I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 207 I will make my own platform!

on the screen.

The cover of the movie "That Summer" flashed and was fixed at the moment of awarding the award.

Off screen and on stage.

Judge Avery Tashi read "The Dog Over the Mountain".


Ke stood with his wings spread.

But he looks like a clown!

Neither is going on stage, nor sitting down.

He heard the clamor of countless young directors in the audience, asking Bi Feiyu to come on stage to receive the award!

Bi Feiyu was on pins and needles.

I just felt a buzzing sound in my head.

Vaguely, this is no longer an awards ceremony, this is simply a farce.


It's all screwed up.

There was only one thought in his mind!


He heard a voice in his ears, and the voice told him to come up to the stage to receive the award.

Going on stage to receive the award?

At this time, let me go on stage to receive the award?

He looked at the words "That Midsummer" on the screen, and then looked at Ke Zhanyi, who was slowly sitting down with an ugly face.

Bi Feiyu finally stood up.

Walking towards the stage step by step.

There was less controversy off the stage, and instead the applause shone like thunder.

Avery Tashi is talking...

These people had no idea what he was talking about, but when they heard someone applauding, they just clapped along!

He won the award that should have belonged to "That Summer", and then Avery Tashi hugged him tightly, and then continued to praise him and his movie in French.

At this moment, he didn't dare to look at Ke Zhanyi, for fear that he would turn away with a dark face.

"Say your words!"

In the earphones, these words were spoken.


What speech?

Damn it, what are you saying now?

Bi Feiyu was completely stunned!

"If you don't know how to speak, just listen to me and repeat after me..."

Not long after, a familiar voice came from the phone, that was Zhang Sheng!

Then, he heard Zhang Sheng say, "I'm surprised. Really, I never dreamed that I would win this award. I originally thought that this award should go to Ke Zhanyi, Director Ke... In fact, all the judges After watching "That Summer", everyone felt that it was a high-quality movie, but Mr. Avery Tashi actually thought that my movie was better. I am honored and ashamed..."

Damn it!

You want me to say this?

When he heard the voice in his headphones, he went crazy on the spot!

After saying these words, Ke Zhanyi in the audience could not kill me?

Confused, he closed his eyes!

After I finished speaking, I felt a chill in my back, and finally I left the scene as if I was running away...



"Why is it gone at the critical moment?"

"What's going on? Why is there a technical failure?"

"Is this crazy?"

[Hongwei Battery Car] In front of the store, when I saw Bi Feiyu saying these words, the scene was full of gunpowder...

Suddenly, the screen turned into snowflakes.

All the spectators watching the excitement were instantly speechless.

Nie Xiaoping was on the phone.

But the phone has been busy.

After finally getting through on the phone, Zhang Sheng's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Technical adjustments...can be solved later!"

"how long?"

"I don't know, it should be quick! I've got a call from here, I'll hang up first!"


Nie Xiaoping heard the sound of the phone being hung up.


He looked at the discussing audience.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

The whole street here seems to be crowded with people coming to watch the excitement.

In the crowd, they were talking about the [International Film Award] being awarded to a dog, about the [Hongwei] battery car exploding overseas, and about the [Hongwei] battery car catching fire. These people are all here to make trouble...

All kinds of opinions are getting more and more outrageous.

People have the habit of following the herd. If there are more people and more messages are spread, it will gradually become like three people becoming a tiger...

Seeing the increasingly outrageous rumors, Nie Xiaoping suddenly became anxious and hurried to the crowd to explain.

But before he could explain for long, he heard a siren in the distance.

Fire trucks from afar are coming.

It seems that someone mistakenly believed some rumors, thought that the [Hongwei] battery car store was on fire, and called the police.


There are a lot of news on the Internet about battery car spontaneous combustion incidents.

Some people fall into it easily.


"what happened?"

Gao Yuan frowned.

He saw darkness on the computer screen.

Is it a signal problem?

He refreshed it again, and then finally confirmed that the [Playback Software] he temporarily clicked had crashed.

Half an hour before the [Southern California International Film Awards] was presented, Gao Hui enthusiastically asked Gao Yuan to help recommend this live broadcast, and even posted this small video playback software on his Weibo.

This small software is only about 3M. It is not a video or a live broadcast. Its name is a series of irregular numbers...

Obviously, this software seems to have been produced temporarily and is specially used for live broadcasting. It does not have much capacity.

It is normal for this kind of playback software to crash.

Gao Hui shook his head.

Didn't take it seriously!

He clicked on the official [Southern California International Film Awards] and saw that the video transmitted by the official also showed that "the live broadcast crashed and is being repaired urgently...".

It seems...

The official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] also uses this small software.

Gao Yuan didn't take it seriously after browsing it.

A phone call just happened to come.

The call came from Cui Hao, the director of "Wing Chun". Cui Hao hoped that he could help "Wing Chun" stand up.

Cui Hao feels that his movie "Wing Chun" is still not popular enough on the Internet, and hopes to make him more popular.

Gao Yuan frowned.

Although Cui Hao is the director of [Shengshi Entertainment], the two are not familiar with each other and have little intersection. Moreover, although Cui Hao is not a new director, he has made several well-reputed movies, but in terms of his status in the industry , he can only be regarded as a sixth-generation director, the same generation as Gao Hui and Chen Bin.

He said he would think about it and hung up the phone.


Not long after, Gao Yuan received another call from Li Yanhong.

On the phone, Li Yanhong came to work as a lobbyist for "Wing Chun"...

She told Gao Yuan that "Wing Chun" is the main movie in this year's Spring Festival, and [Shengshi Entertainment] has invested almost overwhelming resources in this movie.

Not only are the officials promoting the film, but some online forums, online influencers, and big V film critics are also preparing to invest some resources in promoting it without any blind spots.

Listening to Li Yanhong's words, the top management plans to hit the box office of 250 million, which will be a good start to the spring of 2010!

Li Yanhong spoke very seriously on the phone and her attitude was very sincere.

After coming to [Shengshi Entertainment] for so long, Gao Yuan has never heard Li Yanhong act so lowly.

After Gao Yuan was silent for a moment, he finally agreed.

This bit of face still has to be given.

"I heard that Cui Hao is your distant cousin? Did you help find these resources?"


Gao Yuan's sudden question caused a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After more than ten seconds, Li Yanhong did not answer his question directly, but only said: "Thank you!"

Put down the phone.

Gao Yuan saw that the official website live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards] had finally been repaired.


【NC Studio】Technical Department.

The students breathed a sigh of relief.

The video playback software finally returned to normal.

In just a few minutes, more than 300 viewers flooded into the video software.

Zhang Sheng originally thought that the influx of viewers came from the official website, but after checking the IP source, he found that they came from all over the country.

Currently, there are 500 spontaneous audiences across the country watching the [Southern California International Film Awards].


This data is coming in more and more frequently with the noise at the Southern California International Film Awards.

Zhang Sheng squinted at the live video of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

The idea of ​​making his own video website suddenly came to his mind.

I don't have many resources at hand now, but some projects can just attract a wave of traffic.

Just at this time……

His cell phone rang.

The phone call was from [Paramecium] Cao Li.

"Mr. Zhang, someone from [Shengshi Entertainment] called me just now. They wanted me to meet them offline..."

"do what?"

"The other party didn't say anything, but from the tone, they hoped to cooperate with our [Cromecium] account and told me that they could give me resources and help me set up a studio specifically, provided that I linked up with them [Shengshi Entertainment]'s..."

"How much?"

"I haven't said anything yet. It seems that the other party has contacted more than just our family. [Nangong Man] Zhou Qiang also received an invitation from the other party just now. What he said is basically the same..."


When Zhang Sheng heard this, he was silent for a brief moment, and then said with a smile: "Tell them that cooperation is possible, but it must be done project by project. As for being affiliated with their company and becoming their company's operating account, They can't afford the money..."


"Cao Li, remember, we must be a platform and must not become a vassal of any company, otherwise, we will lose value!"

“How do we use our account as a platform?”

"It's true that it's an account now, but when our commentary team grows and the time comes, who says we're just an account?"


After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, the person on the phone seemed to be deep in thought.

He hung up the phone.

A thread in my mind became clearer and clearer.

He opened Weibo...

Then he saw that the [Southern California International Film Awards] seemed to be a little popular on Weibo.

[The International Film Awards were actually awarded to a dog! 】

This topic has become a hot topic.

Just at this time……

The phone rang again.

After he picked up the phone, he found that it was Gao Song from the Cool Cat Platform.

He answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone...

The other party's attitude seemed to be much more sincere, and he was chatting with him about cooperation between the lines.

But Zhang Sheng showed a smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Gao, I don't plan to cooperate anymore..."

(Guaranteed two updates today, it’s the end of the month, the most critical moment, my brain suddenly stopped working)

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