I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 204 An amazing advertising feast!


The [Southern California International Film Awards] award ceremony has finally begun.

The once muddy intersection was paved with layers of bluestone bricks, and an extremely long red carpet was paved on top of the bluestone bricks.

Beautiful Brazilian girls in bikinis, holding flowers in their hands and smiling enthusiastically, stood on both sides of the red carpet and waved to everyone.

The lights were not brilliant, but they were extremely bright, illuminating the night on both sides like day.

On the stage in the distance, on the huge screen, the covers of the participating movies were rotated one after another.

The movie covers are extremely exquisite, the literary films reveal vicissitudes of life, and the comedy films are as festive as lights and festoons...

Off stage.

Directors walked across the red carpet and sat down one after another...

Excitedly and nervously waiting for the award ceremony.

When Avery Tashi walked onto the stage, they subconsciously stood up.

There is excitement, excitement, and anticipation...

Thunderous applause broke out.

No one knows how many of the applause are actors and how many are real audiences.

It doesn't matter!

At least……

The tourists who finally got the invitation to the [Southern California International Film Awards] felt a heat wave coming to their faces.

In this heat wave...

They heard music blaring from the stage.

They saw the drummer beating the drums enthusiastically, and the Brazilian guitarist with a big beard playing chords, kicking off the stage with a beautiful melody.

They saw the trembling samba…

They saw girls in grass skirts, twisting their slender waists, partying on the stage!

look around.

The simple stage, at this moment, is actually full of exotic customs...

Don't have a taste.


After they see the next show...

The guests from China were all shocked!

This is actually...

Battery car acrobatic performance!


The rights to the live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards] were not sold.


Then they all became civilians.

Chen Mengting contacted all the brands in China that had advertisements at the Southern California International Film Awards.


She transmitted live broadcasts in Brazil to each brand's store through the Internet.

Nie Xiaoping's [Hongwei] electric vehicle has more than 30 cooperative units across the country...

At the entrance of the stores of more than 30 cooperative units, there is a large TV and two speakers.

The [Southern California International Film Awards] was broadcast live.

The rumbling sound of the speakers and the hula dancing.

Naturally, it attracted audiences one after another.

They stopped and watched subconsciously at first...


Under the warm invitation of the dealer bosses, he sat on the chair.

They saw an electric car acrobatic show!

One after another [Hongwei] electric bicycles were slowly driven up the steps, being ridden by hot Brazilian beauties in bikinis.


It’s a ten-meter-high stage!

A single-plank bridge connects the east and west sides of the stage...

Under the single-plank bridge, there is a sign of [Qi's Home Furnishing]!

Look really closely…

They were shocked to find that the steps were actually made of stacked chairs!

Brazilian beauties are doing all kinds of difficult moves...

Some people let go of their hands, pulled the accelerator of the battery car with their feet, and then lay down in the back row...

There are also groups of two, sitting together in front and back. Each person holds the steering wheel of the battery car with one hand, and makes a roc spreading its wings with the other hand!


The audience exclaimed!

They saw these beauties riding electric bicycles crossing the single-plank bridge, and then got into a large circular tube.

The large metal pipe is very long, four or five meters long!


The flames burned more and more fiercely, surrounding the entire round tube!


"Aren't you going to be burned to death?"

"Oh my God!"

"What on earth is this for?"

Under the camera, the audience was terrified.


They saw these beauties riding bicycles and coming out of large metal tubes, safe and sound...

Finally, they continued to ride their electric bikes, following the steps composed of chairs and tables, and drove down step by step.

The show isn't over yet!

Several Brazilian beauties went down to rest.

Another group of Brazilian beauties were riding electric scooters, pulling the scooters to top speed, and then rushed into a big ball.

The ball door is closed.

Several people actually used battery cars to perform various difficult acrobatics!

"This is our [Hongwei] battery car!"

“We [Hongwei] can also do the acrobatic performances on motorcycles in the past!”

"It is more stable, more fashionable, has a longer battery life, and is safer than the battery cars of the past!"


In the [Hongwei] electric car store, Nie Xiaoping was watching the opening performance of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and excitedly introduced the electric cars in the video to everyone.

He asked the store staff to take out all the electric cars in the video!

There is a large playground at the back door of his store, which is just right for the audience to have a test drive experience!

After watching the battery car acrobatic performance, customers all felt eager to try it...

Not a few minutes.

All the test drive battery cars in the store were snatched up by customers!

“That tube is a new material that we [Oubang International] just figured out!”

“It’s fireproof, insulated, and safer than before!”

“Our quality is recognized internationally!”

"Of course, we are also under tremendous pressure for this performance!"

[Oubang International] entrance.

The proprietress Li Aifeng pointed at the boss on the screen.

She held a loudspeaker and followed everyone to introduce the material of her [Obon Integrated Ceiling].


"These battery cars carry our batteries!"

“We responded to the country’s call to expand overseas markets and have initially achieved the first step of exporting our products overseas!”

"In the future, our market will be bigger and we will be able to create more jobs..."


Cangdong County.

There is a large temporary exhibition hall on the far left side of the [Bosch Battery] part of the factory that has just been built.

In the exhibition hall, Tang Wu and others invited county leaders to sit at the VIP seats below.

Tang Wu was not good at words and was quite paranoid. When he received the call from Zhang Sheng, he couldn't read the content of the text message Zhang Sheng sent him.

However, Zhang Sheng had already thought of this, so he arranged for Chen Mengting to rush to Cangdong County one after another.

On the screen, the [Southern California International Film Awards] was being broadcast live.

The acrobatic show is over.

But some leaders were immersed in the visual impact of the battery car's acrobatic performance.

Chen Mengting stood with a smile on her face, holding a microphone, and followed the county leaders to introduce their [Bosch] battery!

The county leaders watched the live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards], all in Portuguese that they did not understand, and saw an advertisement for their [Bosch] battery not far away.

Although he maintained the majesty of the leader, his eyes flickered and there was a little excitement in his heart!

Brand going overseas!

Introducing such a big international brand!

Moreover, looking at this situation, a second [Yintie International] may be born in the future!


It has more potential than [Yintie International]!

[Yintie International] only exports, but [Bosch Battery] can not only be exported, but also has huge domestic demand in China!

How many battery cars require batteries?

This is a big achievement!

If it works really well, Cangdong County’s GDP may double in the future!

While watching the live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards] awards ceremony, the leaders warned the relevant staff nearby.


They regard the construction of the [Bosch Battery] factory as a key government support project and urge the project to be implemented as soon as possible!



At the entrance of Hua Xia Bank.

Zhang Sheng walked into the bank counter.

An enthusiastic staff member came to receive Zhang Sheng.

After Zhang Sheng explained his purpose and introduced himself, the staff was stunned and then called the manager out.

When the manager saw Zhang Sheng, his eyes lit up.

They enthusiastically serve tea and water and get snacks.

"Mr. Zhang, would you like to repay the loan now, or..."

"I'll pay it back later, sit down for a while first."

"oh oh……"

"How long will it take?"

"I still do not know yet……"

"oh oh."

"How much do I owe you Yanjing Huaxia Bank?"

"About 230,000...the interest rate is because the branch in Cangdong County and the police have greeted us. We have also heard about your deeds. After discussion, we decided to help you reduce the interest rate and witness your repayment together. …”

"Oh, okay, let me see how much money Cary still has..."

"Okay, let me check for you..."

The bank manager took the bank card and walked inside.

Later, she regretfully told Zhang Sheng that the bank card was still about 150,000 yuan short of the 330,000 yuan.

Zhang Sheng nodded.

He closed his eyes and rested against the sofa.

"Do you want to pay back all the money in the card or..."

"Return them all!"

"Then I will deduct it for you? There is still a loan of 150,000 yuan left..."

"Wait a minute..."


Zhang Sheng took the phone into his hand under the confusion of the bank account manager.


Every few minutes, the phone vibrates.

That's the sound of mobile phone text messages!

The manager took a quick glance and found that these text messages were all about transferring money to this card from outside.

But how much is the specific number...

He didn't know.

Time passed little by little, Zhang Sheng drank tea silently and glanced at the text message.

Afterwards, he put his mobile phone on the table and lay back on the sofa with his eyes closed to relax.

The manager smiled, but looked at the mobile phone on the table.

The phone vibrated once every few minutes at first, but then it started to vibrate more frequently.

It actually vibrates every tens of seconds...

He became curious.

How much money was put on this card?

About half an hour or so...

Zhang Sheng opened his eyes, then picked up his phone and looked at it.


Handed the bank card to the account manager again.

"Pay it back!"

The manager nodded subconsciously and walked in with the card.

When checking this card...

He was immediately stunned!

In just half an hour, there were more than fifty remittance places!

There are battery car advertising fees in the Cangzhou area, ceiling commissions from Yanjing, a new round of share sharing from [Bosch Battery], and commissions from the appearance fees of Ah K when he arrives in a city. In addition, there is also a commission from overseas. The [film exhibition] booth fee...

There are also one thousand, there are also two thousand, there are also five thousand, there are also ten thousand...

Every remittance has a clear intention!

In just half an hour, 240,000 yuan was transferred to this card.

After helping Zhang Sheng complete the repayment procedures, the manager took another look at the balance on the card...

That card...

Another thirty thousand yuan!

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