I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 203 A masterpiece!

This movie award.

Like a disaster.

Avery Tashi walked out of the screening room.

It is more like an open-air movie studio than an exhibition hall.

Movies watched...

In addition to causing severe heart pain, it also pollutes the eyes.

Simply suffocating.

Avery Tashi felt like he had eaten a wave of shit.

There are still four hours until the so-called [Southern California International Film Awards]!

The main stage in the distance.

The staff was busy rolling out the red carpet.

Not far away, a group of tourists from China were pointing around.

These tourists wanted to watch a movie.


Can't squeeze in.

The screening hall was fully occupied except for outsiders.

By the way, every screening room was overcrowded.

Every screening hall is packed with people!

Avery Tashi really couldn't understand why these viewers liked to watch these bad movies, and even suspected that these people were actors invited by the organizer.

The plot is messy, without any logic, and it seems like a brain-burning movie. The difference is that other brain-burning movies burn the plot, while these movies burn your own brain and eyes.

But this group of people watched it with gusto, and even had very warm applause after watching the movie!

What is this if not an actor?

Avery Tashi looked at the Chinese tourists who were asking when they could watch a movie.

Avery Tashi suddenly felt ironic.

People inside want to run out, while people outside want to run in...

"Two more movies!"

"What? I want to watch two more?"


"Didn't you ask me to come here to be the guest of honor?"

"Read it first!"

Avery Tashi listened to Leo John with a smile on his face and let the translator say this to him.

He took a deep breath.

After nodding, he walked into a documentary movie called "Graduation Years" with a rather tragic expression.

"Wow, Mr. Avery Tashi, hello, hello!"

As soon as he walked in, a Chinese director came over excitedly.

This Chinese director was very young, probably only in his early twenties. When he saw him, it was like seeing a star, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

He couldn't understand what the young director was saying.

He only saw the director standing in front of him, constantly helping him to drive the way.

Well, get out of the way for those moviegoers swarming the aisles.

This movie called "Graduation Years" was watched by more viewers than any other movie.

This made Avery Tashi finally feel a sense of respect.

The depressed mood in my heart finally improved a lot.


After he sat on the chair, his whole body felt like he was on pins and needles again.

He looked down at the hardwood chair with [Qi's Home Furnishing] written on it!

damn it!

Can't this chair be used as a sofa?

It hurts my butt!

He took a deep breath.

Later, I watched "Graduation Years" again with the intention of having a heart attack...

His casual expression gradually became serious after the documentary was officially broadcast.

Maybe I just ate too much shit, and my aesthetics has been extremely low...

Maybe there is no difference without the so-called comparison...

When the documentary "Graduation Years" started to play, he actually felt that the documentary could still be watched...

When you see ordinary workers who are tired and sleeping in the canteen...

When I see a street singer that no one cares about...

Looking at the homeless people sleeping under the overpass...

See the overcrowded people, ordinary people struggling like ants!

His expression began to become serious, and he even felt a strong visual touch uncontrollably in his heart!

Although the shooting technique of this documentary is very immature, it is exceptionally simple. Combined with the content of the documentary, it makes people think for a long time.


He heard a burst of vicissitudes of music.

He felt the deepest sense of powerlessness.

This feeling of powerlessness started from the beginning of the documentary and ended at the end of the documentary!

When finally...

When he saw a Chinese man standing in the movie and talking about paying off his debt, he couldn't help but stand up.

He couldn't help but nod.

This documentary is much better than those so-called movies!

If he were to evaluate it, this documentary would at least get an excellent rating!


As he looked around...

He found that most of the movie fans around him were gone.

The faces of some of the people who stayed revealed their disappointment that was difficult to conceal.

They were pointing, and vaguely, they seemed to be discussing what was so good about these things...

They didn’t even understand what this documentary was about. The plot was quite incoherent, with many characters appearing, and they even watched it from beginning to end in confusion!

Everyone is not interested in this documentary.

Even after the documentary was filmed, there was not a single round of applause!

Are these people not actors invited by the organizer to gain popularity?

He started to feel confused!

With such emotions, he walked out of the screening room.

After walking out of the screening room, there are still two hours left until the premiere...

He walked into another screening room.

In another screening room, a movie called "The Dog Over the Mountain" was played.

The director is another young man in his twenties!

But, he knows some French.

Avery Tashi finally found someone with whom he could communicate.

This young director introduced himself as Bi Feiyu, from Yanjing, China, and this time he was showing "The Dog Over the Mountain"!

This director named Bi Feiyu was much more considerate than the previous young man. He was afraid that his butt would hurt from sitting, so he put a cushion under Avery Tashi's butt.

Avery Tashi sat relatively comfortably.


"The Dog Over the Mountain" is released!


"Graduation Years" gave Avery Tashi the feeling of sympathy.

The feeling "The Dog Over the Mountain" gave him was actually amazing!


It's amazing!

This film is simpler than the documentary "Graduation Years", and the perspective switching is extremely amazing. From the perspective of a dog, the history of the rise and decline of a village was filmed over three generations!

Folk songs kick off a movie, a melodious, profound and lively village, a wedding banquet of hundreds of people...

He couldn't understand the villagers' conversations...

He also couldn't understand what kind of village that village was...

But these do not affect his feelings about the movie...

The demeanor and actions of the villagers, the stories and conflicts that happened to each character...

The photography is so trendy!

In the footage, there is no obvious timeline, but traces of time are hidden everywhere!

The camera moved very quickly at first, but then became slower and slower, and the dog's panting could be heard vaguely.

It’s like changing from a puppy to an old dog...

The village became lively, gradually people came down to work in the mountains, then gradually declined, and finally after a funeral, the houses gradually became dilapidated and the bluestones gradually became covered with moss!

Unique perspective, unique shooting methods, and editing art that can be called a genius...

This shooting style is really refreshing for Avery Tashi!

The wedding reception begins and the funeral ends!

It ends with a burst of distant folk songs, and the entire movie disappears into darkness!

Avery Tashi watched it heartily and even started to get excited!

This movie can even be called an art movie!

He stood up subconsciously.


How could he see such a surprising movie at such a crappy movie awards dinner...

What a treat!


Still no one applauded.

The scene that was crowded before the movie was shown was now even emptier than that of "Graduation Years."

Halfway through the movie, the audience couldn't stand the boring feeling of the movie, and then they all ran away.

Avery Tashi began to become a little angry.

He felt that this group of viewers only deserved to watch those rotten movies that were nutritious and even bloody!


He looked at the Chinese director who was narrating the narration!

"You take good pictures, really, you take better pictures than any of them!"

"Don't care about other people's opinions, you are a very talented director!"

"In today's award ceremony, I will give you the award no matter what!"

"I have to speak for this movie on stage! I want to recommend it to my friends!"

"This movie of yours shouldn't be called a movie, it should be a documentary, the best documentary!"


Avery Tashi patted the Chinese director named Bi Feiyu on the shoulder!

Although his voice was not exciting, his eyes showed appreciation!

Bi Feiyu became excited instantly after hearing the praise.

His movies…

Very popular in China!

After it was released here, it seemed to be more popular than in China!

At first, there were still people watching, but soon, the screening was packed with people...

It seems that no one is interested in this movie, and it is actually worse than those bad movies.

This situation even caused his self-confidence to sink to the bottom.

But at this moment...

Seeing that people like Avery Tashi actually gave him such high praise!


It made Bi Feiyu feel like he was in a dream.


He saw Avery Tashi take out his mobile phone, find a place with good signal, and start making calls everywhere.

Bi Feiyu has been waiting nearby.

After making the call, he saw Avery Tashi walking over and looked at him excitedly!

"In my own name, I will buy the broadcasting rights of your "That Year That Mountain That Dog"!"


“I don’t have the copyright to this movie!”

"Do you have a company behind you?"

"Yes, I am the director of [NC Studio]..."


"In China..."

"Okay! After tonight, I will go back to China with you... No, it should be, I will invite my friends here too!"


Bi Feiyu was a little confused!

I feel like I'm still dreaming.

This dream...

It’s just too real!

Avery Tashi talked a lot with Bi Feiyu. It was obvious that he appreciated Bi Feiyu more and more, and at the same time he also cherished his talent!

At this moment, another Chinese man came over with a smile.

"What? The best director award goes to the movie "That Summer"? I haven't seen this movie... I want to watch it first!"


"What? It wasn't screened? Wait, I haven't seen it yet. Why should I award an award?"


"damn it!"


"Oh God! How can you play such a shady role!"

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