Ke Zhanyi received news from the country.

Movie tickets for "That Summer" in more than 20 regions have been booked for the third day.

In the remaining more than 100 areas that have not yet been "toured", thanks to the promotion of the battery car, the overall pre-sale tickets have been sold well.

Seeing this news, Ke Zhanyi couldn't be said to be excited, but he felt somewhat relieved.

Even if it can't replicate the glory of "Youth in Time", it won't be a hit.


December in China is a cold winter.

But in Brazil, it is a lively summer.

December 28th.

French film critic Avery Tashi was invited to Rocinha.

There was no smile on Avery Tashi's face.

Even when he saw Leo John, the person in charge of the Rocinha South District, trotting over to greet him with a warm smile, surrounded by flowers and applause, there was no smile on his face.

five hours ago.

He rested in a beach hotel.

Before he could close his eyes, he heard the door being pushed open with a "click", and then several smiling young people broke in.

He is frightened!

Then, before I could figure out what was going on, I was "invited" by the young man to the Southern California International Film Awards.

Along the way, he tried to escape.

But those young people were so enthusiastic that they were afraid that they would not be able to walk. They stood on his left and right sides all the way. When he showed some thoughts, he was suppressed by the enthusiastic smiles!

These young men accompanied him to the slums of Rocinha.

After arriving in the slums...

He saw a pair of eyes that were malicious and even a little lewd.

He wanted to call the police.


It was discovered that one of the young men who "invited" him over was a local police officer.

He suddenly thought of Mexico, a nest of snakes and rats dealing in chaotic poisonous powder...

Suddenly I thought of Myanmar. Some time ago, several tourists who traveled there disappeared inexplicably.


He became more and more frightened.

Finally, he was brought to a very lively square.

The square seemed to be a newly built stage. On the stage, the naked eye could see the crude equipment, dirty curtains, countless audiences, as well as cameras and lights...

He subconsciously touched his waist, only to feel some inexplicable pain.

Are these people going to give him a live performance?


He heard applause, very loud applause, and a long, long red carpet.

Pots of flowers were placed everywhere, and bees were vaguely seen swaying on the flowers.

Under the bright sunshine.

Leo John was wearing big pants, and the translator next to him introduced the [Southern California International Film Awards] to Tashi in very unauthentic French.

Tashi felt that the pain in his waist disappeared instantly!

It turned into eye pain.


He was staring at the screen on the stage in the distance and the billboard next to the stage!

He felt like his eyes would become blind from now on!

damn it!

[Southern California International Film Awards]!

What the hell is this!

These people actually want to hold a film award in Rocinha, Brazil, the largest slum in the world?


These people invited him to be!

"Mr. Tashi, you don't need to do anything, you just need to award awards to our outstanding directors! Of course, I hope you can write some film reviews and evaluate the movie in front of reporters..."

"How do you rate it?"

"I don't know much about movies, but since some movies can come all the way from China and go through layers of screening, they must be excellent movies, right?"


Tashi saw Leo John’s smiling expression.

He took a deep breath!

He looked around at the security personnel with guns and ammunition.

He was silent.

He is a proud man.

He has noble character and his evaluation is always sharp, even as sharp as a knife!

He has attended Berlin, Cannes...

He has experienced the prosperity, the hustle and bustle, and even the feeling of being the center of attention.

However, he never thought that one day he would find himself in such a troubled place.


He was taken in to watch a movie.

The movie is called "Flying" and it is the work of a Chinese director.

Before watching the movie, his face looked normal, but after watching the movie, his face instantly turned pale, even bloodless!

This is!

What a garbage movie!


I was taken to the next movie again.

The next movie is called "Taiwan Love".

After reading it, his eyes were red and his whole mood was only sadness and anger!

When I came out, my legs were soft.

If every movie is a world, then he is convinced that he is living in hell, and it is the deepest level of hell filled with demons.

"How many more movies do you want to watch?"

"More than ten!"


Tashi's whole body trembled.

Then, he fell to the side of the road, breathing heavily.

At this moment, there was an annoying, harsh horn sound nearby.

"Wow! The world-famous film critic Mr. Avery Tashi is impressed by the charm of our Chinese films!"

Tashi couldn't understand what the Chinese man holding the loudspeaker was talking about.

He clutched his heart.

He feels that after ten more similar movies, he can probably retire.


"The [Southern California International Film Awards] has a jury lineup that is not inferior to Cannes, Berlin, or even the Oscars..."

"This award is famous for its professionalism. Although it is not particularly famous in China, and some directors even think that this award is not as good as Berlin, in fact, it is older than these awards..."

"This is the scene where the internationally renowned critic Avery Tashi was shocked by the movie..."

"Mr. Avery Tashi was once one of the most prestigious critics at the Berlin Film Festival. Many years ago, he was also a respected director..."


Cool cat videos.

A young man in a suit came from the Copyright Cooperation Department.

The person in charge, Gao Song, was looking at the information in confusion while listening to the young man introducing the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Like many netizens who heard about this award for the first time.

He had no idea what this was.


This young man in a suit spoke in a serious manner, and sent him a video.

In the video, an old man was breathing heavily, as if he was having a heart attack.

That old man...

Gao Song didn't know him at all.

He does know some of the films or actors at the Berlin Film Festival, but you are talking about critics!

How could he know him?

After searching Sodu Encyclopedia, I found out who this old man was.

"Are there going to be awards tonight?"


"The awards will be presented tonight. Do you want to talk to me about the broadcast rights now?"

"What is the problem?"

"The problem is that there is no problem, it's just..." Gao Song stared at the [Southern California International Film Awards].

He is confused now.

"Just what?"

"With all due respect, I have never heard of this film award. Maybe this award is very powerful. Well, maybe some time ago, this award was on the hot search, but I am not very professional in this kind of event... You also know , currently the traffic of our video website is declining, and we have no spare money to buy other video copyrights..."

"Let me introduce myself, I am the producer of the documentary "Graduation Years"..."

"I know, well, how do you want to cooperate? If it can be broadcast for free, then you can try it. It is also a kind of publicity for your [Southern California International Film Awards]..."


Gao Song looked at the young man in a suit in front of him.

The young man's name is Zhang Sheng, a freshman student at Yanshihua University.

Looking at the young Zhang Sheng, Gao Song still felt a bit of contempt in his heart even if he knew that Zhang Sheng became a company called [NC Studio] and produced a currently popular documentary "Graduation Years".

When Zhang Sheng talked about copyright broadcast fees, Gao Song was shocked.

He actually wanted to pay the same fee as Berlin and Oscar.

This is really a big opening for the lion.

Of course he refused.

No one is a fool!

Later, we talked about free.

Gao Song was quite interested.

But when Gao Song listened to this young man talking to him about the future of the video industry and live streaming, which would surely become mainstream in the future, and watching this young man talk so well and so well-founded, he suddenly wanted to laugh out loud. Come.

I almost couldn’t hold it in!

You are a freshman!

What business are you talking about?

Do you understand business?

Moreover, he, Gao Song, was a serious person with a major in economics.

He felt that Zhang Sheng talking to him about these things was as funny as playing tricks on his own.

Gao Song finally didn't laugh out loud. He nodded seriously on the surface. This was the politeness and accomplishment a leader should have.

He still has this bit of self-cultivation.

He politely told Zhang Sheng that he would carefully consider Zhang Sheng's cooperation proposal. If there were opportunities for cooperation in the future, he would be willing to cooperate with young people like Zhang Sheng.

The office fell silent briefly.

Then, he saw Zhang Sheng stand up, smiled politely, took some information, and left the office.

He shook his head.

this world……

There are too many people who dream of reaching the sky in one step.

The younger they are, the more they think about how powerful they are, and the more heroic they are.

After a few minutes, he looked out the window.

He couldn't help but laugh.

He was talking to himself about hundreds of thousands of dollars in business, and on paper he was talking about live broadcasts, the future of the Internet, trends and trends, as if he was pointing the way.

Quite interesting!


The courage of this young man is worthy of admiration!

At least, he dares to come!

A gust of wind blew outside the window.

The wind is a bit cold.

Gao Song subconsciously closed the window, turned on the air conditioner, and blew warm air.


There are still a few hours left until the [Southern California International Film Awards] is presented.

Zhang Sheng did not feel depressed after being rejected.

He just happened to pass by the entrance of Cool Cat Video’s headquarters on a battery scooter, and then walked up to chat about business and learn about the structure of Cool Cat Video.

Rejection is understandable.

The afterglow of the sunset illuminates the horizon.

Zhang Sheng stared at the cool cat video silently in the cold wind.

He narrowed his eyes.

The phone rang.

The call was from Chen Mengting.

The content of the call was not good news.

Chen Mengting called some video websites to talk about the live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards]...


No video website is willing to cooperate.

In the end, even if it is free, no one is willing to open a live broadcast channel on a video website.

Zhang Sheng nodded after listening, comforted Chen Mengting for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Through this phone call, he roughly knew the current situation in the video industry.


He sighed slightly in his heart.

Then, he felt his phone vibrate.

He saw another 30,000 yuan transferred from his bank card.

It was [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] who called me to share the business share...

[Pang Xiaoan Restaurant] seems to have developed branches!

(There are only two guaranteed updates today, the status is so rubbish, the last chapter was almost boring, this chapter is much better)

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