanyi was not selected for "1949", [Shengshi Entertainment] has been suppressing Ke Zhanyi through various channels. Often [Starlight Future] prepares to invest some resources to promote "That Summer", and there will be more important news there. , suppressing resources, all fools know that they are targeting them, if they follow [Shengshi Entertainment] to be tough, they will have to invest more publicity resources in "That Summer"...

Four million investment!

The budget was originally limited, and overseas blockbusters such as "White Shark" and "Star Trek" were all squeezed into release around the Spring Festival.

Their films such as "Racing", "The God Has Come to Earth", and "Robot" are competing for the Spring Festival box office!

This is a day where gods fight!

[Starlight Future] The senior management finally decided to slow down the "That Summer" project...

The resources grabbed can only satisfy blockbusters for the time being.

This is the overall strategic focus of [Starlight Future].

Movie release delayed?

Of course there is no problem in delaying the release...

However, in the next six months, the promotional resources for "Starlight Future" will be very tight. We can't postpone the release of the movie to the second half of next year, right?

Wait until the second half of next year, and the popularity will be gone...

Isn’t it nonsense to re-release it?

Now that it's released, you can still save your capital and make a small profit!

Wait until the second half of the year to release...

[Starlight Future] The senior management thinks this risk is too great!

The evening wind blew Zhang Sheng's face.

Under the rays of the setting sun.

Electric vehicles were traveling through the small county town.

Ah K rode an electric bike, whistling in the wind.

The wind is cold.

But he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of some fans behind him to ride electric bikes.

Zhang Sheng got off the electric car and stood next to the cinema, looking into the distance and nodding with satisfaction.

Cangdong County.

The four largest electric vehicle brands were all won by Zhang Sheng.

The movie promotions for "That Summer" are all hung in the four corners of the building.

In the theater.

The park is full of red flags promoting the movie "That Summer".

In the next three hours, Ah K will sing in front of the largest cinema in the county!

Zhang Sheng stood at the door.

Watch the staff busy working on the stage.

His phone rang.

The call was from Chen Mengting.

Chen Mengting reported her recent situation to Zhang Sheng.

She finished taking care of things in her hometown.

Although the parents disagreed, after seeing the money, they were not as determined as before. They just muttered that girls must get married when they reach old age, otherwise they will become old women.

After the report, Chen Mengting began to become excited.

She told Zhang Sheng in "That Summer" that they visited more than 20 areas this time. Although they were small cities and small places, after a series of battery car business activities...

Their pre-sale tickets have been sold for the third day!

They sell better than those overseas imported movies!

As long as the quality of the movie can keep up with the follow-up and retain people, this movie has a chance to counterattack!

The plan to encircle the cities from the countryside is being realized...

After Zhang Sheng answered the phone, he nodded calmly.

After a while...

He hung up the phone.

He saw the numbers on the bank card and fell into deep thought.

Loans from Hua Xia Bank...

Not even close!

Just at this time……

He thought that the [Southern California International Film Festival] seemed to be giving out awards tomorrow!


Is it possible to talk to some video companies about rebroadcasting copyright fees?

(First update, there should be a second update in the afternoon. The state is too bad to force an update)

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