I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 206 Ruining the place!


Bi Feiyu walked onto the stage.

He felt like he couldn't hear the applause.

There were only inaudible and incomprehensible comments.

The lights on the stage were dazzling, and he saw Avery Tashi looking at him with a smile, holding the trophy that was supposed to be "That Summer".

The process is like this...

Best Actor and Best Director were awarded to "That Summer", and then, he won the Best Picture...

The documentary "Graduation Years" won the Best Documentary Award...


The appearance of Avery Tashi changed the entire process.

Bi Feiyu's face turned red as he watched Avery Tashi hand the trophy to him.

He doesn't know whether he should take it or not!

Doesn't this mean, implicitly or explicitly, that all the male actors present are not even as good at acting as a dog?

This is a mess!


The uproar turned into controversy.

It has also turned into a scolding, and many directors and actors have already realized this.

The lights flickered on and off, dazzling Bi Feiyu.

A familiar voice came from his wireless earphones.

"Get the prize!"

That voice came from Qi Yufu in the background.

The meaning conveyed by Qi Yufu should be what Zhang Sheng and Mr. Zhang meant!

He took a deep breath, finally took a few steps forward, and got such a trophy for the dog.

The moment he received the trophy, the controversy below became louder and louder, and even several actors from Taiwan started scolding him on the spot.

When they were engaged in "shady" activities, they did not follow suit and scolded shady people.

But at this moment...

The word "shady" almost made the entire screening room tremble!

This may be the first film in Chinese film history for a dog to win the Best Actor Award!

Avery Tashi was still smiling. After handing him the trophy, he said something on the stage in French.

Most of the directors present were from China, and they couldn't understand what Avery Tashi was talking about...

As for the wave of "public judges" below?

They were just randomly recruited to make up the numbers. They could only guess the plot of the movie, so how could they possibly understand French?


Avery Tashi is very excited!

It vaguely seems to be cursing, but if you listen carefully, it doesn't seem to be cursing...

Apart from translators, Bi Feiyu is probably the only one in the audience who knows some French!

But, the more I listen to it, the less it tastes, the redder my face becomes, and I even want to leave this stage now!

He heard Avery Tashi praising "The Dog Over the Mountain", praising the dog's acting skills, and praising its shooting techniques...

Cultural people...

Even cursing is different.

There was not a single curse word in the whole process, but all the directors and "judges" present were included in it.

Hearing this, Bi Feiyu became more and more frightened. Now the people below could not understand what Avery Tashi was saying, but when they looked back at the movie, everyone would suddenly wake up.

This is pushing yourself to the forefront!

He lowered his head subconsciously and wanted to leave. He didn't even want to say anything about his acceptance speech.

Damn it!

Now his mind is blank, with random thoughts forming countless pictures, and then his ears are ringing, and he is going crazy with confusion...

How could he say anything?

However, he was pulled back by Avery Tashi who had just finished speaking.

"I'm the guest of honor for Best Director, and I'm going to award this movie to you!"

Bi Feiyu was frightened after hearing this!

He lowered his head!

He has always been convinced that his film "The Dog Over the Mountain" is an excellent movie.

Even though I encountered countless doubts, cold reception from the market, and dark nights...

He still insists on letting the film find its niche and be appreciated!

this moment!

This movie is appreciated.

However, this kind of appreciation made him extremely frightened.

Ridiculous, unreasonable, and unreasonable!

After hearing this, he didn't respond. He turned around and left with his head lowered, but he was still pulled by the old man Avery Tashi.

"Acceptance speech!"


mainstream film industry.

No one cares about the [Southern California International Film Awards].

If his nephew hadn't attended this Pheasant Film Festival, even Gao Yuan, the director of "Thunder", wouldn't have been able to watch the live broadcast.


He looked.

He was still a little surprised when he saw Avery Tashi play.

Unexpectedly, for this film award, a relatively well-known senior in the international film circle was invited in a decent manner.


When the senior talked about the acting skills of a dog on the stage in fluent French, the cigarette in his mouth almost fell to the ground.

He had never seen such a ridiculous film award.


These were the two words that flashed through his mind!

Avery Tashi in the picture seems a little angry.

But it didn't seem like he was angry. Listening carefully, he seemed to be explaining the dog's story very seriously, and it was so well-founded that he couldn't fault it.

After all, Avery Tashi is a qualified film critic.

He took a deep breath.

Suppressing the ridiculous feeling a little.

Immediately afterwards...

He watched the director named Bi Feiyu take the stage.

He watched as he accepted the award, accepting it in place of a dog.

This made Gao Yuan silent.

When Bi Feiyu stepped down from the stage, the host seemed to come over in a panic and negotiated something with Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi stood on the stage and refused to move even a step.

The host didn't seem to be a professional and didn't know how to control the scene, let alone how to smooth things over. He just stood on the stage and was anxious.

Through the corners of the video…

Gao Yuan saw some people in the audience with different expressions.

Some people are confused!

Some are confused...

There are also some who think it’s nonsense, some who are just looking at the fun, and some who even make fun of it!

By the way, among those who were making noise, Gao Hui was also present. Faintly, he seemed to be saying in Chinese, "Avery Tashi is an international leader, you have no right to interfere with his choice!"

The scene seemed to be in chaos...


The host ran away in despair!

Avery Tashi seemed to be a determined fighter. He waved to everyone and spoke French.

The approximate meaning in French is!

Since they invited him to the stage, he will be responsible for every movie here!

"Dark will always be dark and dirty, and you will never become clean!"

He seems to be sure that this award will be broadcast live, and he is even more sure that some of the things he says now can be seen by some people...

At least……

Those friends in his circle are watching this live broadcast!

Even the people in Brazil don't dare to do anything to him openly!

After a brief confusion, Gao Yuan saw Avery Tashi picking up another trophy, the "Best Director".


Holding the microphone, he awarded the award to "The Dog Over the Mountain" without any scruples!

Under the lens.

Bi Feiyu was sitting below, his flushed face gradually turning pale. When his name was called, he seemed afraid to come on stage!

"This award ceremony is quite interesting!"

Gao Yuan watched the video, his expression gradually showed some interest.

"The Dog Over the Mountain"?

which movie is this?

Seeing Avery Tashi's serious look on the stage, Gao Yuan became interested in this movie!

He guessed that this so-called [Southern California International Film Awards], in addition to making money, was to praise the movie "That Summer"...

but now!




"This award actually went to a dog?"

"Oh my god, weird things happen every year, and there are so many this year. Can a dog win the prize?"


"What kind of movie is "The Dog Over the Mountain"?"


[Hongwei Battery Car] The crowds are getting more and more crowded.

Passers-by heard a burst of shock, and then gathered around one after another.

Dozens of people gathered around a TV...

After listening to the discussions next to them, passers-by felt more and more strange.

These days, a dog biting a person is not news, but a person biting a dog is big news!


They saw on the screen that the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain" seemed to have won the Best Director award again!

They look fresher instantly!

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and install electric cars for customers!"

"oh oh!"

Nie Xiaoping looked at the screwdriver next to him, glanced at the guy who was stunned watching the video, and suddenly became angry.

The clerk nodded as if he had just woken up from a dream, and tightened the screws a few times. After seeing another exclamation coming from the other side, he turned his eyes to the TV again.

Nie Xiaoping took a deep breath!

Are these people so crazy?

An awards video is actually better than an electric car acrobatic performance?

He walked over and looked at the TV.

Then, he saw on TV a foreigner who seemed to be presenting an award, holding a trophy, raising his hand high, and calling the award recipients to come up.

But the winner was sitting in his seat, seemingly afraid to go up.

Holding back a face!

Off stage!

It's a mess……

Various noisy sounds came and went indistinctly...

Some people even stood up, took off their shirts, waved their fists, and shouted things like, "If you don't go on stage to receive the award, you are shady!"

Not far away, Ke Zhanyi's face turned red, and the camera actually gave him a close-up...

He stood up.

Because, he saw the screen in front of him showed that the winner was "That Summer".

But it's obvious!

The foreigner holding the trophy didn't call his name!


【NC Studio】.

Several students from the technology department stared at the computer playing software.

At first, the number of online viewers was probably more than a hundred...

They are all screen projections of merchants’ live broadcasts.

They used a small video software they made to cast the live broadcast to the merchant's TV through the Internet.

This is very convenient.


When something happened at the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

Suddenly there were more people watching.

They saw the background, and then saw nearly fifty unfamiliar IPs pouring in...

The playback software started to freeze, and then they found that the space capacity was insufficient for a while.

This is a temporary video playback software tool...

The total capacity is only three hundred!

Just when several people were discussing whether to spend some money to increase the capacity, they heard the door open.


"Come on stage to receive the award!"

"Yes, go ahead and accept the award!"

"Everything is based on authority!"

"What's wrong?"

"Then let's make a fuss!"

Zhang Sheng finished the call, then looked at the video and frowned: "The capacity is not enough?"

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